Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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June 26 Semi-Pro. 515 Pro . Spectator $4. -Am $2 pit pass. kids free. Info 209/368 · 100" Ex. pb. Info 6021934·5027 or 583·0575 (TomJ . MOTOCROSS INMEXICOI 7182 or 931·3722. TEXAS CONROE MX SMA CAlIFOR,/IA NIGHT MOTOCROSS Raylands Racewav Park. Fremont. CA Just oft Hwy 11 at Durham Rd . . exit Usesouth entrance. All classes. Gates open 5 pm faces 7. Info . 415 /65 1·2545 , C FORNIA SPEEOWAY ALI VenturaRaceway. atVentura County Fairgrounds. O Hwy 101 a ~ Seaward ff exit. Class A Speedway bikes. ATV also. Sign-in starts 5 pm gate open . s 6. prae6:15. rat! 6:30_Entry $15 per class. Info 805/6 56·1122. Jnland M otorcycle Speedway, 898 CA. National OrangeShowFairgrounds. Gate open6:30 pm first race 8. Pro· s , grams $.50 each. Ticket at the track s or Ticketmaslef Admission'6 adults. . S2 child. Entry H rider. H "",challic. Info 818/446-1)969 or714 /884-4092 Iracedayonly l. June 24-27 TENNESSEE MOTOCROSS SCHOOL Ri",er City MX Trad, Memphis. TN . Russ Darnell MX School. Info 714/ 980-4703 or 980·3212. June 27 West Delta Part Port and. O l R. West Dahl Park exit off 1 All -5. dass es. 30% trophs. t 00% Pro pb. Gat opens 4:30 pm. pr.e 5:30. ratll . 7. Entry$4 gall! $ 5 Sptsmn, $10 Pro. . Portland Int. Racaway. Info 503/285· 6635. EEO AMA CAliFOR NIASP WAY 8ayI.nds Ra ceway Park. Fremont. CA Just off Hwy 17 It Durham Rd . . ua . 1/1 mile oval. Good food. free ~g. dose sea.tJ-.Gateso ~en 6 pm, , racing at 8. AdmISSion S1 nden. S1 mechanics. $6 spectators. $3 7·12. Info 415 / 651·2545 . WASHING TON MOTOCROSS aeninllham. WA. Hannegan Speedway ~ exil 255 off 1 one miJe e~SI -5. tum left on Haooegan Rd. 114 mile. S~ n - up 5 pm. race 6, Entry &6 Ameriean, ' 8 Cenadian. MBMC_ Info 2061734-9505 . AlASKA MOTOCROSS SCHOOL Gill Baiey MX School Kincai l . d . Pari.Anchoraga. AK End ofW. Oimond Blvd. off of Jodphur Rd. 4 dayriding school. $375. Alaska MIC Racing Assn. Info9071344·8229. SMX CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS Perris Raceway. Perris. CA. 91 frwy, east to 15southtowardElsinore for 20 miles 10 Hwy14 thenleft for 8 miles 10 Elis SI. left to Bunon. n 10 track. A claues. 33% .rophs to ll Sptsmn. cash to pros. 30 min ~8 race 9. Mamb. raqd. Info 714/ 831· 3482 or 643·1722. TEXAS SUPERCROSS BuHalo Park Spaedway, Oalil ' . lX. 2 milas west ofl·35 E. onIloil lin a Rd. Allclasses. micromini to open expert. Champi nship sartis points awarded o each week toward each clau aaam· pionat series end. Win new molorcycles and 1O of MXproducts. Gates DDs open4 pm, p,at 6. races 8. Gate fees $) adulls. Enlll l8 Sp.smn, S10 Esp. 817/488·9 133 (Bob Bag.. II). "" 0 NIGHT ORAGS lrtsbld Raceway, Cartsba ~ CA . C Racing starts 3 pm. $ 1 jackpot 5 pm, S5 jackpol 6 pm. S25 jlr:tpol 7 pm , racingends 8 pm. S1.dmissi n. tree o pit pass. Info 6191727·1171. OREGON MOTOCROSS Sandy. OR. 38960 S.E. Ruda R d. Mountain View Raceway. Gatesopen 7 am. prac 8:30. race 11. Admission 7-11 '3. 12 and over &4. Info S. Vermont Ave.• Gardena. CA. Gates open6:30 pm, first raee 8. Tickets al trick. Adutts S6. children 10-14 S3. TEXAS SHORT TRACK ANO IT SI. Hwy 114 10 FM 730. soulh 2 CAUFORNIA SPEEOWAY Orange County Fairgrounds. south end of Newport (55) Frwy.• a Mesa. CA. Gates open 6:30 pm. flrsl miles to FM 2048 10 race track, 25 miles NW of Ft. Worth. Trophies up 10 4 places. Pros $500 guarantee if 8 bikes ormore. All classes mini through Open Proinclud.3/4 -wheelers. Gates $5. prac 6:30 am. heat race 7:30. Entry S'O Sptsmn, S15 Pro Info . 8171284·1766 or 433·5587. CAUfORNIA MOTOCROSS race 8. Info 714/492 ·9933 . Huron Cycle Part. Huron. CA. All classes. 30% tmphs, 125% Pro pb. Gates open5 pm, prac6:30. firSI race ·ZA C P/ MCNIGHT MOTOCROSS Pro. CMC /P all y Products Santa Clara P.A.l. R acetrack. Hwy 237 and G reat American Parkway. Santa Clara. CA. All classes. 30% trophs. 100% pb. Entry $15. Specta· tors $3. Gate 5 pm prac 6:30. race . 7:30. Info4081224·4989 R IOBRAVO MOTOCROSS R Bravo MXPark. Houston. TX. 5 io miles east on E Mount Houston Rd.• . off Hwy 59 N AU classes. Troph lhru 6th to Sptsmn. 100% Ex pb. Entry 58 Swimming. grandstands. showers. game room. Info 7 13/ 458·0090. CMC CALIFOR NIA MOTOCROSS Ascot Raceway. Gardena. CA. All regularda sses plus A 30%trop TVs. hs. 130%Pro pb. Gates open4 pm. sign· up closes 6:30. prac 6-7. first race 7:00. Entry 512 (includes gate feel. admission $5.50 aduhs. $3.50 Jrs. 113· 17" SI children 1 9·121. 8 and under tree. Info 1141261-6116. TEXAS MOTOCROSS fromDallas. TX take Hwy 114 past D-fW Airport to Hwy 26 and tum left. Go 3 miles from Ft. Worth. All dasses and ATVs_Trophs thru 5th place. gift certi icates. 5400 expert plKse. Two f large grandstands. Super ross style c track. Gates open 5:30. prac 6:30. tl ce 8. Admission $6 adults.$4 child. 7:30. Entry 15 gate S15 Sp . tsmn. 120 Info 209/673· 8080. CALIFOR NIA MIC SWAPMEET CalState Northridge(formerlyDev· onshire D ownsl. San Fernand o Valley. CA. 405 to Devonshire St. East. Dpen s to public 1 pmoS pm. Seller move -in8 am-12 noon. Parts. accessoreis. new and used bikes for sale. Inter-Shows. Info 714 /495·2542. CALIFORNIA ORAG81KE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Baylands R aceway. Fremont CA. Hwy 17 to D urham Rd , Westemationai, VIII. Info 3151735· 1661. /0·36 CALIFORNIA SHORTTRAC K AMA Manterey Fairgrounds. Monterey. CA_CaseVerde Way exitoffHwy I. All classes includ. ATV/Ddy/Quads. Trophs for Splsmn. 75% pb Pros. Gates open 3 pm. prac 4. race 5:30. E nllll15 Sp smn. S20Pro. R& 0 E l nl. "'fo 408 /449-7367. J une 3 0 SMX CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS DeAnza Cycle Park. Sunnymead. CA. All cIa s. 33" Ifoph, 10 Sptsmn. ... Entll 115 NovandInl, S20 up. Info 817148' ·2804. cash to Pros. 30 minute motos Gate . opens 7 am. prae 8. lirst race 9. TEXAS MOTOCROSS Memb. req Info 7 14/ 83 1·3482 or d. 643·1722. MosierValley MX Track. Euless. TX. All classes. Expert purse per class guaranteed. Gate opens5:30 pm. prae 7, race 8:30. Entlll5 ga SID Nov la, I nd 1n1,11 5 up. Info817/ 540·3813. TEXAS MOTOCROSS Ross Down MXTrack. Hwy 26. Col· allas takeHwy 114 leyvile. TX. From D past D ·FWAirport to Hwy 26. turnleft 4 miles. All classes includ. 3-wheel. Trophs guaranteed five place 5400 s. comb. Exp. pur 5500 jf len or more se. entries. Expertpurs guaranteed.Gates e open 5:30 pm. prae 6:30. rices 8_ En11l1 15Spt, mn. 120 Espt. Gala 16 adullS S4 6·12. Info 817/4 81·2804 . . CAUFOR NIA MOTOCROSS lodi C ycle 8ow!. lo de. CA. All classes. Sign-up 5:30-7:30 pm. prac 6:30. race 8. En'Il 110 SplSmn. S13 ~ NIA TO C CALIF OR MO CROSS MC Quail Canyon. CA. 1 10 Hungry ·5 V alley Rd. lum-off. All classes. Gates open 7 am. prac 8. race 9:30. CMC license reqd. Entry .12 Sptsmn. '15 P Info 7141261·6116 . ro. CMC C FORNIA MOTOCROSS ALI Ke rn County Raceway. 35 minutes from Bakersfield. CA. Hwy 58 to But tonwillow follow signs for 5 miles to . track. 30% trophs. CMt license reqd. May be purchased at track. Gates open 7:30 am. prac 8, racing 9:30. Entry '1 3 Spurnn. ' 15 Pro. Gate fee S5. Info 805/ 325·5 537. - Brought to yo u by: T ra ck & Sign -up opens Practice * Carta Blanca lakeside MotosportRaceway. Bastrop. TX. 95 north from Bastrop for 4 miles. then East on FM 1441 for2 'II miles. Track on rtght side at H . All wy classes. Trophs thru 5th place 150% . Ex. pb. Siraight thruprogram. Sign-up 9:30 am. pfac 10:30. race 11_Entry 110 Sptsmn " S Exp. $6 gate. Info . * Pepsi Cola * Hussongs Cantina * Cheilikis Bar * Groupo Iris R eal CRC CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS 6a.m 8·10 a.m. II a.rn. Race St arts Sec urity a nd Ambulance provided Purses a nd Prizes g iven immediately a fter event . P lus! After Race Fiesta and Music! Estate 5121327·5259 . Pro and Amateur Classes: Campi ng avai lab le at Race T rack. 80· 125 • 250 • O p en Sunrise Valley Cycle Part. Ada- For mo re informal io n ca ll (619) 429· 7271 lente. CA. Hwy 395. 2 miles north of Adalaiua. All clesaes. Gatesopens 7 am prac 8:30. race 9:30. Enlll S13 . Sptsmn. $15 Pro. M emb. reqd. Info 213/ 830·7519 . Rrmnnbn' 10 gn you r Mnican In suran ce BEFORE you cross the borda . TEXAS SUPERCROSS C'SHIP Spring Valley Motocross Track. fo Oyde. TX. Series local qualifier. In Directi on s: U.s. l n le...tat e 5 (San Diego) 10 border, Ensenada loll road thru Ensenada 10 Nos Negro . Road 10 Ra ce Track (follo w posters fro m 2 m iles north of En senada). 915/ 893-4667 . COLORADO TRIALS Go lden. CO. Inte nnediate and Up riders only. Info 303/633·9482. IN£:!~a $5000+ ·P....AnI Series SOUTH OAKOTA BRA MOTOC ROSS . DeadwoodFairgrooods.Oeadv«Jod. SO. All dasse,. 33 1/3 " InJph ~ 100%Propb. Non-pt race. newtrack. s Lodi NIGHT SHORT TRACK GFates open 9 am. pr.c 10. race 11. Entry .10 Sptsmn. 115 Pre. nonO18_rs add $3. "' fo 605 / 923·1040. FRIDA Y WASHINGTON E NOURO Mount Ba WA. Take exit 232 on ker. 1 east to north State Hwv- 20, Turn -5 SATURDAYS J u ne 14 June 21 J u ne 28 J u ly 5 lett. Go approx. 12 miles to Cab in CleekRd _andtum lett then follow the ermws Y will be on Scott Papers . ou Rd . A B. Sr and Super Sr C Sptsmn . . classes. Starts lO am. Entry C and Spumn 512. othe rs $15 . Info July 13 .11.6.11\ . \ J uly 20 !:Jl....Y!:l~ J uly 27 l /~ A ugust 3 /1 · ~ Cy c l e ''W1 . 80 W I • 500 cc Pro entry $ 15.00 Sportslnan Ent ry $ 1 0 . 00 Lodi. CA. Call (2 0 9) 93 1 -3722 o r (209) 368-7 182 for D ire ctions and In f orlna tl on o r Late e n t r y (7:0 0 p .In.) 2061734·525 5. CMC CAUFORNIA MX Redding. CA. Eastof 1 offRancho -5 Rd. and Airport Rd. ~_. of Ol d Oregon Trail at Reddin ,.~ \. .....rt. All Sptsrnn \. £ classes. Se"t.\l- ~ j ·wheel track. Mmi s ~ and SptSI ,.•, trophs. 100% Pro ph Open 6:30 am. prae 8. race 9. Entrv Sign-up 5:30 p.m. - Practice 6 :30 p .m. - Race 8 :00 p.m. [f¥J.' SI1. SI6 Pro S4 gale. 6·12 11. Into . 9161243·6019. . . 0 ~ 0 /37 CALIFO R NIA STREET RIOE Yamaha of C ovina. 1011 W. San Bernardino Rd.. Y, block west 01 Azusa Ave. (H wy39) betweenthe 10 and 2tO freeway Trophies to drivers . and passengers. All checks limed 10 the second and measuredto the nearest one-hundredthmile. Sign-up8 am. firstbikestarts 9:01. Entrv S8 with 51 discount to 0-37 road riders. Info "0 ~ ~ I,. ",0 Up S E\'-\~ AMA ROAD RACING I JULY 7, 1985 .. ASPEN RACEWA Y Round #4 Mountain Re gion Championship Sprints ~ t E"ent Nell I pueblO Inter"atlo"al blo cO \ BI8 /44 8·B351. SHINGTON MOTOCROSS WA Th urston Co , ORV Part.14 miles W. of Ol mpia. WA on Hwr 101. All . y p u e 1 ' 19 8 5 JuIy 2 , - Gates Ope n 6 pm Saturday. J uly 6 Open TIll Races Clo'se Sunday . Camping Ava ilable . RAIN or SHINE For Info rmation On How You Can Join America ·s. Pre~ier . Road Rac ing Organizat ion. Contact AMA ChampIonshIp Cup Seroes. P.O . Box 447. Skyland. NC 2B776 - 704 /6B4-4297 classes. 33%uophs to 8th place. guaranteed 52250 Pro purse. 6th annual Y amaha Gold Cu Series. Gates open p 7 am. ptac 8. race 9. Entry $12 Sptsmn. 525 Pro. $5 gate. Info ~ii:\m nt~, DUN.£OP iii UXJiHI AJ YAMAHA RSC PERFORMANCE 206/94 1·9356. ALASXA MOTOCROSS Kincaid Part.. Anchorage. AK End of W. Dimond Blvd. ott of Jodphur Rd All da sses includ. ATV. 33% trophs. 100% plus Pro pb_AMRA pIS. race. Ga open 8 am.prac 9:30. race 1, _ tes Entry '3 gate. 515 raca. Alaska M/C Racing Assn Info 9071344 . ·8229. TEXASFLAT TRACK, SHORT TRACK & IT ~ SWAPMEET , ~ • MOTORCYCLE ."ni.u._ MOTORCYCLE JUNE29 Northridge North C8mpUI walC Info 713/ 427·3125. h. (Formerly Devonshire Down sl 1 p.m. •o 8 p.m. 24 Hour Inform.tlon CMC CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS la guna Seca Raceway. Hwy 68 between Monterey and Salina CA. s. All classes. 3 new sections added. new jumps. Prac 8:30 am race 9:30. . Mon leray Bay Rams. Info 408/394· 8225 J uly 1 CAUFORNIA SU MME RTRAil RIOE Wilseyville. CA to Silverfalr.e. CA. Th race will be held July 13th-14th is ~~s~u~ SWAPMEET 714 495-2542 J1lIMS~ , .' t:. :.. " ,.\ \ . , 1.,\ " It ,\IUTUIU" ~ 'I .• : wedneSdayS Orange Sho w grounds San Schedule Jill, 6/7 - SO. CAL CAL CITY G.P. July 28 - PERRIS RACEWAY G.P. (71 4) 828· 1 358 ~ eRe RACE SCHEDULE ATVC lanesA tAUEvenh ... 30 - IIOTOCIlOSS Jot 14 - IIOTOCIlOSS '"it SIlIlrisa Cycle Part DoAo.. Cycle loti. 7 - IIOTOCIlOSS Rice.' loti21 - IIOTOCIlOSS ,.rri, ~ Sunrise eye" Park (213) 830-751 9 .. ~ Race With The Best *::=J Qui CoIlJOO - Enll SaMoy Ale.. Polt - Fri. lipU ClrtIbad be'M, - 1st1hd1W/4dt S.L IL _ . _ Cycle 'art - 2M1/4d1 S......... B~rnardlno ( 8 18) 446-0969 I SRA (714) 495-2542 ,,- ~ . Baytown Race . 15 miles east of way Houston. TX off I 10. 9607 N. Main. Baytown. TX. All c1ass!s incl ud. 3wheel. 100% pb in sign·up for M/C and 3-wheel. Gates open 9 am. prac 11. race 1 pm. Entry $15 rider. '5 AR IZllNA CANYON MX Canyon Raceway 1 'II mi. wesl.of . e .• 99th Ave & Car h e Hwy Phoel'll,. Al. All classes..33% Splsmn tfaph.. 00 O'l SUNDAY J U L Y 14th 1985 TEXAS MOTOCROSS 503/668·9409 . June 28 Mosier Valley MX Part. From1 ·30 take 157 north to Mo Valley Rd iser .• en west to JimisionLane. Midwayberwe rth. D allas and FI. Wo n .Allclasses in morning. Int and Exp _ in afte,:"oon Spl tschedule. Trophs thru 6. begl.M i ers thru 8th. $400 between 10 n de~. 150015 riders. Practice daily 9 am Gate opens 7 am. prae 8. race 9. Int and Exp. prae 1 pm. race 1:30. Entry S15. S5 gala. Info 8171540·3813 18i11lawl. J une 2 9 CAUFORNIA SPEEOWAY Ascot'sSouth Bay Stadi ... 18240 . Under 9lre e. lnfo 213/538·05 20. $1000.00 Cas h Purse for P ros $500.00 in Prizes for Am a teurs TEXAS MOSIER MX June 26-29 • moto Gate opens 7 am. prac 8. 'Ifsl s. OREGON MOTOCROSS Supercross Racing in En sen ada at the Sucra Race Track 7121756·4 114 or 273·2336. CAUFORNIA SPEEOWAY S. Arrowhead AV1l ~ San Bernardino. Conrce MX Part. Conroe. TX. 3 mi iver. All southoftown to SanJacinto R classes. Troph or gift een. to 8th in Nov. classes. Concessions. showers & bathrooms. Split schedule Prac. 8 am. . race 10. Int/Ex race 1 pm. Entry 58 Sntsmn 515 Ex. Gate 54. Info . L... (71 4) 2 61·611 6 53

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