Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; >- « ~ c w w C>. J) ~ ~ ~ « z !; 0 « c U") 00 u.. ~ 0 >J) w .... ~ a: 0 c-r ~ 0 « ..c U 2 C':l .J c z ~ J) ~ 3: 0 Z ..J 0 " 0 ~ .... , ?: w w > ~ 0 J: .... >. At the start of the single, 12-lap main, Jeff Ward (2 ) takes the holeshot, while Scott Burnworth (3 9) , Bob Hannah (25) and the rest follow. AMA Supercross Series: Round 6 Hannah breeks loose for Daytona win By Tom Kolnowski DAYTONA BEACH , FL , MAR . 9 T eam Hond a 's Bob H a nnah watched from behind as the leaders fell to the way side like so many dom inos, then carved a fast lin e around the ru bble a n d straigh t to th e checkered flag to win th e Hondasponsored Da yto na Supercross over Kawasaki's J eff Ward a nd H onda 's R on Lech ien. " To me. Daytona is th e biggest race in the world, a nd I just love wi nning itl" Hannah screamed from victory lane a t Da ytona Intern a tiona l Speedway. a pl ace he is no stra nger 10, since he a lso won here in 1977 and 1983. Ha nnah was in th e thi ck or th e chase Irorn the very sta rt or th e single l2-lap final moto, striving to catch the two front runners - Ward a n d H onda 's David Bailey. The tri o sta yed in close fo rmari o n unti l lap seven, when first Bailey a nd the n Ward cras hed af ter getting snarled in lapped riders. H annah circu m vented bo th mi sh aps a n d lit erall y ran a way for th e win o ver Ward, while Lech ien jammed pa st Ba iley to tak e thi rd. Bail ey fin ished fourth . Yam aha 's Bro c Glover, riding wi th a pa inful ch ip ped bo ne in hi s left wrist, p laced fifth a head or Kawa sa ki's Mark Barnett a nd continues 10 head th e series point chase over Ward , 147 poi nts to 135. Heats A 93-rider field was narrowed down 10 80 a fter a pai r or qualifier s wh ich wer e won by Kawasaki 's Bill y Lil es a nd Team T arnrn's Mike Bei.e!, respe ct ivel y. Thi s set the stage fo r four 20-ri der heats. Yamaha teammat es Gl over a n d Ri ck J ohnson put o n a show in th e first six -la p a ffair, runn in g side-byside ou t front as th e race entered la p four, J ohnson got arou nd clea n Ior the lead through a whooped sec tion a nd pressed on Ior th e win , whi le G lover took second - some 20 seconds behi n d - a head or Li les, Yamaha Su p port ride r Jim Holley and Ho nd a pilo t J oe Waddi ngtort . " I bumped in to a tire right af ter Ricky got a ro un d me," sa id Gl over , "and m y root got ca ug h t. I'm a lso not used to rid in g with tape wrapped arou nd m y wri st a nd th e pain that goes a lo ng wi th it." G love r in jured his wris t in a pract ice session after th e March 3 Gai nesvill e, Florida, Na tiona l. John ny O 'M ara a nd Wa rd sq ua red o rr in hea t two, wi th reigni ng series cha mp O 'Ma ra keep in g the lead until th e fin a l lap. Wa rd sai led a hea d of O ' Ma ra over a do ub le jump a n d ma de one last circuit for a clean win. A tigh t second went 10 O 'Ma ra , wh ile T u f Ra cing 's Tom Ri ce kept Bett enco u rt's Ho nd a 'sJo J o Kell er a t bay 10 tak e thi rd . Suzuki's A.J. Whi ting picked o rr fifth over Floridia n J ohn Co llins. H eat three p roduced a nother good match-u p, th is time between Lech ien a nd Ba iley. Lechien managed to keep th e upper ha n d Ior the lead th rough la p four, while Bailey a p p lied co nsta nt pressure. ..I was p layin g it sa fe, tr yin g n o t 10 ma ke a ny mi stak es," sa id Ba iley. " All it wo u ld 've taken 10 lose it a ll was one bad line." Bail ey en ded up ta king th e corr ect lines in the la st two laps a nd scooted pas t Lech ien for th e win. "Lap pe rs got in m y wa y, an d that was it ," said Lech ien . " I' m g la d th at race is over; it's h ot o u t th er e a nd I was burning up." Suzuki' s Scott Burnworth rod e a lo ne ly race to th ird a head of Kenn y Keylon a n d Yamaha rid er Scott Mann in g. Yamaha 's Keith Bowen jumped out a nd set th e faste st hea t win in th e last heat, to tall y im pervious to pressure from Barnett a nd Hannah. Han nah dial ed on th e power a nd jett ed a hea d o r Barnett on lap rive a nd th e pa ir remained 2-3 to th e finish . T eam Tamm 's Alan Kin g cruised in Ior a " sa fe" fou rth ove r team mat e Mike Beier and Yamaha or Canada 's Dou g Hoover. Semis Yama ha Support rider Danny Storbeck p u lled o u t a four-to-five-second cush io n a n d led th e first semi over Suzuki's Er ik Keh oe, a ga p Keh oe began to slow ly chi p a way a t. By lap rive o r th e six la ps, Keh oe wa s rid in g the rear fender of Storbeck and p ushed a head whi le head in g th rough an ess turn . On th e last la p, Keh oe pu t five seco nds o n Storbeck for the win , w h ile Dan H afner comp leted his ride in th ird a head of Carlo Coen. After dispensing with Guy Cooper in the las t semi , j eff H icks went out front a nd led th rough lap fo ur, while Husqv arna 's Micky Dymond sliced into second and started trimming Hicks' lead. On lap five, Dymo nd wa s close eno ug h to attem p t a pass, a n d his bid - headin g over a double ju mp - was spot-on. Dymond landed in th e lead with yards to spare a nd left H icks behind en route 10 th e win. Cooper followed H icks home, wh ile Yamaha rider Kevin Foley took fo urth . Last Chance Qualifier Yamaha of Ca na da's Serge Gregoi re h ook ed up an d left the o ther rid ers in the Last Ch ance Qualifier , postin g a runa way win. Laban's Beer's J eff Surwa ll an d Kaw asak i-mounted Rick Rya n di ced during most o f the five laps o ver seco nd spot, which eventua lly fell to Surwall. Final As t he 40-r ide r pa ck sq ueezed through th e sha rp left-h an der a t th e en d o f th e sta rting ch u te, Ward was a t th e front o f th e charge with Bailey, Hannah , J ohnson, Bo wen , Lech ien an d Barnett g iving chase as they headed down the hea vil y-whooped (Continued to page 10) 5

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