Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ >a:: 0 Cl w a:: e ~ a:: ~ :E >0 li) 00 ~ :I: a. ....... ~ li) ........ >- C\l ~ National rider Mickey Fay was top rider of the weekend, winning the Open Expert TT main at Boise's 31 st annual TT weekend. Fay's closest competitor in the TT was Randy Green (24). who won the Open TT semi; Fay finished third. Green finished second to Fay in the main. 31st AnnUlI. Boise rr weellend: tures up 10° a nd onl y gentle breezes in pl ace o f real wind. T he Sportsm an TT under th e lights a lways ha s a few surprises in sto re for fa ns a n d a good crowd lined th e big trac k. T hey were not to be d isa p pointed, for the Mickey Fay show had ro lled in to town during th e day an d " Ma d Mickey" h isownself, Ron Yamamoto (Yam) and Rand y Green (Hon) looked lik e the guys 10 bea t in th e Open Expert main. As it turned o u t, Green was th e man 10 beat . . . excep t no one co u ld do it. Green ci rc u la ted o n hi s Woodland H onda sponsored XR tra ck racer lik e it was o n ra ils, leaving Yama moto and Fa y to duk e it o u t for second and third with Yamamoto holding off the streaking Fay at race's end. One of the aforeme nt ioned surprises came in the form of a green Kawasaki KX500with a 21-inch wheel (shod with a un iversal!) that Mickey said was h is "trailbike." The 250cc Expert main was up for g ra bs with Yamamoto faIling in his heat race, Marty Zirbel having his problem s and Rodney Reynolds (Kaw) crashing himself into a must-transfer situation during his heat. One section o f th e hill sid e (if this wa s baseball - th is bunch would be kept on short lea she s in th e upper right field deck ) was looking for an upset in th e form o f return in g lett erman La rry Cowles aboard th e Bob Lawren ce Yamaha. Co wles, who raced Bulta co Pursan gs o n this track in th e late 60s, had a real shot wi th a fir st -row sta rt in the main event. Co wle s ca me o u t stro ng, but no t as str on g as Kirk Strong, who head ed for th e front. Ba tt lin g Yama ha [o r fourth, Co wles had his steel shoe torn half- o ff by th e Spokane rider's tire thro ugh th e dogleg and, o n th e su bsequent lap , ro lled and bo un ced ou t o f co ntention as Stro ng (Hon ), Yamam ot o and U ta h's Shaw n H art (Yam) ro lled across th e fini sh line. T he re wa s n o joy in o ur " Muddsv ille upper dec k," but a h ell u va lo t o f pride in o u r o ld gu y o u t th ere bum p in g elbo ws with yet another ge nera tio n o f TT racer s. Robbie Blagg (Yam) repeat ed h is ac t from th e short track by doin g it to th e 125s o n th e big track wh il e J ames Cyr and J eff Amen reversed th eir finishing of th e previous n ight. Also . . . let the record show th at Denny Feigen span (H an ) put a beautiful pass on his fellow Open Intermediates in th e heat race only to fall victim to dreaded overcook in the dogleg and end his evening bruised and shaken in th e main. In the crashing department, Zirbel The da~ to Fa~ By Marty Gregory BOI SE , 10, AP R. 25-28 Charging the nearest rail birds with a wellshaken bottle of champagne, Mickey Fay shared the thrill of victory with fans lining Boise's Peaceful Cove TT track. Fay added to his reputation as the TT specialist with a con vincing win . over a strong field which ineluded several past winners of th e Northwest Regi on al event. It took a driving pass of earl y lead ers Mike Sullivan (T ri) and Frank Word III (KT M) to ro cket Mickey's p riv at eer Honda into th e lead o n th e third lap, and it took 17 more mi stake-free tours of th e track to n ail down th e win ahead o f smoo th Randy Green (Hon), SCOll Pea rson (Hon), Word a nd las t year's win ner , Ron Yarn a rnoto (Hon). Jo in ing Fa y in th e win ne r's cir cle were Junior ma in event ki ng Rob ert Hor ban (C-A) and go-fas t Novice P.). Sa nc hez (H -D). T hey were a ll part of the thrill in g cli max to a four-day weekend of raci ng a nd a tradit ion whic h ha s bee n goi ng o n in Boise for th e pas t 30 years. T his weeke nd's 31st ru nning of the TT was ded ica ted to lo ngtime supporter Weldon At ki nso n a nd wa s graced with increas ingly sple ndid wea ther. It started o ff look in g grim wit h mi d-40° temperatu res a nd co n sta n t wind o n T h ursday for the short track kickof f. Bu t th e wi nd was n' t ba d with th e MX co urse's famous Sa nd Hill loom in g ove r th e refurbish ed one-eigh th m ile a t th e O w yhee M.C.·s facili ty a few miles north of Boi se, a nd though th e chi ll even in g may have kept so me less-than-to tall ydedi cated fans a way, th e ac tion was h ot 'n heavy on th e track ! Portland-area Pro Marty Zirbel (Yam) served n otice in both his 250cc and Open h eats, as did Randy Green (Hon ) who ca me from a secon d -ro w start to n ip local sta r Rod Reynolds (Hon) a t the line in th eir Open preliminary. Wh en ma in event time rolled a ro u nd for th e 250s, Zirbel just , .. ~ t ok-com m and of the race auer iowr- 32 stroke pilot T erry Ande rso n's H onda holesh ot. A'purnped-upTroy Norris (Hon ) h eld off Don Wil son (Hon) for a wh ile, bu t Wil son wa s not to be denied a nd round up seco nd. Rod Reynolds was momentarily bottled-up inside Anderson on th e sta rt a nd as Zirbel str eaked around o n the o u tside to sna tch a lead h e was n't bound to relinquish , found h imself scra tch in g to get into fourth place by th e en d o f the race . Sh ort track races a re ofte n , decid ed within th e fir st five seco nds. T ha t wasn 't th e case with th e big bores, how ever. Jeff H ar sha (Yam) Io ug h t tooth-and-nail with Rod Reynolds befo re pull in g it o u t as Zirbel and G reen battl ed fo r th ird wit h Wi lson brea th ing down th eir n ecks. Ro bbie Blagg (Ya m) flash ed stylish ly in h is thorough trouncing of the 125cc Experts and Boi se' s J im Cyr (Hon) h ad h is wa y over J eff Amen (Hon) in their two-man 80cc Expert co nfro n tation. · Jeff Ru ssell may ha ve wished for a d ri n k befo re the night was over. Jeff came o ff h-a-r-d in th e third turn and , though he said it was "a lill ie sore but probabl y o kay for to morro w," turned out to have a broken co llarbone. Jeff's m isfortun e let younger brother AI Russell ta ke th e win, so th ere mav be so me conso la tio n a t Dad d y Ru ssell's Yamaha store co me Monda y. In th e hotl y-contested Mini B main, young Rich ie Reynol ds (Kaw) upheld the h on or of tha t racing fa m ily with a gu tsy perform ance to bes t R yan An der son a nd Scott McP herson o f Micro fam e. And we shou ld mention th e Powd er Puff event whi ch saw Tricia Lyons (Yam) lap th e field with ease. 'Co urse Tricia carries a Class C Novice lic ens e and Boi se wa ited to see whatever would become of her agains t the boys on Sunday. But Friday still comes before Sunday and th at eveni n g's weather saw a . .. .:. .:s.! ~'t~t_ ~~p~~~~~;.?! ...~~t,!J. !~~~~a -••. , lRs~ .L..o..~ ~i?~:h:~!~~,?1~~ !~~~~.~~. ~ I the dogleg a nd wadded th at scoo ter into a piece o f modern art . Zirbel la y on th e ira ck in this Open Expert m a in for so me time a n d, to th e a ppl ause of th e crowd, fin all y mad e hi s way back to the p it s -the motorcycle had to be ca rried o ff, th ough. The Open contes t was sto p p ed at th at point a nd (as noted a bo ve) it was Green, Yamam ot o an d Fa y, in that orde r. Amateur M X A pi cture-perfect Idaho morning greeted th e Amateurs arriving at the Peaceful Cov e motocros s track for Saturday's knobby tire racing. Startin g at 6:00 a.rn. with sign-up, the trophy seekers had it out on a redesigned course which followed more-or-less the traditional layout .. . only with more stadium-type jumps than anyone has seen around here for a long time! The Beginner and .I m erm ed ia re classes ran with speeds and stunts ranging from mild to wild. Over the jumps with style went 250cc and Open Intermediate walkaways Sid Morris (Suz) and Chris Hutzelman (KTM), respectively dominating both motos of th eir cl asses. In the 250cc Intermediate clash , local J eff Creek (Han) came from a first lap get-off to pl ace in th e points in th e first mota. Second race: sa me sto ry only worse. Cr eek wa s brin gin g up th e rear co m o, in g a ro u nd on the firs t circui t of the seco nd mot a an d , as the race progressed with winner Morris skyshotti ng off th e fin ish line jump a nd packing hi s whee l a ll th e wa y up th e approach to th e C lubho use Jump, Cree k began to pi ck o ff th e u n wary an d less-ball sy backm ark ers. Creek was do in ' fin e a nd had reeled in severa l of the m before tr yin g to a void a fall en man a t the ba se o f th e San d H ill (Intermedia tes ra n a shorter, modified version ). Cree k stuffed hi s h ead in the dirt an d everyo ne he'd worked so h ard to p ass ca me strea min g back by h im . Even th e guy Cr eek was trying to m iss wh en he fell was up a nd going aga in before Cre ek. Ch ad Case (Kaw) won hi s first l25cc B rnot o onl y to fall vict im to mal adies in th e seco nd. Mountain Home's Tom H iler (Kaw) didn 't mind as h e went 2-1 [or th e ov era ll . Ritchie T h u rs ton (Kaw ) sh o wed th e l25cc Intermediates that his unofficial reo tirement/layoff doesn 't mean he's forgotten how and that crafty, old desert guy, Rick Davey KDXed his way to a sm oo th win over the B Vets. If it looked like a lot of green bikes were winpi s··· thaI'.:; because they -.e "J 1 s J . l t' ·~ ·) •• (. ' 1 ~ I :J • t I ·) r J-.

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