Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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m um ·I O-ri d er form a fte r b ein g trimmed down from 22 co n testa nts . Sal em 's J ohn Gr egson (T eam T aylor/ Kaw ) topped h is heat ra ce a n d came back to lead the eight-lap finale ahead of seco nd-heat winner Scott Garrison (Team Tay lor / Kaw ). Jeff Cook (Ya m ) a nd Bria n Burnside (Suz). Gregson got so me extra breathing room wh en Garrison bai led off in th e wh oop-dedoos and went on to victorv over Cook, John Griffin (Kaw), Burnsid e, Garri so n and Paul Rosenow (Kaw ), rounding out th e to p six. T eam ATA K-spo nsored Dust y Bro wn wa s among th e even ing's big wi n ners, dominating both th e 80cc C heat ra ce and th e ma in event o n hi s Ka wasa ki. Bro wn burst o u t o f th e gate to steal th e show a nd was never headed, leavin g th e fighting to Troy Fuller (Ya m ) and Honda-mounted Ben Parker for th e run ner-up laurels. Full er h eld on fo r a second with Park er th ird over local rider Robv Leach (Ka w ). Da n n y Ulven manhan dled the 80cc Bclass , winning both o u tings for a I-I bli tz. Seco nd went to J ason Pearson (2-2), wh ile Bob by Eyman (Yam) took third via 3-3 ri des. Results 125 PRO: 1. Kenny Ol sen (Kaw): 2 . Jo hn Woodley (Kaw ); 3 . Gra yson Hart (Kaw) . 250 PRO: 1. Sean Tyl er (Yam): 2. Don Biseegl is (Yam) . 500 PRO: 1. Sean Tyler (Yam ): 2. Gr ayson Hart (KTM) . 500 C: 1. Bruce Ku d na (Hon) ; 2. Todd Biscegl ia (Han); 3 . Al an Dauga (Han). 250 B: 1. Bria n Ha ll (KTM); 2 . Kyle Hall (H on~ 3 . Ford Tan nuck (Suz). 2 50 C: 1. Ron Stavenson (Han); 2. Brian Rehnard (Hon ); 3 . Dano n Dunagan (Kaw) . 125 B: 1. Mo nty Spal ding(Yaml; 2 . Ray Bru ingt on (Yam); 3 . Ed J en sen (Han) . t25 C: 1. Jo hn G regson ( K aw ~ 2. Jeff Cook (Ya m); 3. Jo hn Gr iff in (Kaw). 80 B: 1. Da nny U!yen (Kaw); 2. Jason Pearson (Ho n): 3 . Bobby Eyman (Yam) . 80 C: 1. Du sty Brow n (Kaw ); 2. Troy Fuller (Yam); 3 . Be n Part< (Han) . er 60 B: 1. Ryan Leach (Hon); 2. Chri s Paterso n (Kaw) . 30-40 S: 1. Br ian Hall (KTM ): 2. Bill Cook (Yam ); 3 . Dave Eakin (Hon). McRee styles Swamp Fox Enduro By Johnny Thomas C HARLEST O N. SC, FEB. 16 SE&TRA AA rider M itch McR ee pi cked th e r ight l i n es throug h the mud a nd slus h for the ov erall win at th e 15 th Annual Swamp Fo x End uro put on by th e Family Riders Motorcycle C lu b. H ea vy rai ns befo re th e event turned a good co u rse into a surviva l run for m ost o f th e 240 riders. Clu b o fficia ls a pologized for th e a mou nt of water o n the co urse a n d destruct ion to riders' mach ines: it certa in ly was n 't th eir intention for so ma ny to DNF. Mc Re e, w ho is sponsored by H & H KT M, was I I points ahead of hi s closest competitor, Michael Grizzle, after naviga ting th ro ug h th e tight trail and swa m ps. With milcsof mud a nd wa ter in th e ea rly sectio ns, many riders had little or no brak es bv th e gas stop a nd wer e forced to ride th e drier and fast er tra ils with panic from turn to turn. Dod g in g scru b oaks without brakes cert a in ly did add to the exci teme nt of th e event. Those lu cky riders who did not get st uck or d ro wn out required a WFO rid ing style for the majority of th e trails in order to a void d isquali fication for bei ng la te. Results OVERAll; i . Mitch M cRee (32 ). AA: 1. Darryl Ku en zer (4 5). OPEN A : 1. Barr y Higgins (46); 2 . George Wa ll er Jr. (53 ); 3. Bob Sch illin ger (541 . 25 0 A : 1. Jo hn Boswell (4 6 1; 2. Buren Hamrick (67); 3 . Ell is love (90). 200 A : 1. M ich ael Grizzle (4 3); 2. Ronnie Barn es (114); 3 . Tom Phillips (17 0 ). OPEN B: 1. Tim Alexander (78); 2. Dean Butl er (7 8); 3 . Ed McCarson (105). 250 B: 1. Ma rk Fennell (89); 2 . Mart

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