Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 02 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE SPECIALTY CO. INC. Vamah., Suzuki. HUIq"rnl. S.... day crank r.-.uildinll & "lind" baring. flit UPS. Mon-Wed. Fri. 10-6: Thurs. 10-8: S.l. 10-4. Loca••d .nly 6 " .lOuth.1 1 -285.t 1852 GA Hwy. 85. Fayenum•. GA 30214. (404) 461-3541. FUNT INDIAN SALES - N.rton. Due.6. KTM /P.nton. M.tchl.... Moto--Guzzi, Grelves, DKW, AJS & Pr.mi.r . M.n. & Fri. 9-8. Tue... W.d. Thurs. & S.t 9-6. 923 N. S.ginow. Flint MI 4B052. (313] 232·9521. FREEWHEEUNG HONDA - W. MOUSE'S CYCLE - .. M- Missouri wiUnDt be undersoldl MetroAft..- ..·s.op H.nd. dlll.r. CR Supp.n. MX & .ndur. sp.oi.lists. CB.. IRs. Cfts. we ,ICI what .1 selL Big parts in•. UPSdaUy. 9-6 M·F. 9-5 Sal. Visa & M/C. 873 Bank· Hwy. GA 30059 (404) 948-061&. PRO CYCLE & ACCESSORIES Mllr. Ad....·s dirtfstr ••• h•• d· qua... rs. M-S & C••n salos & ..r un. •"ico parts. Ace., for an broods. M••.·S. t 9-6. UPSd.ily. Y... & M/C. Loc:••• d in N.w londo. PI.I.. Hwy. 78. Sn.llrill•• GA 30278. (404) 979-770B . Illinois ACTION CYCLE - Tri. ls & T•• m Gro.nC. ...r. 3 & 4-wfle.l.d ATV.. Itrllt bikes. WI hue it a ll! Suzuki. SWM. C.n-Am. Bet•• flnbe. Sultaco & Mon teSi. UPS daily. Call forfr•• cltl log. Machine shop service. Sest prices I 817 W.s. Uni.n. Litehfi. ld. IL 62056. (2171324-6031. THEBIKE BARN - C.n -Am. HusqYlrnl & SWM. Hi-Paint products IIId Ohlins shock U p.if. Comp llt. intlmary of Pi ns. Daily UPS IIr · wic• •EAduro & CfOS$COtIIl1I'y expem to II,.,' your nllds. Bike Barn. Rt. 3. M. rris.n. IL 61270. (81517783&41. HALL'S HUSOVARNA - Husk, rg, deal.r for 11 y.,rs. La inventory - ne. & old mod,1 pl rts. UPS daily. Camplltl slr'licl dept. 20 y"n in Induro & dirt rl clag. C•• J.., .r S... H.II. s H·O S.Ies, I . Dirksoa Pkwy. Spri.gfiold. IL62707. (217) 528-0542. M.C.e. - MOTOR CYCLE CENTER. IIC. HUSOVARIIA & LAVEROA Silos & Sin. Ports II STOCK. &,on shock Slmca I.r DHLlNS .... otha... Disc br.k. rosumoi.g. m.cbiM shop.FAST UPS DAILYlll015 E. SI. Ch.rios R~ . L......rd, IL 60148. (3121 495-2271 Louisiana HUSKYI SUZUKI - 2 ".r•• i-",od lull .1 bike p.ns. clothing. .. .ccas. & k••w howl bar· .... sh.ek r.building. MX. E.dur• • Dr.g & ATV Big p.rb in•• n'.ry. WI ship FAST. UPS daily rlasonlbll pricl1. Suzukiof , Shr••• p.n/B.ssi.r. (3IB) 7420218.r (318) 635-9731. SPROCKETS & CHAINS - Our Spooi.1ty I.r ",.st •• 111I mod.1 .1 bikes .nd 3-Wh••I.... Cblck our pricls & frle he igbt policy aD ordlrs of chein & spr oc~ kats .....lh.r . UPS. Mle. Visa. Milt.·. C,el. Supply. 5751 E .... golin.St. BItonRo.... LA 70805. O) (504)355-4525:.ut of st.'. (8G 367-5209. Maine STREET CYCLES. INC. - BMW. Sazuki & H.rl..,· D. vidsnn. P.rts. Sin. & IC C. Stemmlrk Lam lrs/ Edipsi Luaal gl / Frl .k Thomls Boots. Tu. s.·Fri. 9-8. S.t 9-5. 405 U.S. Rt 1. Folmoadt ME 04105. (207)781-4763 ThoM••• . lIotorcycll Connlctioa. 7 mi. so. ot LL. B•• n. Massachusetts BETTENCDURrs HONDA - Suz.. KTM /P.n. Husk,. FuU B... & Hi· PoitltAccl••Trlit riding hlldqulr· tlrs for southera MID. Mon .-Fri. 9-9. SII. 9-6. Rt. 28 •• Jet RI. 106. W. Bridg.w r. MA 02379. ••• (617)587-1701 .r 583-9689. Michigan CDRKY'S CYCLE SALES - Bul· taco, Can·Am. Oerbt Saehs/Har· culesIIln/slnicl/parts & ICeessones. Hours June 15·Aug. 31, Tues.· Fri. 10-S. S.t 10-2: I-Jun.14. Tu.s.·Fri.4 .8. S.tl02. UPS/COO. 17324 Hickor,. Spri"ll MI 49456. (616) 846-5780. Con, Rool. Owner. • KAWASAKI OF MISSOURI - targill T•• m Gr•• n pan.. bikos & KCnson.S ill'4'lntDry in Mid·West Dwtrnight or UPS d8ily. V'ISII or M/C on phont ord.r s. Cylindlr boring. sltt'li.g. crlllk r.building • sars. K.WlSlki of MD. 1016 Vanw.od W..,. Colombi.. MD 65202. (314) 875-4445. DAVE MUIGENASrSDIRT BIKE HEADOUARTERS & ST. LOUIS HONDA - Hondl and Husqwlrna . lila Ind senice. Midwest's largest Plrts Ind ICcassori.. inwl n· tory UPS daily. Dp M••d. , · . •• 9 .... 5935 S. SltUrd., Lindb.rgh BI.d. St Loui.. MD 63123. (314) 894-1330. fr... ONE DAY SERVICE - PIS.I. ee. in stock. Owernt/ reg. UPS Visl , M/C. AmEx. cln for best prices on cycles. We trlde ! Cln dal,. to Nal·Is.lQu.lifiors. Dhlins r.bldg. FREEDOM HONDA (8161 7612220. HUSK . KAW (8161 761Y 6621. FREEDOM HUSKY. IlAW.• MAICD. K (8161 747-2053. TM S"r & SaI.s & PIs. All typos of riding gllr. IIX. Enduro. Tour, ItC. Support progrlm for ri cers. - TV Prods. Semci rlCI or Slrllt A Sh. ek r. building. UPS D. U . M-F , N••n-l0 pm. Vis. & MIC. 166 Iluoil PI. Dr. Hubon. NC 28539. (9191326-4219. TWIN CITY KAWASAKI/BMWExotic sport bib connection tDr BMW. C..... Kawasaki & La nrdo. A full ring. of exclusivt mlc hines Ind equip in stock. Wen worth I risit. UPSdilly. T·F 9-7. S.l. 9-5. 5600 IlnirorsiIy p.nw.,. W_ Sal.... NC 271OS. (9191 767-2021. 11K. CYCLE PARTS - Y.ur IIIC Dept. Stort has , rown! Gra. Prix Lo.dI.... doratld 10 MIC WlIf. rO d to riCI. in stock. why wait! l Saring tilll. & Hard .....d as is whot Mr. Cyel. Pins is .bout. Sp.c . W•• Id, Sp.

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