Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I· Rules and regulations America's motorcycle newspaper How can I obtain a copy of the rules and regulations for AMA, WERA, Grand Prix or any other racing class? It is much more enjoyable to watch a race or read about one if one knows the rules regarding scoringl lapping under yellow, bike specifications, etc. A little knowledge could bring a big gain in spectator interest. Volume XX'" : Number 46 Sharon Clayton, Publisht:1' Mike Klinger, Complrolkr Skip Johnson, Associate Publisher! National Sales Manager Jack Mangus, Associate Publisher/ Editor Rheba Smith. Circulation ManQger Caroline ~ndry. Executive Secrdary to the Publisher JOHN PETERS New York, NY EditoriBI Kit Palmer. Associate Editor Paul Carruthers. AssOC'-tde-Edttor Farren Williams. Associate Editor Mikt' Larson. Assistant Editor Edwina ManKus. Cnvtldnr Editor Some sanctioning bodies sell rule books to the general public. The AMA sells three different pro rule books (road race, dirt_ track and MX) for 11.50each. AMA Rider Services Dept., P.O, Box 6114, Westerville, OH 430816114. The rule book for WERA road race events sells for 15 and can be obtained from WERA, P.O. Box 507, Harderoille, SC 29927. For information regarding Grand Prix rule books, write to: FIM, 19 ch. William Barbey, CH-1292 Chabesy, Switzerland . .. Editor. ~ Adverti';ng Terry Pr.IU. Sales Manager Tim Ryan, Sales Manager Mark Thome. Sales MandgnMike Church. Eastern Sales Manager Thomas R. GOnleT, Eastern SAles Manager Linda Brown, Western Ad Coordinator Carla Borden. £asttrn Ad Coordinator Cathy Corrao, Advertising Asst. G..phics Bnd Production Gin~r Machado. Production MGnageT Malcolm Wilson. Graphic Artist Diana Hilgenberg. Graphic Artist Marion Hatasbita. T)ltns~tta Carolyn Branham. TyfJesetlCT Dennis Grttnc. Lob. Tech. Accounting/DB'" Proceuing Donna Bryan. AecLs. Ret:mMhle Coordinator Repass, Assistant Fran Hamwcy, Cr~dit Gcn~a Circul8tion . Sarah Taylor. Ass;stont Alma Anguiano. Assistant Linda Zamarripa. Assistant Cheri Chapman. Assistant WBntAds Debbie Winkler. Want Ad Sales' O.BI.r S81es Bnd ServicB David Mcn. lHeln Sales ManagCT SBrvic. Bnd Support Chris Aitcheson. HeadqWJrters Receptionist Leonard Herring. Service and Support NBtionBI HB8dQUBrters 2201 Cherry Ave., Long Beach. CA 90806, P.O. Box 498, Long llC'.ch, CA 90801·0'198 (215) 427·7455: 215/656-8844. E. .tBm OfficB 4190 First Avc.• Tucker. CA 50084: mailing address P.O. Box 805. Tucker, GA 500850805:(40'1) 954·7850, Cyclo Now. (USPS 141·340) i. publi.h~ weekly cxcept the r.irsl and lasl wcrk or Ihe calendar year (or $52.00 pcr year by Cycle News. Inc.• 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach. CA 90806. Second class postage paid at Long Beach. CA. and additional mailing oHicrs. POSTMASTER: send form 3579 to Cycle N..... P.O, Box 49B. long Beech. CA 90B01 -049B. Subscriplion rates: One year. s«ond class mail. 552.00. Cycle News welcomes unsolicited editorial matt-rial including stories. cartoons. photos. ctc. Such material, if published, becomes lhe exclusive properly o( Cycle News. Such acce.pted malerial is sujbect to revision as i~ nece sary in the sole di.screl ion of Cycle News. Unsoliciled malerial which is nOI use.d \\'111 be rctUrDt-d if accompanied by a .self address<:d stamped envelope. All unsolicil,cd maleri .. 1 will be handled wilh rca'ion.. b1l' care. however, Cycle News assumes no resprm~iblilY for Ihe safety. loss or d'lmagt" 10 such material. Reprinting in whole or parI onl)' by pe.rmission of the publisher. Advcni)ing rate:. and circulation informal ion will be sen I upon rcquest. Set' S.R.D.S. Copyrighd>Cycle News. Inc. 1986. Trademark Cycle News registered U.S. Patent Office. All rights reserved. 4 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Chuck 'Miller (shown) teamed with Bruce and took first overall at the Baja 1000 in Mexico. Race coverage begins on page six. Photo by Trackside Photo. " Formula One champ says... Championships are not won by individuals but by the dedicated efforts of everyone involved. I'd like to take this opportunity to express my admiration for the hard work of all those who helped me in 1986. Thanks to Jim AILen, Mark Matzinger, Phil Flack and everyone (rom Dunlop (or a super effort. Thanks to Shoei, Bates and Fox for the safety gear. Thanks to Bel-Ray, ND, Tsubaki and Cam II for their contributions to a perfect finishing record, Thanks to Bob MacLean and crew for the great Formula Two rides. Thanks to Honda for making competitive equipment available t rivateers, for maintaining a pans d~ panment, and for making all o( their resources available to make sure we made it onto the track. A special thanks to Starfire Racing's Larry Dodge for the suppon that made our 1986 erron possible. No amount of thank can express my feelings (or Burt Bigoney, Ron Barrick and Tom Manchester. They pour large ponions of their lives into my racing. The on-track result was a perfect fi nishing record. The off-track ef(ons are impossible to express. You are all champions. Congratulations! RA DY RE FROW Frederi ksburg, VA ISDE apathy Back in October I received a questionairefromthel DE upportFund In . soliciting imput which would help strengthen the U.S. team's hances of winning at ix Days. The same mailing said -a meeting would be held to discuss sugg.estions received. The Suppon Fund ha been a great help to the U ,5. effon in the past, so [ filled olltthe questionnaire and planned to a'ttend the meeti ng, I had to rearrange my schedule but I felt the U.S, [SDE team was worth the effort, Lasl \\'eek I received a !lOSlal card from Joyce France of the Support Fund with the notice lhal the m elillg was canceled! OUI of over 150 questionnaires sent to riders and other interested parties, only three responses were received by the Suppon Fund! Take about apathy! Unless we get off our butlS and work together, we won't have a winning effort. All you people who received letters better think twice before you point any fingers. Lets get it together and win! Fill out that questionnaire and spend 22 cents to help with recommendations for the '87 Qualifier Series and Six Days effort. If you didn't receive the questionnaire, take a few moments and write some ideas down and send them to: ISDE Support Fund, Inc., Box 126, Fairmount, lL 61841. VERN PACHOLKE Eastlake,. OH Team Green in Texas Just a shon letter to pass along word that at least one (actory is trying to help (urther the sport o( motocross in the Houston, Texas, area. Team Green in conjunction with Humble Kawasaki held an open house which provided an opportunity for the entire public to ride the 1987 lineup of Kawasaki din and motocross bi kes. Greg Quador was extremely helpfulto me at the track, working on my Kawasaki as well as prepping all the equipment before and after the rides. One hell of a job, Kawasaki! Thanks - (or caring. NADINE HOLBERT Houston, TX Holbert, a top competitor in the Women's class, and her husband Robby are cde6Tating the September 7 birth of their daughter, Andrea Nadine . .. Editor. Guest Editorial (Continued from page 2) AMA. (140,000) was blasting. us on every front. Interviews, vote suppon, demeaning articles in every imaginable media from Time to the L.A. Times. Cranston was their unqualified champion. Reagan their undenied foe. And the Sierra Club, unlike the AMA, doesn't represent a 4billion annual industry. Th~ AMA was up to its usual and unchanged non en e. Scroungi ng for race sponsors. Packing for Daytona. Meeting on whether to allow Gold Wings to race supercros ' American Motorcyclist magazine, in the realm of absurdity, made these commenlS about Cranston and his opponent Ed Zschau.: "Cranston's opponent is an unlikely candidate for U,S. Senate if for no other reason that his unusual name, .. ". And" .. , having seen Cranston's u'ue colors. riders could hardly do wor e," About Cranston's "Wilderne s Bill", "(it) would mCl:Vl the end to organized motorcycle evems in the California desert." The understatement of the decadel The Motorcycle Indu try Council (MIC) stood firmly "neutral" on the election, When asked about the CPSC (Consumer Product afety Commission) AT\' investigation an MIC officer aid they wouJddo. "Nothing. That way it'll blm,' o\'er," When it came to the election and Cranston the MIC had no thoughts or plans. I guess it too would 'blow over'. Soon it was fall and the election was around the comer. All the veiled interest and promises from the magazines fell empty. A few more reader letters in Cycle News. Nothingabout the election. otbing about getting out the vote. Virtually nothing about Cra!1~ton or o~er, anti-motorcycle pohttClans. Publtshtng deadline had passed and it was too late now. Projections for the lowest voter turnout in decades would prove true, including California. Zschau, contrary to what the publishers said, would edge up to within a hair'sbreath of Cranston in the election. But it wasn't close enough. If (or no other reason, not enough motorcycle and ATV voters were encouraged to vote by the media. Not enough did vote. Not enough were made aware by the press. Not enough votes put Alan Cranston back in the U.S. Senate as oneof the most powerful politicians in America. And Cranston will do his best to force us to dig the grave for our sport. Whether we get thrown in or not will remain to be seen. But going by his track record, and that of our media, we have one foot in now. This will hardly endear me with this industry's publishers. But I'm mad as hell. I am just aghast at their irresponsibility. I'm peeved at their demanding view of you and me, their readers. You and I want to identify the good guys from the bad guys in politics. It has nothing at all to do with Democrat or Republican or Independent. For the next two years at least, we're going to have to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps so we don't have to kiss our butt good-bye. Reagan is outnumbered on aU fronts, the Senate and Congress. We've got Cranston and Kennedy and Byrd ready to throw in that last shovel o( dirt. If we give them the slightest slack we're buried. But, and this is a big but, there's another big election in two years, and this time it's for the presidency, the entire House of Congress and onethwd o( the Senate. Given the support and information from the media we can vote intelligently and make a difference. We can "vote the bums out"! Or give it a helluva try. So what now, Get off your can. First, get the telephone in hand and call the regis tar of voters. Get yourself, your [amily and everyone you know registered. Democrat, Republican, Independent. It doesn't matter. Get regi tered and vote. It won't hurt if you do, but it will if you don't. ext is the hard part. I know that level headed rider don't write letters. But be an exception this time. Make it a post card if you like. A crayon on Kleenex will do. Send a 3-word letter to your (avorite motorcycle or ATV magazine publisher or editor. Just say, "Voting. I Carel". Justone letter will make a difference. Then maybe, JUSt maybe, in the next election our media will vote too and we can make an intelligent and meaningful political choice. It's your sport. It's up to you and the publisher now. Oh yes, me and my family vot d against Cranston. How about you? Dave Holeman Holeman was a staff editor with Cycle Guide, Motorcyclist and Cycle rhaga::.infS from 1967 to 19/i. He was also a contributing editor to Hot Rod, Car &- Driver, 1I10t01' Trend, des Motorrad, Motorcyclist (Japan) and other publications. He is president ownl'T of ['nigrafix Advertising & Marketing. , . Editor.

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