Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TEri YEARS AGO - T eam Yamaha 's " Jammin ' Jimmy" Weinert scored a vict ory in h is first 1975 250cc Nat ional , held o n th e muddy Appal ach ia La ke Park track. Wein er! won tw o ou t o l th ree mo tos (o ne o f th em a qual ifier ) 10 edge Ma ico p ilot Steve Stackable's 3- 1score in the day 's overa ll sta ndi ngs. Marty Tripes retired in th e first mo ta with gea rbox tro ubl e, a llowing Wein ert to ta ke th e win a hea d o f Jimmy Ellis, Stackable, Billy Grossi, John Savitski, P ier re Karsmakers a n d Tony DiStefano. In th e seco n d rnot o , th e lead cha nged co nsta nt ly, hut atthe flag it was Stac ka ble a hea d o f Wein ert , w ith Wein ert 's 1-2 sco re ea rni ng h im th e ov erall , and S tac ka ble's 3- ( clai m ing second . Craig Veller,then 32, was in terviewed , a nd talked abou t his contribu tions to th e m otorcycl e industry. Vett er 's Windjam mer fairing was a breakth rough for m ot orcycle to u ring, a nd a n a ll- ne w Terra p la ne sidecar was ready 10 go into p roducti on. When ask ed a bo u t th e fut ure o f th e mo torcycle industry, Vett er stated " I want to mak e mot orcycles better. I expect to leave th e mot orcycle indus try in a sta te far a head o f the way it (no w) manufacturers motorcycles .. . Maybe we'll talk again 10 years from now, and yo u' ll see th at what I' ve said is true. My next p roject will be a combinat ion o f su perla tives ." The Moto rcycle T rades Assoc iati on co ntracted a law firm [o r a n o pi n io n a bo u t a fte rmar ke t co m pa n ies d ispla yin g their own p roducts with th e name brands o f motorcycl es. All o rneys for Ame rica n H onda had warn ed o ne manufacturer tha t use o f th e word " Ho nda" o n T -sh irts, hull ers, cups a nd o ther appa rel woul d be co nside red " wro ng fu l d ilut ion o n H on da 's mark a nd name. " Giacomo Agostini. see ki ng reve nge for hi s defea t at the h ands of Johnny Cecouo in th e Fre nch G P, turned th e tables 10 cla im the victory in th e 350cc race a t th e Spanish G rand Prix . bes ti n g Cecouo by a lmost lO'seconds. Walter Villa clai med th e first-pl ace spot in th e 250cc class, foll ow ed by " mas ter -of-the -cras h" Patrick Pons. Crit ics clai med the 500cc class wa sn 't run because th e Spa niards co u ld n ' t ra ise th e necessa ry purse. 1st Overal1-Terry Cunningham- Husqvama 2nd Overal1-Dave Ber1ram-Husqvama 3rd Overall-Larry Roeseler-Husqvama 4th Overal1-Jeff Irwin-Husqvama 1983 National Enduro Champion Terry Cunningham and Dave Bertram were the class of the field-automatically-at the HighMountain Enduro . They both rode' 1985 Husqvarna 500AEs during the 110 mile race. Says Cunningham, " In the tight stuff, the threespeed automatic is a dream, especially climbing those steep hillsides where you can't get a run at the bott om . In the fast sections, the 500AE is just awesome." Cunningham onl y lost one point all day for the win . Five other Husqvarna ride rs joined Cunningham in the winner's circle as Husqvarna took six of the top 10 spots. Prett y good-but not surprising. Winning endures is nothing new to Husqvarna. They 've won the past 15 National Enduro Championships. The biggest advantage of the AE is its automatic transmis sion . The machine is made .for the serious enduro racer . " It's simply the best enduro bike in the world,' : says Bertram . The '85 500AE also features a broader power band and improved gas mileage. Standard are Ohlins shocks, a Swedish chrome moly frame , European tires . M2gura controls, sand cast aluminum engine cases and Husqvarna's exclusive limited 30-

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