Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Grant Palenske rode his CR250 to fourth in class. Larry Roeseler pi loted a Kawasaki KX250 to the overall victory. narrowly beating Husky rider John N ielson . of mostl y tigh i a nd muddy tra ils th rough out th e two da y event, it all came down to th e final MX specia l test wh ere Fredett e held a co mma nding 21 point lead over Roeseler , and a ll Fredette needed to wrap up the overall victorv was a decent motocross score. But halfwa y through the motocross spe cia l test , Fred ette's borrowed Kawasaki KDX200 seized and was unable to finish the rnoto , dropping him from a sure overall win 10 a silver medal and a 16th placing in the 250cc cla ss. Second overall went to John Nielson who motored hi s Open class Husqvarna to a 3531.55 point score, j ust 3.80 points behind Ro eseler. Dan Smith, ridi ng a H usqvarna fourstroke loo k third overa ll wit h 3535.35 points, nipping fellow Husky fourstro ke rid er John Haak er by .30. Rounding out th e tOP five was Husky's Dave Bertram , 3541.75. Day One . . The moment of truth for Jeff Fredette. Wh ile leadi ng the final MX special test. Fredette's KDX seized costing him the overall victory. AMA ISDE Reliability Qualifier Series: Round 4 Roeseler tops ·Trask two-day By Kit Palmer YAMHILL, OR, JUNE 20-21 Larry Roeseler took full advan tage of J eff Fredette's misfortun e in the fin al m o tocross special test to claim the overall vic tory at the _T rask Mountain Motorcycle Cl ub 's 20 Two-Day Trail. It was Ro eseler's firs t appearance of th e five I round ISDE Q ua lifier Seri es. After riding almost 250 mil es The first da y of th e event dawned clo udy a nd dr izzly, so by th e end of th e first 60 m ile loop, th e cla y-based dirt trails began ge tt ing muddy a nd extremely slippery. This mad e it difficult to maintain th e fast time sched u le, espec ia lly the second chec k of the da y, whi ch ca ugh t man y rid ers off gua rd. Most o f th e top rid ers man aged to zero the chec k, either arrivi ng on th eir perscr ibed minute or o n their grace. T he next tightest chec k of th e day was th e fin al chec k before impou nd , whic h gave riders no time to cha nge tires or to work on th e bik es before en tering impound. Two rid ers to lose a route point here were Coors EXIra Gold-sponsor ed J eff Miller a nd Bill y Fu lm er Jr. . H ow ever, Mill er , wh o ended up 'ta king th e 125cc class victory, protested th e check, claiming he co u ld not read the £lip cards as he a pproac hed the check because there were specta tors sta nd ing in hi s wa y. Mill er' s protest was upheld , and th e pen Ity po int was tak en off hi s score. Fulmer's route point p retty much put him o ut of corue n rion for th e win in the 350cc Four-Stroke class, especia lly since Drew Sm ith, riding a H onda XR250, clea ned th e loop. Roeseler almost blew h is cha nces for th e o vera ll vic to ry wh en h e overs ho t a turn in th e first special test sectio n. a mil e off th e sta rt. " Abo ut.halfw ay through th e test,' sa id Roeseler , "the grass was pretty slick and I went a little wid e and hit . a tree stu mp . It grabbed my brak e ped al a nd wrapped it completely a ro und the Iootpeg. So I stopped, pried it wi th my hands a nd kicked . it with my Ioot so I could a t least hav e so me brakes. I lost abo u t 30 seconds. " . Bertram al so had hi s sha re of problems in this sp ecial test , which cost him hi s cha nces for the overall. " I fell down twi ce," said Bertram. " I just tipped over in two turns. I've just been having problems keeping up on two wh eels in the special tests. " One of the top rid ers to drop out during the first day was Aaro n Hough, who has wo n the l25cc class twice this year. In the terrain test, Hough hit a hi gh- speed, steep-faced jump a little 10 0 hard and endoed hi s H onda. " T he re were all th ese other jumps before that one," said Hough, " and I th ought it would be lik e a ll th e rest, but it was steepe r. The backend kicked up a nd I crash ed real hard." Battered a nd bruised , a nd losing almost 20 minutes in th e specia l test, H ough saw no point in con tin u ing a nd pulled OUI of th e race. Drew Smith al so had problems in th e terrain lest. " Everyth ing went real well ." said Smith, "excep t for I killed my bike over th e big jump wh ere Aa ron H ou gh cras hed ou t. I saw him, so I £i/?ured som ething was reall y wrong with the landing. so I locked up all my brak es and slid up on it, but I didn 't have eno ugh momentum 10 bump start it aga in. " Special test scores aft er th e first da y showed Fredette having the fastest " grass track" time three seconds over Nielson (501-504), followed by Dan Smith and Drew Smith. In the terrain test, Roeseler clicked off the fastest tim e at 668 followed by Fredette (673), Larry La cey (677) and Fritz Kad lec (679). Kadlec's Open class Husky topped th e accelerat ion test (the on ly accelera tio n test of th e weekend) over Roeseler's KX250 a nd Ron Law son's uzuki RM250. Ford T annock (Suzuki RM125 ) claimed fastest 125cc hon ors. Overall scores after the first day

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