Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The 1984AFM Open Twins champ, Elmer " Bud " R idd le, got his first taste of vintage racing this weekend, when Green ('84 Open Twins runnerup) loaned him a newl y-built West Coast Briti sh/Hap J on es/Avon T yres Du cati 350. The Riddl e/Green battle in th e Twins class made it s wa y into th e Vintage di vision . R ight from th e start it seemed to be Riddl e's race as he pulled the hol esh ot , bu t th e horsepower of Troeschler 's 450 DUGlli was no mat ch . By turn two . G reen 's 250 Ducari was seco nd, wit h Rid dl e th ird and Tom .R ien ecker fou rt h o n th e Wh eel Works/Avon T yres BSA 500 Gold Star. T h is was a ll to cha nge very soo n. Fred Mork o vertook Rienecker in turn seven o n lap o ne , th en Riddle. a nd fin all y Green o n hi s now badl y m isfir in g 250 o u t of turn li on lap two. This time G reen was ge ll ing h is revenge o n Riddle. " T he 350 had mor e suds down th e stra ig h ts," as Ridd le put it, "b ut the 250 went through th e co rn ers faster. " By th e halfway point: Riddle's 350 was o u t with a pu lled spark p lug, wh ich h it him in th e rig ht knee. Green 's 250 Quacker was geuing sicker as th e race wore o n. This allowed Reinecker to pass, and Chris Quinn on his Wheel Works Ducati 250 to move into a position to lake seco nd in th e 250cc class, but this wasn 't to hap pen. Reinecker a nd Green seeme d to team up for th e last four la p s. as th e Gold Sta r . would tow the Du cdown rhe stra ig h ts in its draft, a llowi ng bo th riders to pull away fro m Qu inn an d gai n on Mork a bo u t a half to o ne seco nd pe r lap. Mark's big lea d was no w d isappearin g. but four laps is never enoug h a nd th e top five p laces were set. In sixth o vera ll . Craig McLean ro de . a verv well raced 350 Manx Norton to firsi 350cc machi ne . a nd th e on lv 350 left runn in g. Women race rs Caimen Lynaugh 'too k sevent h a nd Michele Bisson DNF wh en her car b fell off. - -, Results HVYWT: 1. Dave Troetschler (Ouc); 2. Tom Rienecker IBSAI. . lTWT A : 1. Fred Mork(Aer); 2. M ike Green (Oucl; 3. Chris Quinn (Due); 4 . Carmen Lynch (Par i; 5. M ic hele Bisson (Due ). . . LTWT B: 1. Craig McLean (Nor); 2. Bud Riddle (Duel. Pena steals Famoso drags By David Linstrom BAKERSFIEL D. CA, J UNE 8-9 Pro Cornp's G ary Pena survived a second round photo finish LO lake the fin al win. Pe na , number one qualifi er a t 8.52/1 52.84. sponso red by The Shop/ T om Turn er s T wo Stro kes /V&H / Dyna Igni tion/ Sim pson /Web Cam, had h is wo rk cu t o u t o n Su nday runnin g agai ns t Steve Ruggiero . Ron Durham, and Ra y Rich ardson. First ro und actio n saw Pena quickly put Ru ggiero o n th e trailer with a n 8.79/ 9.i2. Ra y Rich a rdson turned the best ET in round one with a n 8.76 vs . 9.97for Dr. Mitchell. Durham advanced with an 8.81 as Kevin Murphy got co m p letely sq ui rrely o u t o f th e h ol e and had to sh u t down th e Su zu ki . Several riders had that probl em . wh ich ap pea red to be wat er th rown up under th e fender in th e burn down area dripping on th e tir e wh ile staging. In round tw o , Ri ch ardson a n d Mathi eu left s id e - b v-s i d e. b ut Richardso n steadi ly m~ tored away with a n 8.75/9.2 7 win . T he Pen a/Durila m semi look ed to be a clea n . possi bly two-tenth s second win Ior the n u mb er o ne qualifier. No t so. Dur h am p u lled h is usual h ol eshot - a 0.471 reaction time agai nst 0.642 for Pen a . A 0.400 is perfect. a Cincinnati. OH. May 18-19_ Elmer lrett, the world's fastest Just got fa sterl Elmer set a I--+--{ new IDBA Top Fuel reco rd at 199:11 MPH! Only the best ports go into Elme ( sra c er and thars wh y he relies on WEB·CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS. For more Information on your rec ord-setting c amsha ft 1--+-'"'" and valve tra in components send $2 fo r o ur c atalog or call and ord e r today Useyo ur Visa. Maste rCard or UPS 1--+-. __ C.O.D. 1--+- .... ELMER TRm 41

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