Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• • • • • to • THE GOOD NEWS IS THERE'S MORE NEWS. THE BAD NEWS IS .ruST FOR OUR COMPETITION It's True! You (;an Dave ATVNew8 DeUvered To Your Dome Every Other Week! NOW YOU CAN GET: MORE RACE COVERAGE MORE NEW PRODUCTS MORE PLACES TO RIDE AlijU ~RE NEWS WHILE IT'S STILL NEWS-NOT HISTORY! A TV Nllws hes just lapped the competition by c:IuI,ging a"ead and bringing you TWICE .. mIIny issues of lIllCiting, timely and infOfmIItive c:ovet'8ge of ell that's news concerning All Te".in Vehicles. To sten I'8CIIiving A TV Nllws eve'Y other week just fill out the coupon below and mIIi! it in today. You'U be ...u'8d of a fint place finish in ATV coverege. Vamaha-mounted Mike Beier (34) and KTM-mounted Todd Campbell battled in both motos of the Vamaha California Classic in Pe,ria. top honors, followed by Lance Barnett and Ron Urman. Jones also rode Lhe 250cc Imerme-' diate class, but this time he had to settle for second place as fellow Yamaha pilot Jim Lewis outpoimed Jones and Lhird-place finisher Mike Fowler. In 125cc Novice division twoaClion, Yamaha rider Jamie Morabito posted a 1- I moto score to claim Lhe overall win as Suzuki rider Howard Tresville and Honda-moumed Ron McKiernan dueled for Lhe runner-up position, Tresville got the nod. Gray Jones and Gary Semics brought their Yamahas to the line determined to continue the Vet alional bailie from the previous day. And battle they did, with Jones taking the first molO and Semics the second. Semics' tie-breaking second-mow viclOry gave him Lhe Vet Expert overall win as Jones had to sellie for second ahead of Kawasaki rider Alan Olson. Gary Welles rode his Suzuki to Lhe 125cc Beginner division one win ahead of Honda-moumed ScOll Bristol while Carlos Oliva powered to third overall on his ·RM. The 80cc Stock Novice race was a sweep for Yamaha pilot Mike Chamberlain, but the second place battle was Lhe scene of some great action. econd overall went to Yamaha rider Joshua Dunn, while Derek Natvig placed his Kawasaki third and Tony Amaradio took fourth. • ____ .Wscripfiolr CoupoII/Order F",.",. - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 0 YES! Send me one full year (25 issues) of ATV NEWS I :C::~~lo$~~VO~~ONEY! Send me two years (50 issues) of ATV NEWS for only $23.00 - $27.00 off the newsstand price! NAME I I I (please print clearty) ADDRESS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : CITY ~_ _ 1 1 1 1 STATE _ _ ZIP PHONE Please check box o Payment enclosed 0 MasterCard 0 Visa 0 Bill me [.~ • 1 , , 1 I I Charge Customers: I I We must have complete account number & cord expiration date I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I Cord expires Date of this order : Signature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I Canada, Mexico and all other foreign countries - 1 year. 2nd class. $27.00 (U.S. Funds). First class and airmail ,ates available upon request. I 0 This is a renewal -I I I I I L I· I Please mall to: 1 1 I 1 I 1 Af'VMellJ$ I ® P.O. Box 1030 Long Beach. CA 90801-1030 or call (213) 595-4753 I I 1 1 CN-J'. Results OPEN PRo: 1. Scon Manning (Vam); 2. Greg Zitterkopl (ATK); 3. Frankie Brundage (Kaw). 250 PRO: 1. Mike Beier (Vam): 2. Todd Campbell (KTMI; 3. Chris Lance (Kaw). 125 PRO: 1. Mike Beier (Vam); 2. Jeff Matlasevich (Kaw); 3. Craig Canoy (Hon). OPEN INT: 1. Mark Jones IVam); 2. Lance Barnen (Kaw); 3. Ron Urman (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Jim Lewis (Vaml; 2. Mark Jones (Vam); 3. Mike Fowler (Hon). 125 INT: 1. Jeff Mabery (Vam); 2. Mike Voung (Vam); 3. Paul Vlach (Hon). OPEN NOV: 1. Eric Bush (Hon); 2. Todd Broussard (Vam); 3. Jeck Endres (Hon). 250 NOV: 1. Jeb Brock (Suz); 2. Ronnie Kauble (Yam); 3. Brian Fountain (Yaml. 125 NOV DIV 1: 1. Ryan Hughes (YamI; 2. Tracy Monterone (Vam); 3. Albert Sanchez (Hen). 125 NOV 0111- 2: 1. Jamie Morabito (Vam); 2. Howard Tresville (SUl); 3. Ron McKiernan (Hon). VET EX: 1. Gary Semics (Vam); 2. Gary Jones (Vam); 3. Alan Olson (Kaw). VET INT: 1. Del Ocheltree (Hon); 2. Roy Burton (Honl; 3. Ed Wolleson (Vaml. VET NOV: 1. Ted Metzger (Vam); 2. John Hard (Yaml; 3. Frank Mierau (Hon). OT EX: 1. Ed Duncan IVam); 2. Steve Brussell (Yam); 3. Norman Slephens (Yam). OPEN BEG: 1. Todd Scheffer (Hon); 2. Russell Beasley (Yam); 3. Mark McKiernan (Yam). 250 BEG1JIV 1: 1. Mitchell Clark (Vam); 2. Bobby Penalosa (Hon); 3, Daniel Evans (Yam). 250 BEG DlV 2: 1. Rich Mihalic (Vaml; 2. Mike Mennig (Hon); 3. Joe Zipay (Honl. 125 BEG DIV I: 1. Gary Welles (Suz); 2. Scon . Bristol (Hon); 3. Carlos Oliva (SUl). 125 BEG OIV 2: 1. Nino Pollaccia (Vam); 2. Dannon Burg (Yam); 3. Jon Peterson (Yam). BO STK EX: 1. Paul Winn (Yam); 2. Colin Karcher (Vam); 3. Todd Mitchell (Vaml. BO STK INT: 1. Jelf Grafton (Vam); 2. Willy Drake (Vaml; 3. Travis Cory (Hon). BO STK NOV: I /oIIike Chamberlain (Vam); 2. ---------------------_~ Joshua Dunn (Vam); 3. Derek Natvig (Kaw). BO MOD tNT: 1. Jeff Grafton (Yam); 2. Dustin Evans (Suz); 3. Chad Gustine (Yam). BO MOD EX: 1. Colin Karcher (Vam); 2. Paul Winn (Vam); 3. Paul Cortez (Yam). 80 MOD NOV: 1. Mike Chamberlain (Vamt 2. Joshua Dunn ·(Yam); 3. Derek Natvig (Kaw). 80 MOD BEG: 1. Joey Prais (Hen); 2. Demon Kemp (Yam); 3. Damien Pin_ (Kaw). 60 NOV: 1. Jeff Tilton (KIWi; 2. Scen Glay (Kaw); 3. Eric Schnell (Kaw). Hoffman wins LodiPro-Am By George Cooper . Lom, CA, JULY 19 Sal Hoffman came to Lodi tonight from his hometown of San Francisco and captured first place in .the Pro-Am ~n event. Finishing a close second was Rob Damron of Morgan Hill. Damron got his revenge later in the evening, however, by finishing first ahead of Hoffman in the Expert final. BoLh riders were extremely smooLh, and relegated class high poimJeader Mark Key to a thir'd place finish. Fast racing was made possible by a wide groove Lhat allowed riders to run three abreast Lhrough the turns. Lodi Motorcycle Club provided the well-prepared track and the fast, professionaJ program. Starter Jerry Curry kept the riders moving tonight and Lhe large number of spectators heered the continuous racing. Among the crowd favorites has to be Lhe Pee Weecla ,and Lhose watching received their money's worLh today as Jeff Gabhan and Casey Yarrow fought tooth and n.ail for Lhe lead spot. In 'Lhe heat it wa Yarrow fir t, but in Lhe main Gabhart came across first, Yarrow second and Johnny Stone third. Making news in Lhe 80cc Novice class was Nathan Wait of Lodi. Wait had never won in this class before, mostly due to poor Starts. But Lhis week was diHerent as the practicing he has been doing really paid off. He holeshot Lhe. start and kept the first place position to the finish. There was no double winner tonight. Tommy Knight took top honors in both 250 and 500cc Junior classes. Knight just recently turned Junior, and appears to be moving towards Expert in a determined fashion. Other racing tonight saw a close finish in the 250cc Novice class. John McGill edged last week's winner Paul Polhemus. Polhemus had to come through traffic and looked to be headed for another win until going wide in turn three, allowin several riders by. Polhemus rnadeanother run for it in thl' rl'mai ling laps b passin~

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