Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ w '" Z lr <( al Z ~ a: al >al 0 '" 0- 0 J: c.. I.!"') 00 ~ ...... ~ I.!"') ...... >(\l ~ Allen Dyck (3) leads the start of the first qualifier. Jim Gibson (15) passed Dyck a few laps later to win. then he took 10th in the final. Honda-mounted Jeff Hicks won his first major supercross in Vancouver. BC. Canada. Hicks won the single 25-lap main leading from start to finish. Third Annual eMA Vancouver Sup-ercross Hicks storms -Vancouver Supercross By Brian Barnes VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA. AP R. 2 1 • The third annual CMA-sanctioned Vancouver Supercross saw Atware, Ohio's Jeff Hicks walk away with his first major super.cross ' victory, over a field 'of 58 Canadian riders arid io U.S. en tra n-ts. 'H'!cks, a board' a Canadian/ ' HRP / An swer/Pro Circuit/ ' A r a iiS i l k o l en e -s p o n so r ed . H onda , a nd assisted by Hank H ow . ard, was untouch abl e in the final leading fro m wire to wire in specracul ar fash ion,joining previous Am erica n Va ncou ver SX winner s Ph il Larson (1983) and J o h nn y O 'M ara (1984). Canada's p remier rider, Ross " Ro ller ball " Pederson, wo rked h is . d wa y up to a ver y respectab Ie tlu r place after a d ism al sta n and a sta lled rider left him well ba ck- at th e stan o f the 25-rider ma in . Mo st a ll riders agreed th at the tra ck was mu ch better than the two previo us years - it fea tu red a long sta n stre tc h a nd severa l j u m p-i nfes ted straightaways , Att endance figures ho vered arou nd th e 20,000 mark at the even t w h ich a lso featured Class I of f-road cars , a Mini race and a rhree-' wh eeler race, a nd, desp ite a ll th e • added a ttractions th e event went o rr with out a hitch . Qualifiers 12 With th e CMA-devised su pe rcross format, onl y two rid ers from each 17man qual ifier advanc ed d irectl y to the main. G, A. Checkpoin t Ya maha sponsored Alle n Dyck led America n Jim Gi bson (Yam ), Ontario's Kevin Moor e, and Yam aha Canada 's Darrin Sh aruga o n th e sta n o f th e fir st qualifier wi th Honda Canada 's Steve Visser in tow. It d id n' t ta ke long before Dyck and G ibson were in volved in a grea t duel for the lead with G ibso n showing he can still tw ist th e throttle. Gibson took th e lead position over Dyck a nd held on for the win a nd a direct transfer to th e main. Dyck looked ·stro ng in seco nd, a nd a lso assured h im self a main-event start. Sh aruga, Visser a nd Moore, a lo ng with th e n ext fiv e r iders , adva nced to th e semi. .I d Qual ifier num bertwofoun P uya lup, Wash in g ton H onda rider JeH Chapman leading Yamaha Ca na da 's Doug Hoo ver and Kawasaki -mounted P h il La rson (Cliff's Cycle Ce nter/ H iPo int/ Scott USA) o ff th e sta n with H oover an d Larson soo n ass u m ing th e top two spots. C hapman a nd Canadian Darri n Po ul so n (Han) Iollo wed, but H oover rod e a mista kefree race a s did Larson to ta ke th e top two spots, Valley Honda 's Ro b.Van Diernan a nd Poulsen finis hed third a nd fourt h , respectively. T he th ird q ua lifier ga ve some in di ca tion of w ha t was to ha p pen in th e ma in with H icks ta king the hol esh ot over Laba rr' s Kaw asak i r ider J erfS urwa ll a nd An swer Products/Marushirr /Bca ver ron H onda -m ounted Eric Hall. Hi cks led from sta n to fin ish with Surwa ll a nd Hall p u tt ing o n a grea t sho w for the next two spots. Surwa ll held Ha ll a t bay for severa l la ps bu t H all fina lly j u m ped pas t th e Kaw asak i rider and held on to tak e the seco nd spot. Su rwall took a close th ird wi th Yam aha-mounted Ed Wagst aH fourth . Pederson led th e last qualifier ahead o f T revor Yuro 's (Han), Sta n Lund an d Mot a Park Yama ha 's j eff Su therland a nd it was clear th e Rollerball wo u ld tak e the win. Sutherla nd moved into seco nd with Mike La rson (Cliff's Cycle Center/H i-P ointr'Scou Kaw asa ki ) mo vin g th rough th e pack to cha lle nge. With Pederson way o u t fro n t a nd a clea r winn er, Su the rla nd a nd La rso n put on a grea t di ce for four la ps in seco n d a nd thi rd with Su the rla nd awarded seco nd by th e narr ow est of margins over Larson. Quarter finals T he quaner fin al s sen d four riders to the sem is with th e rest retiring for th e evening a nd in th e first race Yamaha Ca nada's Serge G regorie o f Quebec wa s not to be den ied th e win leadin g th e ent ire race over Surrey, B.C.' s Doug Stewart o n a Kawa saki. T he second q ua rter fin al found Hol esho t Racing's Ma rk Cunningham and Kaw asaki-m ounted P ete H esel up fro nt a t the sta rt a nd just as in th e race befo re, both riders held th eir positions to ta ke first an d second while Gary Ku est (Yam ) wa s a stro n g third. Sem i finals Th e semis featured some heavy ac tio n with eigh t o f th e 16 en tran ts in eac h heat making the main. Va':1 Dieman took the hol eshot to lead th e fir st sem i with Malcolm Smith Products Yamaha rider Cory Klaudt and Chapman following close behind. Van Dieman kept a stro ng pa ce up front a nd too k the win with Shuruga overta kin g Chapm an for seco n d . Ch apman: Mike La rson, Klaudt. Mike J o rge nson , Gregorie, a n d H ondamounted J ari H einonen were third th ro ug h eigh th and transferred into the ma in . In th e second race. Visco , Moore a n d Su pe r Cycle Su zu ki -mou nted Ri ch Sza bo wer e up front o n lap o ne . Visco didn ' t wa ste tim e in stre tchi ng o u t a good lead a nd went on to win . Sha wn Gal brai th (Han) rod e a stro ng race to take seco nd wit h Moore. Ri ck Ya rgea u (Suz), Szabo , Ted Van Nest (P DQ) J ohn Evo y (Han) a nd Honda T ex 's Poulsen ro un d ing out th e to p eig h t. . Last ch ance qualifier H onda Canada' s Brett Sh ury put hi s CR up front as 26 rid ers rounded turn one in a last-ditch effort to mak e th e main even t. Sh urv was n ot to be denied the win , as he 'h eld o rr He sel, Wagstaff a n d Kuest 10 ta ke fina l transfer spo t of the even ing. Final J.D. Hicks defin itely had th e start d ia led as the 25 bik es n ew down th e lo ng start stra ig ht, Hi cks roun ded turn o ne with Dvck, Phil Larson , Hoover. Van Diem an , Visser and H all foll owin g su it. H icks looked stro ng during iap one and by th e time he had co m p leted lap two was so me three seco nds a hea d o f D yck a nd Ph il Larson , wh o were lock ed in a du el over second . Pederson was marred in heavy tra ffic but had sta rted moving up as Hoo ver, Van Diernan a n d Shury ass u mi ng third th rough fifth. Hicks maintain ed h is th ree-second lead over Dyck , but Larson managed to move past Dyck o n th e next lap to tak e over seco nd . The top three led a H oo ver/ Shurv/Visser/Cregorie freig h t train for th e next lap a nd a t th e halfway point it looked as if H icks was on hi s wa y to th e win . On lap seven Pederso n en tered th e fray as he wa s now fifth a nd closing o n the top fou r. Lar so n, sti ll unaccustomed to hi s new KX, sta rted to slo w and Dyck repassed h im o n lap n in e after La rso n went too wide in a corner. H oo ver and Pederson were a lso cl osing on Dyck an d -La rso n , a nd on lap II H oover passed both Dyck and Larson to take over second for th e first time. Larson got back past Dyck, and Ped erson wa s now r eady to strike in fifth. Visser. Van Dieman, Gregori e a nd Mik e La rson, fill six th through ninth positions while Hall and G ibson di ced for 10th . Dyck agai n pa ssed Larson o n lap 13 to move into third , but a ll at once Pederson was pa st both riders, taking third away as the crowd roa red its ap p ro val. The fina l two laps found Hi cks maintain in g h is four-second lead and as th e chec kered fell he wh eelied across the fin ish lin e to tak e hi s first ma jor Su percro ss win and some $2400. Hoover cross ed the line second with a very so lid pe rfo rma nce while Ped erso n's fine ride nett ed h im a strong third. Dyck a nd Ph il Larso n took fourth a nd fifth aft er th eir race long duel , with Visser. Van Dieman, Mik e Larson, Gregor ie and G ibson ro u nding o u t th e top 10. Hi cks gal a huge ova tion from th e crow d as he wa s g iven th e chec kered n ag a n d took a victory lap cele bra ting hi s fir st Super cro ss vic to ry . H oov er was ex tremely happ y with his second ride while Pederson, wh o had h oped to win , was not as pl eased with putting in a g rea t co meb ack rid e. • Res ult s FINAL: 1. Jeff Hic ks (Hon !; 2, Doug HooverIVam); 3 . Ross Pederson ISUl!; 4 . Allen Dyck (Vam!; 5. Phil Larson IKaw); 6 . Steve V isser (Hon); 7. Rob Van Diemen (Hon); 8 . Mikel Larson (Hon); 9 . Serge Gre goir e (Yam ); 10. J im Gibson (Vam): 11. Eric Hall (Hon); 12 . Dar ren Sha ruga (Yaml; 13 . Jeff Chapman (Hon); 14 . Cor ev Klaudt (Yam t; 15 . M ike Jorgensen (Hon) ; 16 . Rick Yarg ea u (Suz); 17 . Darren Poulsen (Hon); 18 . Jeri Heinonen (Hon l: 19 . Ted Van Nest (PDQ); 20 . Kev in Moore (Han !; 21 . John Evoy(Hon); 22 , Shawn Galbraith (Ha n); 23 . Brent Shury (Hon); 24 . Richard Szabo (SUl); 25 . Jeff Sutherland (Vam).

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