Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the m . Along wit h my deal er (Pa ltrin eri s' Repair in Pennsylvania ), the y mak e me very satisfi ed to hav e purchased a KT M. What ot he r manu facturer would give this trea rrneru to u s " lill ie" guys? Tha n ks again, guys, Keep up the good work , scorr WO LFERS BERGER Mo rga nvill e, NJ Super dea ler NATIONAL Woody's Cycle in Mikado . Mich iga n is a dealershi p that really sta nds o ut. It seems th ey kn o w the true mea n in g o f sta ndi ng behi n d what they sell. In m y 15 years o f racing a nd having m y problem s ign ored or ge tti ng n o resul ts at a ll, I sta rted dealing with Yamaha a t Woody's Cycle and since th at tim e I have had hel p from th e s ta ff and d eal er ship th a t C ar exceeds wh at wo u ld be requi red , a nd I feel this type o f ser vice sho u ld be recognized , GENO BR USH Dra yton P lains, MI America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sh aron Cla yton . Publisher Mikt' Khnger , Comptroller Skip johnson. A ssociate Publisher . Na tional Salrs Ma nagt'T Jack M a n ~ u !> -.A.u()l"tl1tt' Publisher Srn;OT Edito r R beb a S m ith . Circu int ion ManaK" Caroline Gfondr'), Exrcutnv S,.n,.tof)' to til,. Publisher Ed itorial Juhn ll lrirh . Editor Kil Palmer• •-tssoriate E.ditor Matt H ilgen ber g . A S50riD. tt' Editor Paul Ca rruthers. Associate Ed itor Farr en Will ia m s. A sso riatt" Ed itor Ventura County M .C . Advertising T t'HY Pra tt, It'l''.'itt'rtl Sat es .\ltHtQKt'T T im Ryan . U' t'sUm Sa/':J Ma"a~M' Mark Thorn e. n 't'JI,.m .' nl,.,, "'a"a~,. r \ . Mil t' ChurI·h. Eestrm .~ lt"., .\In,,a g~r Thomas R. GOIlIt'f . "~n .\I " '" Snl,.., Mnlltt Kt'T Li nda Bmwu. 11',.. 1,., ,, ..l d. Coo rd inator \ ('.aria BcmIt,.i. f~(ut,.m Ad. CfHm f i mdo r NanC1~ W:.nlrll . Ad,'t'rt;.fillK Editur;dlA.ut . Grap hic. and Prod uction Ginger Machado . Production M,mnflf'r Malcolm WilMlO. Graph ;c Anisr Dia na H11~n~K. Graph;c Art i.\( Mario n Hatash ita . T'Ipn,.t tn Car ol yn Br anham , T Yp'.'t"lIn Dennis Grtt'TK'.l..Ab . T ech n icia n Accounting /Data Processing Do nna Brya n• ....~cts. Rtuiwbk C oordinator Gt"nM'a Re pa ss, A ss;sta"t - Fran Hamwev, Credit Circ ulat ion Sal ah f;,~ 'lol .-Iu ;.\I" '" .\ hl l;l .\ II All i;1II0 .-I.\.\ i .\l n ll l l .ilub l:'lnLlIrilxl .I.u i.\I" '" Chl 'li ( :Il;l p lllau .-l..\;. 'm,' \ \ Laura ;\ llh itlJ,,t·. .-l ,\.\".~t(H11 ' Wan t Ad. sl ;in Be'1II lI'n" , Ad Snl,.,\ S ervice an d S u pport Chris Aitchesou. H t ad q uartt''r.f R rcrption ist Leonard Her rin g. Service and SupfJOrl Nati onal Headquarters 2201 C ht" rry Ave.. Long Brach . r.A 90800: mai lin.'C add r("~ ... P.O . Box ·198. Lou g Beach. c.\ 9080 1-0498: 21~ '427-7H 3, 2 1~ 636-88+1. Ea.tern Office 4190 Fin l Ave., Tucker. GA 30084: mai fing add ress P.O . Box 805. Tucker, GA 30085· 080;: 404/934-7s.;o. C\"Cl(" N("ws (lI SPS 141 · ~.jO ) i"i published wn'k l~' ("X«'p l the firM a nd J;1 'lo1 \\,t'("k o f the r ale nda r veur for $25 pe r "c.·ar by Cvrte-:": ws. r Inr ., 220 1 Cberrv Avenue, Long Beach . CA 90806 . Second class POS I Cyc le New•• Inc . 19 B6, Trademark Cyc le New. reg l.tered U.S . Patent Office . Allrights reserved. Radial motorcycle tires I would like 10 dra w vour auen rio n P eter Clifford's art icle (Cycle News. Februar y 12 ) " O W8 1 Ya maha Test." In th e art icle, Mr. Cl ifford has noticed th e tre me n do us ease w ith wh ich Sarro n 's 1985 Yamaha ha ndl es. As the article sta tes, th e tires used o n the bik e were Mich el in rad ial s. Rega rd ing benefits o f o ur radia l moto rcycle tire, ha ndl in g is certa in ly o ne of the major benefits , And. th e Mich el in radi al s u sed on the O W81 Ya maha cont rib u te, in no sma ll way, 10 its h an dling cha racter istics, In fa c t, o ur radia ls a llow th e same motorcycle 10 be ridden in to curves deep er, C aster, a nd wi th grea ter ease th an wi th n on -rad ial ti res. I thi n k this is evide n t by the success of riders usin g Mich elin radial s duri ng th e 1985 raci ng seaso n, MATH EW AARON Manager, Cycle Ti res Mich el in Ti re Corpora tio n Greenville, SC 10 Right on time You guys are right .. . a ny thi ng else is hi sto ry. In th e case of th ree of you r co m pe tito rs (I won 't mention a ny names, but Hi-T orque Publ ica tions know who I'm referring to), we a re ta lki ng ancient h istory. In December '85. , o rde red four d ifferent magazines as Christmas gi fts. but Cycl e New s was th e onl y one to realize' meant Christmas '85, not '86, My dad go t a great ca lendar and a gift card on Decem ber 24th (Wha t timing!( and the very n ext iss ue of Cycle News, The other guys? Well . we have very hi gh hopes for ma ybe ge uing th e June issues. An yway, ' just wanted to say thanks a n d keep up th e grea t work. KELLY MOAKLEY Chi co , CA ON TH E FRONT PAGE : (To p) J immy Filic e lead. the start of a Superbike heet race. (Below) S uperbike 200 w inner Edd ie law son . Daytona coverage begins on page 6 . Photo . by Henny Ray Abram• . 4 Atlanta supercross The m otocro ss at Atl anta Fulton County Stadium was o kay, but th e mud bog reall y suc ked . In th e co m - ing year. if yo u a re going to run motorcycles. run th e bik es, please do no t m ix th e tw o . , kn o w th e wea ther was a n ex treme factor, bu t th at is n o excuse for th e wa y th at the m o tocross was run. Some o f th e rid ers sho u ld wri te in a nd co m p la in too . and maybe nex t year's mot oc ro ss will be even be tter ! TER R Y C SMITH Un io n City, G A Advancing motorsports In response to th e letter fro m th e Mo torsp orts Advancement Crusade , I understand wha t Bill Wildt is p u tti ng across. It 's no t just abou t o ur great sport of m o torcycle raci ng, but abou t th e p ress a n d th e m edi a realizing th e inherent right of all motorsports whethe r i t be the sa nc tio n i ng bod ies or th e airing jou rnals to rightfully an d eq ua lly be represented. It seems to me, th e gen eral pu bl ic ha s been denied th e en ligh ten me n t o f what 's reall y hap pening in sports tod a y. Wh ich includes not o n ly th e acrivi ties o f people. but th e scie nce, technol ogy . a nd d ynamics of h ighly structured sports ac tivity o n bo th a ma teu r an d professional level s. I want m otorsports enthusiasts nationwide to step forward now a nd co m m u nica te with th eir governing sports bodies this need to be recognized by th e national medi a, MARC LaFOND Kankakee, IL KTM I would lik e to th ank Rod Bush, Wilford and Kevin Hines o f KTM for their help a t th e National H are Scra m bles in Florida. T hey seeme d o n ly too ~ Ia d to ta ke tim e o u t o f th eir bu sy schedu les to co rrect so me bu ~s in m y new KTM, even th ou gh th ey had th eir own bik es a nd bi kes o f more ta lented rider s th an m yself to tak e Glre oc. I feel thi s is a grea t service to th e people wh o purch ast'd bik es from Dou~ Congra tul a tions to th e Ventu ra County M,C. on th eir first event; the First Chance Enduro was excell ent! , -as well as m an y o the r riders were im p ressed. Th e three-loop course m ade exce llent use of th e terrain ; p lenty of checks keep every body time keepin g and the co urse was well marked . T he Sa tu rday pok er a nd specia l drawi ngs ( i .e .• Dann y " Magoo" Chand ler Ben efit) helped ro und ou t the weekend ,Special th anks to G ranada Yamaha for thei r cont inui n g su pport of moto rcycle events. Looki ng forwa rd to ridi ng their next event. ED BUTLER Fami ly Raci ng Assoc . U nited End uro Assoc. '-Long B each , CA Pub lished letters do not necessarily reflect the positio n of Cycle News, Inc . Letters for publicat ion m ust be typed and double-spaced; letters must include the author's correct name and address; unsigned or anony m ou s letters cannot be used; due to the volume of ma il no letters can be returned or ac knowledged. Send letters to Voices, P.O . Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801 .

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