Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RESULT Ross Downs MX Colleyville. TX Apr. 12. 1986 Scoot er Staff ord Quinn Richer Richard Hump hries [Co ntin ued from last w u k ) O~R~ Tom Eller Roy Cole Charles Eller larry Eberhart Lee Thonton Yam KTM Hon AMA 0-37 1985 Womens Class First Quarter Points Standings J . Brownell V. Scott 1200 D. Jenkins 360 344 R. Taylor L. Vincent LHammol 660 3~ S. Hardonborg 260 224 176 16B J . Manning 168 C. Sain T. Maredante S. Brown T. Hayes . C. Meissner A. Crawford S. Robins 160 136 136 132 L. Hedstrom P, Brush S. Krause M . Steinmetz 116 M. Sciaqua L Dayton CLUB STANDINGS 1~ n 72 64 64 60 Badger s Vikings Varmets 1200 1060 BunzUp 344 Barbarians FourAces 660 3~ 260 Prospectors 168 Desert Diggers Spokebonders So. Cal 160 136 132 Brushbusters Desen Vipers Rovers Andy Sparks OPEN INT Mats Hagg 1~ 116 60 David M yers Buck Smith Motocross Lakeside Motorsport Raceway Bastrop. TX Mar. 31. 1985 By Mikie Humphries MINI MINI Randy Gates Ward TImmerman Brian Oeltrick MINIJR Steve Workman Toby Vasquez Billy Baldwin MINISR Randy Gr..nhill Scott Renick Mark Kuempel 125 BEG Steve Lehmann Tom Lueck Janes Drain 125 NOV Chr is Deas Scott Renick Randy Greenhill 125 STK David Cambell Roddy Lewis Spurgeon Chapa 1251Nt Roddy lawis David Campbell Shawn Clevenger 125 EX Kn Vick Troy Dungey Chris Lctt m 250 BEG J im W ork ma n Jerry Vinton James R. Parker Jr . 250 NOV Brian Roberson Andy Thompson Motocross Burleston. TX Mar. 24. 1985 By Mikie Humphries Jan Johnson MINI MINI Willy Bowden Kit Vick Jack Beckham Mark Cochran OVER 30 Mike Farmer Bob Harrison Jim Workman Billy DeBacca Je ff Dement MINIJR W illy Bowden Billy OeBacca Michael Walling MINISR Ja ck Rteks Scott Thoma s Jasn Schultz MINI STK Jack Ricks Scott Thomas Kris Carr M INI DPEN Jason Schultz Scott Thoma s Cliff Donnelly O~R~ 250INT Shawn Clevenger Billy Compton Donald Knock 25DEX Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Yam Hon Han Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Yam Kaw Kaw Kaw Yam Han Yam Han Han Kaw Han Kaw Han Hon Han Kaw Kaw Yam Kaw Yam Yam Yam Kaw Team Threats Team desert race Imperial County. CA Apr. 14. 1985 Rick lee/ Randy Norman Todd Kennedy/ ~mMren John Bird/ David Folmar Steve Kosman Bob Prida/ ~R so EX Billy Smith Richard Humphries Rick Salter SCott Hatfield! Mark McPerry Dan Howels Bruce Sm it h/ 125 NOV A Jerry Bebber Chad Clay 50 Freeman 125 NOV B Orion Turbyfol 50 Clay Scott Brodnax 125 NOV C Cunis Perry Jeff Bennen Greg Bringle/ Robbie Pippin E. Foland/ Jam es Tucker Bob Bell / Kirk Hester Dan Morganl Dan DesRosiers Brett Cush ing / Patr ick J . Flanagan Jon Boyett Jimmy Harlin Steve Reynolds! 125 tNT Tommy Collar - Stephen Plourd Matt Hope/ Quis Wallis Dave Skinner Mark McNulty Chris Kallenl 125 EX Carroll Richardson Scooter Stafford Dennis Hawthorne 250 NOV A Terry Dickey Troy Miller Randy Descamp 250 NOV B Cur t is Oester Gr eg Den ision Qu inn Ricker 250 INT Kent Spencer Eddie Jone s Jimmy Spi ers 250 EX Kirk Spencer Dennis Hawthorne In ) Kaw Kaw Kaw OVER 40 Johnny Carter Kaw Bobby Judd Hus Rocky Miller Mike Young Tom Mattox Doug Hoga n! Oaron M ills Dick Denison/ Roger Adsit Brett E. Nelson l Bill Ad sit Jam es Youngblood / Dean Dlouhy Craig Rens l Gary Keppl e Claud e M aynard / • R;ck Kryger J imm y Butt s/ James C. Hable Georg e Rya n/ Darrell Wagner Tom Bass/ Fran k Bass 1,It" J .. 11' 1 IIHAI"" J INSIST ON ALPINESTARS PRO MX/ENDURO BOOTS FROM HI-POINT Jeff Foland JreyLane/ Jre lane SCott Sheldon/ Yam Han "THE CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS" Tony Darr/ Beli n Ga lindo Jr . M an Maynard / Robe rt M cCan er Jeff Boyd/ . OPEN NOV Husqvarna "Last Chance" Close-Out Sale H,II ... L II II Mark Wo lfe Scott Smith/ Ron Beatty Tom St . Peter/ Floyd Hudson Bob Towne/ Bark in Markin Denn is Stevens/ JimValov Robert Bird/ Robert Gawrys Rheynard Morgan / Perry R. Jasper Brady Harris/ Randall Belew Bryan J . Benson/ Bob larson George Erl/ Ralph M . Mendenhall See your Hi .Point Racing Products dealer today Bnd check out the complete line -up of Hi-Point boots for '85. From MXtodirt track rotrail, he has quality Hi-Point boors to fit your needs. Richard Domeno/ Robert S. Copeland Leon Uvingstonl Jim Royle Martin Kamery/ Dave Smith This is it, your last cbancc. ~ b2VC a 1lmlb:d number of tbcsc close out IDlIChlncs aval1abIc foe the whole country. Then: just woo't be any more at these prices. These models are grt:2t fun to ride and are perfect for moroeross, bare SCl2ItlbIes, enduros or cross country, And remember, we'~ not ta1Jdng :about a low price on some kind of robot welded, mass produced, twowheeled mediocrity. ~'~ ta1Jdng a hand-aafu:d tn:IStl:r piece-a Husqvama. Don't walt_ You need to see your Husqvama dealer RIGHT NOW for these as well as other specia1 values OR youl1 miss out on the deal of this year. And then the only place you 11 find one Is the winner's circle, where you belong. HI·POINT RACING PRODUCTS least) 3709 West Erie Ave., Lorain. DH 44053 IWesll 2650H Mercantile Dr.• Rancho Cordova. CA 95670 Ricky Lance/ Rick Flores Richard Tubbs/ JimWatter Dan Klempie/ Rod Stevens Mike Hopkins / Wes Enz Kirk A. Venzor/ Lyle Johnson Tom Gray / Ken Kugel Frankl Bill ings Mark Dowden/ PERFORMANCE UNDER PRESSURE Richard Ransdell J im Kelly/ Ken Ingham Pau l Kamery / James Hollmann Bill Ammon/ Harry Brattin Jose Fimbres! John Dalton Fudpucker/ Mike Spencer Richard Coons / Joe Stidman Larry Ornes/ Tim Hosking Sean Sikorsk i/ Jim Francis John Cooper / Phil Torr ieellas Michael Govern/ Jim Foley Jerry Jones Jr . [Co nti nued nex t uieek} HosPITal STOP Todd Davis. 12. rider in the National Motosport Association 83cc Stock Novice class. broke right femur and foot while racing at the NMA World M ini Grand Pr ix. in las Vegas. Nevada . Surgery was per formed at las Vegas Val ley Hosp ital to p in leg bones; Davis was also placed in traction. Will be hospital ized for three weeks Send cards and letters to Todd atlas Vegas Valley Hospital, Room 201 -A. 620 Shadow lane, Las Vegas. NV 89106. Trophy Pickup Dual trophy presentation for Brush Busters Feb . 24 Hare & Hound, and Desert Vipers Feb . 2 & 3 Grand Prix, Saturday night June 8th at Camp Rock Rd. Live band and beer. Trophies also ava ilable at all desert races after that. (714) 998D6115. (118 /22) For li st ing in this department, please mail in fo nna lion with $ 1.00 p er week thai il is ru n to: Cycl e N ews Troph y Pi ck -up, Bo x 498. Lo ng Ikach. C A 9080 I. I .1 .'J Husqvarna • T-2 2cycle oil 100:1 • T-2 MX 2cycle oil 50:1 • G-1 050 motor & gear (4cycle) • shock & fork oil • Z-12 grease • 1:11 chain lube • R-30 & R-20 2cycle gear oil THE FINAL STEP UP Husqvama Motorcycle Co. 4925 Mercury Street San Diego, CA 92111 NEO OIL CO . 2865 Gundry Avenue Long Beach. CA 90806 (213) 595-7208 • man nfv1nn:r·, ... - DEALER INQUIRIES INVITEDSEND FDR FREE LITERATURE I ~ n:t2Il Who did how? Read results. "We Can Save Tou Money" BIG SAVINGS ON 1984 MODELS We're Dealing on '85s Construet8d with "tua-llgt1t. indeRructible (T.P.D.lpilMIa end. tohIlly un;bzed I Irerne a cha_l.. fII, aupet"Kwto lit.rgl... Of eluminum ttel..,... 12 ' to 46' "'nclerd • 6th "",-I_ Eech treil ... custom-made to your ne-dL" tOf brochu....: BURBANK YAMAHA 1801 W . Burbank Blvd . Burbank. CA 91506 (818) 845-8738 T.P .D. TraHon • • " . Fn.htId.. Rd.. . ..... E, S.cramento. CA 95825. (91 •• 381.Q532 FREE:~~ 0' 48 pqs ~ ~st M/C The Motorcycle Tire TIREWORKS fa' SUee1: & MX and Wheel San Fernando Velley 9025 Sepulveda Sepulveda. CA (818) 893-7B06 n:ludl ng Ch.1r'rl>1OnSh1p SuprrShox. TraexPaws. Fox RainSuit. OirtPCIWS" Roost-()-flKtor. 'a o' Boots and mor~. ~ ju st SI to ~ pos~.iIOd nandlng 10: Moto-X Fox, Dept.eN • carll bell. CA 95D08 Specialists Ton.nce-South Ba, 26023 S Western Lormta. CA (2131539-4150 . . .r · SE -l.. 1. . 1t' .. .. .. . ..'\f.!.. ;- f.~,-. ')..... .... . ., ..I' . .. .. , 49 -,

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