Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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wer e. Kawasaki had a large hand in th e p romotion and success o f th e 31st 'TT weekend. And .. . Kawasaki co ntin gen cy bu cks ma y have been just th e so rt o f lure it took to ge t th e Larso n brot hers to p ut on a Pro sho w par excellence for local MX fans . SLIP-ONS ProMX Wh en the big boys h it the tra ck for th e fo ur Pr o classes, it was a p pa rent th at Phil a nd Mike Larson, a lo ng with J o e Wr ight a nd Lon gv iew , Washing ton's Jim Anderson (Yam) wo u ld be the men to beat . Wr igh t " wo n" practi ce with Phil Larson rac ing arou nd wit h him for a wh ile, then han g in g back a nd scoop ing o u t th e track at a mor e leisurely pace. Vet Experts were up fir st wh en th e racing sta rted and it was many-tim ewin ner-at-Boise Rick Holmes (Suz) grabbing the first mot o a hea d , of Blazin' Bob Krah (Kaw) . Krah turned the ta bles on Holmes in th e seco n d go- 'ro und, though, and ca me away wi th the overall and the lion 's sha re of green do llars. O pen Ex pe rts were on the track for th ei r first 20-m inute mo to and it was a ten se batt le betw een Phil Larson and J oe Wri ght, both on KX500s. Ph il held off Wr ight for th e first few la ps a nd th en began p ulling it out. Ph il was absolu tely sensationa l in a sectio n lead in g to a g ia n t berm , cha nging lines with mid-air co ntortions o ver a sma ll double j um p . H e was th e fastest man o n th e co urse. Bro ther Mike La rson (Kaw) a nd J im And erson had th em selves a tremendous ba ttl e in th e fir st 125cc P ro moto with Anderson strea kin g th e Sa n d Hill with th e style th a t' s won him many a ra ce in Boise. An derso n hung o n in th e first mot o tq hold o ff the constant pressure o f Mike an d set th e stage forth e 250cc Pro con frontation which wo uld pit h imself against bot h La rso ns a nd Joe Wri ght (this time o n a Honda ), along with the li kes of La rry J ackson, T odd Peug h and Derek Personett e in th e IS-man field o f sta rte rs. The battle was o n but tu rned out to be sho rt- lived as early leader Ph il La rso n ca me o ff hard in the exact spot he'd been giving th e cro wd suc h a th rill o n hi s O pen bike. Wright im med ia tely fou nd h imself in a battle with And er son a n d a ra pi d ly-ap p roach ing Mike Larson. Wr igh t had to ex pe nd quite a bit of energy but he maintained his lead, though Mik e cut it to a matter o f feet on severa l o f the la ter laps as th e pair raced away from And erson a n d th e rest o f th e pack. T he second rno to co nf irmed what we lea rn ed in the first ones a nd P h il La rson , after finishing down in the 250s, came back to pu ll out a solid 20 seco nds on Wrigh t and sweep the overa ll with a I-I da y on th e 500s. Mike Larson d id a sim ilar num ber o n the 125s as Anderson couldn' t mai ntain the pace and fell back to wa rd th e ha lfway point. Wright got his shot in th e las t race of the day , the 250cc P ro seco nd mo to, and worked hi s way (with Mike Larson in h is sha dow) by ea rly leaders Personette ( Ka w ) a nd Peugh (Suz) to win . Mike Larson survi ved a horrendous endo over the double-jumps a nd had a lot of gro u nd 10 make up (wh ic h he did ); Phil Larson, after h is crash-prompted fini sh in the first 250cc race, declined 10 start the second moto, TT Su n da y da wned as th e best day ye t wit h early morn ing temperatures a lrea dy in the mid -60s. Experts timed in first wi th Randy Green sett ing fast time in tha t smooth style which is so dec eiving to th e uninitiated. Mickey Fay wa s within a twitch of the stopwa tch of G reen . 'Amo n g the Novices, P.j. Sanch ez for Both the 900 & 600 models $199.00 See you r local dealer or call -KERliEilS 1-800-42~S246 (C.uf.l-800-382-3689) 7900 Ollring A..~ Cu. Plr!l. CA 91304 Find it fast in the Cycle News Dealer and Services Directory. ~E SET THE STANDARDS••• YOU SET THE.PACE. HI-TECIl III PERFlIllMUCE. lAC: the pertect mix of engineering excellence. computer aided design, and hitech tire compounds thaI deliver the ground control you need! Whether you're racing or recreating. lAC makes tires specifically for your bike and riding style. From 8Cce to all open classes. check out lAC-we set the standardsthat let you set the pace! 1ISA- IRC's ha pack lire for superior control . rd perior feeling and superior pertormance. Specially su ang and olfset side knobbies mean better cornering led and control: turned center knobs give you better braking and acceleration. An easy choice lor hard chargin' riders! _ - N matter what kind of soft terrain you're blaso tin' on, you've got to keep your controlling touch.This unique. sell-cleaning tire gives you more bite. An ex tra wide pitch (between knobbies) prevents muddy build-up. And, extra-raised center knobs mean better penetration and grabbin' traction on straightaways.Our special hi-lech rubber helps you keep in touch, too. Feel and experience the difference lACdelivers with M58. 113A- The MJA is specilically engineered and manufactured for a variety of track conditions. The knobby nl design and placement mean max traction , excelle braking power, and sure-footed cornering . M3A's tire compoundstands ur fo the worst and delivers a 1 · 0101 lough miles. T advantage of the competition-no ake matter what kind oflrack you're on. Hi-tech MX andlAC. Traction actionatan affor~ Available across the nation atlocal lAC dealers. . ACCESSORIES - BELlfLOWER YAMAHA . TOUR '. I r-------------------------------------------~ SALES· SERVICE • PARTS ING • STREET· OFF-ROAD I I . ; fP\PRIC~Bust Them Before TheyARE HERE~ BUSTERS Get Away .,. 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All we did wes provide the jening that this engin e was designed to run with in the first place. If yo u don t have our kit your 900 Ninje doesn' have the ~r it WIl3 designed to have. Door.Prize Drawing Every H. . Factory Representatives will be on hand 11500 Whittier Blvd.• Whittier, CA 90602 __.. , (~13) ,69~" .

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