Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ron Durham smoked Gary Pena to win the Pro Comp c lass. J im Morrow (below ) was a Super Eliminator class semi-finalist; Lynn Kennedy won. VHR's Byron Hines decided to have " som e f un " and seta new MORA Pro Stock Record at the MORA Spring Nationals . romer had an eng ine ; a ll we wanted do when we ca me to th e tra ck was d o some testing. We broke a tra ns mission Saturday and went back 10 th e shop (in Santa Fe Springs) to rep lace it, Sunda y we came back a nd th e bike ran real well . . . All we wa nt ed to do was have some fu n." So me fun , you bel. Hi nes bu m ped bot h ends o f the MDRA P ro Stoc k record to 8.58 a t 153.06 mph d u ri ng his Sunday qua li fyin g pass. Hines. a board the Vance & Hines Racing-sponsor ed Suzuki, wo rked hi s way th rou gh th e qual ifyin g ladder 10 tak e the Pro Stock win. bu t not wiih ou t a litt le bad luck. His shifter bro ke o n hi s firs t pass. bu t he returned for ro u nd two , tha nks 10 a Mark Sauro red light. Sa uro was th e p revious P ro Stoc k record hol der a t 8.69/152.02. Saturday was set aside for tu n ing and qua lifying, bu t severa l records were set anyway. A gambler's race was o n the card , wh ile Bob Correll's jet bike a nd several jet cars had a fling a t the h ig h desert trac k. Su nday's first P ro Stoc k ro und sa w Bolto n trai ler Pr eston Reed with a 9.07 seco nd run, versus a 9.39, while Antho nv Anderson pulled a strong to p end 'to shut down Cha rlie Fulks. Hines had a bye on th e seco nd ro u nd whil e bo th Bolton a nd Anderson redligh ted a fter a start line mixup. La ter, th ey were re-ru n with Bolton taking th e win as Anderson turned in a disa ppoint ing 10.34, a lmost a half a second o ff his firsi round tim e. Bolto n managed to hol esh ot Hines in th e, final . bu t Byro n reeled him in with a slig ht ly o ff his reco rd pa ce 8.85/ 152.28. . The Funny Bike field was a sma ll o ne-rou nder d ue 10 every body breakin g, exce p t Brad Bo sworth a nd Clark Sa rgis du ring th e two days o f qual ifyin g . Kaw asaki-m ounted Bosw orth p ulled o ff hi s first Funny Bike class win as Sa rg is, who had been runn in g strong as a lwa ys, bro ke a tranny. 10 Brad Bosworth took his first-ever Funny Bike c lass win. Gabriel Pina (below) lost out to Joe Mejia in the Comp Eliminator semi. MDRA Spring Nationals Hines blasts MDRA Pro Stock record By David Lindstrom PAL MD AL E, CA,.APR. 27-28 Drag bike tunin g wizard Byron H ines, of Vance Sc Hines R acing, showed every body that h e can ride a bike as w ell as h e can bui ld one by setting a new Motorcycle Drag Racing . 20 Association (MDRA) P ro SLOck !lew record durin~ .s und~y q uah ly, . m g, th en topped II o ff with the P ro record a t th e MD RA s Spnng Stock class win over Tommy Bolton. N at i n al s a t L o s An gel es " O ne o f the guys at work, ~ ic~ a 10 ' W a r d , h a d a Ko s m a n c h a ss is, Cou nty Racewa y. H ines se t the explained H ines later. "And a cus- Co mpetitio n Eliminator had the largest field in the ru n ning as eig ht pairs worked the ir way to the top. Fir st-round wi n ners incl uded MDRA GG IM recor d-h o lder J oe Mejia with a 11.01, a nd Gabriel P ina at 11.01 XL/ R record -ho lder Bob Ives ha d 11.73 seco nd run , whi le FL IM 2.5 class record- ho lder To m ' P ak al n s po sted a 11 .15 time. Li an e H ernstadt went 13.84. Greg R ichards, 12.31 and DIM class record-ho lder Ed Ma lkiewicz spe d to a I 1.63 run . Seco nd rou nd : Meji a byed wi th a 11.29, P in a clocked a 13.60 second ru n ove r Ives, Paka lns beat Hern stadt wi th a 13.83, and Ri ch ards sent Ma lkiew icz home wi th a wi n n ing time of 11 .77. T h ird ro u nd actio n saw Mej ia p u t P in a on the tra iler wi th a n 11 .291 114.21 to Pina 's 13.611110.83. Malkiew icz sent Ri ch a rd s packin g with an 11.77/ 110.83 over 13.83/ 95.54. Meji a looked like the shoe-in for th e fina l, because he had averaged half-second bett er ti mes than Malkiewicz, but Malkiewicz p u lled a strong hol esh ot tha t Mej ia couldn ' t overcome , even wit h a losing 11.241 112.92 to Mej ia 's 11.70/11 4.50. Super El im in at or seco nd ro u nd had Jim Morrow advanci ng 10 the th ird round a lo ng with Lynn Ken nedy over Don Earll , and J oel Dobos losign to Ed Cicoria. Third ro u nd: Kennedy beat Morro w with a slo wer 9.84 vs. 9.61, and .Cicoria had a bye. Kennedy pulled o ff th e win fo r the fin al with a cons istaru 9.45/1 41.28 versu s a d ismal 10.481 122.61 for C icoria. Pro Camp ace G a ry Pena trailered Ed Ma th ieu with a coa sting 11.5 1 second trip through the lig hts. Ro n Durham did th e same to Ron Finger with an 8.99 com pared to Finger's 9.53. Durham had a super stro ng 8.961 146.10 fin al ro u nd beat in g o u t Pena 's losing 9.411144.46. Bryro n Hines' so n Matt, age 12, took Youth Elimina tor with a 21.68 at 57.43 m ph. • a

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