Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-WEST COAST 1.1 ~~~. SUPERBIKESERIES 1986 Former motorcycle and Formula One car World Champion John Surtees attended t he Daytona 200. Wind (Co ntinued from pag e 2) T he Io wa Depa rtm en t o f Soil Conserva tion is co nd uc ting a study wh ich m ay lead to th e clos ing o f Wi lcox Mo to rcycle Pa rk . located in Marion Co u n ty's Wi lcox W ildl ife P reserve. accord ing to a n A:'vIA gover nment rela tions repo rt . A st udy of th e p resent recrea tion uses o f the preserv e is underwa y. and results o f th e study will be used to exa mi ne th e poten tia l fo r recla ma tio n o f nearby mining si tes. Possible fede ra l fu ndi ng earmarked for mine la nd recl amation co u ld jeopardized the co m in ued use o f th e a rea bv dirt bik es a nd ATV s. T he AMA urge s riders wh o have not responded to the stu dy to write irnmediatcly to G eorge Butler Asso cia tes. 202 51h S treet , Ames. IA 500 10. a nd .ret! uest a W ilco x Pa rk S urvey fo rm . Due t o a production error caught at presstime. t he date shown on the pages of this Cycle News i ncorrectly read March 26; the correct date is March 19. as listed on the front page. Acco rdin g to Mik e Burroughs o f H u sq varn a 's ad vert isin g a ge ncy a nd English press reports , Cagiva has p urchas ed th e m o torcycle d ivisi on o f Husq varna . Former Road America winner. Malcome S. Tunstall. 31. has joined forces w ith Bimota S.p.A. to race. test and resear c h Bimota road racers. The a n n ua l T ra ilblazer s Ba n q u et sch ed u led for the Broo kside Cou n try CIub in Pasadena , Cali fornia, April 5, will h onor vet era n m ot orcycle journal ists w ith th e th em e " Wri ters beh in d th e R iders." Tick ets are $20 p er pe rson, a nd th ose wis h i ng to at tend ca n make th eir reservation s th rough Ed Kretz, Jr., at 8 18/2808214 . Reserva tions deadline is Ma rch 27. Kawasaki Motors' Team Tour program is offering test ri d es of Kawa saki's Voyager. Voyager XII and Concours model touring bikes at six major touring gatherings in 1986, including events at Willow Springs. California; Laguna Seca. California; Green Valley. Texas; Road Atlanta, Georgia; Mid Ohio in Lexington. Ohio; and Hallet. Oklahoma. For more information. contact Jeff Ringsrud or Beth A llegretti, 714 /720-0941 . [Co n tin ued to Pflge ~?! Gates Open 7 :00 Racing Starts 11 :3 0 ROUND 2 SPONSORED BY ~ DENSO MAR. 22 & '23 BE THERE! For Info call: (213) 864-0704 or (805) 256-2471 Stop by the Kerker booth and enter our free drawing for an xhaust System or a Set of Soft luggage. E SIIERIIERS ~DENSO Budweiser . .... .. .. I"UJGS f O'l A UTOM oacu: s . TRUCX • • M OTOlIl cYClf a .. f. t HO~' (SHOEI) .. if it's Brakes you need EBC has the answer! M249 SUPERSTREET PADS EBC's new M249 GG h igh fr ict ion disc pads improve your Slopp ing power. Ideal forG 5XR. Ninja . Interceptor or Gold WinglVentu re. &15 to &208 TAKE CARE OF YOUR BRAKES set. METALLIC PADS GROOVED SHOES Sintered meta l. lon g lasting " R" Ser ies pads f or Quads. Dirt Bikes and AlVs. " Guar anteed W et Perf ormance. "Full ref und if no t to ta lly sat isfied w it h w ear an d perfo rmance of t his pro d uct . &19 per set. Soft l in ing s w it h he avy grooves re pel wa ter and mud. Uprat e drum brak e performance 20 percent on Dirt Bikes and AlVs with reduced dr um w ear. &7 to &15 pe r set •• Alwoys inspect pod s & discs befo re rid ing . Roploc. pods every two y. o. s e r when lining thickne•• i, below "" inch. Keep o il, & gr8• • • a w a y f ro m b rakes . Hy-Tech Motorcycle Components. 12860 Br adley Ave .• Sy lm ar. CA 9 1 3 4 2 (81 8 ) 362-5 534 5

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