Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Experienced partsperson/mech W~ T ftDS Help Wanted Yamaha Partsperson Exper ienced. knowledgeabl e. courteo us and hard work ing person to receive good pay and ben efits. 5 day work week. paid holidays and vaca tion, plus live in fantastic San Diego. One of t h e la rgest vol ume Yamaha stores in the nat ion. Just moved into a huge new building. Send resume : 8063 Balboa (216 /1 B) Immediate open ing. Appty by phone or resume to R'aj at BELLFLOWER YAM AHA, 1O4OAlondra Blvd.• Bel lflower . CA 90706. (21 3) 9 25-50 97. (217 /201 Honda Salesman Salesperson needed i mm ediately to sell Hon da m otorcycles. Gen erous com m issi on to top prod ucer . Exper ience in selli ng beneficial. Call Phil at 8 A RBER HONDA, 36 50 E. M ain. Ventura. CA 93003 (80 5) 64 2 -0 276 . (217 / 18 ) Sales**Service* *Parts Sout hern California 's n ew est largest Honda deal er n eed s to fill posit ions in all depart m ents. W e are bu sy and growing w ith lots of act io n . Need salespeopl e. pans counter he lp. m ech an i cs. and a ser vic e wr it er . Prefe r exper ienced . but will trai n t he r ig ht people. Call or app ly in person to Tim at WEST MINSTER HON DA, 13751 Beach Blvd.•Westminster. CA 92 68 3 (7 14 ) 89 1-53 4 8. (2 17 1221 Honda Suzuki of Berkeley Sal esp ersons ne eded. Fra nch is ed for motorcycles. scooters . ATC 's and power equ ipm en t . Hou rly w age plus comm iss ion . Open Tuesday thro ugh Saturday. (2 17 / 18) Call J erry at (415) 84 1-0192. Honda Partsmanager Honda experien ce a must. Pay com mensurat e w it h experienc e. Resu m es to: 'P.O. Box 9054. Gl enda le. CA 9 1206. (2 17 12 0 ) Ave.• Sa n Diego . CA 92111 . Ann : Bob. Partsmanager Experienced Yamaha Mechanic Large Honda dealer i n Sou t h ern Cal ifo rnia has an i m me di ate ope n ing for a strong partsmanag erwith the following qualificat ions . 1. Knowledge 01 Honda paperwork systems. 2 . A bili ty to manag e 6 cou n terpeople. 3 . A bility to coo rdinate se rvice /parts functions . Kawasaki. BM W. Su zuki exp erie nc e h elp f ul. Salary com me n surate w it h experience. Relocation assista nce possi ble . Sen d resumes to : DEPT. F, Cycle New s. P.O . Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801 -0498 . (2 171 1 BNWX) Wa nted. 1 year exper ie nce on Yamaha or Suzuki. Goodcom mission plu s some benefits. Work all yea r 'roun d. Nice environment. Du e to expansion. we need m ore m ech an ics. Call Kirk or Br ian. (81 8) 795 -4129 . (2 17 /1 8) Experienced Yam, Parts Person 1 year experien ce on Yamaha part s counter. Good salary plu s some benefits. App ly soon . Call Kirk or Brian (81 8) 795-4 129 . (2 17 /1 8) Professional Mtrcycle Salesman Seek ing caree r employ m ent . On e of the oldest Honda dealerships i n th e Un ited Sta tes has an openin g for one professional salesma n. Year -'r ou nd sou thern California bu sin ess . mod ern fa cilit ies. huge in ven to ry. exce llen t com missio n s. excel le nt benefits. Top prod uce rs on ly n eed apply . M ar k Zimmer man. KO LBE CYCLE. 22123 Ventu ra Blvd.• Woodla nd Hi ll s, CA 913 6418 1BI 348 -7865 . 1 14TFN) 2 • Experienced Yamaha Mechanic . Contact A rl ington Yamaha at 609 Stadium Drive East. Arlington , TX 7 6011 . (817 ) 265 · 5 55 3 . . (2 13ITFN) Honda Technician Tustin Honda has opining for i nterm ediate mecha nic . 1 to 2 years Honda service experience . Jo in 8 w i n n ing tea m . Apply at TUSTIN HON DA. 100 N. Tusti n Ave.• Tust in . CA. Ask for Gary. (71 4) 55 8 9393 . (217 / 18) Mechanics/Manager Wanted : Harley- Davidson Instructor M otorcy cle M echa nics Institute in Ph oenix. A ri -_ zona needs one pro f es sional ty pe person to t rain mechanics in a fa ct or y pr ogram . 5 years mi n im um Harley-Davidson experie nc e. Leave m essa ge for Dav e Ko shollek at (8001 528-799 5. or (60 2) 869 9644. . (21 6 /20) , Suzuki Yamaha Mechanic M ust h ave fact ory traini ng . and own tools. Send resume and sala ry expectati ons to :' P.O . Box 53 4 3. (1.17/1 8) M issou la. M T 5980 1. M u st have experience in sal es. finance and i ns u rance. Top pay for right person. (8 18) 289-5301. (2 14 tTFN) Yamaha Husqvarna Mechanic To work i n b eau tiful Sa n Di ego area. 2 yea rs Yama ha dealersh ip exper ie nce required . $400· $600 per w eek plus benef it s. Send res ume to : EL CAJON YAMAHA. 765 EI Cajo n Blvd.• EI Cajo n. CA 92020. Or call (619) 442-3545 . (2 16 / 18) Wanted : High Speed Motorcycle Test Rider Must have own lea thers and have good subjective evaluation a nd communic at ion skills. Prior professional rac ing experience may be a positive. Send resu me to : M ot orcy cle Test in g Faci lity . P.O . Box 4 57, Talladega, A L 35160. (21 5 / 18NEX) Motorcycle Mechanic Long esta bl is he d So uth ern California S uzuk i dea lers hip look i ng fo r expe rienc ed m ec h an ic. Exce llent w or k ing con ditio ns and pay / be nef its in aw ard w inni ng service departmen t. As k for Ken or Jack. OCEANSID E SUZUK I (61 9) 43 3 -5464 . (21 5TFNI Salesperson Wanted For sale. M et ro A tl anta. GA area . Number on e ma nufactu rer . M ail inquiries to : P.O . Box 279, (2- 17 / 18 NEI Sto ne M tn .• GA 30087 -0 279. L.A . A REA M OTOR CYCLE acce sso ry store loo k in g for partn er or pa nner s to s~ar e ow nership and w ork load i n gro wing expa ndmq re ta il and m ail orde r bu sin ess. Write Dept . X. c/o Cycle News. P.O. Box 49B. Lon g Beach . CA 90801 -0 4 98 . and 1"11 call you. (21 8 NWXI Mo torc ycl e pip e and co ne divi si on fo r sale . Includes in ven to ry a nd sp ecial tool ing . Price n ego tiable. 1214 NWXITFN) (70 2 1456 -4 177. AC CESSORIES STORE: Great Southern Cali forn ia location. S5B.000. Terms. (7 14) 534-7248. (2 14TFN) Central Texas Money Maker Boom -town fanchise. 17 million gross. $11 0 .000. Box 3 378 1 . S a n An ton io . TX 7 8265 . (31 BI21 NWX) So. Cal Franchised Dealership Low over head. blow-out loca t ion and lease; Gross over on e million in 1982... re tiring. Ca ll (61 91423 0073 day s o r aft er 7pm . (6 1 9) 4 7 9 - 32 09 . (20lTFNI No. Nev. Motorcycle Dealership Kawasak i and Hu sqvar n a deal er sh ip near Lak e Ta ho e. Carson City , an d Reno . Approximately $220.000 gr oss and exte n ding . Price $85 .000. First W est. r n Rea lty . Realtor. CALL NI LVA . (702) 883-2 300. (117 / 1B) Something For Everybody 1985 KX250. ri dden once. inj ury forces sal e. $2100. 19 B2 CR2 50. exce ll ent con di t ion. S700. 19 B3 TT600. White Broth er s suspension. l ike new. $11 00. 19B3 VZ8O. S375 . 19 B4 M all agut i 50 ccauto MX·er. (3 171 1 B) S375 . (714) 893·5942. Bultaco Parts New and used . Ship anywh er e. Stev e Scott (303 ) 687 :3 376 even ing s. (1 17 I I 8NWX) Pat Hernon's HRC Int ercept o r 1937 Ve locette KSS Perfect an d correct . $42 50 . Will ship anywhere. ph otos available. (20 6) 567-4837. (31 7 /1 9 NWX) 1983 Honda CR480 Exc ell ent condit ion . many ext ras. must see. (80 5) 251 -4 50 1. (31 8) ' 8 5 KX500 Heavy duty fo rk spri ngs . lon g last ing chrome snjccne wtre, SI 9 .9 5. (303) 54B -9611. (11 8121) Mechanics Experienced Partsperson Kawasaki KDX200 * Aluminum Brush-Gards * Quality alum inum Br u sh -Gards $3 9 .9 5 . Wi t h plas t ic def lect ors $5 4 .9 5. Def lect or con ve rsi on kit for our Br u sh -G ard a $ 16.95 . At your dea ler or manufa ct urer di rect . ENDURO ENGINEERIN G. 317 5 Stone School Road, A nn Arbor. MI 48104. (3 13 1 97 1-3 683. (1- 1812 1NEX) Beau m ont Yamaha Kawasa ki. (71418454819. (2 15TFNI ACCE SSORY SALESPER SO N: Experie nc ed in street accessories. Call Tom at (2 13) 873 -6 100. 1218 NWX) ' 8 3 Yamaha Seca 900 Low m iles . warra nty. exc ell ent condit ion . ne w in ' 84 . ridden on on e Canada tour. Absol ut ely m ust sell . 92700 / 0 BO. To m at (415) 533- 8 30 5, or (415) 532 -2948. (31 8129) Yamaha Mechanic Experienced Harley Mechanic Large. bu sy H-D deal er n eeds experie nced me ch anic. Excell ent comm is sio n and be nefit pr ogram. Great So ut h er n Cal ifo rn ia be ach loc ati on . Sen d resumes t o: Dept . E. Cycle New s. P.O. Box 49B. (31 8 / 19) Long Beach. CA 90801 ·0498. Want to Make Money? Gen er al experie nced m ech an ic needed who likes to work on H ·D . Yam aha. and Kawasaki. $ 17. 00per h our on com mission b asis . Pro f it minded . Excell ent So uth er n ca l ifor ni a location . Send resum es t o: Dept . W . Cycl e News. P.O . Bo x 498. Lon g Beach. (2 1BTFN) CA 90801-0498. 83 Modified Y-Z inger Fro nt disc brak e. W orks Perform ance shock. W KR engine. yz 60 forks. RD pipe. RPM Tef lo n co ated t urbo cra nkshaft. very f ast . ex ce llent con dition . SB9 5 . C a ll O r l a nd o . FL. (305 1 788 - 0305 . (1 - 18 / 19NEI High-Tech Motorcycle Books FMF's Unsmashable 1985 CR500 "Works" Pipe Honda BMW Partsperson GO LDEN STAT E CHAMPS PHIL LARSON. M IKE LARSON, W ILLIE S IMONS AND VI EWF INDER GRA ND PRIX CHAM PION RANDY NORMAN go for the go ld wit h t his i ncred ible " works" pipe m ounted 'sll lt 's the ult imate. 3 in ch es on thei r 1985 CRSOO hi ghe r on t he he ad pi pe. w hile tu cking in 4 full i nch es on the si des II Killer power on the top. w ith NO LOSS OF BOTTOM II Worryi ng abou t sm ashin g your st ock pipe on ly slows yo u downll lt ·s t he las t pipe yo u'lI ev er n eedl ONLY S139.50 . DON EMLER 'S FM F. (213) 539·6884 or (2 13 1530 -6 30 7 . NOW A T YOU R HONDA DEA LERI ( 118NWX) Salesmanager Full-Time Salespeople A sk for M ike at TRI CITY CYCLES. (7141 821 -4710. (21 8 ) A CCESSORY STORE MANAGER : $18 ,OOO per year. (2 1BNWXI Call M r . Hayn er at 1 18 1781-6386 . 8 '78 BULTA CO SHERPA -T 35 0 : Fox shocks. skidplate, spark arrestor, n ew tires. $700. (81 8) 345· 0 63 7. (118 / 2 1) M oto rcycl e Engineering $1 6 .9 5. Design and Tun ing of Compe titio n Engi nes $ 19 .95. Four -Stroke Perf or m a nce Tu ning $2 1.95. Two-St roke Pert er m ance Tuning $21 .9 5. Scientifi c Desig n of Exh aust l Int ake Systems $18.95 . M otorcycle Chassis Design $ 19.95 . Pr ices i nc lu de tax and postage. Free book list. W e ship UPS COD . UNICORN WORKS. P.O . Box 26 57. San Rafael. CA 9 4912. (41 5) 258 -9 739 . (2 17 /2 8 NWX) Con t act Gary at HON DA OF HOLLYWOOD. (2 13) (21 8 /1 9 ) 4 66-7 191 ext. 17 . Experienced Service Manager In Stock Now Ya maha RZV 500 R a l um inum fram e. Ho n da NS25 0R. Kawasa ki KR250. Suzuk i Gam ma 250 H.B. replica. Honda CBX550 FII. Rot hm an' s repl ica Honda NS4 00R. Ho nda NS400R re d/ white/blue. _ Suz uk i GSXR400. 500 and 750. Ya maha SU750 and SZ2 50 . Parts. factory accesso ries . and service ava ilable on all ma ch in es. (213) 8 24 ~ 7 1 50. (31 B/1 9) Speedway All-Pro M ech an ic need ed in beau t if ul Lake Pow ell ar ea . Exp er ien ced on ly need apply. Call or send resumes to PA GE HONDA. P.O. Box 3 28 1. Page. AZ 86040. (21 8 /19NWXI . (60 21645 -325 1. Yamaha m ech anic with tool s. 5 years mi nim um expe rience with references. Excellent wages. very busy. large dea le r in Sou th ern A r izo n a. Send res um es to : Dept . Y. Cycl e News. P.O . Box 4 98 . (21 8 / 20 ) Long Bech . CA 90801-0498 . 1984 RM 500 S1 100, 19 84 RM 2 50 S1100, 1984 RMl 25 . 1985Qua d Racer S1850. (7 14 1980-4703. (2 1812 1) J awa PJ GTS. Mikuni . Carlisle. spares, be st offer. 18181 Bl 0 -0 76 5. (318 /19) Mechanic Needed Salesperson wanted Salesp~rsons Wanted 1982 YZ490J $895 Bett er tha n new and race ready . Standa rd bore. M etzel ers. Works shock, Scan 's forks. Zero desert mil es . Spares available. Race and mainta ined by careful Vet . M u st make room for 1985 mod el. See 15AAAA) in W estm in st er. (7141 897 -8265. Rebuilt after Daytona w ith fresh t itani um valv es . Th e b est of everythi ng. Serious inquiri es onl y. (614) 45 9-4 380 or (6141 459-4371. 13-18 /19NE) Large Yam aha dealer in W est Va lle y. So m e sales experien ce requi red . Full or part ti me. (8 18) 3463700. (21 7 / 1B) Ixion. an established Distrib utor/ Importer wa nts hard -w orki ng sal es reps; m any prim e erees open. joi n _good gr oup of people. As k fo r Norm. CA(800) 821 -49B9. US (BOO 854-1060. I (228/lFN) ...... Air Cone Inc. Las Vegas, NV Imm edi ate openings w ith fa st growing Honda deal er in beautiful Mission Viejo. Qual if ied appl icants cal l now. Partsper sons ask for Andy. (7 14 183 1-0 122. (21 5TFNI No ex per ie nce n ec e s s a ry . (8 1 8 ) 84 5 ·3211 . (2 17 / 181 Experien ce d ma nager neede d i mm ed iately. Call Ji m Hayes at BEAUMONT YA M A HA KA W A SA KI (2 15 / 18) (Riversid e Cou nty)l 71 4) 845-4819. HANES BEEFY-T. multicolor design . Sp ecify S. M . L. XL S10 .00 each, plus S2.50 P& H - (add $1 .00 for each add it ional shirt ). Cal iforn ia re siden ts add 6 .5 % sa les tax. 4 -6 w eeks del iver y. Send check or M .O. to : SQ UA DRA. P.O. Bo x 907. Culver City , CA 9 023 0 . (21 3) 4 57-2 260. (116 / 19NWX/ A Ln Ohtins. flat slide Lectron. $1600. Priced to move . (315 /1 B) Dan at (714) 676 -2451. EXPERIENCED ME CHA NIC for San Fernando Suz uk i. (81 B) 9BO-3 71 5. 1218TFN) Salesperson Wanted Motorcycle Dealersh ip Honda Partsperson and Honda Salesperson Honda Mechanic M in i mum 2 years sho p exp er ien ce. M ust ha ve complete tool set (pneumatic and mea surement. erc .). W ill also con sider mec ha nics specia l izing i n other brand s w ith 2 or more years exp eri ence. Ref ere nces requ ired. expe rienced only need apply . Con t act A lex at TED EVANS YAMAHA. (2 13) 306 7906. (2a7 I I B) Bu~iness Opportunities Excel len t opport unit ies. Apply to OUTRI DER of L.A. 10 545 Pica Blvd ., Los A nge les . CA. (2 131879-3350. (21 2TFN) Ha'ry . Need qualifi ed tr ain ed per sonn el fo r multi-lined dea ler ship. 4687 Conv oy. San Diego, CA (6 19) 278120BTFNNW X) 6635. Bob Hartlev. ~ a nag e r . Yamaha Mechanic Wanted GRA PHIC A RTIST:Fuli t ime pos it ion : call M r . Hay n er at (818) 781 -63 B6. To ha ndle all ph ases of (2 18 NWX) advertising and promot ion s. Partspersons/ Experienced Mechanics Needed Now!!! Im me diate opening s for mecha nics and servic e m anager w it h expandi ng Suzuki dea le rsh ip . M ust be experie nced and have own too ls. Good pay. in Oran ge County ar ea. Call m e at (7 14) 646·2428 . (2 17 / 18) 3 yea rs experience. fast growing dealer in Thou sand Oaks. CONEJO HONDA (Bobi (805) 495· 7079. (2 17TFNI Honda Parts Manager M ust have m in im um 2 years Honda experience. ... Greatopportun it y for right person . Se nd references an d res ume to : Freddie Spen cer Honda. 3200 W . 70th St .• Shreveport. LA 7 11 0 8 . (31 81 686-7B 30. Resume an ent ion : Richard Lee . . (2-1 8 NEX) RZ500 Yamaha On ly 1400 mi le s. seat cow l. never ra ced . bu t lots of f un. $4.000 US do ll ar s shi ppi ng . 1705 - 3 Dona ld St .• W inn ipeg. Ca nada . (204) 4 7 4-2 B07 . (1- 18NE) TZ250L 1984 Mintl Dym ags. ra in s, loads of spares. $5.900 firm . (8 13) (1/ 17118NE) 28 3 -4 334 . 51

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