Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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toya held off repeated threats by Woo to take third. In th e 600 Stock Producti on race, Niuo wh eeli ed o ff th e line, but th en bogged ' down a nd a llo wed half a dozen riders past him. After a lap, th e lead er s were whiuled down to a pack of four, a nd Nitro had worked hi s wa y back up to the front , followed by Robert Berett a o n a H onda. Ro bert Sell s o n a GS550 andJim J epsen o n a Kawa saki. After a br ief di sagr eem ent over th e order, the race settled down to a freig h t tra in format ion. N itto slo wly pulled away to hi s seco nd win , follow ed by Beret ta. Sells a nd J epsen . Later in th e da y N ino brough t o ut hi s seco nd bik e. a GPz750. The fans wer e bu sy wat ching Ri ch Oliver , in the O pen GP firs t wave, £l y a ro u n d th e track a nd make up half a lap a fter he had shifting problems a t th e sta rt. Nitto, back in th e seco nd wave F-l race, took a n easy win, threatened only by Don Biava ea rly in the race. went on to yet another win, in the 750 Superstreet race, over cl ub veterans Vince Costa and p oug Filangeri. Results OPEN GP: 1. Rich Oliver IKawl; 2 . Edw in W oo (Vam); 3. Den ny Doh erty IKaw). F-1 : 1. Walt Nitt o (Kaw) ; 2 . Don Biava IKaw); 3 . J im Poet (Kawl. . F-2 ; 1. Mark Sm ith (Vaml; 2. Eric Kon do (Vam); 3 . Wayne M on toya (Yam). F-4 : 1. A lan Scott (Vam ); 2 . Jeff Legg itt (Vam) ; 3 . Terry Varger (Yam). F-S: 1. Kurt Sager (Yam); 2 . James Lerer(Yam); 3 . Mike Johnson (Suz) . F-T-750 : 1. Paul Gallivan (Tri); 2. R. Dicker(Vam); 3. Mike Johnson (Yam ). F· T-OPEN: 1. Bud Riddle (Vam); 2 . Rick Weber (BMW); 3. Richard Kev (BMW). OPEN 55: 1. Rich Ol iver (Kaw); 2. Denny Doherty (Kaw); 3. Ron We iland (Kaw). 75055; 1. Walt Nitto (Kaw); 2 . Vin ce Costa (Kawl; 3. Doug Filangeri (Kaw). 600 55: 1. J im Poet (Kaw) ; 2. James Huebner (Suz); 3. Ed Woo (Yam ). 450 55: 1. Malcolm Hill (Vam ); 2 . Chr istopher Mast (Vam l; 3 . Scott Moore (Vam ) OPEN MOD PROD; 1. Marty Sharpe (Yam); 2. Bar ry Saudan (Kaw); 3 . Rick Liukkonen (Yam). 750 MOD PROD: 1. Shawn Leopold (Vam ); 2 . Gu y Outland (Kaw); 3. Brian We thnell (Yam ). 600 MOD PROD; 1. Wa lter Nitto (Yam); 2. Ed Ragle (Vam) 3. Robert Sell s (Suz). 450 MOD PROD: 1. John Hill (Vam ); 2 . Stev e Wickland (Hon); 3. Ray Carson (Yam). 250 MO D PROD: 1. Greg Overman {CoAl; 2. Randv O'Leary (Suz); 3. Rich Weidenbach (C-A) . OPEN STK PROD: 1. Marty Sharpe (Vaml; 2. Rick Liukkonen (Yam); 3 . Barry Saudan {Kawl. 750 STK PROD : 1. Kurt Bickel (Vaml; 2. Marshall Palm er (Yam); 3 . Eric Hernandez (Hon) . 600 STK PROD; 1. Walter Nitto IVam ); 2. Robert Barr ett a (Honl; 3. Robert Sell s ISu z). 450 STK PROD : t. John Hill (Vam) : 2. Ray Carson (Vam ); 3. Glen Shopher IVam) . VA M A HA RZ SERIES: 1. Malcolm Hill (Vaml; 2 . John Hill (Yaml: 3 . Steven Murray (Yam). ," OVER 40: 1. Ray Straka (Yam); 2. Bud Riddle tVam); 3 . Char les Logan (Hon) . MOTORCYCLE WORLD i s racing across California via satellite this Sunda y night 's special guest is : It comes to y ou liv e, every Sunday night from 10 t o 11 p .m, ** Bruce Penha ll - st a r of CHIPS ** Topics range fro m s tree t bikes to dirt bikes to supercross , moto-, cross and drag ra cing, World-wide race results with Warren Reid a nd Dr . Ca rver's Sp orts Medi cin e fea ture. Ca ll in a nd talk with a ll th e to p personalities. a nd be a pa rt of motorc ycl e wor ld. .' 1-( 8 00) 228-5249 ?r (71 4) 661- 1962 Sponsored by : ~ .. -., - . Hi-Point Riders Win, Win & Win American Speedway Final. 1st O/A ' JOHN COOK SCORE Baja 500. 1st O/A Team Memb er SCOT HARDEN Idaho C 100 Enduro. 1st 0/ A ity RON DILLON See your Hi -Point Racing Prod ucts . Dea ler today and check out the complete line-up of Hi -Point boots fo r '85. From MX to dirt track to trail. he has quality Hi- Point boots to fit your needs. M en 's si res 5 through 14 in Red. Blue or Black. Hi -Poin t M in i M X Boots ava ilab le i n youth si zes 1 through'7 in Red. Blue or Blac k . AMA NatL Hare Scrambles, Hailey, 10, 1st 0/A ... RON NAYLOR V I\o.LL'1N H,lE . t 80 0 t 5 Hi-Pall' l<. NO'1N\ nil' SlOe JOHN COOK 370 9 West Erie Avenue . OH 4405 3 2650 -H M erca nt il e Dr.. R.ncho Cordov• • C A 9 5 67 0 MDRA SUMMER NATIONALS Kiyota tops Aspen road race By C.E. Rife ASP EN, CO, J UN E 9 Fantastic h andleb a r-clashing rides by Bruce Sass , Keith Ki yota, Chuck Lee and Dannv Walker a mo n g o t hers kept Mountain Roadracin g Assn . (:o.IRA) race fan s o n their feet a ll a fternoon at th e bea u ti fu l Woody Creek Racew ay in Aspen, Co lorado last week. Kiyot a put in so me of th e most im pressive ridin g of th e da y in th e For mula Col or ado a nd Fo rm u la One Cl asses o n th e tig ht I. I-m ile co urs e. Ridin g a K&K Racing v'jB Yamaha TZ. Kiyota nar rowly defeated YZ250mounted Sass (Vickery Mo tor spor ts.' D.U .M .P .lWood y·s Wh eel Works/ Dunlop ) in th e Co lorado class . rel inqu ishing th e lead o n ly o nce midrace and even tua lly winning by a scant on e seco nd. nan T urner p u lled in a di stant th ird . Kiyot a a lso pulled o rr a victo ry in th e Formula One race, albeit the ha rd wa y. Mik e Mangham o f Au ro ra o n a 1000 Int erceptor ' led initially. with Walker (Gy ps u m Auto Bod y/Fin ish Line/CP West /MPC/MB En gineer- CANADIAN IGNmON ROTQRFOR 600 NINJA f8J.Husqvarna Liquidation . . Sale You W on't Beat Our Pric es On New 198 5's NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! Amazing inexpensive performance increase . ChangesCalifornia600 Ninja ignition curve to same as Canadian600 Ninja. Ca ll or Write : Champion IIIoriwald USA 1980 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa. CA 926 27 (714) 642 -2040 SOO1o.C SOOCtt ItOO".tt1o. . SOOft.~ ~~01o.C ..- ORANGE COUNTY CYCLE ..... 13 66 6 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove , CA 92643 (7 1 4) 530-7340 ..... 45

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