Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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----- - , YEti YEARS AGO _-.. --_ -.., .OTOCOUISI 1915· VenezuelanJ o h n ny Cecouo shrugged off the threat of a tire failure to win the Dayto na 200 on his factory Yamaha. T h e reigni ng 350cc World Champi on la p ped th e enti re field in cl uding second place fini sh er Gary Nixon. T h ird pl a ce went to Pat Hennen on h is Suzu ki. Yamaha 's Kenny Roberts qual ified on th e pole for the 200 a fter setti ng a n ew track record o f 111.546 m ph o n th e len gth en ed 3.87- mile co u rse, bu t h is cha nces of a win ended wh en he p itted for a tire cha nge. Robert s d id, h ow ever, win th e International Li ghtweight rac e on hi s 250cc Yam aha aft er an earl y lap duel with seco nd a nd th ir!!.placoy"_ _ .lUl J US 11_ ISUllUl $lII_1IOFU .us .11J5 _ _ 1951 .lUl _ _ Gdd ~ 35J1';; II2 Lll - •.105 = ::.a::_ l ~.~~::: : ::::ltll .Ia.t _ POfOlllAllC[-l-~5:1E~~1 ~ !!!!aTOI _=.~1ISI' ATIIlSTIlfTltIWllST: _TltElIiU := OUCAT1I1OTOICTCUS THI .OTOICTCLE rucna:TTIO ~.'r.==.::: IACIn MAJID- mom =-~.=.= ::-alS:-~\:.: ===~= s~ k y d r C -",pIlIfII ""'CodLballlCbol* '19.95 :==r::= "j. : : : : : :J:~~ ====-- ca: .. -_ :- -_ .... •• SclMol IICIlldn AppbIlIt." . . . . . ., ~ . ..... , . ~IlOlDCrOSl,_ .... t'JIdn. AlItlI.Alll CIlk;i· IIlIlI , ~ wokdllI m III sa.- adtIa(, . . . . . . . \I ........ -.I NIl! ~::.. ~ bool 01 _1tr*s. aee. IlICI _ _ IM1 btlllNl bI_ " . ' • • 13 . llIlIIIIIIIdId. 113 Ine drJw. .. ~ lnIIIlpII 2 «1 -r-,... ID54911 'friIIIIIII Twill' ' UTIlHI :r~~~~n: ....... .. "..lmllO' ~1Il1lOdn_ ~o:.=::.-:::: r';, 105 122A '* .._-.. -:» _ -_- ,""' _ " Sl9.95 1057178 SlU5 ~ . •• • . . .I15.95 ~gJ ORDER roLL-FREE 1-8DO-8B6-6600 ~:,w:,~er! ThtCUssic n.~ " . ,_, I""" wI..., · 1Q QAY MONEY-BACK GUAAANTEE lnquiriesuse 715-294-3345 lStrzvv'Ii:iWiW3' ~ , .. .... P.o. Box 1 UBFlARYOROE~& DEALER INQUAES NVlTEO OSCEOLA. WI 13 :'" .1. . • lUliNGO IIO t RA Pl OF A ED M R· Ape ..... ", F. . . s.-- ~ . :,. wrtlla::: dIdII-.... _~~ .. ... ..., • 'ICllII .. . , CIIiIl:nII. ~ 100111' n I'D; ......, .1fI'" -=- :1I96~ m. : :fl;:~ ;.~._a::.'~c=c:-~ _ ~qNlrgm. _o:::o~ ='_ ~~ Send S2U5 • "em num~: OrdersOnly.WI, AK, 8c all lIotorboob ~ . IC1llIIIlIIST ... •... •. ...IUS 1Idd: S2.15 ..... .." " .III $2t15 , ~EASE P~INT ura....... .-SXI,Cll •• fncloNd hi n'Ir ctIKll or !nOrMr OI'lMf tor s 7.==:=::0::;;::::;:::::::::-::: ChO'" '''O"", ' DMC D VISA D AMEX D CAmE BlANCI£ D OIN£FlSCWB Acel . I Elp. c.dho6c*'s'"- _ _ zeHOlM TOlLFlU PHOIIE SEIVIC[. lI'len," til ill row ....... till tr........ DIAlI-lOOI3-66OlI. WI. N.- ~Cauda~a:re.~~~=~6t~~--::r:;~s~ . . . . SJQ. ~ SJ..95. T. '" cUraed CMrS costItt sIliIIPinI 41.. dis, boolposl. ~...,. . , . . sIIIIp tIilI -..: ~--------------------CIty ~.te Z" _ '*' 'aI AJ . .:J COOs. .. residaltsadd 5" til. OURPRICESAREGUARANTEED 15DAYSFROMTHECOYER DATE Of THISPUBLICAllON · DOII"T DElAT L ~~C:~::~ _ =::=::..n:. =='_=.... "' ~ : CN04B .J Subscribe and g et yo u r name on the co ver of C ycle News. At the O a kda le Ro ug h Scram ble in Oakdal e, Ca liforn ia, Jeff Haney wo n the 125cc Expert class after beating Rod Green er . In the 250cc Expert class il was Alex Jorgensen beati ng Kim Jorgensen . The Open Expert class went to Francis Lopes. 520 McGlincy Lane. Campbell. CA 95008 (408) 371-1221

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