Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 07 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PJ1 Super Cleaner Perfect fOf your shop. PJ1 Super Cleaner _ _ no residue. Quickly clellns and d e g _ aU metal parts. Ols~ _ter and WOIka great on all electrical parts. New! Nolan N·42 Now Snell '85 Appfo¥ed! A rMW standard In high-tech ccnstruclion utilizing the best of flberlIlass and polycarbonale components. Interb provtdes best fit In the Industry. Plush V8IYeI Hnlng, generous padding. Honda-mounted Grason Hart claimed wins in both Pro motos during the Salem Supercroll at the Oregon State Fairgrounds. Comfort and defogging by NASA inspired wnturi (exhaust) verrtllation system. 125 C: 1. Sean Weaver (Kaw); 2. lonnie Brown (Kew); 3. Ricky Hilliard (Kew). 250 B: 1. Pete Work. (Hon); 2. John T..elKew); 3. Bre" Shaddix (Yam). 250 C: 1. Jerry Nelson (Hon); 2. Brian Robenson lHon); 3. Gary Linam (Kawl. 200 OPEN A: 1. Darryl Hei.ler lKaw); 2. Eric Star (Hon); 3. Roger Davi. (Hon). OPEN B: 1. Kimbo Rutledge (KTM): 2. Roy Thigpen (Mai); 3. Phillip Hooie (Mai). ENDURO: 1. Ronald Rowlins (Hon); 2. Mark Studdard (Hon); 3. Jaff Gibbs (Kew). SR MEN: 1. Ray Thigpen (Moi); 2. Kenneth Stowe (Hon); 3. Joe Worth (Yam). cIoewI' If your dNlIf haft It.••" " him =ntKt KK McIIoIqdt SUpply faro-.mlght delivery DISTRIBUTED BY @II IIIft,ele SIIIII P_O. Box 45, 431 E. Third St•• Dayton, Ohio 45401 GEARwllhPurcha~e FREE RIDING Buy your 1986 Yamaha YZ at Orange County Cycle's regular low price and receive a set of riding gear of your choice FOR FREE! Buy a Yl125S recewe $400 in Riding Gear FOR FREE! Buy a YZ250S or YZ490S and recewe $450 in Riding Gear FOR FREE! free with purChase "Orange County Cycle For All Your Motorcycling Needs" ORANGE COUNTY CYCLE , 3666 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 92643 (714) 530-7340 Want to attend the next big event? Check the Cycle News Calendar Section for details. Suffering From DEHYDRATION? Race WIth C:u..lom FihtofJelas.. Trailifr... "PRIPPS" =... • SIzn II W.tch CYCLE NEWS For Introduction Of Our ........ Maw ltV SUPER SHUTTLE Stood SUN) fUl Ikl"ilC'd Info. "" _ M _ _. . PItODUCTS 011_' o... _e:-.CA ...70 C:hOl ...iot )bnubc:lurinK (:om~n\ 209-(.S Pkknn' Strt't't. ()Id"mar. fL 3:J5:'l7 H13 H.-.:,·;;HO I 1ME=IIURE YGU=IUIOW YAMAHA RZ500's AvailabW from stodc. tn Toronto or ComwaD. or ....~·U ship. RZ500 12899, RZJ50 from 12099, 1Z750 from IJ 199,",,, ~t1~ \58\ Tho 0.--"1, T""""". Ont. "'- (4\6) 255-J44 \ 700 a-..o.nt AYe., c.rn...n, On!. "'- (613) 9J2·1465 "IHEIIEHER n=GEES W MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FOUNDATION Clark stomps PentonMX By Pebble Jones lord lHon); 3. Chris Walden (KX). 125 AM: 1. Craig Ray (Hon); 2. Dan Lipscomb (Hon); 3. Dannis Haya. (Yam). OPEN AM: 1. Dan Lipscomb (Hon); 2. JimmyWil· lis (Hon); 3. Rick Chance (Hon). ENDURO: 1. Mike Hamihon (Hon); 2. Man Clart< (Yam). PRO MOTO 1: 1. Robbie Clark (Kaw); 2. Chris Gilmore (Kaw); 3. Kelly Dannis lKew). PRO MOTO 2: 1. Robbie Clark (Kew); 2. Darreyl Heisler (Kevv); 3. lavon Pendergr... (KX). NOV: 1. Tony Morri. (Kaw); 2. Grady Singlatary (Kew); 3. David Mor.. (Kaw). Gregson, Jensen grab Salem SX • wIns PENTON, AL. JUNE 28 By Clay Ught Robbie Clark proved once again to be tough competition in the Pro class when he took easy wins today at the Penton SALEM, OR, JULY 4 MOLOcross. In the first malO Clark snapped the holeshot and eased away with the lead. Chris Gilmore tried LO keep pace, but Clark managed LO pull away. Darrly Hiesler, who was running third, had dosed in on Gilmore and was ready LO make a move, but a crash put a stop to that threat and left Gilmore with no competition. Clark took the win with Gilmore second. In the second moto the holeshot was shared by Clark and Gilmore, but several jumps later Clark pulled ahead. About hal£way through the first lap Heisler, who was able to participate in thi moto, zipped by Gilmore in hot pursuit of Clark. It seemed as if he was closing in on Clark, but in the beginning of lap three, Clark pulled away to take an easy win. Heisler took second with Gilmore fifth. Craig Ray first overall in the 125cc Amateur class. In moto one Ray puJled the holeshot and pulled away from the others. Dan Lipscomb, who was in second, managed to slowly catch upon Ray and soon applied the pressure on lap three. Only seconds later Lipscomb passed Ray off a jump. Lipscomb then pulled away with the lead to take the win: Ray took second. Lipscomb popped the holeshot and the lead in the second moto with Ray right behind him. Lipscomb slowly moved ahead of Ray, but near the end of lap two Ray zipped by to take the lead. Third-place Dennis Hayes began moving in on Lipscomb and started working on taking second from Lipscomb. Hayes finally managed to pass and slowly moved in on Ray. Ray, however, took an easy win with Hayes places st;cond and Lipscomb third. FOR RIDER COURSE INFORMATION CAll: Results 800·447·4700 PEE WEE: 1. B.J. Myers (Kew); 2. Chris Mauldin (Rav). JR MINI: 1. Chris Mauldin (KX); 2. B.J. Myers (Rev); 3. Keith SCore (Kaw). SR MINI: 1. Rusty Bufford (Kew); 2. Russell Red· Kawasaki-mounted John Gregson and Ed Jensen were among the winners at the first outdoor motocross in 12 years at the Oregon State Fairgrounds in Salem. Gregson won the 125cc C main evem, jensen won the 125cc B main and 125cc Kawasaki-moumed Grayson Hart won the Pro Money class with I-I rides to beat local rider Gary Beyer. . Heat races were first during the days lengthy program which saw the top three going directly to the finals. The first 125cc C heat had Kyle Brooks snag a win while heat two fell to Eric Rogers over early leader Gregson. The LCQ took the [inal three tickets to the main evem and was won by Darrel Tice.ln the 125ccCmain it was Brooks back out from with Gregson and Tice giving chase on lap one. Brooks bailed off in the sandy turf handing the lead to Gregson. Gregson held the lead for the remainder of the race for the win with second going to another Salem rider, Aaro Boehmer and Tice taking third. jensen and fellow Honda rider Dana Anderson had a brutal batLle in their 125cc B heat race, but in the I25cc B main it was all Jensen as the Ponland speedster jammed out from of the field with Kawasaki rider Troy Davis and Dan Gregory filling the top three. White Brothers-sponsored Tony Graves came from well back ill the field to settle imo the top five and, after nabbing Gregory and icky Blasdell, had moved imo third. jellsen kicked in the afterburner and held off a late rally from Graves, who also nabbed Davis for second. Graves ran out of time and took home second Laurels behind jensen, but ahead of Davis, Gregory and Bobby Eyman. Graves came back to whip both 250cc B motos to end the day on a brighter note, beating Chris Nichols and Husky rider David Monon. The best motos of the day were the I wo Pro comests, go,Hi ng 125cc and 250cc mach ines. Hart motored off the line in the first molO ahead of Kenny

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