Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In the first Novice moto, Dean Ray (Yam) took command of the track to finish in the number-one spot. Dave Blodgett (Suz) ran second, followed by the ATK of Dick Doyle. In mota two, Blodgett was the winner. good for fir st overall. Ra y came in second this time, with Howard Oberg in third for third overal l. In the Novice B cla ss, it wa s Ray Arnold who slipped his fou r-stroke Yamaha into th e winner's circle via I-I rides on the da y. Secon d plac e both times o u t was Larry Escamilla. Results M STRS: 1. Jim Smit h (Vam); 2. Ron Way (Han); 3. M arvin Olson (Yam). EX: 1. Gabe Gutierrez (Hus); 2. Richard Bealer (ya m); 3 Dan San chel (Vam). AM ; 1. David BreelWor; 2. Hal Grady (Han); 3. Milton Royb al. NOV: 1. David Blodgett (SUl); 2. Dean Ray (Vam); 3. Howar d Oberg (Han). NOV B: 1. Ray Arnold (Yam); 2. larry Escamilla (yam) . the final in second. Suzuki rider R ick Holder ended in third. M INI: 1. Steve Fabr izius (Hon); 2. Greg Schenk (Han); 3. Greg Joop (Kaw ). , 25 : 1. Rick Holder (Suz); 2. Rand y Liv ingston (Suz); 3. Tom Norr is (C-A). 200: 1. Andy Hint er long (C-A); 2. Tom Oksas (Yam); 3 . larry Rombout (Kaw ). 25 0: 1. Tom Desort (C-A); 2. Tony Hinterlong (C. A); 3. Greg Richards (Kaw) . OPEN: 1. Ron Bern ard (Han ); 2. Terry Bailey ITri); 3. J im Fischer (Han). SR: 1. Greg Joop (C-A); 2. Jeff Wehrli (C-A); 3. Joe Flars (Rtx). PRO: 1. Charlie Jacobs (Han); 2. Tom Desort (CA); 3. Rick Holder (SUl). SIDECA R: 1. C. Jacobs/R. Ber nard ITri); 2. D. Shumway/A, Hi nterlong (Yam); 3. T. Bail ey /P. Hayes ITri). ~tq'tb~ Ci') etsetS That 's what Cycle News is all about, and that's wha t mo torcycling is allabout. An ything else is history! b~! ~ --- J.I~:.l.\lI By Hugh Gatlin sa ki. Matth ews fin ished rnot o o ne in seco n d place but rallied to a decisive win in th e secon d mota to secure th e overa ll. In 250cclOpen ac tio n , i t was Suzu ki ride r T im Randi ch a ll th e wa y with double m ota wins. H ondamounted Kevin Brown ing took h ome the Iron Man trophy. Moto o ne of th e Pro-Am class had Keith Hatfield in th e lead, foll owed by Ri ck y Adams. Earl y o n th e first lap, Adams fell in a tight turn a nd retired with a wrist injury. Matth ews m oved up to challe nge H atfield but tim e ran o ut a n d h e h ad to sett le for seco nd at th e checkere d . Hatfield pu t hi s Yamaha in fro n t i n m ota tw o with Matthew s close behind in second. Matth ews passed for th e lead o n lap two to secure th e overall win. Randi ch h olesh ot th e first 250ccl Open Amateur m ota, foll owed by vetera n Otis Chapman. Connecticut Suzuki rider John Tomkiewi cz ada p ted to th e unfamiliar track quickl y a nd dropped Chapman to third. R obert Russell was next to p u t th e m ove o n Chapman , a nd the to p pos itio n s were se t. In order at th e checkered it wa s Randich, Tom ki ewicz, Russell , and Chapman . Rand ich was o ut front aga in in moto two an d stayed th ere th e entire ra ce. After a good start Chapman dropped o ff the pa ce an d fin ished midpack . Beasley Honda o f O zarksponsored Jeff Brown worked his wa y to th e front a n d sli p pe d past Tomkiewicz on th e last lap for seco nd p lace. The overall sta ndi ngs on the da y rea d Randich , Tomki ewicz, Brown. MARSEILLES, IL, FEB. 23 Can-Am-mounted Greg loop topped Senior class ice racing at P rairie Lake Lodge in th e sixth ra ce of the AMA /D-17 series sp o nsored by th e Ottawa Va riety Riders Motorcycl e Club. j oop won his he at , th en held off J eff Werhli for th e win in th e fin al. T h e first heat bel onged to Rotaxmounted J oe Flars. H e was o ut in front th e entire race. Coughlin Cycle Center 's Wehrl i (Ca n- Am) starte d in third but moved up o ne sp o t on th e second lap and staye d th ere. J ooP had th e h ol eshot a nd continued to lead a ll six laps to th e checkers in th e second heat race. Chris Kappele made his move to second place o n lap three a nd fin ished th ere o n a Bultaco. joop jumped in to th e lead in th e fin al a n d ran by himself until halfwa y through th e race, when h e wa s cha llen ged by Wehrli, and a battle for th e lea d ensured. Wehrl i set joop up on th e last lap, taking the lead in turn o ne . When they reached turn four, a downed rider split th e pair. joop wa s able to tak e th e inside line for th e win, whil e Wehrli was for ced to go outside a nd finish second. Flars ran in th e th ird spot. Tony Hinterlong, Tom Desort and Greg Ri chards staged a fight fo r th e number-one sp o t in 250cc cl ass 0 -17 points. T he top three riders co m in g into the ra ce were within four points of eac h other. The h eat proved th e final showdown would be a close ra ce. Hinterlong. riding a Can-Am for Tom 's Repair Service. took ch arge on the second lap. He narrowly beat Richards at the checker flag . Coughlin Cycle Center's Desort (Can-Am ) came in fourth . Desort got on th e gas when th e green lig h t fla shed for the fina l. H e th en smoked th e field with a runaway win. Hinterlong and Ri chards went at each other again , with Hinter long gett in g th e nod by in ch es. This was to be th e last race of th e season, but, if th e weather permits, more race s will be run , much to Desert 's di sma y. The Open class wa s a p lay da y for Consumers Marathon/Tom 's Repai r Ser vice-sponsored Ron Bernard. His Honda wa s wa y ou t in front in the h eat a nd final : H onda-m ounted Jim Fi scher fin ish ed seco n d in th e h ea t. In th e fina l Terry Bailey, riding a Triumph, ra n th e race in seco nd pl ace. Fi scher ca me in third. Charli e J a cobs, riding fo r Tom 's R epa ir Serv ice, made it six wi ns in a row in th e Pro class. H e was never h ead ed in either rac e. Coughlin Cycl e Cent er's Desort (Ca n -Am) finish ed Results IRON MAN : 1. Kevin Brown ing (Honl . 25 0 / 0 PEN AM: 1. Tim Randich (SUl); 2. John Tomkiewicz (9 UZ); 3. J eff Brown (Hon). PRO-AM: 1. Bill Matthew s (Kaw); 2. Keith Hat field (Yam); 3 . Kevin Brown ing (Hon) . BEG: 1. Byron Bedford (SUl); 2. Dennis D o u ~ l a s (Yam); 3. Brian Gree n (Hon) . SR MINI : 1. Brent Head (Kaw) ; 2. Martin Ab risz (Vam); 3. Sean Desjardins (Kaw) . JR MINI: 1. Kevin Sh eppard (Kaw) ; 2. Scott Stevens (Kaw); 3 . Steven Dalgleish (Kaw). Reynaud takes MO Mudders HS By Bruce A . Clark RIVERMONT , MO, FE B. 16 Over 100 riders took th e fu n cure for this winter 's cabin fever by ridi ng th e Mi ssouri Mudders Winter H are Scra mbles with Randy R eyn aud taking hi s H usky to th e o vera ll w in . A beau tifull y su n ny day with tempera tu res in th e 50s melted the snowfa ll o f tw o da ys earlier a nd mad e rid ing the four-mile co u rse plea sant but slo p py . Two riders who co mpleted n in e ~ (.0 e-r ..c: U l-o ro Tell the world how you feelyou want it. an d want it nowwith a ne w Anything Else is History T-shirt or jerse y. O,de, yours today! FT. RUCKER, AL, FEB . 16 By Paul Hayes 00 Bill Matthews topped the ProAm class at the Flying Wheels motocross at Ft. Rucker on his Tuf Raci n g-sp onsored Kawa- Marseilles ice e (.0 Matthews rolls at Flying Wheels Joop jolts 9 Fast! Quick! Hot news! Results ~ I.ook fo, the order blank under the Advertiser's Index. 17 DAYS -1215 MILES HERDAN'S 1986 MORINI TOUR of EUROPE Leaving M ay 20 - Returning J une 5 Trle Includ es Your Choi ce of Moto Mo rin i S~" Bik es. ai r fare. lodg ing . meal s, everyth in g exc ept gas and In sur ance , Trip vi sit s Milan , Morini factory. San Marino. Venice. tnn sbruck. M unich . Ber gen z. Dellorto fa ctory and much morel Call or Wri te Today For Det ail s HERDAN CORP. Rt. 61. Box 65 . Port Cli nton . PA 19549 215/562·3155 WEST COAST URGEST PARTS SUPPLY 0 UPSDAIlY ''We Are M-Star" f--- - . CYC LE SERVICE - --I 1503 S. P a ci f ic (2 13) 548 -6874 S a n Pedro, CA CYCLE SERVICE (8) Husqvama Di st ri butors o r D ealers Can f o r product "WE'RE NEW & READY TO DEAL ON '85 AND '86 HUSKYS IN STOCK (213) 944 6361 RGSOO NS400 T w o a n d Fo u r Strok e A TV • Ka r t s • Jet Sk is Snowmob i les. Road R acers 8800 E. Co mp to n Blvd ., Pa ramount. CA 90723, (21 31 53 1- 27 67 ~; CROTCH ROCKET FACTOR' GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS MX 0 ATV 0 ENDURO I GSXR VFR7S0 Experienced Ex p orters Of Motorcycles & Parts I Brantford Cycle 783 Colborne St . Brantford, Ontario Canada N3S 3S3 519/753-3403 ·"~" .~.,~ -"',. CAGIVA motorcycles , parts and accessories. • Ducat! parts available • Dealer Inquiries accepted for the following states : TN, SC. NC.VA. WV ~ f • CAlO,V", Call Bluff C i~ TN (805) 683·1745 615/538-7245 61 538-7292 ALHAMBRA YAMAHA SAMMY TANNER 5.... . Senlc: • • Parts Discounted Prices Year 'Round 1850 weer Vall ey Blvd.• Alhambra. CA 91803 (818) 289-5301 SEA T SERVICE • Se llt Co ve rs • Installations ~___ 1.1:1:, • • • Foam Repair Ne w Foam (some models) Raise or Lower . 1~l llil~ I~~1 5 ' D l i T R,6uT'No-= -QPJ> ARTESIA-Col (2 13) ~ LONG BEACH YAMAHA California 's N ewe st Vamaha Dealersh ip SALES· SERVICE· PARTS 4001 East Anaheim St . LONG BEACH. CA. 90B04 (714) 527-9144 (2131 49B -6578 1" 930 Watson Wa y Vista : CA 92084 > 55 \ .r

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