Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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tory , Keck made a last lap pa ss for seco nd, which ea rned h im th e o verall ahead o f Eckhardt a nd C lark . By the time th e 250cc Ama teurs took 10 th e track in th e afternoon, it wa s o ne so lid mi le o f whoops. Dav id Burke grabbed th e early lead in ro u nd o ne a hea d o f Kurt Eich acker , wh ile Kraem er was moving th rough th e p ack qu ickl y. W ithi n two lap s, Kraem er was doggi ng Burke for the lead. A couple circuits later, h e made his m ove and was pulli ng away by th e fin ish. Eichacker holeshot mota two ahead o f Em lyn Will ia ms, with Kraemer again cha rg in g from m id pack. H is effo rts were short-circuited bv mecha ni cal problem s after reachi ng fifth on lap two . By lap fou r. W illiams had th e lead. and two laps la ter Lee Apodaca was a d istan t seco nd with Bu rk e fourt h . Will ia ms coas ted ' 10 victory ahead o f Apodaca a nd Burke, w ho nearl y o vertook Apodaca a t th e flag. It was no t ne cessary. sinced he a lrea dy had th e overa ll wrapped up a head o f Will iams and Apodaca. Results 60 NOV : r. Jason Wrigh t (Kaw): 2. Geoff Sluvter (Kaw l. • 80 NOV : i . Chris McC rea (Vam): 2. Robbie M cCoy (Yam ); 3. Tom Gr een lee (Ho n). 80 A M : 1. Steve Keck (Kaw) ; 2. M itch Eckhardt (Hon): 3 . Jason Clark (Kaw). 125 NOV: t . M ike M inari k (Vam ); 2. M arc M etzger (Hon): 3. Stev e Stein (Hon). 12 5 AM : 1. Brant Mc Coy (Yaml ; 2. M ike Surratt (SUI): 3. John Scon (Kawl. . 125 PRO: 1. Kevin M cKn igh t (Vam): 2. John Sm it h (Kaw); 3. Boden Soderbec k (Hon). 250 NOV: 1. Les Torgerson (Vam): 2. Ed Roy (Hon): 3. Ron Vener (Hon). 250AM : 1. David Bur ke (Hon); 2. Em lyn W ill iam s (KTMI: 3. Lee Apodaca (SuII. 250 PRO: t . Boo St ichter (Kaw ): 2. Chris Sund strom (Hon); 3. Rand y Wa rren (Yam ). OPEN NOV: 1. Ph il Antonuk (Yam ); 2 . Marvin Ro m kee (Yam); 3 . Tracy Sha us (Hon). OPEN AM : , . Bran t McCoy (Hen ]: 2. Bruce Field (Hon); 3. Kevin Virden (Yam). OPEN PRO: t , Dave New ell (Kawl: 2. Brad Bolton (VarnI. V eT NOV: 1. J i m Ander son (Kaw) : 2. Gene l ucas (Ho n). V ET AM : t . Michael Kern (KTM); 2. M ike Stra sheim (Hon). VET EX: t . Dave Wollaston (SUI): 2. Richard Dosta l (Hon). SR NOV: r . Ted Hardy (Kawl; 2. Jo hn M cDon ald (Hon); 3 . Rob in Lewis (Kaw) . . SR A M : 1. J im Long (Cag); 2. Bobby Hancock (Kawl. SR EX: 1. Dave W olla ston {Suzl. Vance & Hines 4 into 1 performance exhaust systems are now available for the 600 and 900 Ninja. $240.00 black. Visa! MC accepted. Send $3.00 for the 1985 Vance & Hines catalog. Vance & Hines, 14010 ,Marquardl Sanla Fe Springs, CA 90670 • (2 13) 92 1-746 1 TEAM HAMMER ROLLS TO A WIll, 011MITCHELL WHEELS. Milchell wheels performed flawlessly for 7.69 2 miles, carrying Team Hammer to an outstanding win in Ihe T WERA National EnduranceRoad Race Series. 984 For '85 tnerecord continues. winning Indianapolis Raceway April T five laps ahead of thepack. 3th, Mitchellwheels are thelightest. strongest, and truest racing wheels available loday. Wheel halves aref,recision spun and heliarc weldedproducing a no-flex s ructure. These uncompromising wheels are thechoice of serious racers andl/Undreds of descriminaling slreet riders. For addilional informaTion on tne se world class wheel or our racing disc s brakes. send $3 for a complete calalog. .. Oswell tops CMC Hungry ·Valley MX By Ken Stein GORMAN , CA, AP R. 14 T ra cy O sw ell punish ed the to ugh 250cc P ro class a board his Honda at Continen tal Mo tosports Club 's n ew Hung ry Va lley track , leadi ng every la p of bo th mot os. . O swell jumped in fro m of Russ ' W agem an (Su z) an d Ed Arn et (Ya m) in th e first corner. Will ie Surratt, w ho stuc k h is from tir e into the starting gate a t th e start, left turn o ne in m id- pack. Wageman held Ar net in check for nine of th e 12 la ps unt il . Arnet fell. earn ing a DNF for th e day . Surratt. mean whil e, h ad picked o ff six rid ers to m ove into fo urth. When Arnet fell Surra tt in herited thi rd , w he re he staye d a ll the wa y to th e checkered £lag . O swell took cha rg e righ t ou t of th e ga te start ing the seco nd moto. S urra tt was in seco nd pl ace, and it looke ~ like h e mi ght ca tch h im . But Surra tt trailed Oswell all th e way h ome. T his time it was Wageman 's turn to sta rt badly, and h e found himself fightin g th e ru sh -h o ur tra ffic at m id-pack . Suzuki rider Andy Ell is d iced with . Billy Frank (Kaw ) for th ird for ha lf the race before dropping back. Wagem an struggled up th ro ugh the p ack to catch Frank for th ird before h e ba iled a nd handed th ird back to Frank with o n ly two laps left. Yamaha-mounted Eddi e H icks led the en tire 125cc P ro firs t mota , follow ed a ll th e way to th e checkers by ·0 . L\ SOUTH CITY CYCLES . . ;v-, " .....·:V . The S.F. Bay Area.Husqvarna Dealer In Stock. 1985 500XC • 250XC • 250CR Limited Quantity on Hand t~) !:!~m~~arna 511 Mayfa ir Ave . So. San Franc isco , CA94080 cfj (415) 583-3519 suPE"CoRlPsrvt.G~ . ~ . sm£ET .suPERSIlE~ i · ~.~ .au=u: \ ~ ,~ ! I • SPECTRO OILS WEST m ~I:!:!..(J.S.A. ; · GRiPS • - ~ I ~ ~ ... 1(8ooI D-I-A-L-O-I-L i • ~ California Dealer s Call Toll Free ~ Out of State Call Collect (7 141988·7070 • High-Densi ty; Shock Absorbing Foam with Extra Hand Space means More Comfo rt and Safety Highest Qualit y Grips , Mosl Affordab le Prices The NO FATIG U E Gr ips 'r om BAJA PRO DUCTS Ask your fa vorite dea ler or ca ll: (8l 8) 303 .2651 Wri te : P. 0 Box 2282 . Irw ind ale. CA 91706 .~ • ~U:A ex: C'wQ.1'S . M V _ \llJlOCROSS . STREET ~ LONG SEACH YAMAHA • Califo rn i a ' s Newest Va m ah a De a le rs h ip ~ ~ ~ e ~ . '.II(Y,.Q i" ·'" SALES· SERVICE· PARTS 4001 East Anaheim St . LONG BEACH. CA. 90804 (2' 3) 49B -657B (7 14 ) 527 -91 44 I~. ENGINE DYNAMICS _ (7 0 7) 763-7519 • Expert Race CYLINDER Camage Repatr i:', We SiocFu llval_s. Prep &HEADSms. .e·tC k g uides. spri ngs . ca \f • ~ 101 0 Ui k.ville Hwy ., Petalum a, CA 9 4 9 52 • , 0 41 ...

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