Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Sketchy reports have Kevin Hines (Hus) as the overall w inner in Dayto na Speed Week's Alligator Enduro . Frenchman J acky Vimo nd (Yam) used a 1-3 score to ta ke th e overa ll win in the ope n ing ro u nd o f th e 250cc Mo tocross Wor ld Championshi p Series o n March 9 in J o han nesb urg . So u th Africa; Jurgen N ilsson (H us) was seco nd wi th a 4-1 sco re. a nd Arn o Dra ch sel (KT M) th ird wi th a 4-2. Reig n in g ser ies cha m p io n H ei nz Kini gadner (KT M) crashed o u t o f the first mo to a nd fini shed eig h th in the second. American J im Tara n tino (Suz) pl aced th ird in th e first mo to a nd fin ished six th overal I. The Team Honda motocross camp is still t ight-lipped about the power va lve system in use on the 2S0cc works bikes. Before the Daytona Supercross, David Bai ley said his bi ke was "charging, and probably w ouldn't be ab le to expla in how the sys t em worked if they allowed m e t o ." The system is obviously an electronic/mechanical hybrid . and is battery powered. T here were lot s of detai l changes to th e T eam H onda rnot ocrossers in Dayto na. Ba iley used a rear drum bra ke, wh ile Ron Lech ien and John ny O 'M ara went with a d isc set-u p in back ; Ba iley's bike had a very-p ro duct ion-look ing exhaus t pipe. whi le Lechien 's bike had an exha ust formed from in d ividual weld ed cones; Bail ey used steel Iootpegs, whi le O 'M ara went with a set cast fro m a lu mi n u m. Freddie Spencer's purse, lap , con tingency and special awards money for his Daytona 200, Formula One Na tional and Formula Two wins amounted to $29,87S. Spencer grabbed $17,440 in the 200 and had his wallet fattened by $8.375 and $4,060, respectively , in Form ula One and Two. The $173,000 purse money split among the three raceswasa Daytona record payout. R id ers wit h three dig it num ber s. wh ich mad e up over 50%of the field s in Formu la O ne. Form ul a Two a nd th e 200 a t Daytona . crea ted prob lem s for everyo ne from scorers 10 th e fans in th e sta nds . In addi tion. the fami lia r rider n umber/name com bina tio ns of th e pa st severa l seasons weren ' t the sa me d ue 10 a n AMA ch a nge in rid er n u m ber in g fo r eac h d ivision . The roof of Pontiac's (M ichigan ) Silverdome collapsed under the weight of snow last week. Accord ing to race promoter Pace Management. its April 13-14 supercross will be run, but the exact date has not yet been set. The dome cou ld conveivably be re paired in t ime for the event. but it will probably be postponed at least until the end of April. 4 The (O bserved ) Trial s des Nat ion s will be held o n September 22 in Ca nzo , Ita ly. Fund raising efforts for th is year's U.S . tea m a re bei ng coo rdina ted by Mar ilyn Wicker. For info o n co m me mo ra tive item s for sa le. write Tria l des Na tions Fund. 3202 S. Magno lia Sr., Den ver. CO 80224. The Lancaster. California City Council recently authorized a study for the establishment of an offroad vehicle park. The city (locat ed north of Los Angeles) submitted a letter of intent to the California State Parks and Recreation Department's Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Division for a 1 .2 -milliondollar grant to acquire 200 acres of land near the Antelope Va lley Freeway. A j oint venture between the city and Los Angeles to establish a county ORV park is also be ing considered. The recent closure of Indian Dunes was a major reason for the proposal. which local reports describe as having a "good chance " of being granted . In th e March 13 issue. a n er ro r a ppeare d in the Golden Sta te MX Natio na ls 0-8-vear -old 60cc fin a l point sta ndings. jeff Will oh was the o vera ll class wi n ner wit h 358 po ints; Bra d Sch ultz was second with 347. Coverage of the Daytona 200, Formula One Na t ional, Formula . Two and Battle of t he Twins road races as well as the Daytona Supercross w ill air on the USA Sports Network on March 14, 1 Sand April 10. Check your ca ble television li sti ng s f or tim e an d ch an nel. T he Silver Saddle Ra nch a nd Club. a la nd-development com pa ny located in th e desert nea r Mojave. Ca lifo rn ia. is sponsoring th e "Great Gold en tate Giftorama" as part of th eir promotion for desert property sales . Pr izes a re o ffered as in cent ives to attend th e Si lver Saddle's sa les presenta tio n : a mo ng which are a " H on da off -road rnot or cvcle" and a " Ho nda 3-wheel mo torcycle. " However. it isn 't clear what the p rize recip ien ts ma y do with th ese devices; opera tio n o f o ff-road veh icles o n Si lver Sadd le property even if privatel y o wned - is prohibited . Suzuki's George Ho lland , the 12Scc class w inner at the March 3 Gainesville, Florida, National MX, was a no-show at the Daytona Supercross. Holland instead stayed at home in Kerman, California, to undergo therapy for the pelvis he broke early in the season. Krause Racing an no unces the "Sidewi nder Challenge." with con tingency pa yo uts tota ling $21.000. Reported to be th e biggest cas h purse in the h isto ry o f the Am ateur !\IX Nat iona ls prizes wi ll be awa rded to a ll eli gible clas s wi nn ers fro m 80cc to 500cc. T o regi ster fo r th e prog ram co n tact Kra use Raci ng at 3 12/543-6696. The Sturgis Black Hills Motorcycle Rally and Races are scheduled for A ugust 5- 11, and t h e Sturgis Chamber of Commerce wants to remind cycl ists that South Dakota law requires eye protection . M ufflers are also mandatory, and handlebars can be no higher than 1 5 inches above the seat . Vendors conducting business at the rally are required to be bonded. and must obtain a transient merchant 's license from City Hall. No vend ing stands will be permitted on city sidewalks. C ha mpagne T ra vel is offeri n g to ur packages LO th e 1985 Mot ocross des Na tio ns in Germ an v an d LO the Int erna tion a l Six Days End u ro in Spain. The to ur to the Mo tocross des Nat ions is scheduled for Aug ust 3 l-Sep ternber 9 a nd features visi ts to London a nd Paris. T he ISD E LOur leaves th e U.S. o n Sep tembe r 19 and re turns on O ctober 7. The fee includes a rental car with unl imited mileage an d offers a n o pport u n ity for participants 10 "see Spai n " prior LO th e September 30 start of th e '85 ISDE. For info. co nt act eithe r G igi Pent o n or Dwi ght Heiland a t Cha mpagne T ravel. P.O. Box 67. Amherst. O H 4400 1. o r 'ca ll 2 16/ 282-7075. From now unti l April 15. th e BL M's Ukia h District Offi ce is tak ing public in p ut for its study o f Ed en Va lley and Tha cker Ridge in northern Californ ia. Bo th are Wilderness Study Areas an d are being eva lua ted for future uses. To request in p u t informa tion. co nt act the Bur eau o f La nd Ma nageme n t, U kia h Distr ict Of fice. P.O . Bo x 940. Ukia h. CA 95482. attentio n Earle Curran or Bar bara Gi bbons. The grand opening of David Bailey's Lake Sugar Tree MX Park in Axton, Virginia. w ill take place on May 1 2 w ith a qua lif ier for the AMAAmateur/Youth MX National Fina l . Grand National MX Champion Bailey as well as superstar Johnny O 'Mara w ill be on hand for the festivities at the renovated facility. The Natio nal Motosport Association (NMA) is beginning it s TriState Motocross Championship Series at Canyon Raceway March 16-17 in Phoenix, Arizona. Amateurswill race the NMA-sanctioned portion Saturday; Sunday will fea ture Vet and Mini Expert classes, plus an AMA-sanctioned $SOOO Pro race . According to the promoters, Ron Lechien, Broc Glover, Johnny O'Mara and Jeff Ward are among .the MX stars planning to attend . For more information, call 213 /868 -8112. A trai ning progra m h as been sta rted in th e Salt La ke City. U ta h. a rea 10 prep ar e riders for th e 1985 National s a t Lorett a Lyn n 's Ran ch . Kno wn a s " T ria n gle Trai ni ng ." the progra m consists o faero bics. Nau tilu s weights . Lifecycle an d ru n n ing. a nd is based o n J eff Spe n cer's boo k "Tot a l Trai n ing fo r Mo IOCrosS." Triang le T rain ing is a lso hosting g ues t sem ina rs by R uss Darn ell (Ma rch 30-3 1). a n d Don n ie H ansen (Ap ril 27). For in formation write 1017 E. Bell Can yon n-, Sandy. UT 84070. T he Co nti ne n ta l Motosport C lu b (CMC) wi ll be holdin g mot ocross races every S u nd ay at th e Hungr y Va lley Sta te Vehicl e Recreation Area begin n ing Sunday, March 31. Hungry Valley is loca ted west o f Gorman o ff Int ersta te 5. a bo u t 30 mi les no rth o f Ind ia n Dunes. Fo r mor e in formation . ca ll 714/261-611 6. Former SOOcc World Motocross Champion Hakan Carlqvist w ill be r idin g th e SOOcc MX GPs for Yamah a aga in t hi s year in an attempt t o regain hi s cro w n. He will be j oined by f orm er f act ory Husky ri der Leif Persson; both w ill be competing on modified YZ490s f or Yamaha 's Dutch distributor. Harley -Davidson is cont inuing its S uperR ide customer demo ride pro gram fo r 19 8 5 . The company has kic ked off a direct -mail cam paign invi ting Ha rley owners and t h ose who took part in the 1984 SuperR ide to v isit participating dea lerships for a test ride. See your local Harley-Davidson dealer for details. • In response to rider com p la in ts of KIOO-mod el engi ne vib ration, BMW ha s introd uced mod ified foo tpegs a nd exha us t brack ets. designed to redu ce vibes in th e 3500 to 5500-rpm ra nge. T he new pan s are being insta lled o n K bikes man ufactured a t BMW 's Berlin plant. and wi ll be avai labl e in Apri l fro m 1 d l BMW dea lers for 0C" retro fitt in g on mach in es a lready in the U.S. Ascot Raceway will host the 13th annual Gardena Gold Cup AMA half-mile, Friday, March 29 at 8:00 p.m . The next (Saturday) night will feature a round ofthe AMA/Camel Pro Series, the 24th annual2S-lap . National TT; racing begins at 7:30 p.m . Thursday, April 4 . Ascot will run AM A-sanctioned speedway races; the 1985 CMC night motocross season begins the following ni ght. For more information, call 213 /321 -1100 or 213 /323 1142. Raci n g for dollars : Yamaha MOlOr Can ada . L td . h a s post ed a lm os t 90.000 (Ca n adian) in con tingencies for Ex pert an d Am a teur cla ss roa d raci ng. T he program ap p lies to certain cla sses an d regiona l series. includin g Canadi an Motorcycle Associat ion (CMA) Na tio na l Road Racing Championships. For detai ls. con tact Yam aha Mo to r Canada a t 480 Go rdon Bak er Road. North York. Onta rioM2H 3B4CANADA. 416/498- 191I. The California Air Resources Board (CA R B) finalized its pollution and certification standards for motorcycles displacing 280cc and up manufactured after February 28. 1985. The new ru lings state that no engine family may exceed the hydrocarbon li mit of 2 .S grams pe r kilometer, and no indi vi dual engine f amily's designated hydrocarbon lim it can be amended once it's been certified. Thi s applies on ly to new motorcycles sold in California. " Tomorro w, whil e th e o th er mo tocrossers a re o u t p la ying go lf or lyin g o n th e beac h. I'm go ing ou t ridi ng for the da y. I wa nt to wi n." i From Bob Hannah at a p ress con [erence at Da yt ona In ternationa l Speedwa y two da ys before he wo n th e Da ytona Supercross. "M{)T{)RCYC~ 1~ IINDuSTRY UANGES Named A H usq varna dea ler in Lanca ster. Ca liforn ia. former Team H usky rider Mitch Ma yes. owne r of Lancaster Ya ma ha; location is 453 10 23rd West; p ho ne is 805/ 945-5994. Named National deal er development ma nager for Kaw asaki Motors Corp.. J oe Vosicky, formerly d istrict manager for th e company's Lou isia n a an d Alabama terr ito ri es; Vosicky w ill a lso oversee Ka wa sa k i's new dealer o rien ta tio n school. • 1

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