Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and Rick Davison continued to dominate this dass with wins in both heats. The second place rig was piloted by Dave Wildman with passenger H arry Rihela. The spec ta tors were aga in treated to th e sigh t o f sliding GSXRs during th e co m bin ed Su pe rbike F-I fin al. G oodfellow, self sponsored by Vanco u ver Suzuki, took th e Superbike win. Results Gary Goodfellow leads Daryl Cornwell in the 750cc Production race at Westwood. Goodfellow won the Superbike and 750cc Production classes. .. 40 a 250cc bik e du e to so me p roblem s with h is Harley-Davidson o f Canada . Fo r th e seco nd wee k in a ro w Hannega n , Roger Stan ley has been a ll smi les a fter to p pin g th e th ree-lap race fo r _ th e bra ss on hi s 750 Tri u m p h. Sta n ley won th e Over 30 dash whil e T om Lindquist (Yam 750) was close second. Main events were much sim ilar Ven ne bles stormed back to mak e a rep eat in the I25cc A main a nd, lik e last week, led Danny Sta n ley (Kaw ) a nd Kath y Hubble across th e fi n ish line a t th e co mp letio n . The Over 30 main h ad 750 Triumph-m ou nted Mike Bud sch adt beat class dom in ators Sta n ley, Lindqu ist a nd Canada 's Mu rra y Newman (R rx), a ll wh o a re class winners. Bill Fogg (Ya m YZ490) took fifth . Davis, wh o o n ly a' co up le o f years ago was ca using terro r in th e m in i Expert ranks did a shocking number on th e 250cc Pro co ntes ta nts . Da vis storme d in to th e lead on lap o ne while Aseltine, McCl ain (C-A), Joe Chapman a nd St rong fill ed th e top five. Da vis was rid ing th e bes t race of hi s you ng career wh ile h old ing off Aseltine, wh o .i s possibl y Canada's fastest 250cc rider. Stro ng rode a borro wed 250 Kawasaki a nd settled into third while th ings were mixing up bet ween McCl ain, Ch apman , Rance Barcla y a nd T ery Kerti s. Davis held on to win th e main event by a half bikelen gth which d ro ve th e spec ta-. tors com p le te ly crazy. Announ cer Fred Boettner worked everyo ne into a frenzy in th e close 1-2 finish while th ird went to Stro ng. Strong smoked int o th e lead in the Open Pro main event and led AMA J unior s Roose (H- D) Terry Wahl (CA) a nd last n ight 's Oregon 'TT Jun ior cla ss winner Rick y Albee (BBR P KTM ). But Albee got tangl ed up with Donald Wil son and th e race was red flagged wh en Barclay joined th e h eap o f m achinery an d bodi es sca ttered a long th e track. It took three tries 10 ge t th e fin al done due to some "over enthusiasm" a nd it wa s Strong a nd ,Wa h l running first a nd seco nd aft er ' th e single-fi le restart. The race had six laps left a t thi s tim e an d St rong took o ff a nd left Wahl in seco nd , wh o was doing a marvelous job a t keeping Roose a n d Expert Brian McG on igal (KTM 560) behi nd him. Aseltine (Yam 250) was hurt ing for pow er but had h is h ands full with Wil son late in th e race, Wil son ge t off 12th but ro de in seventh on th e fin al lap. Wilson co m me nte d " I' m just glad to get to race, th e weather up here h as put a bind o n racing " which was in regards to a ll th e O regon 'TT ra ino u tsa nd went on to say " It 's going to/ be hard for a lot of us Expert s to keep o ur National numbers. La st year th e minimum wa s a ro u nd 40 points." Wilson got a great view from seventh of th e fin ish th at had Strong winning over Wahl , Roose, McGon igal, Fitzhugh and Aseltine. Albe e, on the o ther hand. had a ro ugh n ight a nd was 10th. . Results , OPEN PRO: 1. Kirk Strong (Hon) ; 2. Terry Wahl (C-A) ; 3 . Randy Roose (H -D). · . 250 PRO; 1. Darrell Davis (Hen) ; 2. St eve Aseltine (Yam); 3 . Kirk Strong (Hon) . 1 25 A : 1. Shawn Venneb le s; 2. Roger Stanley; 3 . Tom Lindqu ist . OPEN 8 : 1. J ohn Engel ecke; 2. John Li ra; 3 . Chuck Chapman. 2508: 1. Todd Derr ing er ; 2. Todd Davies; 3 . Steve M cCauley. TROPHY DASHES OPEN : 1. Rand y Roose (H-D). 250 : 1. Darr ell Davi s (H-D). 125: 1. Shawn Ven neble s (Yam). Goodfellow doubles at WestwoodRR By Alice Macpherson WESTWOOD, B.C.. JUNE 9 Gary Goodfellow a n d Daryl Cornwell ran wheel-to-wheel through the hairpin on ever y lap of the 750cc Production fin al. T he sig h t o f two GSXR Suzukis sli ding sidewa ys had th e spec tato rs going wild . Goodfell ow was so crossed u p co mi ng o u t o f th e turn o n lap fou r th at no one th ought h e was going to save it. There was a g rea t co llective gas p wh en h e managed to stra ig h ten it u p a n d dive after Cornwell. G oodfellow led for every othe r lap an d took th e flag fo r fir st. with Cornwell righ t behind. Out of 44 entries in 600cc Production, 27 survive d th e elim inations to make th e final. T his was th e tightest ra cin g , right th rough th e pa ck, th at West wood h as ever seen. Leading th e battle were Ken Lal onde and Randy Kin gston both on RZ350cc Yamah as. Lalonde tos sed hi s in practice and wa s riding with a so me w ha t twisted front en d . Kingston spe n t th e m orning removingaluminum from hiscylinder wall s a fter a n ea rly seizure. Both riders had thought th at th ey were ou t of the running , but th eir riv alry drove th em to the fro n t o f t he race. La p alter -la p , th ey trad ed th e lead, but it was Kin gston by a wh eel as th ey received th e chec kered flag. Formula 2 was a close race betw een Mik e Ken yon , Darr in Gilmor e a nd Ken Botham, a ll m o un ted on various T Z250 Yamahas. There was so me swap pi ng of posi tio ns but Ken yon 's power valve m od el was obvious ly qu icker th an a ny of th e ot her, olde r mach in es. He finis hed first by severa l bikelen gths. Steve Cr evier was a n o u t front win ner in 600cc Cafe o n h is Rolls Research p repared, Rod Jon es tuned . and Pacific Yamaha sponsore d RZ350. Bruce Behal , on a Kaw asaki , m anaged to thwart Perrie T urne r's Suzuki as they fought for second a n d th ird places. With only four entries, the sidecar racing was still close. John Wildman 600 PROD : 1. Randy Kingston (Yaml; 2 . Ken Lalonde (Yam); 3. Gary Berge (Kaw). 600 CAFE: 1. SIeve Crev ier (Yam ); 2. Bruce Behal (Kew); 3. Perry Turner (Suz). 600 PROD CONSOL: 1. Rod M orse (Suzl; 2. Dan M iller (Hon). 750 PROD : 1. Gary Goodfellow (Suz); 2. Daryl Cornwell (Suzl; 3. Mike Wolter (5uz) . OPEN PROD : 1. Gary Berge (Kaw); 2. Ken Breier (Kaw); 3 . Rad Koos (Yam) . SUPERBIKE: 1. Gary Goodfellow (Suz): 2 . Bruce Ch erwonka (Suz); 3 . Jeff Morrow (Kaw ). F-1 : 1. Ken Stobban (Suz); 2. John Palmer (Yam) ' 3 . Roland Sturt·Smith (Kawl. ' F-2 & 3 : 1. M ike Kenyon (Yam) ; 2. Darrin Gilmore (Yam); 3. Ken Botham (Yam) . SIDECAR:. 1. John Wi ldman/R ick Davison (Suz); 2 . Dave W Ildman /Harry Rihela (Bea); 3 . Phil Rone y /Jerry Alley (Ron) . Larson lands Gold Cup opener win By Clay Light and Brian Barnes AL BAN Y, O R, J UN E 8 Kaw asaki sup port ride r Mike La rson went I-I to win th e Open Pro class a t ro u n d o ne of th e Yamaha Perpetual Gold C up Series held at Alban y Speedway. Larson wo n three motos o n th e dav, includ ing th e first l25cc P ro m ot o, but crash ed in th e seco nd 125cc o u ting which gave th e overa ll to Nat ional . nu mber 19 Jim Anderson (Mo to -X Fox Yama ha) with a 2-1 score. Sco u Ty Jer( Lynnwood Yam) won th e 250cc Pro s wit h a 2- ) score. La rson held Anderson a t bay for th e duration o f th e fir st 125cc Pro co ntest. S teve O ster (Han) was th e ea rly lead in th e ro ugh, p oundin g mo ta , bu t yielded to both Larson and Anderson a nd rode to third over Marvi n Waldo (Kawasa ki T eam Green ), Todd H oo ver a nd Honda pil ot J eff So wa rds a t th e fin ish . Mot a two saw forme r series titl eholder Cory Klaudt (Ya m) , Lar son a nd Anderson leading, but a m assive pileup b rought o u t th e red flag. The restart saw David Bail ey (Han) leadin g Anderson while La rso n a nd O ster - who were involved in a turn-one pileup - ro de in 17th a n d 22nd in th e 25-ride r field. Larson m oved to six th o n th e fourth lap, but wa s havin g troubles ge tt ing a ro u n d a huge pack o f ride rs duel ing in th e dust for second, which in cluded Waldo , Bailey, Da vid Hett inga (Suz), Klaudt a n d Idaho 's Corey Barton. Barton m oved up while Bailey, Hettinga and Klaud t dropped backand made way for Larson and Rodney Kell er (R oseburg H onda ). Larson would get no closer th an fourth a t th e finish behind winner Anderso n, Waldo a n d Barton . Larson 's 1-4 sco re wa s good for seco nd overa ll ahea d o f Waldo (4-2) a nd Klaudt (7-7). J oe Wright used hi s san d ridin g tal ents a nd big league ex perience 10 lead th e first 16-r id er O pen Pro m ot o . a t the drop of th e gate, but wa s soon sh ut ou t by 250cc winner Sco tt Ty ler. Ty ler, Wr igh t, Mike La rson and .Ted H olt (H us) mad e up a huge gro u p fig hti ng for fir st until La rson sett led into th e lead o n th e whi te-fla g lap . He rod e o n to the wi n over Tyler , Wri ght a n d Yamaha rider Tim Michlitsch . La rso n to o k co nt ro l o f th e la st m ot a of th e da y, th e seco nd Open Pro mel', an d did a marvelous job of holding-Tyler a t bay for th e entire mota. Tyler is perhaps the northwest' s fastest Open-class rider and had a good day, winning one moto of the 250s, as well a s the overall, and getting second in the Opens. Wright went 3-3 for third overall, with fourth going to Yamaha pilot Doug Lange (5-4). Some 28 riders battled it out for bragging righ ts in th e 125cc C clas s, with Bryan Summerlin (Alb any Stihl Kaw asaki ) co m ing away with the win. Summerlin won th e first round o f ac tio n ave. Bob Steiner (Kra use! O 'N eal USA Kaw ), Honda-mounted Dave Anderson an d Darcy LaLonde (Han) . Th e second rno to found La Londe haulin g a ro u nd th e Alb any co u rse to take th e win with Summerlin unable to ca tch th e H onda rider a n d sett ling for seco nd . Mike Sorenso n a nd Da vid Grad y were th ird a nd fourth. T he 250cc A class featured a fourway battle fo r th e to p spot betw een Troy Ste wa rt (Yama ha Eas t), Kent Kaw asaki rider Oren Bray a nd Sean Dodge, and Bruce Barnes (ASII5co tt! N D/5t. J ohn 's H onda ). Bray looked ' good for th e [ir st-mot o win after a len gthy di ce with Stewa rt, wh o took seco nd with Dod ge and Barnes fin ish ing 3-4. T he seco nd mota reveal ed tha t Stewa rt di dn' t want to settle for second as th e Yamaha ri d er bombed arou nd th e tra ck a nd on to the win. Bray kept th e p ace for seco n d with Barnes a nd Dodge sw itchi ng spots from th e previous m ot a . The overa ll o rde r read : S tewa rt, Bray, Barnes a nd Dod ge. Results 125 PRO: 1. JimAnderson(Yam); 2.MikeLarson IKaw); 3. Dav id Heninga (Suz) . 250 PRO: 1. Scott Tyler (Yam); 2. Joe Wright (Honl; 3 . Jeff Chapman (Hon) . OPEN PRO, 1. Mike Lar son (Kawl; 2. Scott Tyler (Yam) ; 3. Joe Wright (Hon). WEE PEE WEE : 1. Nathan Gravelle (Yaml; 2 . Robert Hotgrev (Yam); 3 . Michael Pavllin (Yaml. 60 A : 'l . Ryan Huffman (Kaw); 2. Shane West (Kaw). 60 B: 1. Dan utven (Kaw); 2 . Robert DodgeIKaw); 3 . Eric Bels haw (Kaw). 60 C: 1. Ryan Leach; 2. Travi s Ber ry (Kawl; 3 . Chris Paterson (Kaw ). 80 A : 1. Br ian Thompson (Yam ): 2 . Jeff Daily (Kaw); 3 . Alfie Downs (Yam) . 80 B: 1. Ter ry Swanson (Yam ); 2 . Ryan Hu ffman (Yam ): 3. Ryan Holm (Yam ). 8DC: 1. Dan Ulven(Yaml; 2.Chad Berry(Kaw);3. Justin Homan (Yam) . 125 A : 1. Or en Bray (Kaw ); 2 . Troy Stewart (Yam); 3 . John Sowards (Hon). '25 8 : 1. Br et Stevens (Kaw); 2. Darren Rogers . (Hon) ; 3. Jeff Peck (Kaw). 125 C: 1. Bryan Summerlin (Kaw); 2 . Darcy laLonde (Hon); 3 . Dana Anderson (Hon) . 250 A : 1. Troy Stewart (Yam) ; 2 . Oren Bray (Kaw); 3 . Bruce Barn es (Hon) . 250 B: 1. Les Womack (Yam); 2. Rex Belshaw (Yam); 3. Marty Jamison (Hon) . 250 C: 1. Dana McKee (Han); 2 . Leonard McCormick ISuz) ; 3. Kevin Burrows (Hon) . OPEN A : 1. Rob Hansen (Han); 2. Steve Hiersche (Hon) ; 3. Todd Morris IKaw). . OPEN B; 1. Gary Larsen (KTM); 2 . Carlsbad Burkhan (Yam ); 3. Raben Reed (Yam) . OPEN C: 1. Thomas Pilcher (M -S); 2. Ken Bailey (KTM ); 3. Shawn Moody (Ho n). 30-40 A : 1. Dave Eakin (Hon ); 2 . Tim Sullivan (Yam); 3 . Rick Sm ith (Yam) . 30-4OB : 1. Ken Bailey (KTM): 2. Voll Lyons (Suz); 3 . Ray Grossaint (Han). • 30·40 C: 1. Dan Schaffer (Hus) ; 2. Mike Anderson (Kaw); 3 . Mike Warner (Suz). OT A : 1. J im Lamkin (Hon) ; 2. Charles Hoster (M ai); 3. Vaughn Gooch (Hus ). OT B : 1. Charles Akin (Yam) ; 2 . Perr y Higman (Hon) ; 3. Dennis Robb ins. OT C: 1. Steve Sorrensen (Hon); 2. Don Colt (ATK). 0 -200 BEG: 1. Jeff Ku schnick (Kaw); 2 . Chadd Egge (Suz); 3 . Pat Munyon (Yam) . 201 ·UP BEG: 1. Ward Brevington (Yam) . PP: 1. Julie Hiersche (Han ); 2 . Tara Har rison (Kaw); 3 . Kel i Bonnema (Yam) . Troeschler wins Sears vintage RR By Michael Green SO NOMA. CA. J UN E 9 Du cati-rnounted Dav e T ro esch ier leapt to an ea rl y lead in th e fourth ro u nd o f th e CVRG Championship Vintage Ser ies a t Sea rs Point Racewav to tak e th e overa ll win while Fred 'Mork mi ght have o n ly finished second overall, but h e did take h ome the Li ghtwei ght A (250cc four-stroke) honors on a beautifully-restored CRTr Aerrama cci, bea tin g points leader Mike Green.

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