Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Terry Fowler (60) takes the holeshot in the 250cc Pro class ahead of Doug Dubach (5). Pat Sparks (26), Jeff Stanton (971) and Jeff Leisk (82). Jeff Leisk won both 250cc Pro class motas for the overall. Leisk leads the class in points followed by Jeff Stanton and Bader Manneh. CMC/Dodge Dakota Trans-Cal Motocross Series: Round 3 Manneh, Leisk, Manley haul at Huron By Troy Scott HURON. CA, SEPT. 21' Bader Manneh, Jeff Leisk and Brian Manley each claimed victories during round three of Continental Motosport Club's Dodge Dakota-sponsored Trans-Cal Series, this week 18 held at Huron Cycle Park. Manneh maStered the 125 c Pro I class on his Hallman-backed Yamaha, while Honda support rider Leisk and Mal olm Smith-sponsored Manley locked up wins in the 2.50 and 500 c divisions. Manneh used conservative but effective riding techniques 1.0 capture the 125ccoverall with a 3-1 tally. In the first molO, Manneh imply sal back and held onto a comfortable third-place position, while Honda rider Willie Surrall and Yamahamounted Doug Dubach diced feverishly for the lead with Dubach taking thewin. In thesecond molO, Manneh had an easy time of it by taking the holeshol and leading from stan to finish, thus, nailing the overall. Surrail finished second in the moto for second overall. The young speedster from Australia. Leisk. showed some of his Nill ion;iI-caliber styit' when he used hardcharging. aggressive and determin'd riding to overcome arly leaders Dubach and Tommy WallS ill both molOS. Leisk combined a flawless I-I tally for the overa II, while Watts used consistel1l2-2 finishes 1.0 secure second overall ahead of Dub;lch, who went 3-4 on the day. If it wasn't for a broken rear disc brake reservoir on his Honda, Manley had Ihe chance for a clean sweep in the 500 class. During the, first mOIO, Manley was cruising out in front when he lost all the brake fluid in his rear brake. but Manley managed 1.0 hold all but WallS back in the mOIO 1.0 finish second. ian lev's luck was nOlhing but good in round two. as 11<' led from start 1.0 finish. Suzuki-mounted Jimmy Gaddis dominated both 80cc Expert molOS with flawless performances. The Suzuki riderdaimed vinories in both motos for Iheoveral!. whil('Yamaha pilot Shane Tril.l.ler finished second via a 4-2 tallv. Another Suzuki rider, Budd\' Ant~nez. se"Jed into third wilh ~ 2-4 combination. Yamaha rider Billy Gro si continuecl 1.0 dominate the Vet Pro class, todav. with back-to-back wins. Grossi's main concern in both motos was another Yamaha-mounted rider, Gary Semics, who finished second each time Oul. Third went 10 Duane Joice and his Honda. The firstl2:,cc Pro molO featured a heated dll('1 for the lead between Dubach and Surrall. Dubach nailed down the holeshol and maintained his lead despile he;lvy pressure by Surratt, Manneh, Sean \"'ooten (Honda). Ch" un McAII ister (Ya maha) and Kyle Lewis (Honda). Lewis. however, quickly putthe mo\'e on McAI- lister, taking over fifth. A lap later Lewis was fourth. Up front the twO leaders, Dubach and Surra 1.1., were pushing each other hard. and in doing so. they had pulled a seven-second lead over third plan> Manneh. By the fourth lap, Lewis was in cOl1Lrol of fOUJ'lh, ahead of WOOlen, McAllister and Honda riders Ores Bray and Dennis Parker. Two laps later. the lead battle was still going strong, while Yamaha rider Brian Myerscough and Honda pilot Craig Canoy were moving up through traffic after midpack starts. Soon aft r. urratl pUllhe move on Dubach. diving to the inside and slipping by. BUI Dubach retaliated a few turns later. The dogfight for the lead turned into a see-saw ballie for the next few laps until Dubach got the upper hand and continued on with his lead. By this time, Kawasaki rider Jeff Matiasevjch was fifth ahead of Myerscough. On the final lap, Surrall made his fina I move and mOlOred by Dubach on a str"ightaway and held on for the lasl few turns 1.0 take the win ahead of Dubach. Manneh, Lewis and M:lliasevich. Mow I wo sa w Manneh blowout of the gate and inlO Ihe lead. pursued by Yamaha rider Eddje Hicks, Lewis. Canov. Kawasaki-mounted Brian Brunner, Honda rider Dallen McKenny and Michael Craig (Yamaha). Dubach was im'olved in a first-turn crash that left him near the end of tbe pack; Surrall was eighth. By the fifth lap, Manneh had complete control of the situation with a strong lead over Hicks. Surratt had taken over sixth. then passed Brunner two laps later. Lewis held on 1.0 third but Canov was hot on his rear fender. Cano\' eventuallv stuffed his wav bv Lewis but crashed shortly after 'and dropped out of the lOp 10. For most of the race, it was Manneh out in front cruising ahead of Hicks. Lewis, urrall and Mverscough. With three laps remai,iing. Surrilll was desperalely trying 1.0 find Ihe hot line around Lewis. pushing him to the limit. Two laps from tbe finish, Lewis finally gave in to Surratl's pressure, dropping back 1.0' fourth. AI the finish, it was Manneh taking the victory and overall ahead of Hicks. Surratt. Lewis and Myerscough. When the gate dropped for the first 250cc Pro molO. Du bach shot into the lead, while Belcher closely followed. Belcher was on the gas and passed Dubach, taking over the lead, which

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