Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CGtnpIr. r..... Ipplrel/ WIIr/kerting. Tilk wi .......... sultent .r pric.s. (714) 592-4735." ony 1 tllIr I._AI. 466 W. Arrow •• Hwy. HK. S.. Dim... CA 91773. LAIDIG'S CYCLEIACC - Moic.1 Con-Am/KTM/M.1o Guui/Ou· CIli/Ski-Oaa/MantosSl/C2IlJI· ..nIo /Bultaca, plS/ ... UPSdIiy. helm.ts /lires /b.neries/Euro spe.d Iqpl. 364 S. ArlinglDn St. Akr.n. OH 4430& (21&) 2537455. 24 hr p.ts.nI moc~n•. (213) 427-7433 SERVICES -$5 ••ch d.y. Club r.I... Subscripti.n servic•. 4673 Vii La Prima,.r., YDrlll Linda, CA 92686. (7t4) 970-6876. Bolt Removal Service TAp·EX CO. - Br.kln s1uds wilhoutdom... ID h.I.1 Also EZ .uts. drills. lipS. _ U.s.&Mlricthre..... ncu inslllleL 1 Illy senic.. p.rts. 1825 W. t44th. G.nI.... CA 90249. (213) 323-3834. m." Brake & Lamp Certificates Engine Building and Repa ir CUSTOM MANUFACTURED CYUNOER LINERS. Pr.lotyp. 2 Cycle instel.ti .... Chr ... b.res . s1.ned. Smlll Engin. M.cli.. W.r'" Inc.• 720 N.r1h.1SI242. Greshem. OR 97030. (503) 667-5224. Number pl.l.. &stickers cus1Dm m.d. f.r m.l.rcycl. & ATV·s. Mlny " dirt trick accessories. SuperseAie•. 1207 KiAerney SI. CA 94550. C.IIM.ry (415) 443-7012. Pipe Protectors BANZAI BROS. RACING solu· ti•• f.r moshed pipe pralllelM, . the B.nzoi Br.s. pipe skid. Adj ID .0 125cc thru .pen pipes. n. welding. .1.....r "ilL *27.95-$32.95. Askyo.r d••ler. e.o.B.141457. E.gI. Rack. CA 90041.(2131256-4922. Exhaust Systems LeBARO & UNDERWOOD 321 E...... riolHwy. La•• (213) 691-0553 .r (714) 8798252 . Olliity HONDA SlI... unic•. Pins & insurance sinel 1946. Op•• 7 doys • w••k. 3 man wlSl of 57 Frwy. COFFMAN'S hoi ... ~.bIe • full line .f ATV high p.rt.rmenc. lystemS. All gueront .d . lar quetity &pertor..-c•. 39200 S.r.phin. Rd. Murriel" CA 92362. (714) 676-4100. AIRCONE builds cus1Dm c.... British Parts TOLL FREE # - P.rts f.r Tri· umph. N.rton.r BSA. Mastc.m· pl.1I stock in USA. Shipped s.m. dey. COO. M.sllrCerd .r VISA. c.n (800) 527-5544. in OK (405)787-3440. Eu Cycle r. Imp.rts. Inc 1925 N•. M.cAr· .• thur. Okl.hom. Cily. OK 73127. Crank Shaft Repai r WE REPAIR - All r.lI.. booring cr.nIls I. IIcloryspecs. Also r.pI.ting of .1.c1rofusi.... niklSil.nd chr.1III cylinders. C.I W.II Cycl.. 4297 WISI O.k. Full."••• CA 92&33. (714) 523-8671. Custom Engine Tuning PRO·TEC - GowIleredie IIc· 1IIries.... 1CCIIfIIeIy _ k pons for IIIIJtpowlf. ~ r .... .1Iaw...... .....,. ... _arlour· str.q ....n in .ur cOllpleIl R&D llciity. (714) 738-0631. (213) 697-6759. 282 G••Ii. Bre•• CA 92621. Cylinder Work HANDCRAFTED CYUNOER LINERS INSTALLED -! Chr.m•. High pert.rmenc. port· ing. MuinI... tw. w••ks lum .round. UPSdoiy.(BI W....r·s) NW SI.....nd Enginl. 903 NE CI...I..... Gr.shom.OR 97030. (503) 6&6-8430. Enduro Rollcharts 50 JART - En*ro RaUcborts boy .. nIII- Uoed ~ .. foctory 11_ -1Iaey optiHo - plr· - - ..,",. -r pia.. •kits or pipes to your SPIC·S. Complete custom mltal fabrice · lion .nd pl.ting sh.p . Nick.l. Chr.m.. Bress. C.pper. G.ld. PI.tingdan. 5901 Em.r.Id A.... LesV...s. NV 89122. (702) 456-4177. Frame Straightening THE FRAME SHOP - Pr.f.ssional collision specililists. All fr.nt .nd. swing.nn. wh••1 reconditioning. Compl.1I welding flcility to replir broken ClseS. fins. fr.nt .nd .cc.. crushed fr.m.lublS.r 711074 Merc.ntil•• SlInlDn. CA 90680. (714) 893-6700. OR. JOHNS- Precisi.n str.ightening. H••d .ngle rekn Pro &O.sert r.cing.M.g SlIms. cr.wns & fork I.... str.igln...d. All madel ATYsc... wilding&fin r.plir. 1524 "A"lndwttiel P.rk SI..C.· .... CA91722.(818)332-159~ Helmet Service BELL HELMETS - Know .baul thlir foc1ory Cust_r S.nic. O.pt7 M.b your Boll H.....I look .nd work lik. n.wl Fre. illIpeClion with quate. c.n CUI' _er S.rvi.. 10 I .m. & 12 p.m.•nd 1 p.m. & 4 p.Il. M....·Fri..1(213) 921-9451 .or 714/522-8292 . Insurance CALIFORNIA M.I.rcycl. Insuranee Agency mllns low cost mlc ins. WI represent VlriOUS ins. co's. Phol'llor write for a. lowlst r.1I f.r y.ur m/c. (714) 956-5222.(213)637-0751. P.O. Bal 3878. Anlhlim. CA 92803. Number Plates BUFFALO IU_BER PLATES- Porting PORTING TOOLS - mot.rsl 1••ls/cutlen/s1D..s/kits/m... .ny M/C. ATV. c.r.r du.. buggy p.rt j.b . #1 US MfrJOist. port· ing 1••ls. CC Sp.cilily. RI. 4. B.I 204 . L.wrenc.burg. TN 38464 (615) 762-6995. Racing Fuel PRO·FUEL - High 108 .clln". hgol f.r allrlcingorganizations.Anention sp.edw.y &dreg· n.1 n.w•. W. ship d.ily - UPS & m.l.r fr.ight (213) 830-4678. VISTA M/C TIRE &WHEEL H.nd•• lIadilicltians ID progressive spring .nd d. .pe..r kits. fronl .nd re.r. Sloinless SIIIIspokesets. Sua.0.1.0. Alay rims. I.cing & truiog senic •. B.ctr... ic spi. bllo.cing. Str.1I. dirt. .ndur.. UPS/Moil onIer p.rts & senic•. VISA/M.ster· C.rd. COD. Op.n 10 1.1• • I. 7 p.m.M.n. thru Fri. S.t 10 •.m. 1.4 p.m. 1155/G S• . SlntI Fe ' Ay. .. Visll. CA 92083. (&19) 724-9258. Louisiana Simi Valley HUSKY I SUZUKI - 2 sieres, BiklSl porlsl cl.lhing /.cc.sJ know howl P.rting/boring/ r.bldg. MX/enduro /dr.g /ATV Big p.rts iny.nt.ry. ship f.sI /UPS d. ily. Suzuki .f Shrey.p.rt/B.ssier. (318) 742- SIMI VALLEY CYCLES - Y.moho/Suzuki/Huskydirt bikebl.w .ut. '84 YZ250s in S.I. '82-83-84 dirtlslrell bik... C.II us befar. youbuY. openTues·Fri Iii 7 p.m.. S.I 9:30-5 p.m. 2902 tes Ang.l.s Ay• • Simi V.H~y • CA (605) 522-3434. Downey, CA WHITE BROS - 11750 s••· b••rdCircl•• SlInIon.CA 90&80. C.mplell service &sel·up .n .11 siagloshacks. Uni· r.k. Pr.-Li" T & ROII.r & Whil. P.wer . 1-2 d.y turn.r.und. (714)891-2221. F.r p.rts c.1I(7141895-1991. scorrs - C.mplet. I.rk & shocksorwice.n.1Isingl. &du.1 sh.cks. M.n.s. FIOIllr. Pr.Link. Unilrak. Ohlins. Fox. Works. P.rting sl.rts .1 $40.00. 2&27 Honolulu AVI., Montrose. CA 91020. (818) 248-6747. HONDA SHOCK SPECIALIST "I•• Tech R.cing" will rebuildl rlvaln your slack shack for mllimum•. 1985 CR • nd ATC M.ds rlldy . On. d.y serwic•. Rick J.hnson. 19333 SlurglSs Or.. T.rnnc• • CA 90503. (213) 371-3887. 0218/(318) &35-9731. Advertisers Index OHLINS SPECIALISTS - Fic· lory AUlharized siles/servici Ohli.. si.gI. /twin shocks GlnU. in. p.rts instock.RlIluilding/r.· v.lving.1...da, turnaround. Ohlins .sclusi.. U.S. dist Sim... Inc. . 2570 Leghorn St CN. Min View. CA 94043. (415) 962-8899. AFM • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • 47 ATV News • • •• • • •• • ••• • 53 J.e. Agajanian •••• •• • • • •• 44 • R&·0 RACING - Tripi •ill~. w/hlnl cOllld shockbady Bim· . · inales intemal shock we.r while reducing friclion. Camplele shock/fork....ic lItern.ns. cylind.r r ring. c...• pI.l. m.chin. sh.p "plbifiti.l. (213) 864-8218. American Honda • • • • • • 5.19.31 A H nsi elmets • • • • • • • • • 27.35 B.C Cycle •• • •• •••• ••• • 48 . Ba PnJdutts • • • • • • • • • • • 41 ja Bamen 35 Bell lower Yamaha ••• •• •• • 33 f Burbank Yamaha ••••••• • • 49 CMC •• ••••• • •• • • • • 44.45 CRC ••••• •••• ••• • • • • • 45 Champjon Moriwaki. • • • • • • • 33 Cortlin Pacific • • • • • • • • • . .. 48 PAUL THEoE'SRACE TECH Renin productioR suspension components 10 work bener than the rest gu.r ••I.ed. Compl.l. service. custom ratl springs,. hi· lech Spectra suspension fluids. 3227 Pr.duc.r H127. P.m.... CA 917&8. (714) 594-7755. Cosmopolitan Motors . • • • • • • 48 eN Address Change . • • • . • • • 42 Cycle News Products • • • • • 43.48 Cycle News Sub. Inf••• •• • • • 37 Cycle Race ••••••••• • • • 48 r Dirt Diggers • • • • • • • • • • • • 45 District 38 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 45 Dr. John Frame Straightening •• Double Cross Racing Assn ••• • EOC•••••••• • • •• • • • • • f.P. Perlorms .. • • •• •• •. • PRO·TEC - Custom rider sel-up. rebuild .r .11 suspension. Eliminlle suspen ~ sion-clused SWlp. buck & ill· h.nd~nl . Ouick lurn.r.und (714) 738-0&31 . (213)&97-&759. 282 Br••• CA 92&21. Sale~ Halmar Enterprises • • • • • . • • 55 Donnie Hansen MX Academ • • 35 v Hi Po • • • • •• •• • • • •• 5.34 int Hollywood Honda • • • • • • • • • 15 H usQvama Motor Corp. • • 21,27,49 IRC Tires • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 33 International Motorcycle • • • • • 41 International Speedway •••• • 44 and Serv ice Rentals OFF ROAD RENTALS - M/Cdirt/str.1I. ATC70-350X/0dys1 Tri·M.I. &0-2250X/M.ID-41 Suz. Quod rocors/Quod Sports l jel skis. P.rts/.cc/full ....I troilers. Los 821·1590. Orong. (714) 771-7390 Riding Apparel BATES LEATHER SHOP ••rythinl.Ir.m .ur Touring .nd E R.cing Le.therl1D.ur Flsl La.. B.ots. GI...s .nd C.1d W.lther T.uring••1the bilg.r· BillS hither Sh.p. SlInd.nI .nd cus1Dm siz· ing.r designs. ShopwiththePr... bo fin.d by Ih. Pr.s. M.n. W.m.n. R'plirs.nd Clnning. Cyele AcclISDries on displ.y to• . Opln M-F 8-4:30; W.d ·til8. S.I.clld S.t. 9-2;30. (213) 435-&551 . 660 W. 16th SI.. Long CA.Nr. LB Fwy. & P.cific COIst Hwy. VERA'S LEATHERS - Bnt ,.r......niCl/..... / deha ry..... WHEELSMITH MOTORCYCLES - M-Sllr/M.ic...les. p.rts& servic•. Ohlins full ine of Iccessories, rice products. pip.s. p.rting&M.ic. m ifiCl· li.ns. 7722 T.Ib.rt A Unil E. Huntingt•• B••ch. CA 92647. (714) 841-325B. HIGH PERFORMANCE OYNO TUNIIG - Engine bIdg/porting l polishing. C.....iete....1Ii.. ncs by H.rb K.n•• C...pIelB p.rts lsyc . M.n,S.1 9-&. Shor· mon OlksH. . .·TriurnpII. 14460 V.nt.r. Blvd. Shinn•• 0.... CA 91423. (818) 788-2251. Inter-Shows ••• •• • •• •• • • 44 Hap Jonas Inti • • • • • •• • • • • 42 Kal Gard Mfg 48 r------------------------------------, Cycle Ne ws ProdUCts Or der Form Fill in the Vi.. / M • .-r Ch.rg. b.., . or Mnd checll. Of' money ord... to : . P.O. 80X 498, Long Beech CA 90801-0498 .. ~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,A,dd'I!'$ S _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ SI.ll!' Crl!'ft'ICa rd N..,mbt!r --:rd Steel Shoe ~ STEEL SHOES - K•• M••ly. si.c. 1950. $75. LI. Wt Spdwey *85. Send b.ot. SPIcilyr.c. type. 14~1o.. b.ots $85. Everything I.r Sp..dwey. 8580 Bedf.rdMotaIWlY. Caron.. CA 91720. (714) 735-0540. ..d...... nd CNdit e-rd number, CUSTOM TRAILERS - oic. custom tr.ilers-build custom/buy fr.m .ncl.s.d ..curily"s. _.Cli... dur.bI. II ste.lfren12"-16*-20· singhll lind.... 1II.s. opti.ns. .pen 7 deys.S1Dp/Clll323 E.B.N Rd . A••h.i... CA 92805. (714) 956-2950. Kerker . ...... _. . .. . .. 33 Dennis Kilt • • • • •• • •• • •• 55 Long Beach Yamaha 41 MPS •• ••• ••• •••••• •• 55 M·S' " • •• •• • • • • ••• • 35.48 Maxima ••• ••• • • • • . • •• 55 Megacycle Cams 46 Metzeler Tns 21 46 M ikuni American Corp Mossbarger Racing .. • • • • • .. • 48 MotionSports • • • • • • • • .. • • 48 Moto·XFox 49 Moto Pro Lubricants •• ••• • • 55 Moto Race . • • • • • • • • . • • • 35 MIC Tir Worb . • • • • • • • • • 49 · e NMA •• • • • • • •• • • • • • 31.46 NeD O il 49 Plrtormance Machine 41 R Reynolds TobaeeD Co • • •• 56 .J. SCORE 44 SMX 44 SRA ; 44 SVIA • • • • • • • • • • •••••• 47 Sabre Cycle A ssessories ••••• 33 Samurai MIC Cenlar ••• • ••• 46 Malcolm Smith MIC 55 South City Cycles 41 Spectra • • •• • •• •• • ••••• 41 Stadium Motorsports : • • • • • • 47 Sunshine Cycle •••••••••• 48 TPD Tr ailers •• • •••• • • •• • 49 Torco • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • 55 Trojan Tire ; • •• • ••• ••••• 46 U s uzu~ ••••• • 9.17.24&25 .S. Vance &: Hines Racing • •• • 39,41 48 W.bCam Western Scoo O ter isl 15,41 Whee l worn • ••. •• ••• •. 55 Yamaha Inn . . • • • • • •• 28&29 KawasakiMotors • • • • • • • • • 13 "'ap Trailers 5S 44 41 42 E sprit •••• ••• • ••• •• • • • 34 Extrude Hone •• • • • • • • • • • 48 Griffin •• ••••••• ••• ••• 15 Radiator Repair PAUL THEOE'S RACE TECHRlpair cricked & bent Iluminum rldillors & oil coolers. We fix whll others cln·l. Allwork pre· sure IIslld & . UPS doily .nywher•. 3227 Praducer #127. P.m.... CA917&8.(714) 594-7755. San Diego County PERF. CYCLE WKS - rprl .cens dirt/str..t! ATV I Jet Ski. All br.nds plrts/lccess. Eng. bldg/b.ring /p.rtinl /cr.nk rebldg/.l, s... / mads. KTM s.les/perts/se"ic•. UPSdoily. 7948 E. Firlslanll. M·F 9-7. S.I 9-5 (213) 861-9957. Singleshock Service For Dealer Directory Info. Call Cycle News RACERS CHOICE - Gil die bill f.r ..... W. sell .1 die 1.I.st_X. roodr...."" ATC .ccnsorin .1 uab.III", pricn ... rydIy. Cell us & W. skip .nywhore. 2701•• Unil P. S••I. A••• CA 92707. (714) 540-2911. Akron, OH OFFROAD M/C APPARE ~ REPAIR - Exp.rt resoleing & . repoir III br.nds .f boots Cus1Dm modifoc.ti.... & repoir .H br.nds.1 pIotS.r sIl. ..... r plds. N.w get.m. s•• sons.ut ofold gelr or havi In extrl .el! Dna.r (503) &78-5175. DIRfCTORY Santa Ana DEALERS minimum Z,p _ _ _-,. 'Ill .5~=:'': . .... .5;::O-po-."..-:-::.,.,h-.-nd . - - - -- '''lI;-na- Below. indicn. amount of products.nd circle the -':I . Above pr;"t your narM, • I • ... ·w. I ; I DMX c.1 Comic Book _ 7& 0 Don't ea.. How 1lM ....1 . DCycleN.... batT-Shirttl .95SMlXl """"00 11,"e.ut~· '1~ · Ig~~===::~·~~.a:" I Cl"~ncaAM_..."CydoN_ • . . .beII....,.10.00SMLXl 10 'ow. Don 't Cate •.••• Cycle N~. I . . .ta.a v '8.00 5 M l Xl Cye" 11 Cap '5 .95 :° 10 ·'Anything EI.. lt Hll1ory" I T-Shirt '7.00 S M L XL 10 " Anything ElM I, History" JerMY 1' 0 .00 S M L. XL : I I Product Orct.r Subtot.1 I · 6'11. 1 .. iC A rtll ~_ I' . · · ' TL ~ L- . I I ( I n.. ....... ofthec:..-diden1ifiedon thit; iWm I•• uthori:led 10 pwt the -.nount Wtown.. TOTAL upon properpNelln1nltion .I~.. to pIIy such tote! together with.ny othefchergn"'--tt.reonaulltKt to .nd In eccordenc8 with ... agl"SltlnMnt gowm4ng the use of such ClIrd . _ only. : los An". . . Co r•• . ..6'1''11. ) I I t P,oduct Order Grand Tot.I _ _ J

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