Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ers the excellence promised in their advenising. Thanks again, KTM. KIRK W. GARBER Tarzana, CA (.0 00 O"l America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon CaylOl'l, PublisheT Klinger,Comp'!olkr . Skip Johnson. ASSOCUlU Publlsherl National Sales Manager Jack Man~us. Associate I'ubfi.\hrr Senior Editor Rheba Smith, CircultJtio~ Mtulagn Caroline ~ndry. Executive Secutary to lhePublisheT Editorial John Ulrich. Edit'!, . Kit Palmer. A,fSOClale Ed,tor Mall Hilgenberg. Associate Editor Paul Carruthers. Associate Editor Farren Williams. A55ociaJ.e Editor Adver1IlIinll Terry Ptau Sales lIIo_er Tim Ryan. S4Jles Manager Mark Thome. Sales Mttn4g~ Mike Church. E4JJrn S4les M a"age?' Thomas R. Conter. Etutm-Sales MomgeT Linda Btown Weslnn Ad. Coordinator earla Borden. £,utem Ad. Coordimuor Nancy WasLCII. Advertisingl Edit0ri4J Asst. Graphics and Produetiorr Ginger Machado. Craphic Artist M4Ilcolm Wilson, Graphic Artist Diana Hilgenberg, Graphic Artist Marion Hata hila, T..,~settc Carolyn Branham, Typesetu:r Oennu G.rec:ne. L4b. Tech.. Accounting/Date Procaaing Donna Bryan, Acets. Rectivobk Coordin4lor Geneva R~pass. Assis'an' Fran Hamwey, Credi, Circulation Sarah Taylor, Assis","t Alma Anguiano, Assistant Linda z:'marripa, Assist.nt Cheri Otapman, A.ssistanl Want Ad. Stan 8t:m, Want Ad S4ks ServIce and Support Chris Aitcheson, Head9tuJrtns Receptioni,U Leonard H~rTing, ServIce and Support N~I HMdquart8.. 2201 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806, P.O. Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801.0498 (215) 427·74": 21'/656·8844. Eutem OffIce 4190 First Ave., Tuck~r. CA. 50084; mailing .dd..... P.O. Bo. SOb. Tucker, GA '008b-080b. (404) 9'.·7MO. Cycle News/Wes' (USPS 141·540) is published weekly exttpt t'h~ (inLand last week 01 the calendar year lor S2S per yeu by Cycle News, Inc.. 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach. CA 90806. Serond JlOOlaIl" paid ., Long Beach, CA. POSTMASTER: Sand form 3179 to Cycle N.... P.O. Boa .18, Long 8eectl. CA 10801-0498. Subscription raICS: Onr year, IKOnd class mail, $2~; two years, second class mail, $45: three yean. semnd class mail. J68: 2b weeks. $15. Foreign ntts available 011 f'nIuest. Cyclr News welcomes unsolicitrd mitOrial malerial incJudin« slOries, cartoons, phOlOl. etc. Such material, iC publisbed, becomes thr rxdusivr property of Cycl~ News. Such accepted material is subject to rrvision as is necessary fn the sole discretion of Cycle,. News. Unsolicited material which is not used will be ~lumed if accompani«! by a self acld.ressm stamped envelope:. AU unsolicircd material will br handled with rQ:sonable care. however. Cycle News assumes no responsibility for lhe safelY, k»sOl'"dama~ to such material. Reprinting in whole or .~" rates and circulation lOformatJon wiJI be senl upon request. See S.R.D.S. Copyrlgh~ CyC" N. . ., Inc. 1181. Traclernarlc Cycle Na_ ragi_red U.S. '"-OffIce. All righta.-vad. ONTHE FRONTPAGE:TMm Marlboro Yamaha'. Eddia Law.on won the ltelian round of the World RGIld Racing ChlImpionahlp. and took over tha point "ad. Race coverage begina on page 28. Photo by Hanny Ray Abram•. 4 Rosarito money We would like to thank Cycle News for printing the article about th~ 12th Annual Rosarito Beach 100 GP In the May 7 issue. Ther wa only one point mis ed by the at:ucle tJ:1at the Hilltoppers M.e. feels IS very Importam. The major sponsor of our race, Sport Tracs Company. the manufacturer of Grand Sport Tires, donated prize money and the top .three finishers on -Grand Sport tires, who happened 10 be two of the top three overall and the first 250, recei ved SI00. The Hilltoppers M.C. would like to thank the 532 riders for helping to make our Spring GP a big success and also Sport Tracs Company for their continued support of our races. STEVE BUCKLEY President, Hilltoppers M.e. LONG BEACH, CA Endurance money As team riders in the WERA/EBC National Endurance Series we would like to personally than.k E~C Brakes for their $10,000 conlTlbuuon to the National Endurance Point Fund. It is companies like EBC Brakes and the Yamaha Contingency Program that make il possible for the private teams to ride the entire series. It is appreciated that the people at WERA who are running the National Endurance Series had a good idea of how to keep the series competitive through the long 15 races. CHRIS REED DOUG GERE KEN DAVIS Tour De Force Racing Springfield, MO Amateur motocr0888rs It has been a bit more than a week since the Dallas Supercross and I still see red when I think about it - along with many other riders and parents. Briefly, I would like to say I.hat I find the attitude towards the Amateur riders and the attitude about the Amateur race itself to have been atrocious. Most of these riders traveled many miles for tbat race, only to be treated as second class citizens (we traveled more tban a thousand miles with a group that incl uded over a d~zen riders). When the Saturday evening race ended. so did the suppon. The Sunday riders found all phases of their race being handled by ~pectato~s or relatives of workers or nders. Riders wbo never finisbed a single lap in the final were awarded trophies, while a number of those completing the full ride went home empty handed. We know; we have the video. I think a very good lesson could be learned from this very unpleasant experience. That being that these Amateur riders are the bread and but· ter for all phases of MX. They are the purchasers of bikes and equipment, pay fees, Iravel and buy licenses. I think they deserve the very same professional treatment as the Pro riders. Who's to say a future Pro rider or two wasn't in that group Sunday?' The Amateur riders are just as important to the MX success story as the Pro riders, maybe even more! UNDA P. HICKS Pride. LA Asked about Hicks' charges, SuperSports spokesman Bob .West said "f don't think the complamt was really founded. We had a difficult last race because it rained like hell that day. We just did the best we could" ... Editor. KTM I would like to express my thanks to KTM for building a product they are willing to stand behind. A year ago, I purchased a 1985 KTM 250 MXC and, approximalely' one month ago, the ignition failed while I was out riding. The KTM dealer found the entire lower unit ignition to be faulty and replaced it at considerable expense to me. It should be noted that problems of this nature are not covered under warranty but, upon learning of my dilemma. KTM agreed to reimburse me for tbe'cost of a new ignition, assuring me my experience was unusual. KTM has proven to me their commitment to both tbe quality of their product and to customer salisfacti~n. KTM is one manufacturer who deltv- Mark Anderson Good news! Mark Anderson of the SVIA and California OHV Commission is howing favorable,Progress .in his month-long coma. Injured while riding his ATK 560 in 1I:1exico ?n April 12. Mark is showmg raoal expressions, eye movement, and beaten back an attack of pneumoma. He was moved to Mission Community Hospital in Mission Viejo on May 15 from the trauma unit of UC San Diego. The move will draw friends and family to visit and hopefully ease him out of the coma. The owner of Adven.ture Treks, a Mexico motorcycle tour enterprise, Mark had just taken an order of over 1000 T-shins that must be sold ,to hel p make ends meet. The bl ue shins are sized S, M, L, XL and come In shon sleeve for $8. long sleeve for $1 0, or both for $16. On the back they say "Baja Survivor," with a map of B.aja. listing the Adventure Trek destinations. On the front i the logo of the tour group. Orders may be sent to Adventure Teks, 26445 Sandy Creek, EI Toro, CA 92630. Mark's wife, Kathy. and brother, Eric, are looking for someone to take overthe lea e ofthei r 1985 Toyota 4X4 pick-up with air. five-speed, stereo, and only 16,000 miles. A steal at $230 a month I Call Eric Anderson at 714/ 241-9256 for info. Let's all rally behind a guy that is tbe heart of motorcycling, a Baja racer a street rider, and industry VIP. who has given tirelessly all his life for the betterment of all motorcycles and ATV users in the United States! MIKE BISHOP anta Barbara, CA Sponsors For years I have subscribed to Cycle News. Lately I have noticed more and more emphasis placed on a select number of riders and their sponsors. which accounts for most of the print in the article. How abouta little more print on the type of course the riders encounter? I know I would much rather read about the type of gnarly stuff Ihey go through to finish than a list of their sponsors. Come on, let's report the race, not the money behind the one percenters. GARY SMART Salinas, CA It isn't oyer 'til it'. oyer Recently Cycle News alerted its readers to the problems facing the Motorcycle Repair program at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. On May IO the Phantom Duck, Louis McKey, sent me a copy of the letter he received from Monroe Richman, President of the Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustees. The letter stated that there are Ihree motorcycle repair instructors teachi ng a total of 15 students. The fact is that there are only IWO instructors teaching 22 students. Of the 22, only five will gradu· ate and the dislrict has a legal obliga· tion to continue the program for a minimum of three more semesters. I am not suggesting that these figures are terrific, but 95% of the students who leave the program before graduation obtain a full-time job in the motorcycle industry. Our only reque~t is to retain tbe only Motorcycle Repair program offered in the nine·college Los Angeles Community College District. (Continued to page 39)

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