Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The 49th annual M ilan , Italy, Motorcycle Exh ibition is scheduled for November 20-27. with the f irst three days reserv ed for motorcycle industry members. Firms from at least 20 European and nonEuropean countries, includi ng the People 's Republic of China, are expected to partic ipate in the event. For i nf o r m ati on, write EICMA, Segreteria Generale, Via Mauro Macchi 32, 20124 M ilano, It aly . Deposits are being taken by Echelon Travel Center 'fo r the officia l AMA tour to th e 60 th annual Int erna tio na l Six-Day Enduro (IS DE ) in Spai n. schedu led for September 30 to O cto ber 6. The tour runs from Septem ber 23 to October 7; cos t is $1195 pe r pe rson , incl uding round- trip air fare fro m New Yo rk to Barcelon a , Spai n, hotel accomod ari ons, break fast a nd di nner, a n d car rental. For mo re in fonnation, write Echelo n Travel Ce nter, 100 Woodcrest Ce n ter, Che rry H ill . NJ 08003, 609/ 795-2434 . A proposed Memorial Day-weekend (May 25-27) "sweep" of the Windy Point off-road riding area near Palm Springs, California, by the Cal ifornia Highway Patrol, Riverside County Sheriff and Palm Springs Police Department has been called off. The law enforcement agencies were planning the massive ticket-writing campaign over the weekend for the popula r local riding spot, due to alleged rider-related problems, including excessive noise, trespassing o n private property, and li tter. But due to lobby ing efforts by members of the Specialty Vehicle Instit ut e of America, California A ll Terrain Vehicle Association, and other off-road groups, the police b.cked off. To show that offroaders are responsible people, members of CATVA and the Low Desert Racing Association will be passing out f lyers at Windy Point, informing riders of safety rules and where not to ride, and American Honda is donating trash bags so people can clean up after themselves. But police will still be on the lookout for errant off-roaders. For more information, call John DiCialva of the LDRA, 619/342- ' 4288, or 619 /343-3754. Interested p arties have un til June 3to inquire with Pro-Mo tio ns, In c.. which is see ki ng i nves tors for a majo r racing faci li ty in th e Sa n Bernardino , Ca lifornia area . T he Co u nty o f Sa n Berna rdino ca lledIor proposals on th e faci li ty, which it wa nts bu ilt ; ProMotions' proposal in cl u des a road co u rse, d rag stri p , supercross a nd o val tracks a nd is a leading conten de r in th e cou nty's sea rc h for a via ble tra ck-building-and-operation plan. More in format ion is availa ble from P ro-Mo tio n s at 213/830-4678. MQ'!0RCYCLE INDUSTRY ,~ "ANGES Named Cycle World ma ga zin e West ern Advertisin g Ma nager Larry Li tt le, to Ad vertisin g Director, effecti ve M a y 13; L itt le succeeds J im Fr ahm , wh o was recently named Vice P resid ent/P u blish er of sis te r C BS Magazines Divis ion publication Cycle magazine. Married T eam Husqvama off- road rider Dan Smi th, 20. to lo ngtime gir lfr iend Rhonda, Ma y 12, in Visa lia. Ca lif orn ia ; th e groom was atti red in an a ll-w h ite tu xedo wi th top hat. . TextofCPSC ATV Hearing Not ice Won By La rry H uffm an . IlOS1 o r II' hat [o llo uis is th e text of a u.s. Co nsum er Produ ct SafelY Co m missim i press release on an upcoming A'T'V safety hearing; th e release was dat ed M ay / 5 . . . Ed itor. Mot orcycle World o n K O LA - F ~I 99.9 Sunda y n ig h ts , first prize fo r prod ucing the " Best R ad io Commercia l o f 1984," awarded by the Reta il Adv ertising Conferen ce, in Chi cago, Illi n o is; H uffman received awa rd for a , nat io nall y-broadcast com me rcia l for the Wi ld Pa i r S hoe Stores. Received By ABATE of Oregon. a SIOOO rider co ntingen cy fu nd grant from th e America n !\Io torcyclist Associa tio n , for th eir Mobile Beller Bik in g, Program, Seen Lo u Reed , in th e newest televisio n com me rcia l fo r H onda m o torscooters; Reed is a cu lt-roc k figure o f th e 1970s a nd former leader o f th e legendary Velvet U ndergrou nd; H on da com mercial uses Reed 's song "Take a Wa lk o n th e Wild S ide." A warded T~ the Sne ll Mem oria l Fo u nda tion . .th e Conti ne nta l Auto Racing Award, hy th e United Sta tes Auto Cl ub. for "outsta nding co n tri butions to safety in a u to ra cing. " Reassigned Camel Pro Series team manager R ick Hauser and ass istant tea m manager Chris Drew , fo r R.]. Reyn o lds' special even ts division; Hauser to be team manager fo r th e Camel GT sports car racing; Drew to be ass istant team ma nager fo r W in ston drag ra cing. Named T o repl ace Rick H auser as Ca mel P ro Se ries team ma nager, Curtis Gray. form erl y wi th R.]. Reyn olds' Wi n ston NAS CAR short tr ack p rog ram ; Mick ey Hanes, formerl y wi th the Winston d rag racin g progra m, replaces Chris Drew as Ca mel Pro ass is ta n t team manager. Won By David Crain , of Birmingham, Alabama, a 1985 Suzuki RM 250, in a drawin g a t th e Ap ril 28 ro u nd of th e National Championsh ip H are Scra m bles Series, a t Hurricane Mills, T en nessee; Suzu ki p u blic rela tio n s manager Ro b Saunders made th e p resentat ion. Named Mi ke Kidd and Mike Kid d P romo tions, " P romoter of .th e Yea r" for 1984. by th e Ame rica n Mo torcyclist Assoc iatio n / Ameri can All -T errain Vehi cl e Associ ation ; a wa rd was based o n num ber of AMA / AATVA-sanctioned events h eld and n e w m ember s sig ned to ,A MA/ AAT VA. Approved For use in AM Aand Internationa l Speedwa y-sanctioned spe edway events in so ut hern Ca li forn ia; exha us t pipes by, Bill 's P ipes; new systems are designed to be less restri ct ive than o the r p ipes wh ile still able to meet manda tory n oise li m its; ca ll Bill 's P ipe s. 714/ 371-1329, for informa tio n . A nnounced By BMW of No rth America, a 20% i ncrease in wor ldwide m otorcycle sa les for 1984, co m pared to 1983; claimed 1984 sa les were 33,840 motorcycles versus 28,053 so ld th e previous yea r. Born R o bert o David P ietri, Ma y 13, to su pe rbi ke racer Ro bert o P ietri and wife Nellie, in Caracas. Venezuela. Cons umers from Mississippi a nd neighborin g sta tes wh o o pera te all terra in veh icles (AT Vs) or who ha ve had an accident with th e vehicle will h ave the opportunity to sha re th eir expe riences with government safety experts at a J a ckson , M issi ssippi , p ubli c hea rin g o n ATVs th is month . Com missioners from th e U .S Consumer Product Safety Commission w ill co n duct th e firsl o f five n a tional p u blic h earings o n AT Vs o n T h ursday, May 30. a t 9:00 a.m , in th e old S upreme Co urt ro om o f t he Mi ssi ssi p pi sta te ca pi to l bui lding . Pu blic test im ony, both o ra l a nd wri tte n, wi ll he used by the age ncy to d ecide if a ny reg u la to ry o r vo lu ntary action is needed to red uce the ris ks o f injury from ATV o pe ra tion . T h e ATV 'is typica lly a gasoli nepowered vehicle with th ree or fo ur w hee ls, us ing so ft low-p ressu re rires, intended for single rider use for o ffroad operation . By th e end of 1985, it is estim a ted th at so me 2.5 million ATV s wi ll be in use n a tiona lly. Dea th s a nd injuri es to ATV riders hav e been on th e increase. CPSC has sa id. Be tween J a n u ary 19 82 a nd December 1984, th ere were a t lea st 125 deaths; 53 victims were u nder 16 yea rs of age a n d 27 were u nder 12 years of age. It is es tima ted that ATV accidents sent so me 67,000 persons to hospita l emergency rooms in 1984. • a lm ost two a nd a half times rhe injuries es tima ted for 1983 a nd seven ti mes th e n umber for 1982. CPSC bel ieves th at th e co n figuralion of ATVs a nd thei r uniq ue pe r- Recertified By th e Federati on Interna ti on al Motorcycli st e (FI M) , Carlsbad Raceway, in Ca rls bad, Ca lifornia, for three m ore yea rs to run 500cc G P motocro ss events; ac tion co mes a fter USG P promo ter Gavin Tri p p m ad e ex tensive modifica tions includi ng wi de ni ng a nd en la rging th e sta rti ng a rea , a nd i ns ta lling a new starti ng ga te; the Carlsbad ro u nd of th e 500cc G P World Champ ionsh ip motocross series is schedu led for June 30. Moved Racers C hoice, m o to rcycle p ans a nd accessory sto re, to 270 1 Orange, U n it P , Santa Ana , CA 92707, 714/540-29 11 .. For Sale P arts G alore, a warehouse di str ibutor for m otorcycl e and ATV parts a n d accesso ries, by owner Fr ed R osen au . Wadded A 198 5 Kawa sak i Ninja 600 R , during a pho to shoot, by R ider magazine Feat ure Editor David Mallet; hik e unrideable. rider unhurt. Opening Pat Eagan's Perfo rmance Enterprises, a service . repair a n d high -p erforman ce motorcycl e sho p owned and operated by Pat Eaga n, 1980 AFM Prod uctio n class champion and fo rmer co ntribu to r to Cycl e N ew s a nd Cycle World magazine; add ress is 2950 Wes t Central, U n it 4, Sa n ta Ana, CA 92704, 714/ 64 I1211. _ _ forman ce characteris tics. includin g dy namic sta bility a nd handl in g , appear to be'Co irributing factors in th e r accidents. The most frequent acci dent scenarios reported a re loss of co ntro l, th e rider bei ng thrown from th e veh icle, o r th e ATV flipp ing backward , forward o r sideways. Testimony has been invited by th e agency fro m a ll interes ted p art ies. including users, ATV clu bs an d recreat ion groups. cons umers who have been in vo lved in accide nts while riding ATVs, o fficia ls from sta te a nd loca l governments, police. health and sa fety person nel , doctors, ATV ma n u facturers, di stributors, im porters a nd retailers . Fo r information o n ho w to testify a t th e h earin g , i nteres ted p ersons shou ld ca ll Sheldon Butts. deputy secretary o f CPSC, a t 301/492-6800 or .via th e agency 's toll-free hotline at 800/638-2772 . R eq u es ts to test ify sh o u ld be call ed into CPSC before Friday, May 24 , if possibl e. Written testimony may be su bm itt ed to Mr. Bu tts. CPSC, Washington, D.C. 20207 prior to th e h earin g. What to do! It's ATVs today, dirt bikes and racebikes tornorrowl Commissioner Stuart Statler has already called for a ban and recall of all A TVs. Stop the CPSC now by applying your own politica l pressu reI W rite to the Consumer Product Safety Commission , 1111 1 8 t h ss.. Washington, DC 20207 w ith copies to Congressman Larry Cra ig, House of Representatives, Wash' ingt on, DC 20515 an d to your local congressman or congresswoman (get his or her name from your .Iocal library or city hall). To call t he CPSC, use t he agency's toll -tree number, 800 /638-2772 . Or send a 20-word public op inion mailgram to Congressman Cra ig (or your congressman or congresswoman) for $4.45 by calling Western Union at 800/325 -6000. Named Carl Stru th ers, owne r of Ca rl' s Cycle Sal es, a fran ch ised H onda-Kawasaki deal ershi p , in Boise, Ida h o , as Idaho' s Sma ll Business Person o f th e Year for 1985, by th e U .S. Small Bu siness Ad m inistra tion. Name Given To Sha ne Ca rte r La Port e, May 13, newborn so n of form er 250cc Wo rld Mo tocro ss Champion Dan n y LaPort e a nd wife Georgi a ; n ame wa s gi ven af te r th e former champ ret u rned h ome from th e Finnish MX GP; Shane wa s born May 12. Appearing In Motorcycle Industry magazine. photos and information of missing children, beginning w ith the Jul y issue; data is provided by Child Find , Inc., of New Pa ltz, New York; th e Child Find H o t Li ne is 800 /431-5005. Promoted Linda Carey, 33. to Ma nager of Order Des k and Technica l Service departments, at Klotz Speci a l Fo rm u la Products, of Ft . Wa yn e, Indiana. Hired Bill Berro th , 27, as Ma na ge r of H usky P roducts. for H usqvarna Mo to rcycl e Compa n y; Berreth was formerly southwest sal es manager at KTM Am erica 's west coast office. Promoted Pa ul Threlkeld. 26, from Wa rehouse Manager to Assistant Par ts Manager, for Husqvama Motorcycle Company.

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