Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RIDE THE NEW WAVE IN MOTOCROSS APPAREL WITH BIL LY LILES PANTS $99.95 . JERSEYS $22.95 SEND FOR FRF;ECATALOG. , , -. HAND BUILT p jPESFOR ALL LATE MODEL DIRT BIKES. GETTHE POWER FOR ONLY $1 19.95 • Eddi'e Hicks won the 125cc Pros at CMC's Hungry Valley MX. Willie Surratt and Billy Frank fjnished second and third overall. respectively. HA N D BUI LT PIPES FOR ATVs AND QUADRACERS 250R /TECATE/TRI -Z AND MORE . PR ICES FROM $119.95 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED E P PERFORMS 6029 West Charleston. Las Vegas . NV 89107 (800) 792-4200 r--- --- - - -------------- - - ------ -l I When You Move••• I I I I I 1. For FASTEST serv ice attach old ma il ing labe l. in space below If ma il ing label is not ava ilable. pr int you r old name and address in th is box . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I Please allow 3 weeks for cha nge to take effect. 2. Print your NEW address here. N AME ADDRESS CITY STA TE ZI P 3 . Maille: Circulat ion Department CYCLE NEWS. INC. P.O . BOX 49B LONG BEACH . CA 90B01 ·049B ~RACING ~ TIRES .")'; "'\ . . ~~ EXCLUSIVE Western U.S.A. I I I I I I I I I I JI Surratt and Frank. Wageman, who DNF again early in the first moto, holeshot the second and led Hicks and Surratt th e entire race . Frank took fourth place from Kawasaki rider Don Goettling on th e fourth lap for third overall behind winner Hicks, and Surratt. ' Mike Dunlap (Ka w) led the entire 250cc Intermediate first rnoto. Suzukimounted Murray Shackelford moved into second, and gave chase until failing while auempring to take the lead on lap six. Kawasaki rider jim Perry moved to second, and Darrin Hoeft .ea rned third. Shackelford salvaged fourth by the time the race ended. Perry holeshot moto two with Brad Thoms (Kaw) in tow. Ken Erb (Suz) held third, and moved to second when Thoms crashed on lap five. Hooker, who finished fifth in the first moto, held th ird. Shackleford, who fell at th e first turn, had worked up to fourth with th ree laps left. Hooker a nd Shackelford ba ttled for second overa ll right down to the nag. The scorers called it - Hooker by less than a foot, in the closest race of the day . Results 600·8: 1. LannyTurner(Kaw); 2. Phil Richamond (Kaw); 3 . Joe Hicks (Kaw). 60 9 · 11 : 1. Damon Huffman (Kaw); 2. Ryan Spurgin (Kaw). M INI BEG: 1. Jason Fine (Kaw); 2 . Ryan Spurgin (Kawt 3 . Marshall Wilcox (Han) . M INI JR : 1. Mark Easley (Han); 2 . Mike McClain (Kaw); 3 . Mike Farzeneh (Hon) . MINIINT: 1. Terry Sw an son (Yam ); 2. Eric Hilton (Yam t 3 . Doug Huston (Yam) . MINI EX: 1. Paul U1ach (Kawl; 2. Shane Tr ittler (Yam ); 3. Steven Kotajarup (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Mike Finch (Kaw ); 2. Jim WeUcome (SUl) ; 3 . Doug Miller (Han) . 500 BEG : 1. Bill Fleming (SUl); 2 . Michael Meri· hew (Kaw). 125 JR : 1. Jon James (Kaw); 2. Bobb y Williams (Kaw) ; 3 . David Noel (Kaw) . 125 INT: 1. To m Holt (Kaw): 2. Sean Blanchar d IKaw); 3 . Jim Spotts (Kaw) . _ 250 INT: 1. J im Perry (Kaw); 2 , Mike Hooker (Husl: 3. Murray Shackelford (SUll. 500 INT: 1, Gregg Blechma n (Han); 2 . Loren Poch iro wski (Han); 3. Rabe n Tippit (Kaw) , 125 PRO: 1. Eddie Hicks (Yam) ; 2. Willie Surr att (Han) ; 3. Bill y Frank (Kaw). 250 PRO: 1. Tracy Oswen (Han) ; 2, Willie Surran (Han) ; 3. Rob Enge' (Yam). 500 PRO : 1. Ed A rnet (Han) ; 2. Dan Berg (H an); 3. Jo n Ortn er (Yam) . Stork flies at BRA MXopener DISTRIBUTOR By Brian George 42 -. DEALERS:Contact Hap Jones Dist. Co . San Jose. CA RACERS : Contact A&A Racing (4 15) 368-6259 CARLISLE RA-X STURGIS, SD. APR. 14 Sturgis Raceway once again hosted the opening of another racing season in South Dakota, kicking off with the 1985 Borderline Racing Association Motocross Championships. Dave Molder (Yam) walked off with the Open Pro class virtually uncontested, and picked up a pair of seconds for second .o verall in the 250cc Pros. The bIg winner of the afternoon was Rice Cycle/ Budweiser-backed Billy Stork, who .captured overall wins in both the 250cc and 125cc Pro class. Mik e Friend grabbed the holeshot in th e firstl25cc Pro rnoto aboard his YZ,while LeeVem, Berry, Stork, joren Bovee and Wade Morlock trailed. M~rlock bailed in a set of whoops on the opening lap, taking Stace Waugh out with him, leaving Virgil Ra nda lI and Clint Overman fighting for the fifth place spot. Out from, Friend set a blistering pace, as Stork worked around Berry in th ree laps, then set o ut after the lea der. Wit h Waugh requ iring a trip to th e hospi tal , the race was shortened to only five laps, and time ran out on Stork's charge to the from. Friend motored in with the win , whi le Stork, Berry, joyce and Ra nda ll rounded out the top five. Round two was fierce as Friend once aga in grabbed the lead early, but now Stork was right on his rear fender. Friend fought to hold Stork. off for the first lap-and-a-hale. then blew a right-hander, allowing Stork to slide underneath into the lead. Friend fought 10 keep up with Stork, who immediately pulled out a fivebikelength lead right away, but on the next lap Stork made the same mistake Friend did and lost his cushion. Friend then set Stork up for a pass and moved into the lead before they came by 10 complete the lap . Stork was again in pursuit, but Frie nd once again stuffed his Yamaha too ~ard into the same soft right-hander, blasting through it, and Stork went by for the lead. This time the pass stuck, and Stork went in for the moto and overall wirr.Berrvalso overtook Friend before the checkers flew. but Friend was ru nner-u p in the overalls a head of Berry. Boyce again was fourth , with Ar ion Galster fifth a nd Randa ll sixth. Stork was masterful in the 250cc Pros, grabbing the ho leshot in the first moto. Stork outrode a hardcharging Molder for the moto win, wi th Molder having 10 setting in for th e runner-up spot. Curt Hyde and Morlock battled for the third posi -

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