Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ 00 M Q.) ..0 o ..... u o Kyle Lewis leads Willie Surratt in the 125cc Pro race. turned into a shon-lived one. A few turns later, Belcher stalled his Kawasaki in a turn and dropped to third. On the move were Leisk and Hondamounted Rick Ryan. Ai one point, Ryan staned to pass Leisk but suddenly slowed after somehow breaking his ankle. Dubach continued 10 dominate, while Leisk slid into second ahead of Belcher, Watts and Jeff Pesteda. Belcher was hounding Leisk for awhile, until he bailed hard and dropped to 29th. Taking over Belcher's position. was Watts, followed by Mauasevich and Mike Kiedrowski. With two laps remaining, the leader Dubach crashed letting Leisk by. Dubach recovered in second place, and when the checkered £lag flew, it was Leisk out in front followed by Dubach and Watts. Dubach once again captured the holes hot at the stan of the second moto just ahead of Wooten, Leisk, Yamaha rider Russ Wageman and Jeff Stanon. By the second lap, Leisk had cleanly passed Dubach, who Icrashed shonly after, lelling Watts have second. Dubach remounted in third. Watts then set after the leader, Leisk, and taned pressuring him in every turn. While all this was going on, a battle over fourth place between Terry Fowler and Stanton was rag,ing. Eventually, Stanton opened up the throttle to his Kawasaki and nipped Fowler through a section of whoops. Watts set his sights on Leisk and stuffed the Honda rider, passing him for the lead. Leisk tried to retaliate a few laps later in an off-camber turn ,but failed. Back in third. Dubach was feeling the pressure by Stanton, but Dubach wa maintaining his ground. On the last lap, the story unfolded. Leisk, who had been searching and searching for a line around the leader Watts, finally saw his chance heading down the finish-line straight. He pulled up alongside of Watts and 'they dragged raced to the checkered £lag where he nipped Watts for the lwin. At the same time, Stanton put the move on Dubach and made the 'pass. The final moto results showed Leisk taking the win (and overall) ahead of Watts, Stanton, Dubach and , Matiasevich. In the first 500cc Pm moto, Hondamounted Manley roosted into the lead ahead of Joey Schlag (Honda), Watts, Willy Simons, Greg Torgerson (Kaw) and Stanton. By the second lap, Watts had taken over second and set after leader Manrley. Watts stalked Manley for the first Tommy Watts (893) chases Brian Manley in the 500cc Pro class. Manley went 2-1 for the overall. four laps before making his move in an off-camber turn. taking advantage of Manley's rear brake problem. The move payed off as Watts stuffed his way into the number one position. just after Wageman crashed and dropped back to about 10th. From that point on, Watts completely dominated the moto, while Manley hung on to second with his crippled Honda. Simons took over third on the seventh lap after passing Schlag. Wageman, following in Simons' knobby prints, also passed Schlag for fourth. The remainder of the race stood the same with Watts taking the easy win, .followed by Manley, Simons. Wageman and Schlag. The second moto once again had Manley taking the holeshot with Schlag, Wageman and Watts in tow. After the first lap, Manley sti II had control but Watts and Simons were on the prowl. Watts had taken over second place, while Simons tucked in and zeroed in on third. Wageman followed in fourth JUSt ahead of Stanton, who ~as pressuring. By the eighth lap, Stanton snuck by Wageman and settled into founh, and three laps after that, Simons saw his chance and blew by Watts over a tabletop jump. For the next four laps, positions stayed the same with Manley cruising out in front, ahead of Simons, Watts, Stanton and Wageman. • Results PRO RESULTS 125 PAD: 1. Bader Manneh (Yam); 2. Willie Sur· ratt (Hon); 3. Kyle Lewis (Hon); 4. Eddie Hicks(Yam); 5. Brian Mverscough (Yam): 6. Michael Craig (Yam); 7. Todd OeHoop (Yam); 8. Shaun Wooten (Hon); 9. Jeff Matiasevich (Kawl: 10. Ty Davis (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Jeff Leisk (Han); 2. Tommy Wafts (Kaw); 3. Doug Dubach (Yam): 4. Jeff Stanton (Yam); 5. Jeff Matiasevich (Kaw); 6. Bader Manneh (Yam); 7. Terry Fowler (Kaw); 8. Mike Kiedrowski (Kawl; 9. Eddie Hicks (Yam); 10. Drey Dircks (Han). 500 PRO: 1. Brian Manley(Hon); 2. Tommy Watts (Kaw); 3. Willie Simons (Han); 4. Russ Wageman (Yam); 5. Joey Schlag (Hon); 6. Jeff Stanton (Yam); 7. Rich Mythen (Han); 8. Frankie Brundage (Kaw); 9. Terry McGinnis (Yam); 10. Greg Torgerson (Kaw). VET PAO: 1. Bill Grossi (Yam); 2. Gary Semics (Yam); 3. Duane Joice (Han); 4. Steve Rawson (Hon); 5. Jim Hoover (Hon); 6. Paul Thede (Yam); 7. John Handelin (Yam); 8. Steve Law (Han); 9. Wes Broby (Hon): 10. Samuel Croce (Suz). 80 EX: 1. Jimmy Gaddis (Suz); 2. Shane Trittler (Yam); 3. Buddy Antunez (SUI); 4. Paul Winn (Yam); 5. Jimmy Bunon (Han); 6. Brian Gipson (Hon); 7. Jimmy Clay (Yam); 8. Chris Neal (Yam); 9. Tom Clowers (SUI): 10. Erick Hilton (Yam). Suzuki-mounted' Jimmy Gaddis took his second Trans-Cal win in a row in the 80cc Expert class. Gaddis swept both motos. PRO POINT STANDINGS 125 PRO: 1. Willie Surratt (214); 2. Bader Man· neh (209); 3. Kyle Lewis (1 B6); 4. Brian Myerscough (176); 5. Ty Davis (173); 6. Todd DeHoop (157); 7. Larry Brooks(149); 8. Shaun Wooten (142); 9. Dennis Parker (142); 10. Brian Bruner (137). 250 PRO: 1. Jeff Leisk (236): 2. Jeff Stanton (217); 3. Bader Manneh (192); 4. Russ Wageman (159); 5. (TIEl Tommy Watts/Drey Dircks (155): 7. Terry Fowler (149); 8. Jeff Prestana (136); 9. Mike Kiedrowski (125): 10. Bobby White (115). 500 PRO: 1. Jeff Stanton (218); 2. Tommy Watts (208); 3. Terry McGinnis (182); 4. Russ Wageman (176); 5. Greg Torgerson (175); 6. Rich Mythen (174): 7. Dane Wigington (164); 8. Willie Simons (151); 9. Brian Manley (149); 10. Kurt Jorgensen (142). 19

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