Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Brian Belew (9 9) t ak es the early lead in the 125cc Intermediate division two moto at Sa nd Hill Ranch on Saturday. Jeff Reynolds won . hi s seco n d wi n . followed by O 'Kade a nd Foun tain , MOlO o ne o f th e 500cc Interm edi at e divi sion two cla ss saw H onda rider T om Polli to thunder in to the lead but wa s qu ickl y passed by Aaron P ip es (Hon ), Mike Ni sson (Ka,w) a n~1 Ma rk Nel son (Yam) . It wasn t unt il the fo urt h lap tha t Ne lso n decided to mak e hi s mo ve and passed Nisson and th e leader. P ipes. Shortly aft er . P ip es lost o ne more posi tion wh en Ro bert H anson (H o n ) mo tored by a fter pa ssin g N issen. T ow ards th e end o f th e race. H anson began p u tting th e p ressure o n Nel son. bu t N ~ I son never let up and took th e Will. Ha nson was seco nd. P ipes th ird . After a fau lty ga te call ed for a resta rt in the second mo to, Bren t Pat terson bli tzed in to th e lead . but P ipes a nd N isson na bbed the first two pos itions by the seco nd turn. Lap a fter lap, P ip es progressivel y stret ch ed hi s lead. wh ile Ro n Urma n decided 10 grab a han df u l of thrott le a nd pass two riders in o ne lap to ta ke co n tro l o ver seco nd p lace. P ipes went o n 10 win th e rnot o a nd ta ke th e overa ll. Brent Wh ite (Kaw) ca p tu red th e hol esh ot at th e st art of the firs t 125cc Juni or divi sion on e moto but was closel y pursu ed by Ro n Moru erone (Ya m). Luke Arcidiacono (H o n) a nd Jim Bacon (H us). Honda rid er J ames Co n no lly didn 't lik e his midpack start a nd sta rte d 10 m ake up for it. By th e fo urt h lap. Connoll y had o vertak en th e third position and was in sig h t o f Monterone. T he checkered flag came OUI and Connoll y co u ldn't adva nce any fu rt he r. as White a nd Moruerone fin ished 1-2. Wh ite o nce agai n bla sted in to th e lead at th e sta rt o f th e seco nd mo ta bu t was passed by Bacon o n a downhill. Then bo th riders were passed by Paul Mathews (Ka w), while Arcidiacono . Broussard. Mon terone and J ohn Edwards slipped into th e secon d through fifth posi tions. Eventua lly Arcidia cono dropped to third. gi vin g Bro ussa rd seco nd. At the fin ish. it was Mat hews lakin g th e win, fo llo wed by Bro ussard an d Arcid iacon o . . Results 26' . M INI EXP: 1. Kyle Lewi s (Hon) 1-1 ; 2. Da mon Brad shaw (Yam ) 2-8 ; 3. Tall o n Vohland (Kaw) 6-5 : 4 . Denn is Stephen son IKaw) 9 ·3; 5. Chris Neal (Yam) 8 ·4 ; 6 . Pau l Win n (Yam) 3·9 ; 7. Terry Swan son (Yam) 5 - 11; 8 . Paul Vlach (Su z) 7- 12; 9 Sh an e Trittler (Yam ) 13 -7 ; 10 . Steve Lamson (Yam ) 10 - 10 . 125 PRO: 1. Jefl Leisk (Hon) 2- 1; 2. Erik Kehoe ISuz ) 1-3; 3 . Tyson Vohla nd (Kaw ) 3 -7 ; 4 . Doug Du bach (Yam ) 12 -2; 5. Ray Sommo (Yam l 4 -9 ; 6 . J Im Taran tin o (Suzl 9 ·5 ; 7 . Larry Brooks {Honj 10 -6 ; 8 . Edd ie Hi cks (Yam) 8 -8; 9 . Do nn y Sch mit (Kaw ) 7 - ' 0; 10 . Ca rrol l Richardson (Kaw) 6 - 15; 11. Dr ay Dircks (Ho n) 11 - 11; 12. Bader M an ne h (Yam ) 14. 12; 13 . M arvin Wal do (Ka w I 15· 14 ; 14. Terry Bastard (Ya m) 17 · 16; 15 . W ill ie Surratt (Hon ) 5·28; 16 . Je ff M at iasevich (Kawl 13 -22; 17. 8 ruce Ma yson (Su z) 18 - 18; 18 . Dean Matson (KawI24 - 13; 19. Jeff Sch umacher (Yam) 19 -2 0 ; 20 . Bobby M oor e (Suz] 38 -4 . 25 0 PRO: 1. Eri k Keh oe [Su z! 1-4; 2. Ron Lechi en (Kawl 3 ·2 ; 3 . Brae Gl over (Yam) 4 ·3 ; 4 . Kei th Bowen (Yil Q11 2 · 1.0; !i. JeJI Yl(ar dj~avvl &-6; 6 .jlrianMYers -. co ug h (YamI 12 -9; 7 . Georg e Holland (Suz) 17 -5 ; 8 . Alan "' lng (Kaw) 7 - 15; 9 . AJ . Whiting (Suz) 10 · 14 ; 10 . Russ W ageman (Yam) 16 ·11 ; 11. Da nny Stor beck (Yam) 8 -20; 12 . Eddi e W arr en (Kaw) 20-12; 13 . Rick John son (Hon) 38 ·1 ; 14. M icky Dymond (Ho n) 5 -28; 15 . Gordon Ward (Yam ) 2 1· 13; 16 . Terry Fowler (Kaw) 14 ·21 ; 17 . Jo nny Nel son (Su II 18 -18 ; 18 . 8r ian Manley (Hon) 9 ·27 ; 19 . Scott Burnw orth (Yaml 3 2 ·7 ; 20 . J im Tar antino (SuII 23 -16 . 500 PRO: 1. Ph il Lar son (Ya m)3 -2; 2. Greg Zttter kopf (Hon) 5-1 ; 3. Russ Wagema n (Yam) 2 -6 ; 4 . Larry Dashi ell (Hon) 6-3; 5. JeIIWard (Kaw) 1-15 ; 6 . Rodney Sm ith (Yam) 7· 5; 7. Scon M ann in g (Yam ) 13 -4 ; 8 . Jerome Heiberger (M -S) 10 -7 ; 9. Gr eg Tor ge rso n (Hus) 12 -8 ; 10 . Fran kie Br undag e (Kaw ) 11 · 16 ; 11. Rand y Rodri gu ez (A TK) 20 - 12; 12 . Tim Cau by (Yam ) 19 -13; 13 . Bobb y W hi te (Hon ) 15 - 17; 14 . Dan e W iggington (Kaw) 14 - 18 ; 15 . Ti m W in s· low (Yam) 16 - 19 ; 16 . Dav e Newell (Kawl 21 -9 ; 17. Mi ke Larson (Ho n) 8 -28; 18. Ter ry M cGinnis (Yam ) 25 - 14; 19. W illy Si mon s (Hon) 4 -3 7; 20 . Eric M ar· noch (Hon) 22 -20 . VET PRO: t . Rex Stat en (Yam ) 2·1 ; 2. Gerv Sem ics (YamI 1-3 ; 3 . Ra ndy Rodr igu ez (A TKI 3 -2; 4 . Jon Miller IYam) 5 -4 ; 5. Ken za hrt (Hon) 4 -5; 6. Pau l Thede IKaw) 6 -6 ; 7 . Mark Johnson (Suz) 7 -7 ; 8 . Randy Lewis IKT M ) 9 - 10 ; 9 . Rod Nord strom (A TK) 11-9 ; 10 . Thomas Altland lHon) 14 - 12. 60 0 -8 : 1. larry Turner (Kawl; 2 . Pablo lara IKaw) ; 3. Chris Wheeler (Kaw ). 60 9 - 11: 1. Ryan Huffma n (Kaw ); 2. Jesse J am es IKaw) ; 3. Josh Kutcha (Kaw). 8D JR 9 -1 1; 1. Josh Ku chta (Kaw ); 2. Ch ris tophe r M cCa ll ie (Yam); 3. Ryan Spu rg in (Kaw) . 8D INT 9 -1 1: 1. Ryan Huflman (Yam); 2. Ja cob Swa in (Yam); 3 . Je sse James (SUI) . 80 8EG DIV 1; 1. Tyr Denl i nger (Hon); 2 . Joey curns (Kaw); 3 . M ik e Lozano {Hon). BD BEG DIV 2 : 1. Nick M organ (Yam) ; 2 . Kerry Madden (Kaw ); 3. Rob Meg er (Kawl· • 80 JR 12 ·16 DIV 1; 1. Br ian Wal ters (Yam); 2. Todd Nelson (Su z); 3 . Phili p Paz (Yam). 80JR 12 -16 DIV 2: 1. Dave Ma cFarlane (Hon); 2 . Joel Albrecht (Kaw); 3. Br ian Ensey (Hon) . 80 INT 12 ·1 6 DIV 1; 1. Phil Lawrence (Yam); 2 . Chad Pederson (Han); 3 . Brian Gi pson (SUI) . 80 INT 12 - 16 DIV 2: 1. M ar k Easley (Hon) ; 2 . Bu tch Sm ith (Hon ); 3 . Doug Hu ston (Yam). 125 BEG DIV 1: 1. Vietor W att ey (Hon) ; 2. Scott Ja cobse n (Kawl; 3. J oh n Sa nchez (Suz). 125 BEG DIV 2: 1. Brad Townsen d (Hon) ; 2 . Nino Poll accia (Yam); 3. Justin Souza (Han ). 12 5 BEG DIV 3 ; 1. Dan Gatto ISu z); 2 . Eric Henley (Hon); 3. Dua ne Benner (Su z). 125 JR DlV 1: 1. Ron Monteron e (Yam); 2. Paul Mathews (Kaw); 3 . luke Ar cidiacono (Hon ). 12 5 J R DIV 2: 1. Pat 8ennett (Yam ); 2. Larry Laye (Kaw); 3. Christopher Gables (Yam). 125 JR DIV 3 : 1. Robert Hopk ins (Kaw ); 2. Ma tt Vu lk (Kaw l; 3 . Ed M uncey IHon) . 125 INT DlV 1: 1. M ic ha el Cra ig (Yam); 2. Rick Simmet (Hon); 3. 8r ian Pryor (Kawl. 125 INT DIV 2 ; 1. Jeff Reyn od s (Ho n); 2. Jeff M aber y (Yam); 3 . M ike Mclain (Kaw). 125 INT D IV 3 : 1. Lowell Thomson J r. (Kaw l; 2. Kyle lewi s (SO); 3. Chris Young (Yam ). 25 0 BEG D IV 1: 1. Ear l Richardson (Yam); 2. Ron Aldrus s (Hon); 3. Oon Tofft (Kaw) . 250 8EG DIV 2: 1. Steve Lieb sack IHon ); 2. M ike Weik (Hon ); 3. Dodd Medh ur st (Yaml. 250 JR DIV 1: 1. M ichael Brown (Yam); 2. Br ett Yahne (Yaml; 3 . Ja y Lvt el l (Kaw). 250 JR DIV 2 : 1. M ike Sch exn ydar (Kaw) ; 2. Bryan S utterfield (SOl ); 3 . Ma r k Burkett (Hon l· 250 JR DIV 3 : t , Randy Flei sher (Hon); 2. Tom Brown (Kawl; 3. Bria n Fou nta in (Yam) . 250 INT OIV 1: 1. John Garcia; 2. Dar ren Gallager; 3. Ch uck Whit mo re. 250 INT DIV 2: 1. Jeff ery Reyno lds ; 2. Mi chael Craig; 3. Tim W hitlock . 250 INT DIV 3 : 1. Low ell Thompson; 2. Jeff Mayberry; 3. M icha el Derben. 500 BEG: 1. Oonny M oo re (Hon) ; 2 . Pat M org an (Hon); 3. Ray Bayly (Hon). 500 J R DIV 1; 1. Ra ndy Okada (Kaw); 2 . Ter ry W oody {Hon ); 3 . St eve Hem in ger (Yam(. 500 J R DIV 2 : 1. Joe Macchi urella (Hon); 2. M ike Jansen (KTM ); 3 . Bob Hedla nd (Yam ). 500 INT DIV 1: 1. J eff Reyn olds IHonl; 2 . Greg Smith (Han); 3. Steve Piatt on i (Hon). 500 tNT DIV 2: 1. Aaron Pipes (Hon); 2 . Ron Ur man (Yam ); 3. M ike Nissen (Kaw). VET JA: 'l . Br uce Rus t (Yaml: 2 . Mark A rt hur (Suz); 3. Bruce Garma n (KTM ). . VET INT; 1. Ti m Ken nedy (Yam ); 2. Larry Noel (Yam); 3 . Karel Kramer (Yam ). VET M STR: 1. Russ Daley (Su z); 2. Pa ul Bost rom (Hon); 3. Dua ne Hug hes (Hon). OT JR: 1. Jerry Young (Han); 2. Terry Pratt (Yam); 3 . Bob Ja ckson (Suzl. OT M STR: 1. Paul Bostrom IHo n); 2 . Bob Krah IKaw); 3. Steve Machad o (Yam) . QT.lf"lT: . 1 ~ .Ii m Ricc i (Suz); .2 ~ ~i JTl ~ c.C~ack en (Kaw) ; 3. Fred Cameron (KTM) . The Buell RR1000 uses a Harley-Davidson XR1000 engine rubbermounted in a triangulated chrome-moly steel space frame. Other features inc lude 42mm forks, single-rear Works Performance shock, 16-inch Dymag magnesium wheels (3 .50-inch front, 4.00-inch rear), 12.2-inch f ront disc brakes, fully-enclosed fairing and a claimed dry weight of 395 pounds. List price is expected to be about $11,000 from Buell Motor Co. of Mukwonago, Wisconsin. More information is available from 4141 392-3170. Wind p hone conve rsa tion from his Fu llerton , California. home. (Con tin ued from pa ge 3) The Department of Transportation - in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has opened Interstate Highway 394's high-occupancv-vehicle express lanes to motorcycles, according to the AMA. M innesota and Washington are currently the only states allowing motorcycles in HOV lanes, despite federal legislation requiring states to do so o r else risk loss of federal highway funds . The AMA kicked off its 1986 gov ernment relations effort on Janua ry 6 in San Francisco. California. by organizing a presentation on off-road vehicle recreation before the President 's Commission on Am erican Outdoors. AMA la nd usc coordinator Roy J anson and California Off-H igh way Mo tor Vehi cle Recrea tion Co mmission Chairma n Mike Bish op spearheaded the discussion. which empha sized the need for cooperation from the Nationa l Forest Service a nd the Bur ea u of Land Managem ent in matters co ncerning the legitimate recrea tional concerns of off-road ers. The Pasadena (California) Motorcycle Club will hold its eighth annua l Poker Run on January 26. Sign -in w ill be at Temple City Honda in Temple City, California, from 7 :00 to 9 :00 a.m .; for more in formation ca ll 714 /596 -5120. A proposed sponsorshi p deal th ai wo u ld h ave backed a " first ca bin" ri de for two-time- Grand Nat ion al Cha m p io n Rick y Graham ha s fail ed to mat erialize. according 10 th e man be h in d th e attempt, 1970 Grand Nationa l Champion Gen e Romero. Romero . wh o man aged H onda 's dirt track team that produced Camel Pro Ser ies titles in 1984 (G ra ha m) a nd 1985 (Bu bba Shobert ), said, " We had clea red m os t o f the hurdl es and tho ugh t the deal was a ll bUI fin alized. but it wa s nixed a t th e last m oment." Ro m ero 's position a s H onda dirt tra ck learn manager was elim inated wh en H onda trimmed the ir dirt track effo rt a t th e end o f the I985 season. ''I' m bein g p aid by Honda thro ug h Februar y I an d th en I'm back o n the st reets looking for work . Needl ess to say. I want to stay in volved in raci ng." sai d Ro m ero in a Two-time Camel Pro Series champ Ricky Graham was hospitalized on Monday, January 13, dueto infection in his left hand which had been operated on on Christmas eve, December 24. "When I had the pin taken out of the femur I had broken early last year, the doctor took a look at my left hand which I had inj u red several times and told me the thumb j o int nearest the wrist was broken. I wanted him to operate as early as he could so I cou ld race at Houston, but he couldn't fit me in his schedule until Christmas eve. Somehow the hand got i nf ect ed so I'm in the hospital for a couple of days on IVs to clear it up," said Graham, who added that he won't be able to race at the Camel Pro Series opener, the Houston Short Track on February 1 . "Honda gave me a mile bike and a TT bike, and I've got several iro ns in the fire as far as sponsorship goes. I've actually enjoyed speaking to people as I've sought sponsorship th is winter. That's something I haven't had to do for several years. The biggest bummer about this hand operation and infection is that it's keeping me from playing golf," said Graham . MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRYS ClfANGE Named As chai rma n of the AMA 's Historic Ra cing Advisory Committee, Tony -Murp h y. Moved Mossbar ger Ra cin g to 138 South Cherry Stree t, Marysvi lle, Ohio 43040. Appointed As a ~aster di stribu tor o f Mikuni Carbu reto rs a n d accesories, O rient Express Motorcycles . In c., of Freeport , New York; more information fro m 516/546-5 232.