Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Amateur SX (Co n ti nued from pa ge 22 ) " T here was a buried rock in th e turn , . it kn oc ked m y rear wh eel o u t from under me." The crowd ca me to th ei r feet as Stanton a lmost p ulled o ff th e win , but Pacqueu e had time in h is favo r a nd took th e chec kered flag in a th rilling finish . " T his wi ll be m y last race ti ll sp ri ng:' said Pacquett e, " I . will go back to Ca na da and p lay hock ey untiI our racin g seaso n starts. " G ear /B arr Com pe ti tion /Sco tt l Spectro O ils-sponsor ed J ones had h is best cha llenge from Bob Petrick in th e 125cc Pr o /Am ma i n eve n t a n d Richard Siro is in th e 250cc final. Jon es sa id. " I rode in th e are nacross series up n orth to stay in sha pe thi s wint er. Tho se events are a lo t of fun a nd kept me sh arp." Atl anta 's Sean Dukes and jackso nville's j ay Mann swa p ped leads in a n intens e 125cc B battle before Dukes' Simpson /Pro-Circuit/Scott H onda finally nailed th e win . "I've been practi cing with T odd Neal ( 125cc C winner )," said Dukes, " and I th in k that mad e th e differen ce for me o u t h ere toda y." After T onv Bullard h eld off Todd J ones for th e 250cc B win, th e Gear Racewear-sponsored rid er co mmen ted, " I want to dedi cate this ra ce to m y little broth er Brock . He took th e Yamaha YZ bu cks h e ea rned in th e Winter-AMA series a nd bought the bik e for me so I co u ld co mpete:' Kenneth Duren held o ff J imm y S \~'a nso n a nd G reg Ceci l for the 500cc wrn. In Mini ac tio n , Geo rgia's Ezra Lusk styled to a 65 a n d 85cc (7- 11) double win. The PJ-I /H i-Poi nt / Scott-sponso red pil ot is a rider to watch in th e futu re. So u th Carolina 's H ank Moree (Kaw) an d North Ca rolina 's Damon Bradshaw (Yam ) swapped leads in th e 85cc (12-13) final un til Bradshaw cras hed in so me wh oops a nd Moree took the win . Yamaha-m ounted Rob H anson pa ssed h eat winner John Kit sch o n a n exci ting fin al lap o f 85cc (14-15) actio n. • Results 125 A : 1. Kei th Fox (Kaw); 2 . Rob J ohn son (Kawl; 3 . Tim Rayn er (Suz). 250 A: 1. Jeff Stanton (Yam); 2. Keith Fox (Kaw); 3. Pat Post (Yam ). OPEN A : 1. Mario Pacq uett e (Han); 2. J eff St an ton (Yam); 3 . Rick Lindell (Yam). 125 PRO/AM : 1. M ike Jone s IKa w ); 2. Bob Petr ick (Hon); 3 . Jam es Veug eler (Kawl . 25 0 PRO/AM : 1. M ike Jones (Kawl; 2. Richard Siroi s (Han); 3 . M ik e Brem er (Yam ). 65 (7- 1 1): 1. Ezra Lu sk (Kaw) ; 2. Pat rick Slat e (Yam); 3 . Bill y Cantrell (Kaw) . 85 (7 -1 1): 1. Ezr a Lu sk IKaw); 2. Br ett Mel ton (Ha nI; 3 . Patr ick Slate (Yam). 85 112- 13 ): 1. Hank M oree IKa wl; 2. Daryl You ng blood (Yaml ; 3 . Jeromy Bu ehl (Kaw) . 85 (14·1 5): 1. Rob Ha nson (Yaml; 2. Bob by Sto vall (Kaw) ; 3. John Kitsch (Kaw) . SR: 1. Robby Neeley (Kawl; 2.. Richard Lucky (Yam); 3 . Jo hn Blai r (Yam). SSR: 1. George Sin gl ier (Han ); 2. AI Gardn er IKawl; 3. Erv Brau n (KTM ). VINTAG E: 1. Barr y Higgi ns (BSA); 2. Todd W hite 0ssl. (Bul); 3 . Dick M ann 1 t 25 8 : 1. Sean Dukes (Hon ); 2 . Bobby Mann (Kaw) ; 3. Dann y Payne (Han). 25 0 B: 1. ToilY Bullard (yam); 2. Todd Ad am s (Yam); 3. Rusty Sayres (Ho n). OPEN NOV ; 1. Kenn et h Dur en (Han); 2. Greg Ceci l (Yam); 3. Jimmy Swan son (Kaw) . 125 C: 'l. Bobby Stovall (Kaw); 2. Ti m McDon ou gh (Kawl; 3. Todd Neal (Han ). 250 C: 1. Sylva i n Crete (Hon); 2. Art hu r Down s (Han); 3 . J eff Chapkis ISuzl. TRIPLE CROW N OVERALL SERIES STA NDI NGS 65 (7- 11 ): 1. Ezra Lusk; 2. Patr ic k Sla t e; 2. Ryan Reyn old s. B5(7-1 1I: 1. Ezra Lusk ; 2 . Brett M elt on ; 3 . Patrick Slate. B5 (12-13): 1. Hank Moree; 2 . Daryl Youngb loo d; 3. Jeremy Buehl. 85 (14-15): 1. John Kit sch ; 2 . Jared King; 3 . M an Brake. 125 A : 1. Tommy Rios; 2 . Bruce Buerk; 3 . Rob Johnson. 250 A: 1. Keith Fox; 2. Jeff Stanton; 3. Rob Jo h nson. OPEN A : 1. J eff Sta nton; 2. Rick Lindell ; 3: Kraig Const ant in o. 12 5 B: 1. Sean Du kes; 2 . Bobb y Mann; 3 . Keith Engl is h . 250 B: 1. To ny Bullard; 2. Rusty Sayr es; 3 . Jason Colem an. OPEN NOV: 1. Rick Perry; 2 . Greg Cecil; 3 . Mark Williamson. SR: 1. Robby Neeley; 2. Jendrick Grel ; 3. Fred vetuect. 125 C: 1. Todd Neal ; 2. Marc Waddle; 3 . Bobby Sir eall . 250 C: 1. Arrant Wood; 2 . Harold Davis; 3 . Steve Young . First is always best! - READ CYCLE NEWS! Husqvarna Sweep!· Dusty Wheels National Hare Scrambles - - - - - - - Sa line . LA . February 23. 1 9 8 6 1st Overall 1st Open A & 2nd O/A 1st 250cc 1st 125cc 1st 4-Stroke FLASH: r ;l.'~IkH~~t· Gaine sville , FL Na tJ. Ha r e Scramble s March 2. , MARK HYDE FRITZ KADLEC , .. ED LOJAK JEFF DAWSON TOM BUCKLES 430 Automatic 400 Cross Country 250 Cross Country 125 Cross Country 510 Cross Co untry All this is do ne on Production Tires. No speci al. compounds. No ri ngers. The same METZELERS you buy over the counter at your dealer . METZELER~ :e:r~~.O~~S.W. # 1 Where It Counts '\!!!)J (206) 348-4000

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