Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 02 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 47 of 47

OUR NEW RMs HAVE DEVELOP SERIOUS PROB SERIOUS PROBLEMS fORTHE COMP Automatic Exhaust Control. Even Around the Suzuki factory, the frame is new, which uses we've been stayingup nights to unique oval-shaped tubing in w rk on a few problems. Fer the critical areas. eempetition. Problems that should E /...." po ", . se them more ..1. ~ As hard as it is to believe, rn m,' ,~k, • Call .l.H<:dl even the-legendaryFun Floater a littlelost sleep. And suspension systemhas changed. more than a few lost Before you panic, let us reassure races. Because all this you it'sthe same system overtime has resulted in an that helpedus win every 125cc entirelynew RMl25 and RM250. World Championship ever Not "mostly" new Not awarded. But nowit's lighter, "virtually"new. Entirely new. simplerand more compact, That means the cases are with a free-rolling eccentric new the cooling system's new the cam and a lighter, stronger gearboxis new Same goesfor swmgarm. the air cleaner. And the And as if all that wasn't multi-stage expansion -:::;:::; chamber. And the new torque- ,.- boosting enough, we also increased the rear shock'sreservoir size for consistent damping, lowered the seat for greater controland repositioned the radiators for ' -- ON. better weight distribution. All of which means that every time youunloadyour new RM t you can expect a wholebatch of nasty problems. Fortunately, they'll all be for the competition. '- 48 J •

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