Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Brae Glover (4 1is about to zap Holley in the fourth qualifier. Glover is still second in the standings only one po int ahead of Johnson. to start back at the old times," said Bo wen. "Nothi ng was done inrentionally. but it's the only way to pass out th ere on this tight track. You have 1 block pass. and ' we were 0 doing th at to eac h other. He didn't say mu ch to me a fter th e race. th en again . we don't ta lk to each o the r much any way; o n ly a few words now and th en ." " He was bein g kind 've d irty. I . think ," said H annah , "but you kin da 0 had 1 be to pass. H e didn 't do an ything too crazy. When I passed h im that o ne tim e. I just palled him o n th e shou lder to say ' hey. no big deal ,.. · The third heat went to J ohnson who had to pass Kaw asaki's Mark Barnell during th e first lap. The two sta yed close for the rem ainder of th e race. Barnell co u ldn ' t repass. JoJo Keller (H a n) wound up third. H ea t four was a no ther th riller. Lechien took the holeshot a head of Suzuki 's A.J . Whiting. Holl ey and Husky's Micky Dymond. D uring the first lap , Wh iting ba iled hard wh en he overshot a turn after a double jump, ending his night. This gave second 10 Holley, followed by G lover and Ward. Lech ien lost his lead whe n Holley and Glover dove un derneath h im in a turn. then Glover passed Holley fo r th e lead. whi le Lechien did the same a lap later. Gloverhelda slim lead over Lechien, both developing large ground over Holl ey and Ward - th en things really sta rted ge ll ing exci ti n g. H olley a nd Ward got into a heat ed fight for third much lik e th e Bow en / H annah brawl. The two bo unced o ff each o ther a n um ber o f ti mes. o bvio us ly tryin g to stu ff eac h ot her as " cl ean ly" as possi ble wh ile swa p p ing positio ns at lea st eigh t or nine times. T he d uel lasted to the ch eckered flag; Glover. Lech ien , Ward and H oll ey. In the pits followi ng th e race, Ward and H olley exchanged words wit h cle nched fists... A lot of peo pl e a re pu rring a 1 o f money behind me. 01 and I want to go for it ; I' m not backin gdown for no one," sa id H oll ey. " I thought it was good. clean racing. th e cro wd loved it . and that 's wha t 0 the y pa y money 1 see. It wa sn 't n o knock down . dra g-out brawl ; the re were a few limes I cou ld' ve centerpunched him or some th in g, bUI I didn't do a ny th in g unusual. Maybe he (Ward ) tho ugh t I was unfair. the pressure for the championship an d al l. Maybe he thought Yamaha told me 10 block , or screw with hi s he-old. but there is none of th at goin ' on." Semis Yamaha rider Scooter Stafford easily won the first semi. while Johnny O'Mara (who finished the third heal in sixth) came from a las t-place start . to !ini~~ ~~<;~np a fter p~s~i,n~ Bpa: , ; da 's Ross Pederson (Suz) with two lap s to go. Suzuki's Eri k Kehoe looked 10have the second semi a ll wrapped up. but crashed when he overshot th e same turn Whiting had ear lier. This gav e th e lead to Honda rider Guy Cooper. who endoed in th e whoops two laps later. H oll ey the n took over th e lead but H annah wa s cl osin g in . H owever H oll ey took th e win. with H annah secon d. Last Chance Qualifier Thi s ra ce ' be lo n g ed to T eam T amrn 's Mik e Beier - he led from sta rt to fini sh withou t any problem s. S uzuki rider Clay Hoenshell als o rode smooth ly to n a il th e second spot and th e fin al transfer of th e night. Finals Ward and his Kawasaki sailed into th e lead a t th e start of th e first fin a l mota and quick ly ex tended that lead to a few seconds over Barn ett. Bailey quickly displaced Barnett making it Ward. Bail ey, Barnett. Glover. Johnson. Hannah. Lechien, Bo wen . Holley and Breker: O'Mara was caught in a first-tu rn pile-up a lo ng with Bu rn worth . Kin g endoed in the whoops, hurin g h is wrist and finishin g h is n ig ht. As the race progressed. Ba iley slowl y closed the gap on Ward to a couple of seconds. while Johnson was pi cking off rider s one-b y-one. It was Wa rd . Bail ey, Johnson , Glover. Hannah and Bow en on lap four. Things sta yed in th e order until near the end o f th e race wh en J ohnson beg to put th e an pr essure on Ba iley. Eventuall y.T ohnson pulled a lo ngside Ba iley in a turn a nd passed h im o n th e following straigh t. Ward held o n to h is slim lead to tak e the win . J o hnso n second. Ba iley th ird. Gl over too k fourth ahead o f H a n n a h , L echien , Bo wen a n d Breker. O ' Mara finished 14th . " I made th e biggest mista ke I co u ld have." said Ba iley. " I too k m y eyes off J eff a nd sta rted wo rring a bo u t R ick. He jus t swallow ed me u p !" J ohnson grabbed o ne of h is rare hol esh ots a t the sta rt of th e seco nd fin al mot o , bu t Ba iley zap ped J ohnson two turns lat er ma kin g the top five Bai ley. J oh nson, Lechie n , Gl over an d Barnett. O 'M ara was si x th; Ward 13th. Ward was qui ckly 011 th e ga s, desperately trying to work his way to th e front ; by th e fourth lap he .was fifth, Bai ley held on to hi s lead. despite having J oh nso n breathing down hi s back. As Ba iley an d Johnson d iced for the lead. Lechien was a few seconds behind; th en Glover followed a t a distance. Ward was still fifth trying to catch Glover but not having much luck. J,0 .fn~~\,,:~s.wfss~r!'1~ ~i!~; \~i ~ • I Another exciting dogfight of the night was this one between Keith Bowen and Bob Hannah (hidden). Bowen won it while Hannah looped it. four la ps to go. Then he made his move: H e snuck inside of Ba rley in a right turn. and then they drag-raced to the next corner over some whoops - Johnson won. Two laps la ter . Glover overshot a tu rn . a llowi ng Ward to cruise by for fou rth. At the finish it was J ohnson, Bailey. Lechien (a wheel-len gth behi nd Bail ey), Ward. Glover. O ' Mara , Bo wen a nd Ba rn ett. " I knew Da vid and I were battling for the overa ll ." said J o h nso n la ter . " a nd tha t's wh y I stuffed him so hard a t th e sta rt . because he thought he co u ld intimidate me, or put me back a co up le of spots - h e kn ew he had 10 bea t me to win. but I don 't let things like that a ffect me. I just kept plug g ing away . an d I kn ew th at I co u ld ge t him. I got c1 ose en ough to w here I could put a w heel in o n h im and he co u ldn ' t mak e th e double an d it put us even . I just sn uc k by him a nd tried to ma ke it stick." " It's kind 've a poi nts situation right now. a nd I' m just tryin g 1 help out," 0 sa id Ba iley. " I don ' t haveany ch a nce in m y situa tio n. so I was just tryin g to do Lechien a favor. because the first rnoto Ba rn ett was doing zig-zags in. fro nt o f Ronn ie. T hey (Kawasaki) a re a lready doi ng a litt le learn tacrics.Io r J eff. Of co u rse I was tryin g to catch Ri ck . bu t ... da ng-it, that guy was j us t good to n ig h t!" " T errible!" said Hannah. "tha t' s h ow I felt . This isn 't my kind 've dirt. man. not a t a ll. This tra ck is just n ot m y style - it suc ks; it was pavement ! Physicall y I felt fin e. bu t I rode like cra p . I wasn 't into riding on that stu ff. One more su percross for thi s kid. and I think th at 's it." Next week. the Supercross series mov es to the Coliseum m Los Angeles. California. 125cc Pro-Am After two qualifiers won by Suzu, ki's Mik e H ealev a nd H onda rider • . , r ' ft-r 1' «T ~. J ('0. t ' '. . t ... ) Keith Turpin. the sin gle 20-lap inain was set. A gigantic fir st-turn pile-up took out all but four or five riders right at the start. This gave the lead to Suzuki's Booby Moore. followed by Turpin. Ro bert Terrill (Han ) and Brian Man ley (Hon), whil e everyone else regrouped. A lap la ter. Turpin sl ide pa st Moore a nd into the lead. but soon after Turpin crashed. giving the lead back to Moore. O nce into the top spot. Carroll Richa rdso n (Kaw ) sta rted to reelin Moore a n d event ua lly passed th e Suzuki rider through th e whoops. H owever . R ich ardson 's lead o n ly lasted for a lap-and-a-half befor e he o vershot a turn foll owing a do ubl e jump. For th e third ti me . Moore was handed th e lead. Once aga in, Moore felt pressure from last week's Orlando , Flor ida, winner. Larry Brooks (Ho n). This time. though. Moore held back Brooks to tak e the win. Manley finished third ahead of Turpin. Do ug O ' Don nel (Kaw)and J eff Gla ss (Hon). A very jubilant Moore said af ter h is win . " I had a feeli ng I was goi ng to win to n ig h t, and I did!" • Resu lts OVERALL : 1. Rick Johnson (Yam) 2 -1; 2. J eff Ward IKaw) t -4 ; 3. David Bailey (Honl 3·2 ; 4 . Ron Lochien (Hon) 6-3; 5. Broc Glover (Yaml 4 ·5 ; 6. Keith Bowen (Yam) 7 -7 ; 7. BobHannah (Hon )5 -10; B.Jim Holley(Yam)9 -9;9.JohnnyO·Mera (Hon) t46; 10 . Ross Pederson (Suz) t 1· t t ; t t . Scootar Stafford (Yam) 12·12; 12. Scon Burnwont.(Suz) 10 ·1 4; 13. Ma rk Barnen (Kaw ) 19-B; 14. Goat Brakar (Kawl 17- t B; 15. JoJo Keller (Hon)13- t 6; 16. M ike Beier (Kaw) 17 ·1 B; 17 . Jeff Hicks (HonI16·15; 1B. Clay Hoen shell (Suz) 15 -17; 19. Gary DePilio (Yam) 1BI B; 20 . Alan King (Kaw ) 20 -20. POINTS STANDING: 1. Jeff Ward (217); 2. Broc Glover (207 ); 3. Rick Joh nson (205); 4. Ron Lochie n (2041; 5. Jo hnny O'Mara (1 B2 ~ 6. Mark Barn en (15'61 7. Keith Bow en (1521 B. Scott Bur nwo n ll ; ; (14B); 9. David Bailey (135 ); 10. Bob Hannah (1231. t 25 PRO-AM : 1. Bobby Moore (Suz~ 2. Larry Brooks (Hon); 3. Brian Manley (Hon); 4. Keith Turpin (Hon); 5. Dou g O'DonneI IKaw ); 6. Jeff Glass (Hon); 7 . BillyWllitley (Yam); B. M ike Healey (Suz); 9. Dray Dircks ISuz); 10 . Carroll Richardson (Kaw); 11. Craig Canoy (Kaw); 12. Billy Frank (Kaw~ 13. Rod· ney Barr (Kaw ); 14. Ban Shiflen (Suzl; 15. Taylor Marcell (Kaw); 16.Wendal Simons; 17. Craig Rande (Yam); 1B. Wendell Trigg (Hon ~ 19. Raben Tarrell I,(H on~ I I I ~ " J t - 1 l ' , . c I. I . U u ~· ,!. "" .f n i I

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