Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ u ::l; w o ., '" o > l- o :I: e, Bill Kelly turned consistent 1 :3 0 s for the Formula One top honors at Moroso Motorsports Park in West Palm Beach. Florida. canoga Park, California Available at dealer'severywhere. -, fl.· IlIlIGHT lOSS Flat Trackers Catalog CHAMPION Grlmeca Brake Syslems. fr ames Of roiling fr on t sp oo l . q Uick c h ange rea r whHls. sprocke' s, am• . car bs . p Ipe S. sprmg k 11 5. p istons. g lass. fe;.t s. s~' n k K&N. Ma ri occ h l 50 PERFORMANCE ACCESSORIES Nell Keen 3141426-6959 Ch.... Ch....... 3131629-6921 We carry a full line of Spectro products for the Ohio area . DuIers in Ohio cel l 216 323-3051 in the Formula One class, turning consistent I:30s for the win. A 90minute endurance ra ce began th e day's ac tio n foll owed by an aft ern oon o f sp ri nt races. More than 50 riders co m pe ted in fo ur cla sses in th e en d ura nce race wh ich featured a LeM ans-style sta rt . Kevin Blai s, on th e NCL-sponsored Kawasaki 900, hol eshot the sta rt, fol lo wed by J oe McKay, riding th e T eam Cocon uts / Redline VFI 000, and T eam Miami Vice's n ew GSXR 750, piloted by learn ca p tai n SIeve T eld er. Ri ck Johnson (Yam ), Kell y (Yam ), and Team Rapid T rans it 's Gina Rosat i, o n th e J & B Kaw a saki 600 Ninja, sta rted m idpack a nd were working th eir way tow ards th e front runners. At the halfwa y point, Blais was forced 10 d rop o u t with en gine problem s, a nd soo n after, Johnson followed su it. With four laps to go to the finish . th e sh ifter on th e T eam Coconuts entry snapped in two going into turn on e at 100-plus mph. Pil ot Ricky Miller wa s launched into a sm a ll lake, ending Coconuts' chances for th e win. With the overall at the che ckered flag it was Class Two entry Brya n Schwing. In a t seco nd overall, Team Miami Vice ca pt ured the Class One vic tory, and G us tavo Londono, on a Yamaha 600, took first-place in Class Three with the third overall finish. Ro u nd in g out th e top five were Greg Esser (Yam) and Team Ra p id Transit. The sprint ra ces began with ' the Formula Two event. P om p ano , Flo rida 's Esser (Ya m) and 1985F-2champion John France (H o n) left John Long (Ya m) and Bill Beesch far beh in d as they battled handl ebar-tohandlebar for seven laps. With three laps to go, France dropped a chain an d Esser coa sted to an easy win for Expert top honors, followed by Long a n d Beesch. This wa s France's first defeat in nine ra ces. Formula Two Novice winner was Curt Kicklighter. riding a FJ600 Yamaha spo nso red by Redline Motorcycle Parts. The Formula One race saw Kell y o u t fro nt right aw a y a n d leading th e entire ra ce. His consistent I :30 lap times compare favorably with the track record of 1:27:0 1 set by Eddie Lawson on a factory Kawasaki 1000 Superbike. Do ug Chancey. rid ing the Kawasaki -Suzuki City 1000 ELR, finished seco nd. followed by Pat O'Leary on a TZSOO and promoter/racer Henry DeG ouw on a TZ750. The Novice win went to Yamaha-mount ed Jim Groves, with Steve Telder (Suz) and Jimmy Sh elton (Ya m) close behind. The Prod uction Two race saw Pro rider Jim Pen n ing to n on th e Penningt on Racing Suzuki grab th e holeshot, followed by Mill er on the Suzuki of Pal m Beach /Redlin e Racing/Team Cocon uts/N O-spo nsored Su zu k i . GS RX-mounted Chau ncey was next, followed off th e line by Gl enn Carlson on his new Yamaha FZ750. On lap four , Miller powered into first place, and Pen n in gt on 's efforts to recapture the lead were ha m pered by tires that were sliding a little too much. Chauncey ca ugh t and passed Pennington on lap seven , and Mi ller went on to th e win with holes worn in both sides o f his lower fairi ng. The fin al race of th e day, the $1000 Sh ootou t, went to Chauncey riding hi s ELR, with Kell y in second thi s time o u I , ahea d of Pat 0 ' Leary. Miller was locked into fourth most of the race, until th e frei g h t train of France a nd Esser draft ed him down the back straigh t a nd o u tbraked him on the last lap to round out th e top five. Results ENDURANCE Class One: 1. Team M iami Vice; 2. W. Kranen- be rg; 3. Team Coconuts . Class Two : 1. B. Schw ;ng: 2. D. Fellman; 3. J . M arkestyn. Class Three: 1. G. Londono; 2. G. Esser; 3. Team Rapid Transit. Class Four: 1. J . Reed. F-l EX: 1. B. Kelly; 2. D. Chau ncey; 3. P. O·Leary. NOV: 1. J. Groves; 2. P. Telder: 3. J . Shelton . F-2 I EX: 1. G. Esser; 2. J. Long; 3 . W. Beesch. NOV: t . C. Kicklight er; 2. D. Hallgren : 3. W. Draneberg. F-3 EX: 1. J. Shore. F-4 EX: 1. K. Blais. MOD PROD ONE EX: 1. S. Wans. NOV: 1. J . Shelton; 2. J . Di..; 3. T. Heavey. MDDPRODlWO EX: 1. Bill Kelly; 2 . M. Chin; 3 . J. Long. NOV: 1. J . Groves; 2. K. Rodman; 3. B. Pogue. MOD PROD THREE EX: 1. T. Barker; 2. G. Londono; 3. T. Dietz. NOV: 1. C. Kicklighter; 2. H. Wilson; 3. J. Arc Ha. MOD PROD FOUR EX: 1. T. Panigianoni. NOV: 1. J . Cole; 2. M . Lencaster; 3. A. Burney. PROD ONE EX: 1. J. Shelton; 2. J . FlickJ inger; 3. C. Harnts. PRODlWO EX: 1. R. Miller; 2. D. Chauncey; 3. J . Pennington . NDV: 1. K. Rudman: 2. S. Telder; 3. B. Pogue. PROD THREE EX: 1. T. Dietz; 2. D. Jensen: 3. J. Beard. NOV: 1. C. Kickl ightar; 2. D. Robert s; 3. H. Wi lson. PROD FOUR EX: 1. M . Lencaster; 2. P. Sull ivan. TWINS: 1. J. Szoldr ak. VIN: 1. J . Long: 2. A. Burn ey. SHOOTOUT: 1. D. Chaun cey; 2. B. Kelly; 3. P. O·Leary. Lance wins Glen Helen MX By Terry Whytal SAN BERNARDINO. CA, FEB . 23 Kawasaki riders Gary Sailors and Chris Lance traded mota wins in th e 250cc class at th is opening day of th e new G len H elen tra ck with Lance takin g th e overall win of th e SMX-san ctioncd even t bv virtue o f th e seco n d m ot o lie-break er. La nce a nd Sail ors hauled througho u t both rno ros as severa I o ther top

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