Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1985. but entries C loday, No post IOSlL O lale entries will be accepted. 220 f mileent, loop. 2 dayrideand eampeut. All food. gas. etc . will be supplied . Intermediate or better riders. TDial cost 185. Info 2091754-5204. July 2 CAUFORNIA SPEEOWAY Ventura Raceway. at Ventll'aCounty Fairgrounds. ott Hwy 101 at Seaward exit. Class A Speedway bikes. ATV also. Sign-m starts 5 pm. gatl opens 6. plIt 6:15. raee 6:30. Entry S15per ciass, Inlo 805 /656 ·1122_ - July3 SMA NIGHT MOTOCROSS Raylands Raceway PiR. Fmnont. CA. Just off Hwy 17 at Durham Rd exit U south entrance. All classes se Gates open 5 pm, races 7. Info 415 /651 ·2545 . CAUFORNIA SPEEOWAY Inland MOlartycle Speedway. 898 and A TVs. Trophs thru 5th place. gift cendieales. $400 expert purse. Two large grlndstands. Superaoss style track.. Gates open 5:30. prac 6:30. race 8. Admission 56 adults. '4 child Entry SI5 Nov and lnt. 520 Exp_Into 8171481 -2804. ltXAS MOTOCROSS MosierVaney MXTrack. Euless. TX. All classn. Expert pLne per crass guaranleed Gateopens5:30 pm prlC . 7. race 8:30. Entry '5 gale SlO Nov . ond Inl • 15Exp.l nlo8171540-3813. TEXAS MOTOCROSS Ross Down MXTrad. Hwy26. Col· leyvilt.TX. FromDallastab Hwr 114 PISID·FW AifportloHwy26.lum leh 4 miles AU classes indud. 3·wheel. . Trophsg_ll1l..d five place,. • 4lJO tomIl. Exp.. purse_$500 il ten ormore entries.Expert purse guaranteed. GillS open 5:30 pm. prac 6:30. races 8. Entry lIS Sptsmn. '20 Eapt. Gate 16 adults. 14 6·12. Info8171481 -2804 CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS lodi Cycle Bowl. lndi , CA All classes. Sign-up 5:30-7:30 pm. prac 6:30. race 8. Enlry 510 SAplsmn. 513 Semi-Pro $15 Pro-Am. Spectator $4 . . 52 pil pass,. kidsfree, Info 2091368· 7182 or 931·3722. S Arrowhead Ave.• San Bernardino. CAliFO RNIA GRAN PRIX Cahfornia Cily. CA. AU Sr. and Women. 0-175 class. 0-85 class. 4stroke OHC. pushrod. non-classified race Sal all other includ. ATC/Olly/ Sidehacks raceSun. Proorambegins8 am both days. Entry $27 mail. $37 pest. Unclassified add $2. So 1:1:1 M/C. Info 818/362 ·8607. WASHINGTON MXANO GP Smiles eaS1 01 Woodland. WA on Hwy 503 All e1asse. 200% Pro pb. Race S,I. MX. ride Sun. GP for frel. Gales open 7:30 am. prac 9. race 10:30. Entry S10 SplSmn plus gale . S1S Pros plus gale (54~ Woodland MX Club. Inlo 503 /665·6707 or 2081225-8615. July 4-7 CALIFORNIA POKER RUN Fairgrounds. Tulelake. CA. All classes. Enlry fee includes Poker Run. 2 dinners 2 breaktasts. coffeeand pas. try bilte games. security. showers. . guided tours. early bird camping. 2 nlTV days 01 live music and more. E AMA mail $29. gale 533. non-AMA mait '30. gale 134. Info 503/882 · 9909 or 882·4981. CA. National Orange Show Fairgrounds. Gates open6:30 pm first race8. Pro, grams $.50 each Tickets at the track . I icketmester. Admission $6 adults. $2 child. Entry 51 rider. S7 mechanic . Into 818/446 ·0969 or 714/884-4092 July 5-6 July7 AMAlO·36CAUFORNI SHORT TRACK A Hills Ferry Speedway 27140 River . Rd.. Newma n. CA. All AMA classes. Minis - Semi-Pro. Prac 4 pm-5 pm. (no late prac). heats approx. 6 pm. mains 8 pm. E ntry ' 15 per entry Sptsmn . S18 per entry Semi-Pro. Spectarors. '5.lnlo 408/463·0548 or 209/ 8623453. CMC CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS Quail Canyon. CA. 1 to Hungry ·5 Valley Rd. tum-ott. All classes. Gates open 1 am. prac 8. race 9:30. CMC license reqd. Entry $12 Sptsmn $15 , Pro. Info 714/261 -8116. Of (race day only). ---- ----~~=:=:. -=- = =---=- July 1-4 =~Ity I ~ of i OHIO MOTOCROSS SCHOOL Smith Road MXTrad. Medina.OH. Russ Darnell MX School. Into 714/980 ·9703 '" 980·3212. July 6 Did you ,,,,,d rh" w ho/II issu" l July 4 OREGON MOTOCROSS West Delta Part. Portland, OR. West Delta Park exit off ~5 . All dasses. 30% IrophS. 100% Pro pb. Gate opens 4:30 pm prK 5:30. raa! . 7. Enlry.4 gale. 15 $p........ 10Pnl. Ponland Inl. Raceway. Inlo50312856635. Ride th e NewWeve in Motocross Apperel w ith BiAy U les Pents 899.95. Jerseys 822.95. Send tor FREE Catalog. I I I I I I I I " AMA CAliFIJIlNIA SPEEDWAY Baylands Raceway Park. FrlrmOlll. CA Just off Hwy 17 at Durham Rd. . exit 1 mile oval. Good food. tree parking, closeseals. Gatesopen6 pm, racing at 8. Admission $ 7 riders. S7 mechanics. $6 spectators. $3 7-12. Inlo 415 /651 ·2545. n WASHINGTON MOTOCllDSS Bellingham. WA. HameganSpeed· way.. exit 255 ott 1-5. one mile east turn tett on Hannegan Rd . 1'" mile. Sign-up5 pm,race 6. Entry $6 Ameri- : .....1Iii LIGHTWEIGHT: CHAMPION I Mitchell, spunaluminum wheels, by Performance Machine are thelightest, strongest, and truest racing wneeis today. Nowavailabte in this racy new cutoutpattern. theCHICANP". is bred for thetrack but is equally at home on thestreet. For additional information sendthis ad and SJ.OO for a complete catalog 01 wheels andbrake kits. Name Add~ss EP PERFORMS 6545 West Sahara . Las Vegas. NV 89 10 2 DEALER INQUIR IES IN'VITED ~--- (BOO) 792 -42oo_--~ M-STAR/MAICO • '15. . . . ST1ICIl • WDT CGIST ~ PUTS SUPPlY . P I £ _ ~ _ .=.c~ • CUSTCIII SIIlICIl TUIIRC CYCLE SERVICE 1503 So. Pacific. San Pedro ® lip _ _ -,-_ PlIrlormanCli Machine. tnc. 15520 ltIinois. P.O. Box 927 Paramount. CA 90723 Dept. CN (21 ~ 31 lOr JJ l MOTORCYCLE SALVAGE NEW & USED PARTS JAPANESE AND ENGUSH A ll Mod els Early & Late '. (213) 370-7771 IUPS DAI LY) 5740 l8nkershim Blvd. North Hollywood. CA 91606 213 /508-5227 UPS DA ILY You never lose w ith Cycle News CMCISHR CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS Sand Hill R anch. Brentwo CA od. I I I I I From Hwy 580 take Vasco Rd,. north 17 miles 10 comet of Camino Diablo and Vasco Rds. Info 415/634 -3328 OJ 834·6596. I I I I I I Washougal. W.o.. 27 milesN.E.of Portland. OR. An AMA classes. 33% nophs. 100" Pro pb. Fireworks show . I I I I ~--------------~ JOHNSON & WOOD INC. (213) 548 6874 4705 Anesia. Lawndale Slale can. $ 8 Canadian. MBMC. Info 2061734-9505. WASHINGTON MOTOC ROSS Washougal National MX Track. Gates open 1 am. prat 8:30. racing 10. Entry .13 SptSmll (no gale leel. Pro and exhibition dasses S18 p'us .4 gale Inlo 206 /892 ·5441. . July 5 CAUFORNIA SPEEDWAY Orange I:ounty hirgrounds. south end of Ne_ (55) Ftwy. Me CA G.te, open 6:30 pm. ''''' ... race 8. Info 714/492 -9933. Co". 2AP I CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Sanla Clara P.A.L Racelfock. Hwy 237 and Greal American PaR_,. Sanl. Clara. CA. All classes. 30'l IfOPh>. 11J(Jl1; pb. E ntry ' 15. $pett.· lars $3. Gate 5 pm. llI'ac 6:30. race 7:30. Into 408/ 224-4989. RIO 8RAVO MOTOCROSS Rio Br MX Park. Houston. TX. 5 avo millS east on t Mount Houston Rd .• oft Hwy 59 N. All classes. Troph thru 61!110 SplSmn. 100'1(,£. pb. E ntry'8. Swimming. grandstands. showen. game room. Into713/45 8-0090. CMC C AUFORNIA MOTOCIlDSS Asc Raceway Gardena. CA All ot . regularclasses plu A s TVs. 30%truphs. 130%Pro pb. Gates open 4 pm. signup closes 6:30. prac 6·7. first race 7:00. Entry s 12 (includes gate teel. admission $5.50 adults. $3.50 Jrs. (13-17)• • 1 childre (9·121. 8 .nd n under tree. Into 714/261-6116 . TEXAS MOTOCROSS From DaUls. lX take Hwy 114 plst O·FW AirpOf1lo Hwy 26 .nd ,urnlelt. Go3 milesfrom Ft Worth. All clasts SMX CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Perris Raceway. Perris. CA. 91 Frwy. east to 1S southlowardElsinore for20 miles10Hwy74 then left lew 8 miles 10 Ellis SI- lett to Bu rton. n 10 track.. An classes. 33" nophs 10 Splsmn. cash 10 pros. 30 minute molos. Gale opens 7 am. pl"ac 8. firs' race 9. Memb. n!qd. Info 714/831 · 3482 '" 843-1722. TEXAS SU PERClIOSS 8ultalo PIft Spo-,. Oalla, TX. . 2 mdeswest 011-35 E on Bett line Rd. . An classes. micro mini 10openexpert. Championship streis points awarded each week loward each class Cham· pion at series end. Win new motorcydes and 1OOOs of MX products. Gales open4 pm, pca 6. races 8. GaleleiS c S1 adults. Enlry s8 Sptsmn. 5 10 Exp. Inlo 8171488-9133 lBob Bagweili . NIG ORAGS HT Carlsbad Raceway. Carlsbad. CA. Racing starts 3 pm, 51 jackpol 5 pm, 15 jockpol 6 pm. 125 jaekpol 7 pm, raa ng ends 8 pm. S1 admission. lree pit pISS. Info 6191727· 1171. TEXAS rr StRAM81E SpeedwayPart. Corpus Christi. TX . Gslesopen6 pm, enlrydeadline 7:45. racesstan 8 pm. Inf 512/289-2861. o SO UTlt OAKO SHO T TR TA R ACK Jackpme Gypsies MC. Siurgis. SO . AMA Pro·Am. 250·500. inelud. ATV. S1000 plne_All other c1assls Clsh pII_Gales open 5 pm. prlC 6:30. raa 8. Entry 115 Pro·Am. 110 $jllsmn Info 605/347-4243. TEXAS SHORT TRACK ANO n SI. Hwy 114 Ie FM 730. ,oulh 2 miles 10 FM 2048 10 race Irad. 25 milesNW of FI.Worth. TX. Allclasses. mmi Ihrough Open Pro inchJd 3/4 wheelers. Trophies up to 4 places. Entry 110 $p1Smn. S15 Pro. .5 gate . under 6 and over 60 lree. Prac 6:30 pm. heat riKe'S 7:30. Mike K Proidd motions. Inlo 8171284- 1766 or 433-5587. CAUFORNIA ATV RlOING WORXSHOP PismO Beach. CA. l.arn how10rid, ATV, hom Export'. Begiming .nd Adwnaeed_Slarts 10 am_Team Honda riders Tracy Dickson and Marll Weix· Iidorfer will b. there. Drawing 101 250SX donated by Hood. and mew. donated by manufactures Proceeds . go10 CATVA.S8ATV Club . ndMAOD Admissioo is Iree. Info 805/ 9659722 . July 6-7 NMA/YAM AH~ GRANO NA TIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Barona Oaks. CA. Pee Wee's thru 250', . 30% troph . Pro pb. Call lor , entry'orms. Gales open6:30 am. prlc 8, raci g 9:30. NMA. P.O Bo. 46, n . N",walk. CA 90650. 213/ 868-8112. NEVADA GRANO PRIX Caliente. N . 150 miles nonh of V las Vegas on Hwy 93. Min bikes. i Powder Pu" Sat. Big Bikes. 3/4 whlelers Sun. Race stans 9 am both days Timed st3f1 mtown. Charges . We.. MIt. Info 702/645·6550 '" 846·7141. CMC CALIFORNIA MOTOCR OSS Kern Counly Raceway. 35 minutes from Bakersfield. CA. Hwy 58 to Butlonwillow. follow signs for 5 miles10 lrack. 30% trophs. CMC licensereqd. May be purchased al track. Gates open 7:30 am. prac 8. racing 9:30. Enlry S13 Sptsrnn, $1S Pro. Gall tee '5. Inlo 805/ 325·5537. SMX CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS OoAnza Cycle Park. Sunnymead, CA, 10 mileseast ofRiverside Ol"lHwy . 60 10Theodore exit All classes. 33" trophs 10 Splsmn cash to Pros. 30 . min~e molOs , Gales open 7 am, prac 8. flrsl raa 9. Memb. reqrl Into 714/831 -3482 '" 843·1722. ltXAS CONROE MX CoNoeMX PaR. Conroe. TX. 3 mi. south 01 town10San JacinloRiver. All classes. Troph or gih een, 10 8th in Nov dasses. Concessfons. showers&: balhrooms. Splitschedule Prac8 am. . race 10. InllEx rice 1 p.m. Entry S8 Splsmn. S 15 Ex . Gale 14 . Info 7121756-4114 or 273·2336. CMMC CALIFORNIAMINI MX Bar ona Oaks Raceway. Ramona. CA. Hwy 61 10 lakeside. east on Maplevrew. north on Ashwood. up Wildcal Canyon Rd. 11 miles. Beg. class. DIN camping &: concessions. Sign up closes 7:30 sharp. En S1O try . yoarly memb. '2 0. Inlo 619/5 652406. OKLAHOMA TULSA MX Tulsa. OK South of Tulsa Interna. tionalRaceway ott H 169 N& N wy onh 361 SI. All classes. 33%troph. 150% h Ex pb. Gale 8 am. prac. 9:30. race 11. Entry S8 Sptsmn, S12 Ex.. S4 gate. Tulsa Area MOlosports. Int. Into 9181266·6136 . TEXAS MOSIER MX MosierValley MX Park. From 1030 IIU 1S7 north to MoiserValley Rd.• Wl!S1IOJinnsion lane Midway between DallasandFt.Worth. lX. All classesin morning. Inr and Exp. in ahernoon. $jllil scIlOduill.Trophs IIvu8. beginners thru 8th. 1400 between 10 riders. $500 15 riders. Practicedaily 9 am. Gale opens 7 am. prlC 8. rIce 9. Int and Exp. pclt 1 pm. rice 1:30. Entry 115 '5 gale. Info 817/54(1.3813 . (Bill Low) . TEXAS AUSTIN MX Auslin Mol0sportS Raceway. Austin. TX. U.S. 1B3 S10 SnuIh Rd (,outh 01 Motorola pl.nt~ Howonl Rd. 1 y,,, walchlor signs. All tlasses. 50%noph lhtough 5rh. 20mlO Ex pb. ClIfIClI'sions. trel camping &: fishing. Split schedule. Nov sign up 1 am. prlC 8. race 9.lnt/Ex signupnoon. race 1:30. Gat. s5 adull undlr 8 frel. Entry' 10 SplSmn. 115Ex. Inlo5121 443-7627. 327-5254. ltXAS MOTOCROSS lahside MO lospon Race . Basway trop. TX. 95 northfrom Bastrop for 4 miles. Ihen Easl on FM 1441 lor 2 Y2 miles. T rick on right side of Hwy All . h classes. Trophs thru 51 place. 150% Ex. pb. Straight (hru program. Sign-up 9:30 am, prae 10:30. race 11. E nlry S10 Splsmn, $15 Exp. S6 glle. Info 5121327-5259. CALIFO NIA MOTOC R ROSS Sand Hill Ran Brentwood. CA. ch. co From Hwy 580 take Vas Rd. nonh 17 miles10 cornerof Camino Diablo and VISCO RtJs. tum right All classes. Info 415/634- 3328 '" 834-6598. WASHINGTON PRO·AM MX Woshoug.1 MXTract. WoshoUllal.

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