Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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tion, which went to H yde. Tom Peters ca me from a terrible start 10 fini sh fifth . . In moto two . Stork agai n took th e lead froin th e fir st rorn'er and roosted a way wi th the race. H yde held a strong seco nd for th e first half of th e m o ta as Molder wo rk ed through tr affic an d p assed R andall . Kim Bendigo a nd Kevin Forrester , th en set af ter H yde. Hyde managed 10 hold o n to seco nd for o ne more la p ; bUI in trying 10 h old off Molder . th e two tangled. a nd H yde we nt head-first into a co rner. Molder went o n to fini sh second. we ll behind m oto and ov er all wi n ner S to r k. H vde fin ished fourth behind Randall , ' bu t third overa ll went to Hvde ah ead o f Randall. Fo rres ter fin islled fifth, O p ening round act io n in th e Open P ros found Bendi go taking th e hol eshot. as Molder , L yn n Hyde. R ich Wool ey a n d Tom Peters followed. Molder slipped into th e lea d halfway through th e first lap a nd never look ed back , Bendi go fo ugh t 10 hold o ff H yd e for secon d. bu t the fu el line ca me o ff h is ca r bu re tor a nd sidel ined him for th e m ot a, H yde took u p th e chase a fter Molder in second, bUI cou ld n ot ree l in the fla sh y Yamaha pil o t. Lat er in th e rnot o H yde h ad 10 co ntend with Peters a nd Perrv Bicek , both breathing ri ght down h'is neck , When the checkere d fla g ca me o ut, Mo ld er was th e m oto winner, wh ile H yde nipped Peters 'a nd Bicek fo r second . w ith AI H erm an sen in fifth . M oto two aga in sa w Molder come 'o u t in seco nd. but th ai was no t fo r long as he went in to th e lead a head of H yde an d Peters immedi at el y. T he ba u le thi s tim e was for seco nd betwee n Peters and H yde. Peters sli pped int o second quickly, a nd H yde spent th e en tire mot a on his ta il. bu t una ble 10 get by. Bicek , in the m eant im e ha d gotten o ff dea d las t and was tryi ng to charge th rough th e pack. But h e was unabl e to get by Wooley, who h eld strong in fourth. At th e wi re. Molder stro lled in w ith th e rn oto and overa ll , as Peters fo ught o ff H yde for second. H yde took th ir d a nd Woo ley led Bicek across for fourth . Results MIN I A : 1. Roby Ott (Kaw) ; 2. Dave Ritt er (Yam); 3 . Brett Ericsson (Yam). MINI B: 1. Mike Ladn er (Yam); 2 . Ter ry Vogel (Han ); 3 . Sean W eiseler IKawl. MINI C: 1. Barry Dyck (Hon); 2. Chad Robert s IKaw); 3. Crai g GoodelllKa w ), 125 C: 1. Todd Chri stoffer IHon ); 2. Eddie M eale y (Hon ); 3. Ern ie Cano le (Yam). 250 B: 1. Lee Swindler (Yam); 2. Wayne M orl ock (Hon ); 3 , Bruce LeBl anc (cag). 125 B: 1. Wayne M orlock (Hon) ; 2.JayWill (Yam); 3. Cody Bendi go (Hon). 125 PRO: 1. Billy Stork (Hon) ; 2 , Mike ' Friend (Yam); 3. LeeVern Berry (Kaw) . 500 PRO: 1. Dave Molder (Yam ); 2. Tom Pete rs IYam) ; 3. Lynn Hyde IHon) . 250 PRO; 1. Billy Stork (Ho n); 2 . Dave Molder ('(am ); 3. Cun Hyde (Yam). VET : 1. Bob Hammontree (Han) ; 2 . Don Vog el (Hon) ; 3. Robert on (Kaw) . OLD IRON: 1. John Weber (Yam); 2. Ke it h Berry (Yam) , • ENDURO : 1. Mike Cooper (Yam ); 2. M ark Bend igo (Hon) . L.ewis, Klatt split cash at Corona FT By Elaine Jones CORONA, CA . APR. 13 J ay Lewis gave a lesson in smart racing to Ross Klan, J eff Page and J ay Foreman in the Open Moneyclass "IT at Corona Raceway to n ight. • Off th e line. it was H onda -mounted Klatt who got th e edge o n th e field. followed by Lew is an d Fo rem a n . On th e th ird lap New Zeal and rider Foreman was sideline d wit h mech an ical problems, cleari ng th e way IorLewis. Lewis kept gell ing closer to th e leader. almos t lik e he was pl aying with Klatt . On th e sixt h lap L ewis too k his shot and when Kla tt d id n' t close th e door. Le wis had th e lead . W ith three laps lef t. L ewis didn 't let any body ge t even a slig htes t edge o n him. It was a rematch between t n e-t\vo riders o n th e H alf Mile; aga in it was Klatt off on top with Lewis in seco nd a n d . Simpson-sponsored , Yamaha mounted Dan Kane a nd Yamahamounted Ri ck Reed in a tight bailie for th e th ird. One lap lat er Kane esta blished himself in thi rd and wa s riglit o n th e rear wh eel of Lew is, wh o he passed o ne lap lat er. But Lewi s played hi s ca t-a ud-mouse ga me agai n. T h is tim e he wa ited for th e w hi te fla g a n d slipped o n by to come lip with th e pla ce spo t behind Klatt. L yle . Do ve. o n h is Do ve Design Florist/ T R . Industr ies/ C ross Count ry Cyclesp o nsored Yamaha . mad e h is debut in th e Pro class a nd ca me fro m fifth 10 fini sh a very close fourth behind · . Kane. Tom m y L yn ch. o n h is L yn ch Electri c Yamaha o u t of Bak ersfield. conrinued to dom in at e th e 250cc P ro classes . But th is tim e o ut h e had to wo rk hard onthe H alf Mile with a strong cha llenge fro m Ca lvi n Rayborn III. Alt hough Ly nc h did go wir e-t o- w ir e, it wa s very close with R ayborn runn in g a lmos t even wi th h im a ll th e way. Rodney Gi n n fro m Spoka ne. Wa shing ton , sponsored by Del an ey Ai r Ser vice/ Dea n G i n n d Cycle/ Ji m Plunkett, rounde o u t th e field wi th a th ird . . Do ve, in h is first time o u t in th e Ex pe rt rank s. had h is m oment in th e su n o n th e H alf Mi le wh en hi: brok e o n lap, follo wed by C T . World C lasssponsored J a y Forem an a nd Dan Kane. Do ve was a ble to hol d th e field at bay fo r three la p s before Kane. who hi d m oved by Foreman , look o ver th e lead. Foreman was th e nex t o ne to g t by but i t took h im two la p s to get by Do ve. After tha t, Dove gave no grou nd to a nyone a nd claimed third spot at th e checkere d. J ay Fo reman. ri di ng h is last race a t Corona before returning to New Zea land . wen t o u t with a bang as h e led the Open Expert 'TT fro m start to fin ish. Cal-Fa b-sponsored J eff J ohn so n a nd J ames Stee r, sponsored by 1M Csragg. locked into the seco nd a nd th ird spo ts ea rly o n a nd finish ed in tha t o rder. KR W / Bo b Bra d fo rd- spo n so red Matt Stouten burg ha d a lways been in the hun t, bu t j us t o ut of reach of th e big o ne u ntil to night as h e wen t wireto-wi re in both th e T'T and Half Mile O pen Ama teur m a in s 10 ~'o me away with a double win . Ri ch ard Schroede r a nd Bruce Beatty were in th e seco n d an d thi rd spo ts in th e T'T, whi le Brian Barrick and Sc hroeder followed Sto u ten burg home in the H alf Mil e. Results • . ' -.... • IT PEE WEE: 1. J oey W inst on (Kaw ); 2. Jason Lentz IIJ); 3. Chr is Wheeler (Yam). MINI : 1. David King (Yam): 2. Chris Hoff (Suz). 250 NOV ; 1. Donald Andre (Yam); 2 . Ralph Porzeu (Hon); 3. Tony Tetors (Hon). 250 AM/EX: 1. Tommy Lynch (Yam); 2 . Calvin Rayborn III (Yam); 3. Alan Beatty (Suzl . NSOTHG: 1. James Reed (Yam). OPEN NOV : 1. Ron Cochard (Yam); 2. Charles Marcucci (Yam); 3. Wa~ Bell (Yam). OPEN AM : 1. Matt Stoutenburg (Yaml: 2. Richard Schroeder (Yam) ; 3 . Bruce Beatty (Yam). • OPEN EX: 1. Jav Foreman (Hon); 2. Jeff Johnson (Yam); 3. James Steet (Yam). 250 MONEY: 1. Tommy Lynch (Yam), OPEN MONEY; 1. Jay Lewis (Suzl; 2. Ross Klall (Hon) ; 3. Jeff Page (Yaml . HALF MILE PEE WEE 50 : 1. Charlie Hinkle (Yam); 2 . Jason Lentz (IJ) . PEE WEE 60: 1. Joey W inston (Kaw ); 2. Brad Hinkle (Yaml; 3. Chr is Wheeler (Yam) , MIN I: 1. Chri s Hoff (Suz); 2 . David King (Yam ); 3 . Bill Moat (Yam). • 250 NOV; 1. Dona ld Andre (Yam); 2. Gregg Riess (Kawl; 3 . Tony Teters (Hon). 250 AM/EX: 1. Tommy Lynch IYam); 2. Alan Beatty (Suz). . NSOTHG: 1. Richa rd Schroeder (Yam); 2. Pat Mccann (Yaml ; 3 . George Hinkle (Yaml . OPEN NOV; 1. Walt Bell (Yam); 2 . Ricky Stecyk (Yam); 3 . Charles Marcucci (Yam). OPEN AM : 1. Mall Stoutenburg (Yam); 2. Brian Bar rick (Vam); 3 , Richard Schroeder (Yam). OPEN EX: 1. Dan iel Kane (Yam); 2. Ja y Foreman (Hon); 3 . Lyle Dove (Yam). . 250 MONEY: 1. Tommy Lynch (Yam); 2 . Calvin Rayborn III (Yaml ; 3 . Rodney Ginn (Yam). OPEN MONEY: 1. Ross Klall (Hon); 2 . Jay Lewis ISuz); 3 . Oan Kane (Yaml, Please send Name print(s) tc! ...:... ......:....:... Address _ _...:....:.:....._ --.,.--City ,.--- Phone _ _--'- o -;--State _ ZiP. _ ...::..._ ---,- _ Payment enclosed (check or money order, payable to Cycle News. ICAf es. add 6%. LA county res.'add 6'h%J o _ Cha rge my Visa 0 " Charge my Mastercard . IlIZ Charge Customers: We must have complete a.cco unt n umber and card exp iration date . Card No. "--- Expiration Date -=- _ _ Signature __ _~_:-_______ . _ Mail this order to The lpue, of the CIIrd ide nt ified on th is ite m is euthori%ed to pey the amount shown •• TOTAlupon proper pre..nta tion . I promi.. to pey such TOTAL ftogether with any other ch8rgn dua thereon) aubjec1 to and in accordance with the Agreement governing the u.. of ouch ~ rd. HOl D'OR PRINT c/o Cycle News P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 -0498 ii~~iiiii!ii --- _1,_1_1- .

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