Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ -----=,SpeedlNay_ nev th at was h is fifth winin da ys. ~-or C hristia n (ST P / Va lvo iin e/ Cha mpion /Bcll/Cirdlo Racin g / H iPoint/PBIIK&N/ Filx-rglass Co ncep ts G M) th e win wa s a big one. as it was h is first in the Cycle R ider. In c. Trop hy Ser ies. It a lso ca me o n th e heel s o f hi s co ntroversy- ma rked w in in th e Spee d way Magazin e Cup. Kin g rook th e lead from the po le over J im Lawson, Ch ristia n and Fa ria . C hr istia n . usin g th e cus hio n. q ui ckly gal by Lawson a nd then wen t a fter Kin g . King held him hack until turn three o n lap two wh en C h ristia n blasted by with seem ingly unlimited power in hi s mot or. C h ristia n th en blocked King a s th ey ex ited turn two o n lap three and that was it. Christian took the win with a spec tac u la r rid e over King . Far ia and Lawson. " Mig h ty" Moose Kennedy (Sh in Works/Sign Art /Scot t Goggles /Shot gun J awa) turned in an im p ressive performance to hold off David Han cock and Jeff Johnson to win the Second Division main . J im Peery (Jawa) ca m e down from Ventura to win his first IMS main in Th ird Division action. Results SCRATCH MAIN: 1. Alan Chr ist ian (GM) : 2. Lance Kin g (Wesl; 3. M ike Fari a (Jaw); 4 . Ji m lawson IGM ). HAN DICAP: 1. Rich Sweaney (Wes ); 2. Lance King (W es); 3. M ike Fer ia (Ja w ); 4 . Brad O.ley (Wes); 5. Denny Scopellite (Wes ); 6. A len Chr ist ian (GM) . . SECOND DIV: 1. Moo se Kenn edy (Jaw); 2. David Hancock (Wes): 3. Jeff Johnson (W es); 4 . Randy Ben nett (Gdn ); 5. Don Jackson (Jaw); 6. Steve Flan_ n(Wes). THIRD DtV: 1. J im Peery (J aw); 2. Steve Fur ma n (J aw ); 3 . Valar;e Robledo (Jo w l; 4 . Tom Luera (Wes ); 5. Richard Perkins (J aw ); 6 . Gary Hicks (Wes). Faria storms Ventura By Bill Locey VENTU RA. CA. JUNE 18 " Flyin '" Mi ke Faria has been the points lea der at Ventura since he moved so ut h in 1982. H e wo n the T rack Champio n sh ip in 1983. he shared th e U .S. Best Pa irs tit le la st year. wo n a dozen mains. a nd also set a track record by winning six straight Scra tch mains. O n Tuesday nigh t Faria won his first Vent ura main of 1985 at mee ting n u m ber 12. Shawn McConnell, sh owin g th e stv le tha t h as made him a fa n favorite, was second to Faria in th e Scratch main after winning th e H andicap m a in for th e second tim e in three weeks. Four riders started on th e 50, and two on the 40. The track was rough but th ere was plenty of passing. a nd cra shes. Little Ron n ie Correy won his heat from the 20 a nd Faria. Lance King and Bob 011 pleased th e patrons by winning off the 50. Mike Mazzacane won his sem i from th e 40, but behind him it was downright sca ry. Tim McCasla n d hit a hole and parked, Faria flew by clipping McCasland which stoo d h im up th en straighten ed him o u t. Then Keith Lars en went dow n a n d Faria cro ssed the line slowly sh akin g hi s head for third beh ind Ott. In th e other semi . Correy a nd Do ug Ni co l wer e battling for th e lead when they both went down aro u nd turn two .- th e four rid ers behind a ll managed 10 avo id th e acc ide n t. On the restart wi thou t Ni co l. Correy went down in front of everv one around turn one - no one sh~t down , bu t everyon e missed Correy. McC onnell won the exceptionall y speedy race. The main looked better on paper than it turned o u t to be in actua litv . McConnell o utga ted Mazza cane arid led from stan to fi nis h . ho ldin g o ff Kin g for th e fina l fo ur laps. . Scr a tch ra cin g began w ith one o f th e stra ngest races in awhile. Mazza ca ne and Co rrey (rid in g for David Hancock) a u tga ted th e th rash ed Kin g a n d Steve L ucero. o ne a nd two in track po ints for thi s yea r. King was having cl u tch proble ms and L ucero was rid ing Fari a 's fourt h hack-u p bik e. T he n, in th e next race . Ed Cas tro p assed a surprised Far ia o n the la st la p for a heat win . MeConn ell an d Rob Pfetzing won th e ot her heat s. In the main Faria got th e gale an d h ad it won by rum on e. McConnell man aged to keep Mazzacane in th ird behind him . In Second Division ra cin g . Ven tura lo cal Rich Perkins led th e m ain for th ree la ps before Jimmy Gentile got undernea th. Half a lap la ter, Do ug Bowers retu rn ed the favor as h e dove under on the pole to take the lead and his second trophy this year. Steady J eff Joh nson was third , add ing to his Division Two points lead which is n ow a t 28. T h e ma n in p ink, Duane Bla ke, wo n th e cras h -filled Division T h ree main. Fi rst, Craig Fu rman caugh t Chris La nd 's back wheel and went straight into and th en over the turn one cement crashwall . He wa lked a way un h urt, but ou t o f the resta rt . Nex t time, Land pa rked it around turn two and Arch ie Perez smacked him and endedup tu mbling down th e bac k straight. Land wa s excl uded. an d Perez' bike was a fa tal ity. With the congestio n p roblem settled . Blak e led the th ird time from th e second lap after passing Ron Swe nson. Results SCRATCH MAIN; 1. M ike Far ia ; 2. Shawn McConnell; 3. M ike Mazzacane; 4 . Ed Castro . HANDICAP: 1. Shawn McConnell ; 2. Lanc e King ; 3. Mike Faria ; 4. Bob Ott; 5. Steve Lucero; 6. M ike Mazzacane. SECOND DIV : 1. Doug Bowers; 2. J immy Gen tile; 3. Jeff Johnson; 4. Rich Perk ins : 5. Shane McDonald; 6. An thony Sanchez. THIRD DIV ; 1. Duane Blake; 2. Ron Swenson; 3. J im Brad ley; 4 . A rchie Peraz; 5. Chr is Land ; 6. Craig Furma n. MATCH RACE; 1. Dave Faria del. M ike Faria . , Moran king at Carlsbad By Gordie Orr CARLSBAD . CA. J UNE 16 T he la rges t crow d in the history of th e n ew Cali forn ia Speedway at Carlsbad Racewa y jammed the grandstands and the a mphitheater Su nday night. What they saw was a sterling pe rformance by " Kin g Kelly" Moran w ho won five of h is six rides including both First Division mains. The tra ck was wi thout the hol es th a t had p lagued it th e previous weeks, mu ch to th e del igh t o f the riders. Tha t apparently suited Moran more than anyon e else as h e wa s sim p ly deva stating a ll evening long. H is o n ly defeat on th e night came in th e Handicap semi wh en he finished seco nd to Ala n Christia n . The Handicap main was a wild a ffa ir 10 say th e least a nd had to be one of th e most exciting five la ps in southern Californ ia speedway th us far in 1985. J eff Jones was the leader on the start over "Showtirn e" Bo bb y 011 a nd Mora n (ST P/ Ara i/ O a kley/ Ka l- G a rd v Kn ot tv Id e a s/ C i r ell o R a c i n g /B u s b y R a c i n g / M i k e y Godden ). J ones, who was coming off . the 20, wa s th e onl y sho rt-yardage rider in th e race as O tt wa s off th e 40 and Christian, Mik e Faria a n d Moran were co ming from th e 60. Rob Pfetz ing, who wa s slated to start o n th e 50. seized a motor in his Scratch semi a nd was unable to sta rt . a r,;;-----,_ . -- -....._ CJl 5 ....I « o ~ a u CJl >- '" a .... a :I: a. Tim McCasland leads Alan Christian, "ShoWtime" Bobby Ott and Shawn McConnell at Costa Mesa. Christian was the Scratch main winner at IMS. O tt a nd Moran quickl y pursued Jones and pulled u p to h is rear tire o n la p two. T hey became embro iled in a h a ir-rai sing war for seco n d j us t beh in d th e leade r until they sandwic hed h im h im w ith a spectacular p ass at the end o f the third ci rcuit. They roared into t~ one with Moran hugging th e pole a nd Ott o n th e outside. As they ca me off turn two, Moran got th e drive an d ra ced into a lead h e n ever relinquished. Ott h u ng o n to finish a fai rly close seco n d, wit h Fa ria ta king th ird. Val erie Robledo had the cro wd buzzing as it looked like she wa s going to win h er first-ever Carlsbad m a in event. The popular rider h eld off th e advances o f J o h nny Walker a ll the way. but as they crossed the fi nish line. Doug Bowers shot p a st at th e fin al mome nt to put h is J awa in th e Seco nd Div ision wi n ne rs' circle. . Duane Blake (Pro-Rider Weslake) thrill ed th e big crowd with a ta pe sto-checkered £lag win in Third Division . Rick Va nderh am gra bbed seco nd wi th J ay Skil es thi rd . It was "back tire mania" in th e H a nd icap m ain event as yo ung former Junio r rider. Mike Parsons claimed th e lead, wi th Robert Curry rid in g hard o n h is back tire every in ch of the way. Ma rk Zeissler, in the th ird posit ion. wa s eq uaIly as fas t, a n d determi ned o n C urry's back wheel. To sa y there wa s no margin fo r erro r on a nyone's p art is an u nde rsta teme nt. Pa rsons was flawless in the five lap event, cla iming his first northern California H andica p main of th e 1985 season. Curry and Zeissl er n ev er cha nged posit io n, cl aiming seco nd and th ird a t th e finish. Stu McDaniel won the Division Two main a nd Wal t Bevens, a newcomer fro m Red Bluff, took home the Divi sion T h ree trophy. Dustin Schroeder d id it again in th e Junior Di visio n. Results SECONDDIV; 1. Stuart McDan iel; 2. Scott McNe il; mb 3 . Charlie Haine s; 4 . Darrell Busby; 5. Ron CO s; 6. Je ff Holmes. THIRD DIV: 1. Walt Baven s; 2. Jeff Santos; 3.Jim Harris; 4 . Ken Wedd ingletd; 5. Bill Hermant; 6. Ji m Neuonberg. JR: 1. Dustin Schroeder; 2; Mike Knopf ; 3. Bobby Hedden ; 4 . Craig Reed; 5. Ern ie Morris Jr. MATCH RACE: r. M ike Faria (Was); 2. Robert Pfetzing (W es). THIRD DIV : 1. Duane Blake (Wes); 2. Rick Vand erham (Mae) ; 3. Jay Skiles (Jaw); 4. Gary Lower (Jaw). SECOND DIV: 1. Doug Bowers (Jaw); 2. Valerie Robledo (Jaw ); 3. Jo hnny Walker (Jaw); 4 . Mike . McCarthy (Wes); 5. Jordan Duncan (Gdn); 6. Anthony Sanchaz (Wesl . HAND ICAP: 1. Kelt y Moran IGdn); 2. Bob Ott (Gdn ); 3 . M ike Faria (Wes); 4 . Jeff Jones (Wes); 5. Alan Christian (GM); 6. Robert PlelZing (W es) DNS. SCRATCH: 1. Kell y Moran (Gdn); 2: Bob Ott (Gdn); 3. Alan Chr ist ian (GM) ; 4 . M ike Faria (Wes). Faria, Parsons do it at Napa By Jann Houston NA PA , CA , JUNE 15 T he best season ever at Napa Speedway contin ued tonigh t wi th week four o f the schedu led 10 week season and in what could easil y be called a northe rn Ca lifornia " C lassic" Scra tch main even t. Pau l Orla n d i drew th e pole posi tion, David Faria lined up next to h im in positio n two, Bart Ba st h eld the thi rd spot and Duane Yarrow settled for th e wa ll. Faria and Ba st Ilew o u t of th e gate and were side by side in one o f those "sco re keep ers nightmares". Fari a managed to hold a slig h t edge on . every turn. only to be ch aIlen ged once a ga in by Bast on the stra ig htawa ys. Orlan d i's bike q uit on th e seco nd lap, but the u nbelieveable action between Bast a nd Fa ria co nti n ue d to the fin al flag with Fa ria ma naging to tr iumph by ha lf a tire widt h . Results SCRATCH MAIN; 1. David Faria Jr .; 2. Bart Bast; 3. Dua ne Yarrow; 4. Paul Orlandi. HA NDICAP: 1. Mike Parsons; 2. Robert Cur ry; 3. Ma rk Zeissl er; 4 . Steve Crawlord; 5. Greg M artz; 6. Marc Prince . Bast, Yarrow blast Baylands By Bill Spencer FREMONT. CA, J U N E 13 'Bart Bast gradua ted fro m H igh Sch ool, turned 18 and ro lled over the H andicap main a t ro u nd seven of Thursday night C lass A Speedway racing u nder th e ligh ts at Baylands Raceway Park. Duane · Ya rrow copped th e Scratch m ain and closes in o n early point leader Mike Delacy who missed th e ac tio n . It was youngsters Bast a nd Steve Martin in th e King of th e Hi ll match ra ce. Bast devas ted Martin in th e firs t rou nd not giving any q uarter Martin gated late but th en held off Bast in the seco nd round. for th e rubber match the two exited side by sid e with Ba st h olding th e outsid e line u n til th e la st turn when Martin dialed up th e MPE/Martin & Son Paving specia l a nd took over. Ni ck G eranio (H a ywa rd Ka w ) h eld the point a fter a restart that elimina ted Vic Dra go ny in Division Three action. G eranio held off Van ce Fel icia and C hris Pau lso n for h is first w in since returning to speedway whi le Mike Rem in e won h is firs! Division T wo 35

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