Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-,. ~ ~ ." RACE ~ YAMAHA SUPPORT \!:11 Husqvarna " • Parts & Accessory Discounts • Fabulous Deals On Motorcycles • 90 Day Deferred Financing • Plus Tech Support &Motor Building so . 00 O"l ....... Team Yamaha Center C'J Bohn Cycle Pittsburg. PA Have supported many top U.S. riders ~ so 412/882-4330 ..c u ~ ~ ~ II MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC TRAINING CLASSES EXCITING CAREERS!!! GOOD PAYING JOBS Motorcycle Dealersh ips need Mechan ics , but you must be tra ined . If you love engines and don 't mind getting your hands di rty you can become a professional motorcycle mechanic making top money. Get tra ined in just a few months for an enjoyable lifetime career. Federal Financ ial Aid for those who qua lify. Classes form ing soon . See If you can qualify fOl.thls chance of a lifetime. CALL TODA Y COLLECT(2 13) 944-0.121 Weekly news, not m onthly history PERFORMAIlCE MACHIIIE DISC BRAKES AIIDWHEELS / Ri der s got off to a rough start on th e sli ck. muddy course at the Missouri Mudders' Winter Hare Scrambles in Rivermont. Missouri. la ps of th e two -hou r even t were Reynaud and Da le H u lsey, both Huskymo u nted. T he y cha lle nged each o ther in a ni p-and-tu ck baule throug h seven lap s with less th an a mi n u te separa ting them . Reynau d , the 1985 Missouri Cham pio ns hi p H a re Scra m b les Champion a nd Mi ssouri Governor's Cup wi nner a t the Flat R iver Grand P rix, widened the gap 10 a lmost three minutes by the finish of the event. Th e leaders were able 10 finesse th eir way through the difficu lt, slick co u rse, ho wever. ma ny others were less fortu nate. At an observed check midwav in the race, an ice hole camouflaged by muddy water crea ted a n unsuspected hazard. Ma n y riders cra shed as they hit the ice and attempted 10 nego tiate a turn, with bike and rider goi ng in different directi ons. Miss ouri and Illinois riders have com e 10 expect well -orga nized a nd fun even ts from the Misso uri Mudders Club, a n d. again. they were no t disappoin ted . More than 40 troph ies were dis tr ibuted a mo ng the eig h t classes. Res ults • • • • • Calipers Discs Master Cylinders Mitchell. Spun Aluminum Wheels SBS D Brake Pads isc Send 13 (or CDmp( e catalog. . et Performance Machine. Inc . 15520 lI/inOiS P.O. Box 927 Paramount. A 90723 t (213) 634-6532 ® Florid a D eale rs W holesale Only 800/223·5996 Sillmlene ,.~ •SPECTRO OtLS WEST California De aler s Ca ll Toll Free 1 (BOO) D ·I -A·l·O- I·l In NV. AZ. NM , (BOO) 331 ·3480 'NFO, (714) 989·7070 COMPETITION .. STREET PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR MOST MOTORCYCLE Co m plete S e rvic e Dept . cycle products (213) 477·0997 'WES If ' . 1 1 90 0 W. Pic a Blvd ., Lo. Angel e• • CA WHEEL WO RKS Street and Dirt CompetitionandRecreatonal OIl·Road Motorcycles i 740 f . San" ManaSf SantaPa . CA 9J06O US A y/,] 56 (B05I 525·JJ6J Dea InqUiries InvIted ler .BRIDGESTONEand METZELER TIRES S~ln(ess Steel Spokes" ladn, " 127 B7 N utwood Gorden Grove. CA (7 14) 530-6681 OVERALL: 1. Rusty Reynaud (Hus) : 2. Dale Hut sev (Hus) ; 3 . Tim Surdyke (Yam); 4 . Randy Jones (Hen] : 5. Larry Bu rkhart (Hon); 6 . Karlan Kasten dieck (Kaw ); 7 . Steve Un der w ood (Yam); 8 . M ike Blair (Yam ); 9 . Karvey Fin lay [Suz] : 10 . Steve Fisher (Yam); 11 . Ed Matway (Han) ; 12 . Pat Sm ith (Kaw); 13 . Ma rk Grumke (Hus) ; 14 . George Lawson Ie-A); 15. Sean Palm er (KTMI; 16. AI He ulek (Kawl; 17 . : Kevi n O'B rien (Kaw) ; 18 . Kevin M assmann IHus); 19. Greg Stahlman (Kaw); 20. Ken Matway (kaw) . MINI BIKES : 1. Steve Leivalt: 2. Lanc e Mills; 3. Jason M oore ; 4 . lac Vac hlalek . BEG : 1. Kev in Kenna ; 2. Stev e Bents; 3 . Jeff Pal mer ; 4 . Bill Bosworth ; 5. Bobby Leonard. EX: 1. Rusty Reynaud; 2. Dale Husley; 3. Greg Sta hlman; 4 . Jerry Hemann. 125 : 1. Randy Jones ; 2. Ken Matway; 3. Steve M cWhat er . 200: 1. Karlan Kastendieck : 2. M ike Bla ir ; 3 . Harvey Fisc her; 5. Pat Smith. 250: 1. Michael Beirmann; 2. John Garrett; 3. Jason Harper; 4 . Mark Mills; 5 . Kenneth Schlerel man. OPEN: 1. M ike Burkhart; 2. Steve Underwood; 3. Ed M atway; 4 . Mark Grumke; 5. Sean Palmer. SR: 1. George lawson; 2. AI Hejled; 3 . Everett Shinau lt ; 4. Ed Jacobs; 5. Robert Jones. SS : 1. J im Letellier; 2. Ron Throckmorton; 3. Leroy Hine holf. Olsen ousts Woodley at Salem By C lay Ught SALE;\1. O R, FE B. 21 Ka wasaki pi lots Ken n y O lsen a n d Joh n " Wildman " Woodley sp lit mo to wi ns in l25cc P ro ac tio n d uring th e fir st o f two co n secu tive ni ghts o f racing a t th e Oregon Sta te Fairg rounds in Salem. Olsen wo n mot a o ne an d added a seco nd in mota two 10 n ab tap ca sh payoff. Woodley won a mota-two shooto u t, but a fir st -m ot a thi rd put the ATAK ride r seco n d in rhe ovcral ls. Wash in g ton 's Scali Ty ler ca me home from the .Go lden Sta te Series to nab two classes, winni ng th e 250cc a nd Open P ro events . The fir st 125cc P ro contest had Sa lem 's O lsen la un ch hi s ATA K/O ' Neal sponsored KX i n to the lead a head of P ro -Ca libre rider Gra yson H art (Ka w), H onda -m o unted Ga ry Beyer a nd teammat e Woodl ey. Olsen hel d off H art fo r th e moto win while th ir d fell th e wa y of Wood ley o ver Gl enn H u nt er (Suz) a nd Beyer. Mot o two saw an on-t he -move Woodley ta ke command in the IO-lap race, wh il e Ol sen fo ugh t o ff H art and Hun ter for seco nd, a position h e would h a ve 10 ho ld 10 th e finish in orde r 10 n ab th e ove ra ll. The rnoto went Woodl ey's way in impressive fashion, but O lsen took to p laurels wit h a seco nd over H art , Hun ter a nd Beyer. T yler (Ya ma ha Support/ Hi- Point) ea sily breezed to a four-far-fo ur mota win tall y in bo th the 250cc a nd O pen P ro outi ngs in his usual sty le. T he big-bore ranks have been down in numbers, and ton ight o n ly KTM rider H a rt gave Tyler any cha lle nge in th e Open P ro portion . In th e 250cc class, Don Biscegl ia (Yam ) was 10 be Ty ler 's closest co mpe ti tion in both moros . Biscegl ia did a ll h e co u ld to ree l in Tyler, bu t T yler ca ptu red bo th motos and was th e o n ly rider in attendance to clear the triple jumps. The 125cc B class was tri mmed to l Oin order ~o fit the sta rt ing gate, and turn ed o u t 10 be o ne of the m ost controversial races this S {"dSOn in Salem when series Iront-runncr Den ni s McConnell and ex-P ro Ro n Va ndehey, both on Kawasakis, were disqualified for "rough riding." This opened up th e door 10 Ya ma ha of Roseburg 's Monty Spalding, who has been long o verd ue for a win in the class. Spalding took the lead and held on to the ch eckers for hi s second win in th e series a head of Yamaha-mounted Ra v Bruington, Honda pi lots Ed J en sen', Dana Anderson a nd Darren R ogers, who round ed o u t th e top five, P ro -Cal ibre KTM ride Bria n H all ! ca me down from Vancouver , \\'ashington and like Tyler. took two classes during the even ing. H all wo n th e 250cc B a nd the 30-40 Mon ey classes o n his 250 KT M water p u mper and his fi rst ta sk was the tw o 250cc B co ntests. Mot o o ne sa w H a ll lose o u t after a ro ug h baule from brother Kyle H all (Han ), but the secon d m ot o was a nothe r sto ry. Bri a n o u trode Kyle to nab a 2- I tall y fo r fir st-place brass, edgi ng Kyle's 1-2 talli es. Suzuki ride r Ford Ta n n uc k too k a third wi th 4-3 rid es. H all had an eas ier time in the 30-40 class, dom ina ting both rnotos by bea tin g fell ow I!i70s P ro s Bill Cook (Yam) a nd H o nda rider Dav e Ea ki n. Anothe r grea t race was th e l25cc C fina l. The class was run in th e max i-

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