Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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" 0') PLUS 25: 1. 8ruce 8ulrk; 2. PI' Pos.; 3. Kevin Seidl. SR: 1. Dlvid Indiveri; 2. Doenld Leddy; 3. DIIvid Sown. Riding or Racing this Fall? DON'T, without the all new Hi-Point® Enduro Jacket made of TYPHOON® cloth Cox captures Twin .States Enduro By Jesse R. Thomas UNTO ,KY, SEPT. 28 The 17th Annual Twin States Regional Enduro ran today under near perfect weather conditions. A heavy rain on Friday gave the riders a tacky trail, but the 85 C\l ~ degree heat was tough on all. Senior class rider Emmett Cox. riding a KTM 350, turned in a superb ride and showed the younger boys how it should be done. His 995 score was tied by four other riders, but when the two tie-breaker scores were added it was Cox with the overall victory. In all, 208 riders left the startstaging area at Linton. The run started through the club's famous "Roller Coaster Section," into a split at the seven-mile marker. Each loop took the competition out the same trail into the split and from there separate trails wound back into the staging area and gas stop. The 250cc A and Open A class leaders were also tied with five point scores. Ken Smith edged out Perry Taylor by emergency point total in the 250cc A class, as did Open A winner Carl Stewart over the 1984 overall winner Mark Guy. This year there were four overall winners from years past trying to make it two wins in this event. AMA National Open A MX Amateur Champion Mike Stahlman took a day off from motocrossing and won the 200cc B class with a score of 989. v ..0 o .... u o TYPHOON- cloth . . . the newest in performance fabrics. It's soft and 'more flexible than laminated cloth yet lightweight. highly abrasion and lear resistant with all the strength to weather the most hostile conditions. Treated with Ze· pelTM. You111ike the feel. you111ove the function. Lool( AT THESE Fl:ATURES . ·N_ _ al/lfJ _ _ ·FIIIIy ....... _dw_. . • DotiI6IIIIIIIdeI-. • f' • _ _ /fIwIetI~ Jfftlt • T_ Jor_ft1IfII'OI. F. . V_ _jIop. F. .x ...... • ·1.retlOI"'~ H;·Point Enduro Jacm in SM. MED. LG and X-LG XX~LC ....... S."." $135 00 • SUO. RETAIL SEE YOUR HI-POINT DEALER ~'!l illS M/Ja. A .... AmIwnt. OH _II (216)_7< 11149 s--o Dr.. _100 C"""","- CA 9$670 "'6) 6JJ-11.1 Results AJanCrum (766) leads John Reinholt (64) and Marc Fiola (267) in Open A action from the Dade City MX in Dade City, Florida. Reinholt reigns at .Dade City MX By Athie Sanders DADE CITY, FL, SEPT. 28 John Reinholt swept both Open A motos at the third round of the Super Sports Florida Gold Cup Series held at Dade City 26 Raceway in Florida. Reinholt won both motos, but it was Alan Crum who jammed it out front at the start of each forcing Reinbolt to work for his wins. In moto one, Jon McCabe picked his way up through the pack from a poor start to finish third behind Crum. Marc Fiola and Earl May rounded out the top five. McCabe followed Reinbolt as Crum led them out of the first turn at the start of the second moto. Reinholt pushed Crum for two laps before getting under him and pulling away. Reinholt stayed out front and cruised in for the win followed by Crum and McCabe_ May and Pat Post finished fourth and fifth, respectively. Glen Somerville holeshot the first 125cc A class moto, but Vince DeVane scooped under him to steal the lead. Jeff Frisz squeezed in between then set off after the leader, but DeVane sailed out front to the end as Frisz easily held on to second. Kawasakimounted Gary Paul, Bruce Buerk and Somerville followed. DeVane and Frisz pulled off the line side-by-side at the start of the second moto. DeVane jammed it out front, but went down in a tum. Frisz also had problems, allowing Paul to take over the lead. The main action remained back in the pad as Frisz and DeVane swapped positions. DeVane finaJly got around Buerk and pulled away from Frisz, leaving him to hunt for the open lines. DeVane moved up to the front but was unable to reel'Paul in. Frisz finished fourth behind Somerville as Buerk held onto fifth. DeVane took the overall with his 1-2 tally, while Paul had second with his 3-1 finishes and Frisz was forced to settle for third. DeVane reigned supreme in the 250cc A class as he nailed the win in both motos and John Reinholt followed to take second each time. Frisz claimed the holeshot in moto one, bu the endoed and dropped back near the end of the pack. He worked his way up .through traffic but went down again; he finished seventh. DeVane took an easy win as Reinbolt, McCabe, Mike Bremer and Adam Bunchuk rounded out the top five. Frisz had the lead at the start of moto two, but faded back several positions when DeVane squeezed in front of him. DeVane sailed by the checkered nag 20 seconds ahead of the pack. May and Crum rounded out the top five. Results 60(7,11): 1. Man Hlrrell; 2. KennyYoho; 3. Scott Julien. 85 (7·11): 1. Chris 8rown; 2. S.even Ell&<; 3. Edwerd RlY. 60(12·15); 1. Derek Youngblood; 2. Dlry! Young, blood; 3. Seln Smeltzer. 125 A: 1. Vince DeVine; 2. Gory Poul; 3. Jeff FrillZ. '25 8: 1. 80bby Mlnn; 2. Mlreus Pedrero; 3. Dlnny Zullo. '25 C: 1 Mike Jones; 2. Billy VlrAsdlle; 3. Mike Jones. 250A; 1. Vince DeVine; 2. John Reinholt; 3. Jeff Friu. 250 B: 1. nm Denlrdis; 2. Bobby Menn; 3. Steve Young. 250 C; 1. Donel MeV-; 2. Roben Smerville; 3. Bill WitkiN. OPEN A: 1. John Reinho/t; 2. Alln Crum; 3. Jon ~. OPEN NOV; 1. Rick PlIny; 2. Jimmy SWlneon; 3. Eric S.....mter. OVERAll: Emmen eo. (KTM). UGHT TRAIL; 1. Joey Still; 2. Steve JoMs; 3. Allen Still. 200 '" 1. Kent StlnllY; 2. Glory Berr; 3. Chris 8urt<. OPEN 8: 1. DIYid Sconow; 2. Chlrlie Gilbert; 3. T&

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