Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a: ~ ~ ~ 0 ~fore movin g by ,_~~ !n g th e seco nd p lace slo t. T he H onda charger th en set hi s sigh ts o n th e lead er. " Morehea d was slow in g a little in th e fou rth turn. I got a lo ngside , h eld it o n, a n d p assed him on th e fin is h lin e stra igh t," exp la in ed a sm iling J ones. In th e J un ior ma in, MC Ra cing / H ogwash Cl eaner/DID/Ron Woodsponso red Ville lla led a ll th e way af ter a first turn ba ttle with Bru ce Joh nson a nd Eric Sassaman . Sassama n a nd J o h rison p ro vided the action for the runner-up spot, wi th J ohnson's Alm a Trans pon /Shoei/ Lill ie Ro tax holding o n in a th riller. Villella sai d, " It was m y first ri de o n a Wood -Rotax a nd I wo u ld like to thank Ron Wood a nd Brett Flam e for hel p in g m e get this win. " Pro Am actio n featured West Enterp rises/Cycle Shack-sponso red Majewsk i h olding i t a ll the wa y, with Will iam McCoy p ick in g off Scott Sanders o n th e final la p , ca p tu ri ng seco n d in th e fin a l. Majew ski sa id, " My rear suspenion damp ing softened o n m e. I'm sure g lad this was a • smooth track o u t here ton ight." Results EX: 1. Ronnie Jo nes (Han); 2. Steve Morehead (H·D); 3. TIm Mertens (H-D); 4 . Sammy Swe et (H-D); 5. Pete Hames (H-D); 6. Danny Ingr am (H·D); 7. Roger Durkea (H·D); S. Randy Texter (H· D); 9. George Roeder (H-D); 10. Tony Pite:oek (H-D). JR : 1. Bryan Villell a (WR) ; 2. Br uce John son (RlX); 3. Eric Sassaman (H-DI; 4 . SryanMcDowell (Rtx); 5. P.J. Sanchez(WR l; 6. LesWashbon(H-D); 7. Raben Lewis (Ru ); S. Cecil Lewis (Rtxl; 9. John Holmes (Han); 10. Srad Furlong (H· D). PRO·AM ; 1. Tom Majew ski (WR); 2. Willi am McCoy(H on): 3.Scott Sanders(Hon); 4 . Mark Ma d· dad (Honl: 5. Chance Darli ng (Rtx ); 6. Richard Foard __(tt'?nl; ~ ~a.:',: ~ LH~~)c. _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • • _ _ • .! Husqvarna 's Dan Sm it h finished second ove rall in the Expert race but won the 500cc class and Saturday's Sportsman race. I Viewfinders GP (Co ntin ued from pag e 24) Proc ida (Suz) took over th e Vetera n 250cc Novice lead in lap si x a nd conti n ued to open up a comfortab le lead by the en d of th e 10th lap. Den se fog early Sa tu rday morning restricted visi bil ity on the co u rse and dela yed th e stan o f th e G rand P rix 's Sa turday raci ng p ro g ram by over a n hou r. Although th e fog li fted a little a fter th e sta rt o f rac ing, it rem ained a problem for m uc h o f th e da y, especia lly o n th e back sectio n of th e n in emile co urse. " It's pretty g loomy o ut th ere, a nd th e fog made it a bi t hard - yo u get it a ll over your goggles," sai d Hu sk y p ilo t Bill Saltzma n after leadin g from sta rt to fini sh in the Sen io r Expert class. " I' m g lad I'm a pi lot with a n ins trument rati ng ! It wa s real slippery o u t th ere too ." T here wa s cl ose raci n g in the 81I 75cc Ex pert cla ss, with Pro-Cycle's Todd Campbell (KTM) ta ki ng off fo r th e early lead. Campbell h eld o ff stiff competi tion from Cagi va 's Duane Summers until a pit stop going into lap four gave S ummers a mere 12 seco nd lead. Ca m pbell was in fro nt again as- th e two went through th e check a t th e sta rt of th e nex t lap, but dropped o u t o f th e ru n ni ng lat er in the la p with wh at wa s reported as a broken chain, leavin g Summers to ta ke th e checkered flag. " I took th e lead in th e fifth lap: ' said Summers. " I just tried to keep goi n g really co ns istently. Eac h lap I wou ld go fa ster and faster. " Summers was follow ed in by Greg Flana gan (Kaw) wh o said he lost three or fo ur m inutes cha ng ing a whee l d urin g th e race. First Novice home was J oh n Gomez, who sai d he loved th e jumps. "T he jumps were gr eat - tal k about getting so me a ir! T h e on ly trouble was the m ud - m y ha nds go t to o m ud dy a nd I ha d to cha nge g loves d uring th e race." Saturday's Sportsma n' s race, which started in a blanket o f fog, served as a warmu p for Sunday's m a in even t for m any of th e riders. Dan Sm ith took th e ch eckered fla g in th e Open class, • h D A h f d M'k B k WI I a!1 . s cra t an . I I e a er _

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