Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~SpeedlNay _ (Above) Shobert looks back as Pete Hames picks himself up; Graham (1) and Alex Jorgensen prepare to race by. (Below) Junior winner Aaron Hill. Sixteen-year-old Scott Brant won the Division One Handicap main at Auburn. Brant is a consistent runner in northern California. sta rt going bu t Neverburg co uldn 't keep a lin e a nd wh en Ri ck H ock in g got press ured by th e yar dage g uys . he wound up go ing fro m secon d to fifth in a qu ick sh uffle. Rernin e had a middl e o f th e ro ad lin e th at he held th roughout and wh en Stu McDani el th rew it away he ca lmly held the lin e a nd wo n o ver R ich Mar cucci and R ick H ick s wi th McD an iel o ver H ocking. T he first lap of th e Handica p ma in was a thriller as Da ve Co x locked up th e rear whee l enteri ng turn three a nd went down ha rd with no room arou nd fo r Rocky Robinson , G reg Martzand Bast. All rem ounted except for Cox wh o would no t have a cha nce to repeat last weeks win. " Kid" Curry a nd Greg Martz traded the lead unt il Cu rry' sB & M Mach in e special ga ve up. Robinson was runn in g th e Sierra Products specia l wide but not getti ng good hookup as both Dave Faria an d Bast rolled to the point. Ba st, who has been smoo th ing o u t bett er each a nd every week, had hi s lines down pat a nd went for th e chec kered in a fine fashion with Faria holding up th e win ners hand a fter in a gr ea t dis.p la y of sportsm anship. Jim Si semore a n d th e Va cAero Ma el y su rp rise d th e ga te o ff th e Scra tch ma in with Bast and Yarrow fighting th e insi de lin e an d Steve Crawford out wide. Sisemore got int o a sandwich on lap two an d then ca ugh t horrific tra ction and had to let it go versus taking on th e wall . Yarrow had th e ri ght line a t that point and smooth ly sailed the Snooky Owens/ A & A Ra cing/Oilzall /Can Cilia Eng.lSan Jose Wheel Works Weslake 10 his second straight Scratch · win by inches over Bast. Yarrow's consisten cy br ings ever closer 10 Delacy's Baylands point lead while Bast and Yarrow create th e best. of disturbances with th e crowd that continues to grow with the su m mer condit ions. Chris Pau lson; 4 . Mike Kasp ar; 5 . Bill Herment ; 6 : Vic Oragony, Linn does it again at Auburn By Jann Houston AUB URN , CA, J U N E 7 It was the fifth 'night of speed- way act ion thi s 1985 season at Auburn tonight . and Pat Linn did wh at he did ope ning night - he won the Scratch ma in. Com ing from the pole posit ion , L inn led from th e ga te, whil e David Faria and Eddie Ingels traded seco n d an d th ird positio ns beh ind h im wait in g for Lynn to gi ve one o f th em th e little cha nce th ey needed. But it was Linn ' wh o went to th e winner 's circle tonigh t. It was th e last time Au burn fans will see In gels for a wh il e, as he has signed a co n trac t in En gl and and leaves for th ere next wee ken d. Greg Ma rtz got th e lead in the Handicap ma in for one lap , until 16year-old Scott Bran t moved under him for th e lead an d went on to execu te a smooth ride to th e che ckered flag, his fir st main event win a t Auburn. Martz held second until Jim Sisem or e go t past him a t the white flag to tak e over th e position, forcing Martz to sett le for third. Former Class C dirt tracker Dave Coupe rook an ot her win in th e Division Two main , holding off high school teacher J eff Brown who took second, aga in . Jeff Holmes held off a det ermined Van ce Fel icio to win th e Division Three main by a tire knob, an d Du s~ tin Schroeder took home th e trophy in the Junior main, after a restart when Tommy Hedden was forced into th e wall and taken to th e hospi_ tal with a leg injury. • Results SCRATCH MAIN : 1. Pat Linn; 2. Eddia Ingels ; 3, David Faria Jr.; 4 . Duane Yarrow . Results 36 SCRATCH MAIN : 1. Duane Yarrow; 2. Bart Bast; 3. Sieve Crawford; 4 . Jim Sisemore. HANDICAP : 1. Bart Bast; 2. Dave Faria ; 3. Greg Martz; 4 . Rocky Robinson; 5. Robert " Kid" Curry; 6 . Dave Cox. SECOND DIV; 1. Mike Remine ; 2. Rich Marcucci; 3. Rick Hicks; 4. Stu McDaniel; 5. Rick Hocking ; 6. Jim Nevenburg. THIRD DIV: 1. Nick Geranio; 2. Vance Falicio ; 3. HANDICAP: 1. Scan Brant; 2. Jim Sisemore; 3. David Far ia Jr.; 4 . Greg Manz; 5. Duane Yarrow; 6. Mark Zeissler. SECOND DIV: 1. Dave Coupe; 2. Jeff Brown; 3. Ron Combs: 4. Dana Perri; 5. Jerry Bland ; 6. Richard Marcucci. • THIRD DIV: 1. Jeff Holmes; ' 2. Vance Felicia ; 3. Stu McDaniel; 4 . Jell Santos; 5. Rich Simpson; 6. Ted Scruggs. JR: 1. Dust in Schroeder; 2. Ken Wagner; 3. M ike Knopf; 4. Bobby Hedden; 5. Craig Reed. Santa from pa ge 19) FeTT (Con tin ued motor developed a miss late in the race, but that didn't really bother me. I want to than k Dave Bird and T erry Knight for their help with my TT program:' " I feel great ," said Graham . " Wha t else is there to say? I could probabl y ride ano ther 25 laps:' " It was one of those nights when every tim e I went to pass someone I was in the wrong place at the wrong time," said Shobert. " It could have been wor se, I nearl y crashed two or thre e times. The race was simple. I got ou tru n." Junior National Pole sitter Winkie Freitas ended his cha nces for the win in the ] unior National right on the start by flipping h is bike over backwards right off the , lin e. "M y foot slip ped off the brake as I was revving the engine waiting for the start," said Freitas . "I was caught by surprise and couldn't save it: ' Freitas was about a th ird of a lap down to leader Brian Ath erton when he got sta rted. Ath erton was going for hi s sevent h strai gh t Junior National win - a feat which would top Chris Carr's six straight set last year. It wasn't to be as Atherton crashed while holding a comforta ble lead at about the halfway point and handed the lead to Aaron Hill. Hill kn ew just what to do with the lead and he held his Champion Fram e- spo nsored, Bud Carroll-tu ned Rotax in the lead to the fini sh of the 12-lap race. J eff Franzenburg, on the Richard Sex to n o f Des Moines-sponsored Honda, rode a consistent race in second with a good bit of breathing room over the battle in third . Freitas kept the pressure on tho se in front of him and was rewarded with openings which he took adva n tage of until , with two laps to go, he was third. Hill, Franzenburg and Freitas held in the top three to the fini sh . " I' ve been in the hunt in mo st of the races," said Hill, "but something always seems to go wrong. It' s just a matter of putting the pieces in the' right places and getting experience. Here, I kept up a stead y pace and Atherton bailed off so I took advan tage of the situation." " My key was riding a steady race," said Franzenburg. • Results 26-LAP NATiONAl; 1. Doug Chandler (Hon); 2. Scott Pearson (Hont 3. Ricky Graham(Hont 4. Bu_ Shobert (Hon); 5. Ronnie Jones (Hont 6. .AIe. Jorgensen (W-R); 7. Chris Carr (W-R); B, Randy Green (Han); 9. Terry PO

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