Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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UPEN INT: 1. Gary Sche idler (Yam); 2. Tracy Hrach (Hon); 3. PhIlip Sleke ike (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Loren Pochirowslti (Hon); 2. David Jennings (Hon); 3. Man Kresser (5uz). 125 INT: 1. Ron Lawson (Kaw); 2. Kit Pelmer (Suzi. OPEN NOV: 1. Brian Allen (Kaw ); 2. James Ash craft (Yam); 3. Ban Hitt (Ma i). 250 NOV: 1. M ike Simons (Suz): 2. Tom Gi lje (Yam); 3. Tad Cates (Yaml . 125 NOV: 1. Oenn is Burns (Kaw): 2. Tony Sick · m an (Hon). VET EX: 1. Ken Ehl ers (Yam t. 2. Randy Minter (Hus); 3. George Kohler (Kaw ). 250 BEG: 1. Bna n The ines ISuz); 2. Ted Heh ir (Hon); 3. Dem . Garza {Yaml . 125 BEG: 1. Frank Pompea ni (SulO 2. Andy Vienegas (Yam ~ 3. Dale Ugon (Honl. SO NOV : 1.. Mark Higham (Kaw); 2. Scott Manin (Kaw); 3. Edd'e Gaumond (Yam). SO BEG: 1. Todd Sm i.h (Yam): 2. Normen Gau · mond (Yam~ 3. Ray Hensley (Suz). Chamberlain takes Sarona MX By Debbie Higgins Jeff Bubla~i (40) leads Danny Robinson (276) and John Silva (24) in early 250cc JUnior motocross action at Baylands Park. 125 PRO: 1. Terry Bastard (Kaw). 250 NOV DIV I: 1. Joseph Abrem. (Yam); 2. David Ada" (Hon); 3. John Mahonay (Hon). 250 NOVOIVII: 1. Daniel Guerreo(Yam); 2. Gene Cardella (Hon); 3. Don Mendenhall (Suz). 250 JR: 1. George Heare (Hon); 2. Jeff Bublavi (Yam); 3. John Silva (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Shane Gurnsey (Hon); 2. Lance McPhee (Suz). 250 PRO: 1. How ie Ross (Suz~ 2. Terry Bostard (Kaw); 3 . Johnny Gardner (Hon). OPEN NOV: 1. Joe Macchiarella (Hon); 2. Charle. Soere. (Hon); 3. Kevin AndenlOn (Hon). OPEN JR: 1. Patr ick Vacc hier i (Yam): 2. Tony Owen (Hon). OPEN INT: 1. Jesse Ochoa (Hon). OPEN PRO: 1. Todd Teman (Yam): 2. John Well. (ya m). VET SPTSMN : 1. Gary Jaehne (Kaw); 2. Marl< AnhO' (Suz); 3. Gary M ilewski (Hon ). VET MSTR: 1. Mike Lane (Hon). OT SPTSMN : 1. Bob Kosovilka (Kaw) . OPEN INT; 1. Brent Potte (Hon): 2 . Bruce Gr iswell (Kaw). 250 INT: 1. Steve Paittoni (Han); 2 . David Helver son (Kaw); 3. Ron Urman (Yaml · 125 INT: 1. Chuck Whitmore (Suz); 2. Kenny Maddux (Kaw); 3. Jeff Bua ISuz). OPEN NOV: 1. Lucky Hoffman (Hon); 2. Todd Booth (ATK); 3. Mickey Branan (Hon). 125 NOV: 1. Mike Brooks (Suz); 2. Charles Gon · zales (Kaw); Dave LeFay (Hon). VET EX: 1. Chuck M inen (Hon); 2. Keith Dyson (Suz); 3. Marino Bastionell (Suz) . VET INT: 1. Alan Kent (Kawl: 2. Richard Beeler (Yam): 3. Dinky Denny (Yaml. VET NOV: 1. Lee Dunstan {Suz); 2. Ralph Dickson (Yam ~ 3. Leilani Emery (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Anthony Sandoval (Yem ~ 2. Mike Palumbo (Hon); 3. Ed Alvarez (Hon). BO STK NOV: 1. David McLeod (Kaw); 2. Leir Noble (Yam): 3. Eddie Gaumond (Yam). SO STK BEG: 1. Norman Guamond (Yam)' 2 David Williams (Yam); 3. Sha ne Cook (Kaw ). • . Ryan takes DeAnza MX gold Arnet claims top cash at Perris MX By Terry Whytal By Terry Whytal P ERRIS. CA. J U N E I SUNNY MEAD. CA . J U NE 2 Ya m a h a r id er Bon es R yan swe p t both motos of th e 250cc P ro class ahead o f a fierce bat tle for seco nd . Suz uki rider Luther Fren ch ear ned th e n um ber I\VO share o f the cas h as h e used a co ns isten t 3-3 score to o u tpo int hi s riv al s. T hird o vera ll wen t 10 Yamaha rid er Keith Will iamson wi th . Will y Mu sg rave lak in g fourth o n hi s H onda ahead o f Mark Decker (Yam ). Steve Piauon i put hi s H on da ou t front of the 250cc Interm ed ia tes a nd kept it th ere as h e won bo th rnot os to cam the top spot in th e class. Kawasa ki rider David H al verson took home the seco nd-place trophy w it h Ron Urman earn ing th ird o n his Yama ha . . Lucky H o ffm a!1 lived up to h is n ickname by pl acin g h is H onda first in O pen Novice co mpetition. Todd BOOlh p ick ed up seco nd pl ace on a a four-strok e ATK whil e Mickey Br n;1I1 (H a n) rounded out the top three. Alan Kent proved fastest in th e Vet Interm ed iate race as he to pped bo th mo!os o n boar~ hi s mighty Kaw a sa ki . Yamaha rid ers Richard Beal er a nd Dinky Denn y finish ed seco n d lind th ird. respectivel y. Anth?ny. Sa n do~a l clai med to p ~ on o~s in 2:JOcc Beginn er ac tio n. ridm g h iS Yamaha to Ihe chec kers first in both motos fo llowed by H onda m o unt ed Mik e P alumbo a n d Ed Al varez. T he 80cc Stock Beginner w in went 10 No rm an Ga um o nd . Fell ow Yamah a rider Da vid Willi am s pl a ced second for th e da v a nd Sha ne Cook earned lh ird on a Ka wa sak i. -' 44 Results . OPEN PRO: 1. Jerry latimer (Ka w); 2. Rich a rd Sand (Hu.l. 250 PRO: 1. Bon e. Ryan (Yam); 2. Luther French (Suz); 3. Keith W illiamson (Yam). 125 PRO: 1. ChriS Hein r ich (Kaw) ; 2. John M cCaughey (Kaw); 3. Brian Mayer (Suz). Ed Arn et ro de h is Yamaha YZ250 to the top mon ey-earning spo t a t this week 's SMX Perris Sa turday even t. Am er's task was m ade difficult by a determ in ed Brian Manley wh o led most o f th e first race before seu ling fo r the ru n ner- up spot. In ro u nd two, Arnet moved to the lead ea rly as Manl ey edged hi s H onda in to seco nd a hea d o f Will Mu sgrave who chased lead ers Arne t a nd Man ley 10 th e chec kers to pi ck up th ird o vera ll o n h is H onda . Ya m aha rid er Mik e Carlo p laced fou rt h for the day as H onda-mounted Mik e Watson ro unded out th e to p five. Loren Poch iro wsk i proved fas test among a tough fiel d of 250cc Inter media tes . Poch irowsk i moved h is H onda 10 the from pos ition in each moto a nd stayed th ere 10 sweep bo th rou nds a nd earn th e over ll victory. a H onda rider Da vid jennings nailed down seco nd overa ll a s Matt Kresser pi lo ted h is Suzuki to th ird . A fierce th ree -r id er ba u le for su premacy in th e 125cc No vice class resu lted in a b ig win for Kawa sak i rider Den n is Bu rn s whose 3- 1 score bested th e effo rts of Iirst-rnoto winner j erry L iteral (Kaw ) and seco nd overa ll fin isher T on y Sickma n (H a n ). Ken Eh lers took a well-deserv ed w in in th e Vet Expe rt class as h e rode h is Yamaha to a 1-2 sco re a fter early fir st-mOlo leader DeW a yn e j on es d~vel oped mech an!ml problems wi th IllS KTM . Husky rid er Randy Mil1ler c~rned t~e runner-up spot and George Kohler pi cked up thud o n a Kawasaki. T he 80cc Novi ce " 'in wenlto Kawa · sa ki rider Mark Hi gham wi th SCOll Martin (Ka w) seco nd a n d Ed d ie Gau mond third . Results 250 PRO: 1. Ed Arnet (Yaml; 2. Br ia n Manley (Hon): 3. W ill y Musgrave (Honl . 12 5 PRO: 1. Chuck Han (Suz); 2. Brian M ayer (Suz). . RAMONA. CA . J UN E I The air was cool . the sun was mild and the track was fast on Barona Oaks Motocross track as Jim Chamberlain rode 'to ~ first pl ace finish in the 125cc Open class. john Yonekura (Kaw) was first off the line. while brother Ron Yonekura (Kaw) and Chamberlain (Han) battled it out for second spot. By the f~urth .tap. Chamberlain tuned up his flu id style and let it rip. from there on holding the number one position . Moto two wa s aga in a three way ra ce with Ron Yonekura holdin g the lead for most of the race . But Chamberlain took an inside line and eased quickl y by Ron. The rest of the race belonged to Chamberlain , who a fter th e race sai d. " I kn ew I co u ld win. I just need ed so me tim e to warm u p. Tha t' s th e problem I have a t th e supercross races. T here are o n ly four lap s in th e qualifiers a nd I need more tim e 10 wo rk m y way u p th e pack." T he 80cc 12-years an d over No vice Stoc k cla ss showed Ryan H ughes (Yam ) th e fir st pl ace rider from sta rt to fini sh for m oto o ne. But lots of ac tio n took pl ace fro m Mik e Bornenhal (Ya m). Steve Birk enba ch (Han) and Larry Lamire (Yam ). T hro ugh th e laps, Larn ier worked h is way u p from m id -pack to stea l th e second spot from Born enhal. Once pa st Bomenhal , Larnier worked 10 ca tch Hughes. but ran o ut o f tim e to p u ll it o ff. But moto two ga ve Lamier a new cha nce a n d a h ol esh ot sta n wit h H ughes gett ing o ff th e lin e mid: pack. By th e chec kered fla g. Lam ier was the winner , tak in g the overa ll wi n. with Hughes pull in g th e seco nd spot with hi s first and fourth fin ishes. Birkenbach pi ck ed up th e th ird pl ace trophy wi th h is fo urth a nd seco nd shows. ~ n the 125cc Nov ice cla ss. Tony P el ra ~o ( ~aw ). j eff Finla y ( Kaw) an d Art Hi ggins (Hon ) h eld th e first th ree spo ts during th e few laps o f m ot o o n.e. However. by th e checkered flag l\~ l ke Berkley (Kaw ) had pushed Hig g t.ns o u t f?r th e third .s pot. giving th e W1l1 to Peirano and Finla y th e seco nd spot. In moto two . Pi erano took th e h o lesh ot, wi th Ed H at ch er (H a n) cha llengi ng a t th e second slo t. Berkley had a rough sta rt , crashed during th e seco nd lap. but was able to get it logether quickl y and pi ck off th e p ack. one by o ne , tu rn ing in a third pl ace fin ish an d laking third ove ra ll. Hatcher 's seco nd spot finish a lso secu red him seco nd spot for th e day. Results PEEWEE STK: 1. Pablo Lara (Yem); 2. Carl Brown (Yam); 3 . Vietor Colenero (Yam). PEE WEE MOD: 1. Pablo Lera (Yem); 2. Carl Brown (Yam); 3 . Robby Hammond (Yam) . JR O-B: 1. Peblo Lera (Kaw): 2. Kustin Nelson (Ya m); 3. Andy Harrington (Hon). JR : 1. Den n is Bickenbad (Hon); 2. Kevin Lambert (Hon); 3. Jeff Tilton (Kaw ). SR: 1. Denn is Dahlin (Kaw); 2. Tim Packer (Kaw); 3. Joshua Uscombe (Kaw ). JR MO~ : 1. Er ic Stafford; 2 . Dustin Nelson; 3 . Andy Harrington. • 90 BEG 9·11 : 1. Steve Sil venhorn (Suz); 2.·P.J . larkIn (Hon); 3. Gerrit Dexter (Suz). ' SOBEG 12+: 1. Mike Barnato; 2. Kelly Weitzel: 3. SCott Yongstrand. BONOV 12+ STK: 1. Larry Lemire (Yam); 2. Ryan Hughes (Yam); 3. Steve Brikenbech (Hon). SO.NOV 12+ MOD : 1. Chris Rnley(Kaw~ 2. Chad Gust,ne (Yam); 3. Ryan Hughes (Yem). BO INT MOD 9-11 : 1. Dennis Dahlin' 2. Cory Beyers; 3. Travis Cory. SOINT MOD 12+: 1. Todd Mitchell. 105 OPEN: 1. Larry Lemire (Yam); 2. Jeff Grohon (Yam); 3. Denn i. Dehl in (Kaw) . 125 BEG; .1. Jason Auston; 2. Steve Man.; 3. Donny Gingrich. 125 NOV STK: 1. Tony Peirano IKaw~ 2 Ed Hatcher (Hon); 3. Mike Berkley {Kaw~ • • . 125 NOV MOO : 1. Mike Berkle y (Kaw ); 2. Jeff # Finlay (Kaw~; 3 . Tony Pierano (Kaw). 125 INT STK: 1. J er emy Hughes IKaw~ 2. Brien Belew (Kaw): 3. Ian Merriam (Hon). 125 INT MOD: 1. Jeremy Hughe. (Kaw t. 2. .en Merriam (Hon); 3. Br ian Belew (K.w~ Nitto takes a clean sweep By Roger Smith SONOMA. CA J UNE 9 Race fans at the AFM North 's Sunday race at Sears P o in t watched Walt Nitta, current holder of the AFM # I plate, proved repeatedly th e honor was pair of Champion Moriwaki USA-sponsored bikes. Nitto won a race in each of the four AFM classifications. Stock Production through Grand Prix. Nino's first win ca m e in a 600 Modified Production race marred by tragedy. Robert Sells on a Suzuki GS550 won th e holeshot, followed by a tight pack including Nino on a stock Fj600. Tom Aquino. Glen Shopher and several others. After one lap. Sells had found a small lead but Nitto and Ed Ragl e. on the z~bra. stri~ Red Eag le Racing Fj600. were duelin g for seco nd place. 50 feet back. Th e ra ce wa s red fl agged when Mich ael Guerrero went down a t the exi t of turn seven. in front of th e tight pack of lead ers from th e seco nd wave. The riders following him were unable to avoid a m assi ve co ll isio n. The ? t ~er. ri der s recei ved onl y minor mjurres, bu t Guerrero su ffered fatal head a nd neck inj u ries. Th e race was restarted . Sell s and Shopher shot int o th e lead. followed by Ragl e. but Nitro worked his way up to th e front and soon left the rest behind. Sell s h eld on to second. but ~a gle closed th e ga p. in ch es a t a ume. By th e halfway mark. Ra gl e had ca ugh t Sells a nd passed him in t~ e twi st y sectio n a t th e top of th e h ill. Sells put up a serio us fight. but Ragl e used th e traffi c to h is advan tage. pu lling away each tim e th ey m oved th rough a grou p of back m arkers. Nitro won by a co m forta ble four-second margi n . Ra gl e to ok seco nd a nd Sells third. Mark Smith . a seco nd year racer a n d Nov ice Pro. proved h is hardcharging style serves him as well on Formula 2 bikes as it did on th e 750cc stoc k bike h e rod e last season. Eric Kondo . another Pro rooki e. took the lead a t th e green flag . bu t Smith closed up quickl y to begin an exciting race- lo ng di ce. They were Io llowed by Wa yne Montoya o f T eam Bozo a nd Ed Woo. who is more often seen on a TZ750. Smith took th e lead in th e first lap. but Kondo stayed glued to hi s rear wheel. The race was an exh i biti o n o f Kondo's smooth a nd pr ecise style vs. Smith's more exuberant on e lhal occasionally found ~ im sidewa ys in the corners but always In th e lead. Kondo edged up on in traffi c an d.found an opportunuy to pass late m th e ra cc wh en Sm ith went into turn two very hot. T he front end washed o u t. but he m anaged to p rop th e bike up on his knee and th en wrench it back upright. Ko~do ~eld th e l ea~ for a lap. until Sm ll h slid a ro u nd hIm on th eoulSide on th e last lap to tak e th e win. Monearn~. ~iding a

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