Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250cc A Four-Stroke class, dropping 14.647 points. "On Miller Jeep trail," said Hately, "I could've used more power but Snowy was no problem." While most of the top riders gave the Lumberjack high marks, there were' several C and B rider comments of it being tOO tough. Rob Bush said, "I had problems with markings," 'and Tom Karos, who finished third in the 250cc A class said, "I tbought Miller was much lOugher this year." Other A riders agreed. Can-Ammounted and 250cc AAlSr. winner Harry Kea t said, "I had a little trouble with play riders wanting to race me in loop one, but I had fun. It may bave been a little too hard for a family event, though." ResuJts OVERALL (Two loops): 1. Rick Daniel (Hus); 2. Jim Ballingmo (Vam); 3. Randy Pratzer (Vam): 4. Dean McCoy (KTM); 5. Frank Underlin; 6. Scan Crawford (Vam): 7. George Hammill (KTM); B. Grant Palenske(Han); 9. Willy Kennedy (Hus); 10. Donnie Simone (Kawl. OVERALL (One Loop): 1. Marc Dian (Vam); 2. Alphalpha Hapner (Vam); 3. Rusty Deisbeck (Han); 4. Rick Knox (Vam); 5. Richard Rudshager (Han). Rod Riddle and his BSA took second place in the 500cc class, during the National Championship Hillclimb in Freemansburg, Pennsylvania. Thompson hails at Snowflake 100 By Daryl Drake Pat Prosser finished eighth and nimh while Premier KTM's Bob Too took the 10th spot and the 200cc Expert win after hiking back lo the pits for a new chain and taking a total of 6: 17:36 to finish. Results WOMEN: ,. Angie Klaja (Han). MINI 60: 1. Richie Church (Han); 2. Chris Freedman (Han): 3. Clay Ramo (Kaw). MINI BEG: ,. Man Slaughter (Suz); 2. Damon Ramsey (Kaw); 3. Michael Chlarson (Han). MINI NOV: ,. Merlen Slaughter; 2. Jeff Kraus (Han); 3. Brandon Beggs (KTM). MINI AM: 1. Denis Hildebrand (KTM); 2. Randy Toy (KTM); 3. Allen May (Kaw). 200 BEG: 1. Frankie Prince (Kaw); 2. An. Garcia (Han); 3. Chris Haffanh (Kaw). 200 NOV: 1. Bob Kinnaman (KTM); 2. Bryan Bruning (Yam); 3. David Stewan (Cag). 250 AM: 1. James Ton (KTM); 2. Allen Nelso (Kaw); 3. Bill Chambers (Suz). 250 NOV: ,. Stacey Miller (Vam); 2. Ted McHugh (Han); 3. Mark Bargman (Han). 250 EX: 1. Garry Tuffin (Han); 2. Jim Dunlap (KTM). 250 BEG: ,. Gary Hoffman (Han); 2. Ron Smith (Han); 3. Mike Messer (Han). OPEN NOV: 1. Randy Pun (Han); 2. Rob Meister (Han); 3. AI Davis (Han). OPEN AM: 1. Roger Huffman (Han); 2. Clint Stephan (Han); 3. Mike Core (Hus). OPEN EX: 1. Jim Thompson Jr. (Hus); 2. Jell Darland (Han); 3. Tom Win (Han). 3D> SR VET: ,. Mike laBelle (Han); 2. Dave Alexander (Han); 3. Raben Chadwick (Han). 3B+ SR VET: 1. Dick Milani (Han): 2. Steve Sample (KTM): 3. Dan Carapellese (Han). SR SPRTSMN: 1. DaugSeitzIKTM); 2. Dan Fahey (Mai); 3. Rick Alexander (KTM). DINO CLASSIC: 1. Dan Loeffler (Yam): 2. Dan -Balisle (Hus). DINa VINTAGE: ,. Mike Wadding (Vam): 2. Vince Thomas (Hus); 3. Phil Caldwell Jr. (Yam). HEBER, AZ, AUG. 31 Husky rider Jim Thompson Jr. streaked through 136 miles of mud and slop to take the overall and Open Expert wins at the KTM-mounted Tom Karas finished third in the 250cc A class at CRC's lumberjack Enduro in Hungry Valley. Rick Daniel took the overall. lingmo's three minute drop - the fastest of the day - at check nine on the top of Miller Jeep Trail. "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful," said Billingmo after the ride, "I loved it." But he did have some problems along the way, though. "A motor mount bolt on my YZ490 pulled loose beneath t!"le shift shaft, and I got stuck in second gear, which cost me time in the first second loop special, but I'm happy." Rounding out the top three was the first 250cc machine of Randy Pretzer (6.000). Scott Crawford won the 200cc A class wi th a 7.446, bringing him within 20 points of class leader Tony., Casaga, who fouled a plug on his IT200 at the start of loop two and never recovered. Flat tracker John Hately came to the Lumberjack for his first-.ever enduro competition, and he piloted a 1978 Honda XL250 lO a second in the Arizona Desert Racing Association's 11 th Annual Snowflake/Heber 100. Turning in a time of 3:45:26 aboard his Bill Thomas Husqvarna 400, Thompson averaged 38.33 mph. "I almost ate it on the last lap," Thompson said. "I got out of shape 0[£ one of the water bars and went between two trees that were really tight. I think I bent both sides of the handlebars back. Not quite two minutes back was Jeff "Hollywood" Darland for second overall and Open Expert. Off the start, Darland grabbed the holeshot but Garth Sweetland kept the wick open longer and was first at the first turn. Darland then regained the lead as Sweetland experienced the first in a race-long series of chain derailments. Darland stayed out front for much of the first lap until an overshot turn let Thompston move out front and build up a 40-second lead by the home check. Then the sky really opened up. The ground was already saturated by heavy rains before the race and the water had nowh«;re to go as the racers battled wind, rain and hail. Darland moved out [rant again on the beginning of lap two but Thompson put his Broomfield, Coloradobred mud technique to good use and Darland had a minor get-off which put Thompson 1:56 ahead at the end of lap two. Meanwhile, points' leader Mike Powers had some major troubles on the second lap and fell back to seventh after a [ront five first lap. On the final two laps Darland started catching Thompson but couldn't make up the margin. Motocrosser Tom Witt was third overall and Open Expert, 24 minutes behind Thompson but holding off Sweetland who finished fourth. Sweetland is now tied for the series points lead, however, since Powers parked on his third lap lo rack up his second consecutive DNF. Five minutes behind Sweetland, Pat Duncan was fifth overall to make it an Open class sweep. The 250cc Expert winner was Gary Tuffin who finished sixth after a five month absence from the circuit. Five minutes back, second 250cc Expert Jim Dunlap was close for two laps while early leader Drey Dircks was sidelined with chain troubles. Open Experts Jim Maxwell and .Oldenberg excels atElkoMX By Rolfe Otterness ELKO, MN, SEPT. 7 Jeff Oldenberg careened back into competition after recuperating from injuries, topping the 250cc Expert class at the latest edition of MOlO Pro Racing's motocross. Oldenberg's rival for the Slate 250cc championship Rich Pearson captured second overall for the day. David Tait took top points in the 125cc Expert class wi th Lee Irvine acing the Open class. Mike Atkinson captured both the Mirti Pee Wee and the Junior classes. Oldenberg roosted away from the pack in the.first 250cc moto and had a respec.lable lead by the end of the second lap. Tim Bernloehr moved into second early in the moto and held on for the duration. Rich Pearson closed on Bernloehr late in the molO and they had a good battle to the line; Dave Henry took fourth. Chris Hughes motored out front as the second moto began. Oldenberg latched onto second and began to pressure Hughes for the lead. On the second lap he managed to get by at the end of the long straight along the pit fence. Hughes came under attack from Pearson next, and after two laps Pearson took over second. Finishing order at the conclusion of the molO was Oldenberg, Pearson, Hughes and Bernloehr. The 125cc Expert class was very competitive with Pro riders Donny Schmit and Bruce Gates mixing it up with the District 23 Amateurs. Robbie Engstrom took first Aruateur i.n the first moto with Tait second. Schmit quickly established a lead in the second molO with Brandon Hopkins and EngslOm following. Schmit dropped back lo practice passing technique and Hopkins took command of the lead. Schmit moved up again later in the molO only lo drop back once again allowing Hopkins the win. Gates and Tait filled the third and fourth places at the flag. Results WOODS LTWT: ,. Chad Reinhan: 2. Mark Igoa; 3. Bill Smivanich. . WOODS HVYWT: ,. William Peterson; 2. Mark Smilanich; 3. David Wakefield. MINI PEE WEE: 1. Mike Atkinson (Kaw); 2. James Povolny (Kaw); 3. Craig Cunningham (Kaw). MINI JR: 1. Mike Atkinson (Kaw); 2. Aaron Carl-

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