Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,..;. ~ ~ SII A; 1. BriarlK........<; 2..John TI8Ilen.3. DtlnAiS 125 NOV(GRP 11: 1. Chris Ben..;2. TroyJech; 3. Todd Lentz. 125 NOV (GRP 2): 1. Robbi. Engstrom; 2. Roger Ooehoff; 3. Scott Fran....... 1251NT: 1. Da.a Huber; 2. Chad Winocko; 3. Jaff Neal. Bumgardner. 125 EX: 1. Brian Fern; 2. James Scan Jr.; 3. David Tait. 250 NOV (GRP 1): 1. Pat Riley; 2. John Kannedy; 250 NOV (GEIP 2): 1. Dan Walters; 2. Rodn.y Fern; 3. Jay Hoenk. 250 INT: 1. Lon Hallock; 2. Malt Oc.l; 3. Brad 3. Michael Saxauer. <..0 00 O"i Erickson. 250 EX.: 1. Rich Pearson; 2. Tim Bernloehr; 3. ...... Michael Graif. OPEN NOV: 1. Gary Pangburn; 2. Chuck NiedOPEN INT: 1. Da•• Engstrom; 2. Dave Brenda; 3. Larry W.lch. OPEN EX: 1. Blak. Gr_mann; 2. Jerry Sherer; 3. Jeff Sor..... n. ~ zielski; 3. David Becker. 00 ...... Q) C :3 Mabery mauls I. V Ponca MX qualifier l-) By Dick Goodwin LAS VEGAS, NV, MAY 17-18 Las Vegas played hOSllO some of lhe faslesl mOlocross racers in lhe Uniled Slales, as "Gliller Cily" was lhe scene of lhe Cycle News, America's weekly motorcycle newspaper. brings you an action-packed year of motocross, flat track, endurance, speedway and road racing. Plus all the latest news, personalities, bike tests, a weekly - ._-Calendar section, tons of Want Ads, and much morel q~~;:=-~.Subscription Coupon/Order Form - - - - - ave 50% over newsstand price on I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Name =-=c:=====---------------(PlEASE PRINT CLEARl.Y) Address________________ Citv State _ _ Zip Signature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MC # VISA # Expiration Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lOne year (50 issues), 2nd class Canada or Mexico and all otherforeign countries $43.00 (First class and airmail rates available upon request) I I I I I P1e_ ...... _a CYCLE NEWS subKrtptIoII for: OlWOYEARSpOOI.._t .... '45.00 0 ONE YEAR 150 Iss...) •...•• 125.00 o 15WEEKS(TriIiSubscriptian): ...'10.00 ~ I I I Send to: I 64 L 0 Thi. is. - ' O ....... biHme 0 EncIoeed i. chec:k or money order 0 Charge my. 0 VISA 0 M....c.rd ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! (jjill ~ NATIONAL I P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 (213) 427-7433 I -----------------~-~~----~~~~~~~-~-Oreal: CN.23 first Western One Regional qualifying race for the Yamaha-sponsored Ponca City JIlational Championships. Quartz Hill, California's Jeff Mabery enjoyed a banner day at Las Vegas Motocross Park, as he smoked his competition in both I 25cc and 250<:c Intermediate classes. The Yamahamounted Mabery demolished his foes in the 250<:c Stock and Modified intermediate contests, passing the checkers first in all four of his molOS. The 125cc Modified Intermediate class proved 10 be more of a challenge for Mabery, as he was forced to win the second molO 10 capture the overall crown. His hard riding also earned him second place in the I 25cc Stock Intermediate class. ot a bad day's work - three wins and a second in four classes! In the Pro divisions, Mike Kiedrowski and Ty Davis swapped wins in the 250<:c Modified and Stock classes - with Kiedrowski (enjoying a pretty fair day himsel£) alternating with Kyle Lewis in lOpping the 125cc Modified and Stock races. Minicycle Experts Buddy Antunez and King Richard Saxton dominated their competition, finishing one-two in the Stock division, then reversing the order in the Modified contest. Burbank, California's Jesse "The Bandit" James was unstoppable in the Junior Cycle races, winning all four of his molOS »\lith ease, while Minicycle Intermediates were led by Stock winner Phil Laurence and Modified King Spencer Sharp. Chris Pocino stuck his Yamaha across the finish line first in the biggest single race of the day, the I25cc Stock Novice class, as well as winning the 250<:c Stock Novice race. In the I05cc division, Yamaha pilots Shane Trittler, Eric Hilton, and Phil Laurence ran two identical motos in first, second, and third, respectively. A determined Mabery revved his Yamaha at the starting line for the 125cc Modified Intermediate contest. After a somewhat diaappointing first molO, in which Mabery finished third (behind Chris Young and Ken Arnold), Mabery had his work cut out for him in this second heat. When the gate dropped, Ken Arnold blasted into the lead ahead of Stock class winner Sean Blanchard and San Diego's Lance Barnett. Mabery was midpack, but on the move. By the time the pack had reached the back bleacher section, Mabery had fought his way into third. During the rest of the first lap, Mabery worked his way into second and started pressuring leader Arnold. A wild race for first then developed between Arnold, Mabery, Blanchard, and Young. , , " ", fi-nalloy. Mebe mas fR pass on Arnold over the "Double Trouble Doubles" for the lead, an made it stick. Mabery continued t stretch hi lead for the remainder 0 the race. Arnold held on for second. The overall standings placed Maber in first, Arnold second, Young thir and Blanchard with fourth place. Results PEE WEE STK: 1. Jason Partridga; 2. Pablo Lara. PEE WEE MOD: 1. Jason Partridge; 2. Pablo Lara. JR CYCLE STK: 1. Jesse Jamas; 2. Ryan Spurgon; 3. Mike Gilbert. JR CYCLE MOD: 1. Jesse Jam..; 2. Ryan Spur· gin; 3. Mike Gilbert. B3 STK NOV: 1. Eric Griffith; 2. Mike Miche"; 3. Gary Brinkmyer. B3 MOD NOV: 1. Eric Griffith: 2. Gary Brinlunyer; 3. Jeremy Albrecht. B3 STK INT: 1. Phil Laurance; 2. Ronnie Den,ford; 3. Pat Waide. B3 MOD INT: 1. Spencer Sharp; 2. Tommy Clowers; 3. Phil uurence. B3 STI< EX: 1. Buddy Antunez; 2. King Richard S"",on; 3. Terry Swanoon. B3 MOD EX: 1. King Richard Saxton; 2. 8udd¥ Antunez; 3. Paul Vlech. 105 OPEN: 1. Shane Trinler; 2. Erick Hilton; 3.1 Phil Uurence. 126 STK NOV: T. Chris Pocino; 2. Duane Benn...; , 3. Bill Mclaughlin. 125 MOO NOV: 1. Chris Trickla; 2. Duana Benn.r; , 3, Guy Deckart. 125 STl< INT: 1. S8an Blanchard; 2. Jeff Mabery; 3. Chris Young. 125 MOO INT: 1. Jeff Mabery; 2. Ken Arnold; 3. Chris Young, 125 STK PRO: 1. Kyle Lawis; 2. MikaKiedrwoski; 3. Jeff Matiasevich. 125 MOD PRO: 1. Mika Kiedrowski; 2. Jeff Meti· asavich; 3. Mike Kell. 250 STK NOV: 1. Chris Pocino; 2. Guy Docken; 3. Frank Signer. 250 MOD NOV: 1. Ronnia Kauble; 2. Bred Simcox; 3. Bret Anderson. 250 STK INT: 1. Jeff Mabery; 2. Chris Young; 3. Sean Blanchard. 250 MOD INT: 1. Jeff Mabery; 2. Chris Young; 3. Sean Blanchard. 250 STK PRO: 1. Ty Davis; 2. MikaKiadrwoski; 3. Jeff Matiasavich. 250 MOD PRO: 1. Mika Kiedrowski; 2. Ty; 3. Jeff Matiasevich. SOO MOO INT: 1. Pete Andrews. 8riles brothers win at Mosier Valley By Marc Jenkins EULESS, TX, MAY 16 Tornado warnings and forecasled lhunderslorms kepl all bUl lhe hardcore Friday night warriors home, bUl lhe Briles brothers, Kevin and Dan, created a storm of their own by taking the first two postions in the 125cc Beginner class. Thefirst 125cc Beginner moto started with Dan Briles taking the lead and never looking back. Meanwhile, Kevin had gotten a bad start, but had moved into the fourth spot at the halfway mark. Kevin Briles didn't stay there long, however, as he soon got by both Reeves Hicks and Mike Rollins to take over second. It was rime 10 set out after brother Dan, but time ran out and it was Dan first. Kevin second, Hicks third and Ernest Jockim fourth. The second molO began with Dan Briles out front again. This time Kevin gOt off the line without problems and held down second. On the third lap, Kevin shot by Dan to take the lead that he held to the finish. Kevin gOt the overall with Dan second and Rollins third; Hicks was fourth. The combined Intermediate and Expert class saw Steve Starnes take the win with Drake Moore getlin~ the top Intermediate honors. • Results MICRO: 1. Brien Hamm fl(ewt 2. R ..... 5 _ BEG: 1. Danny Tepfer (Hon); 2. Mike Ilryoon (Suzl; 3. Mere Schumpert (SU%). BO NOV: 1. Lance HlIley(Yamt 2. Brant Su.......... (Suzl. 126 BEG: 1. Kevin Brll.. (Hon); 2. Dan Bril.. (Hon); 3. R ..... Hicks (Suzl. 125 NOV: 1. OaMY Townes IK_t 2. Johnny Jo..... (Suzt 3. John Wi.. (Yam). 250/OPEN BEG: 1. Billy Rollins (Suzl; 2. Gi... Hundt (Yam); 3. Brien w.mpe (Hon). 260 NOV: 1. Rick Myers (Yam); 2. K.C: s... (Yam); 3. Cliff Fort CKaw). OVER 30: 1. Jerry Nallon (Hont 2. Dave Foumiw (KTMt 3. Mike Devia (Hus~ COMB INT: 1. Or (Hon); 2. Mike Dozier (Yamt 3. e- Sima (Suzl. COMBEX:: 1. S_S"'....(Y....t 2. Tim~ fI

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