Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Snell-approved & LESS THAN $ 00* The Esprit helmet meets the Snell standard of quality-the toughest helmet standard in existence. Yet it retails at most dealerships for less than any other SnelI~lfied helmet on the marke t. A very s mart buy, especially when you consider these features: • TOUGH CONSTRUCTION. The Esprit _ Is ..- or_nat... fiberglass. like most oIlhe ..· pensive_. • CONVE NIENCE. The shield Is recessed and · feBlures poslll... ratchet positioning. • COMFORT . The luxurious Interior is lined with nylon and crowned with satin. • DYNAMIC DESIGN. The Esprit helmet comes In your choice of black with gold graph ics , ~ maroon with gotd graphics, or Sil_ with black graphics. • S1X-MONTH WARRANTY, Uke all Espri t products, the helmet is covered by a six-month lim ited warranty against defects in materials or workmanship. Think about it. You ca n spend more than twice as much on a s imilar helmet that may have a few fancy features, Or you can sp end half as much on a helmet that ca n't pass the rigid Sne ll standards, But let's face it: A helmet's basic purpose is to offer some protection for your head , So use your head. Buy EspriL fSPRIT~ Ask tor it at your local deatership, or write for a free t>rochure '0 Esprit, Dept. CN . P.O. Box 11591. Portland. oasran. •Actual prices vary. . Opsn-!ace models with D.O. T approval also available. ALL 3-P LY RATED 3:OOx21, 3:OOx2 1 R, 4 :10 x1 4 R, 100/ 90, 4:10dl, 4:5Odl, 4:50x17, 4:50d1R 5:ooxll, 5:OOx17 HI-POINT RACI NG PRODUCT S ·34 (Eastl3709 W~st Erie A ve .• Lorain , OH 44 053 (West) 2650 H M ercan t ile Dr " Rancho Cord ova. CA 956 70 Phil Larso n dominated t he Open Pro c lass at Boise; brother M ike Larson won t he 125cc Pros . J oe Wright took the go ld in t he 250cc Pros , . served notice early on th at h e was th e man to beat as the Salinas H -D rider put his " new rule" 500 to the immediate front of hi s heat race and stayed there, Local hope John Colton (Hon ) snagged a transfer with a good lookin' win in his heat. And Tricia Lyons (Yam ) struck a Novice blow for liberation with a transfer-worth y third spot in her heat. The Junior heats were hotl y contested with Bugsy Booth a n d Randy Roose (H -D ) transferring out of the first one, Terry Wahl (H-D) and Boise guy Ricky Henson (Ya m) making it in the seco nd one. and Rod Reynolds and Mark lilian scooting in on heat three. The fo urt h Junior heat pitted eventual winner Robert Horban (C-A) against Marty Zirbel on a de-tweaked Triumph , Zirbel slid into second and mad e th e program. Randy Gr een breezed to an easy fir st Expert h eat win but the real dr ama happened in Expert heat two . Caught with chalk on th e tir es, John Win cewicz (H on), Scott Pears on and Frank Word were condemned to th e p en alt y line wh er e Word's KTM stro ker got a little too much o f a roiling re-start an d Word was sen t to th e. pits to await a Last Chance Qual ifer. Wincewi cz grabbed a n ea rly lead on ly to ge t zap ped by Pearson , th en Mik e Sullivan (T ri) a nd Frank Crane, With three transfers from each h eat , it look ed lik e Win cew icz was go ing to . ride th e Semi. Th e third Ex pert hea t sa w Mickey Fay in act io n aboard hi s H onda thumper rather th an h is " tra ilbike" mount of Friday n ight. Fay blazed aro u n d wi th Ron Yamamo to - o n th e sa me Honda 500 two-stroke he used to win last year's ra ce wi th - in second. The third transfer spo t was a dogfight between North Idaho rid ers Kirk Strong a nd Arney Wick wi th Strong eme rgi n g victorious, Rick Albee (Ro tax) snagged o ne Junior semi a nd Dean J ames looked good in th e o ther bu t it wa s the Expe rt semi that really got folks to th eir feet up on Sunbu rn H ill. Arn ey Wick, rid ing h is C R500 half -miler with a brak e on it, had no do ubt in hi s mind th at h e was goi ng to mak e th e pro gram. Wick go t th e lead and hel d it wh ile Wor d blasted h is way into seco nd , Wincewicz brok e a n axle and skittered o ff th e track 10 rn d his day, Sh ort track winn er J eff H a rsh a (Yam ) go t lost in the shuffle a nd started packin '. Foll owin g su ndry ceremonial stuff, th e trophy dashes gOI underway wi th la st-m inu te contingencies and b uc khol as being co nt rib uted by the cro wd , P.]. Sa nchez surprised no one by goin g wire-to-wire with his dash fo r th e cas h while Rod Reyno lds took ad va nt age of Rick Albee's fall -down to cop his bucks for four la ps. The Experts' fastest four lined up with Fay , Green and Sullivan joined by Larry Legarra (Tri). Green and Fay raced side-by-side for most of th e first two laps unti l Green made the smallest of mistakes, slid more sid eways than forward for an instant and .. . there went Fay! More ceremonial stuff, another beer, smear on some more suntan lotion on the 80" hillside.and it's time for the main events. Novice comer Sanchez already had made believers of the crowd and proved his point once again with fellow Californian Bruce Johnson (Ro ta x) the only man who could stay with him. Shawn Hart (Hem ) rode a steady 12 laps to finish third . On the line with the Juniors were the hopes of the Owyhee Club with last yea r's Junior Champ Rod Reynolds and a 1985 Indoor Champ Ri ck y Henson (Yam ) in the even t. But it was Robert Horban (C-A) into the first corner in front with Reynolds and Ra n dy Roose (H -D) pulling into the second a nd third spots, and settling into th e pace for th e 15lap main. And that 's how th ey finish ed , Albe e moved up to cha llenge but co u ld n' t get there. Marty Zirbel , bent Triumph, bent body a nd all , d idn't make it a nd wa s rel eg at ed to the back o f th e pa ck this yea r. Bugsy Booth (H- D) sa t o n th e pol e but didn 't get th e start he needed a nd event ua lly slid O U I in th e dogleg while trying to ca tch th e H orban / Reynolds/Roose freight train, Finall y, aft er th ree a n d threequarter days of racing, th e 20 laps we'd a ll come to see: th e 3 1st Annual Boise 'IT Expert main. On th e fir st row sat Fa y, Green , Ben Zakarian (Ro tax) , Sullivan , Yamamoto and Pear son. Word, Strong a nd com pany were on the second row . Green ca me o u t sm okin ' a long with Zakarian a nd Fay. U nfort una tely th e light hadn 't quite chan ged and a ll three went to th e back to try again , G etting a clean sta rt o n th e seoc nd try, it was Mik e Sullivan 's big twin in front with Yamamoto screa m ing th e two-stroke behind him a nd Word slipp ing into a n ear ly third spo t. Two laps into th e race, Arney Wick a nd Zakarian wound-up in a tangl e wh ich left Wick pinned ben eath h is mac h ine and Zak ari an hold in g a wr ist. Wick strai gh tened o u t bik e a nd body eno ug h to get ba ck 10 th e line just inside th e restart tim e limit - Zak arian didn ' t. Wh en th e race was lit o ff again, it wa s Word brin ging 'em into the firs t turn with Su ll iva n , Yamamoto, G reen , Fay an d Pearson all wi thin striking d istance. Su ll ivan struck first , nipping Word with sh eer pow er o n lap two , Then, on the third lap , Fay h appen ed. Blowin g by Yamamoto's H onda at th e en d o f th e stra ig ht, Fa y ca rved the cla ssic line th at Owyh ee o ld timers refe r to as " Sonn y Bu rres' line:" h igh a nd hard into th e turn a nd low and tight in to th e dogleg to ro ost Word a n d Sulli van and eme rge in the lead. Sulli van went down and out of con tention within a noth er lap or two and Green moved past \Vord into second. Yamamoto lost th e battle with a rapidly-approaching Pearson , as did Word who settled back behind the three Honda leaders to race for fourth with Yamamoto, Green hung so me five seconds behind Fay, Pearson was the same distance behind Green, and Word and Yamamoio were at five-second intervals as the race rolled on, Yamamoto moved up to ch allenge the.KTM of Word but just didn 't have the power to overtake th e Grants Pass, Oregon Expert. At the finish, it was Burien Honda/ J. Enderson /York Motors /Bell / Knigh t/Hi-Point/McCoys/Bel-Raysponsored Fa y with a commanding lead and the rest of the pack wondering where Fay went! Last man around was Wi ck who had more ser ious problems th an he had thought with both bike and body. But it was the colorful Fa y wheelieing around the track with the checkered flag when all was said and done. Another long 'IT weekend at Boise wound-down with Mickey spraying the crowd with champagne, collecting his money and preparing to head for San Jose . . .by way of wherever in Boise the biggest party was going to be that night! • t Results ST MICRO : 1. Br i a n A n derson (Kaw); 2. Scott M cPherson (Hon~ 3. Jason Riel< (Kaw). MINI BEG: 1. Rich ie Reyn olds (Kaw): 2. Rya n Andar so n (Kaw): 3. Scon M cPh er so n (Han). MINI EX: 1. James Cyr (Han): 2. Jaff Amen (Han) . 12 5 EX: 1. Robbie Bl agg (Vam); 2. Darr ell Devil (S uz): 3 . J on Irby (Kaw). 250 BEG : 1. Rex Fisher (Yam): 2. SCon Chappell (Han): 3. Dav id Ayers (Han) . 250 INT : 1. AI Ru ssell (Vam): 2. Pau l James (Su z). 250 EX: 1. Marty Zirbal (Vam): 2. Don Wilson (Han); 3 . Troy Norris (Han). OPEN tNT: 1. Denny Feizenspan (Ho n); 2 . Steve Spoon er .tHan) : 3. Chad W aym en t (C-A) . . OPEN EX: 1. Jeff Harsha (Vam): 2. Rodn ey Rey nold s (Han) : 3. Randy Green (Han ). W O ME N: 1. Tr ic ia Lyons (Yam); 2. Deni se Alter (Han): 3. Kale Hoyt. n . M ICRO : 1. Ryan Anderson (K aw); 2. SCali McPh er so n (Hon); 3 . Ch ris Brandon (Kaw). M INI BEG : 1. J .P. Sim onsen (Han); 2. J oe Bel shaw (Hon); 3 . Ma n Zirbel (Yam I. MINI EX: 1. Jeff Anne n (Han); 2. James Cyr (Han). 125 EX: 1. Robb ie Blagg (Vam): 2. Darell Di vis (Suz); 3 . Jon Irby (Kaw ). 250 BEG : 1. Chris Humphrey (Ha n); 2. Bob Still (Vam) ; 3. Scott Chappell (Ha n). 250 INT : 1. Jeff Carson (Han ); 2. Billy Hagmann (Kaw ); 3. AI Russell (Yam ). 250 EX : 1. Kirk Strong (Hon ); 2 . Ron Yamamoto (Vam ); 3. Sean Han (yam). OPEN BEG: 1. Chris Humphreys (Yam). O PEN INT : 1. Tim Whitebread (Vam); 2. Chad Waymenl (C-A); 3. Gary Bonney (Han). OPEN EX: 1. Randy Green (Han); 2. Ron VamamolO (Yam ); 3. Miel

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