Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. . Husky's Biggest Western Dealer At least 40 Husqvarnas in stock for immed iate de liv er y . W e sh i p parts U P da il y. BR ITA LIA MO TORS, 10th & Tull y, San Jose, CA, (40 81295· 434 1. 1 206 /34TFNI '84 CR250 ProCircuit p ipe . new sprockets. new top end. excel lent cond it ion , $1200. (2 131 928· 10 47, Call after 3 (306) TZ250J '84 CRSOO LIKE NEW and '82 CR480 w it h new Wh ite Bros. shock plus many ext ra pan s. Mustsell. 82200 for both or best offer. (619)363· 78 16 after 5. (305 / 0 6) Raced twice. Set up righ t . Compl et e, ori ginal spares inve ntory in crate . Lectrons. Technician and part s assista nce . Will prepare for Dayt ona. Bill . (904) 375 -7056 even ings . (1-5 / 6NE) '8 3 Husky 500CR '84 CR250 HONDA, excell ent condi tion. mu st sell. $14OO /0BO . 18181363 ·2608, (105 / 0 6) Excellent c on dition. Pr oC ircu i t accesso r ie s. $1650/080 . (7 14 ) 736-0412. (104 / 06 ) 1984 KTM 125 LIKE NEW, never raced, bought in Aug ust . ATK fork kit, Boyesen ree ds. very clea n. Askin g. $1375. (805) 944 -23 10, 11 05 / 0 6) ' 8 5 CR125 Ridd en on ly on ce. perfect con dit ion. $1750/080 . M;ke (8 18) 889·6327, '8 3 Husky 500XC (106 / 08) Excellent cond ition. w it h extras. very fast. 5 1550. 1 18) 989 -1876. 8 (105/ 0 6) FOR SALE: Ducali Wh eels, WM -4 EPM Ma gnesium andWM ·5 Campy magnesium w it h disc . A lso stock Ducat i wheel s. W ill sh ip. Cal l after 5 . (509) 328 -9944 . '75 RD350 Cafe Racer Excell ent cond it ion . low m ileag e. many extras. must sell. $1500/080. 1 18) 7 90- 6353.(105 /07) 8 TZ250F W I Air Cooled MTR . Complete F cha ssi s, Spec 11 race motor. carbs. pipes . Fem sa COl. 4 & 5 ri ms easily co nven to street legal . very fast , sli gh t crash damage. $ 1500. No reason able off er re fu sed . Paul. Home (7 14) 52 5 3434. Wort<(714) 529 ·2399, (104 / 06) Never Used Trailers Tra ilers for motor cycles. ATCs. and JetSkis . LOW PRICES. For mo re ;nf o call (71 4) 777- 1068 . (103 / 06) (106 NWX) Wayne Rainey's TZ250L '84 Dayt on a W in ner, raced only twice. Includes new HH cyli nde r, Marvic wh eels. and many spares . $6000. Also T2250J ridden by Chuck Akslan d. New HH cy linde rs and ma ny spa res . $4000/080 . Con tact 8 ud or Chuck Aksland at (20918 23 -8746 days. (305 / 06 NWX) '82 DUCATI SD900 DARMA H. 4,000 mileo, new paint, must sell. 82 800 /080 . Call pm . (4 15) 782 ·3774. ' (105/ 06) Two KZ1000 Replicas * * Pro-Cycle KTM ** - - - We Moved - - - One new '83 and one used ·82. CONCORD KAWA SAKI 1 15) 689 -5770, 4 1 204TFN) So. Cal' s It l KTM dealer has moved l Come see our new facility and th e ' 85 KTM 's 125, 250. and 3505 in stock.. Deposits ar e bei ng accept ed on 500s (pi c tur ed above) PRO-CYCLE KTM, 330 'K' E, Orange · tho rpe, Placentia CA 92670 (71 4) 524-5441 , (25OTFN) ~~ 20' ProTrac Trailer $24 .95 : RSC, P.O. 80x 14664, Atlanta , GA 30324. 1505/06NWX) COUNTDOWN 1 18) 348 -838 1, 8 New ' 8 3 VF750F Interceptor Fast Freddie Model Kit Thee Computer.... $200 W it h awning . bathroom . work bench. heavy duty spr ing s. too l box door . Holds 5 bikes . 535OO/0BO. (8 181360 -31 7 5. 1 305/ 06) For sale $28 75 takes EVERYTHING. 15 ) 575 09 1916 or (509 ) 697 -6029, (105 / 06) Dico Trailers ' 84 KTM MXC Cycle. Jet -Ski, ATC Buggy, aut o. NEWI Enclosed 12 to 28 foot trailers . finest quality and des ign . Hug e tra ile r an d off road ce nter. OPEN 7 DAYS. Anahe im (7 14) 956 -2 95 0 . EI Caj on (61 9) 44 9· 8 2 8 2 , Brian Sutton's Superbike is 690 or igina l miles. new Du nlop 3 9 1S. Fl Bnd OEM mu fflers. solo re ar cowling . Immaculat e w ith all w a r r a nt y and 60 0 mile servi ce com p leted. 83500/ 0 80 . (206 ) 774 -9755. (105 / 07) White power su spens ion set up for end uros. Excellent condit ion $1700. (7 14) 797 · 1712, (105 / 06) '81 Husqvarna 430XC Cl ean . Ev e or w eek end . (7 14) $900/080 . Fairing Sc reen Gustafsson . Friends. we apolog ize for the error . For ,t he past 2 weeks. our tel eph one number has been Incorrectly adv enised . The correct number is 19041824 -2119 . We know this was an inconvenience to you because it w as def in itel y an in convenience to us. Thanks for yourpatiencel Our newest replace me nt wi ~SCTeen f its t he Laverda RGS fai ring . It is ava ilab le In cl ear. li gh t blu e and smo ke. F airin~ Scr een Gustaf sson . P.O. Box 3567, St. AugustIne, FL 32085-3567. (904) 824-2 119. (2-4/TFNNE) Jawa Speedway z -vejve w ith spa re Cody bu il t 2- valve. Never run. com plete carb to mag. extra ca rbs , glass. sprockets. tires and mo re. Will con sider tr ade s for bikes. VW s. May deliver. (9 16) 885 -1930 days. 1 6) 269-0454 91 eves. (304 / 06) (204NWXTFN) 685 ~0518. (106 ) '79 Honda CBX Bough t June '79 in cr ate . 6.600 m iles . Motor perfeet . Garage kept . Worked fo r Honda deal er as Mecha n;c. Dave. (91 6) 583 -33 11 . (106 ) Yama ha TZ250G $1500 Race ready for 1985 . Dua l front lockheeds . Spare gear ing , cylinder. cl utch, etc. (206 ) 77 4 -9755. (105 /07) ' 8 3 Honda 480R '84 Yamaha RZ350 Excellent in every w ay. needs nothing for desert or motocross. Fast. fu n and re lia ble . Lots of extras. A supe r deal at $1395. Delivery possi ble . Call Jim at (702) 293-4233. (305/ 06 ) Red & White, 1300 miles. Pipes . je tti ng. 52hp, new K391 Elit es, " R" compo und, E8C brake pads, solo seat. Toom ey air syste m. Eclipse ta nk bag . very cl ean. $2100, (4 15) 781 -70 71 days , (305 / 06) ( 2 0~IT F N) Need For Daytona Norton 750 head and barrel s for use on spare motor for BoTT effort . You supply the dollars for pistons. etc . and SUPERTWI NS will build you a killer motor at a drastic reduction in excha nge fo r use of mo tor as poss ible spar e . For deta ils call Chr is at (81 8) 764-9734. (106 / 07) Road Race Dainese Leathers Ju st imponed from Ita ly. many styl es ~ sizes. Low pr ic e . Ca l l Gar y Sweet , (914 ) 9 3 7 - 2 188. (3 -4 / 6NEl Eurostyle Motorcycles Ducati 1000 Hailwood Replica N ew i n er e re s . Co li (4 1 5) 485 -1 921 . (30 5/ 06 NWX) Off Road Bikes Blow-Out A ll new Kawasakis and Yamahas. '84 KX250 $1899 . '84KX5OO -81999, '84 KDX250-81 699 , '84 VZ125L - 81599. '83 MXloo - $599, '84 VZeaL . 8799. VZT250 • $1999. KLT110 - $849. KLT160 w it h reverse - $11 99 , YT200ER w ith reverse • s1399. HOLLYWOOD KAWASAKI IYAMAHAUmited Stock on hand , (213) 466-8451 , (20 2TFN) Cycle News P.O . Box 498 Long Beach. CA 90801-0498 2 13/ 427-7433 WEEKLY RATES A ds are acce pted on a 'Irst come Ilfst served ba SIS. Cycl e News reserves the ri ght to ed it copy. A n y dIsc r epa nc ie s MU ST BE REPORTEO W ITHIN ONE WEE K O F PUBUCA TIO N to re cei ve an y adlu ltmen t No ca nc e ll atI o n s atter 5 pm . Thursday . • Fri day noo n l or the lo ll owlng W edn e sday 's iss ue . FIll '" the Visa / M as te r Cha rge b lank or slt nd check or money o rder to : Above Add ress _ (Multiply by number of weeks ordered) REGIONAL RATES NATIONAL RATES (Cycle NewS/West only) PRIVATE PARTY (Cycle News/WlISt and Cycle News/East) PRIVATE PARTY Per word • •• • • • • •• ••••••• • • •• •• 2 5C Headline in bold type • • • • • • • • • • • 1 3 extra Phot o • •• •• •• •• ••• • ••••• •• • 14 extra t On e phctc per ad high, 2';' '' w id e.) Punt ed Im ag e size li m it ed 1 1 Y,r 0 " Per word •• • •• •• • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • SOC Headli ne in bold typ e • • •• •• •• •• • $5 extra Photo ••••••• ••••• •• •• ••••• $8 extra (One ph oto per ad h igh . 2"' '' Wide ,) Printed i m a ge siz e limited t o 1 Y,r- Bli nd Box Serv ice Char ge • • • • • • •• • 1 5 .0 0 _ Kawasaki Triple Crankshafts Ca rd Exp i re s Printed Im age Size li mited to 1 Y,r - H2 's rebu il t. $ 175 exchange; H1 's a nd all others. s 150exchange. Call (205) 677- 7 14 1 after 4pm CST or w rit e: Damo n Kirkland. Rt. 3. Box 224-A. Dot han. AL 36301 . (304 / 07 NE) Ple as e fill in your c o m plete account Per word • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• •• •• •• • 95C Headlin e in bold type • • • • •• •• •• • I S extra Photo( Nolarger tha n 5x71 • • • • • • • • • • • 11 2 2'''''' ra5.l IS:E2J 5 ignal"re COMMERCIAL AND HELP WANTED (On e ph ot o pe r ad hi g h. Wide .) A little too chillV to ride no w? Spend three we eks on a BMW RSOG Stouring t he Republic of Sou th Afr ical Our 22 day tours start in Johanne sburg and end 2400 fa nt ast ic mi les later in Cape townl A luggage van w ill transport all your gear leavi ng you w orry fr ee. Sen sat ional scene ry. supe rb hote ls. super motorcycl esl Relax and enjoy an ul timate motorcycle adve ntureI The fi rst tour is M arc h 18 to Ap r il 8. th e second is Ap ril S to Ap ril 29 . For more information contact Beach's Motorcyc le Ad vent ur es. Ltd.• 27 63 We st. River P1d i m age si ze limned to 1 Y,r- Name Zip State City PRINT BOLD HEA DLINES HERE - EXTRA (leav e spaces) Address RG500 Gamma W e ar e now accepting ord ers for RGSOOGamma. For delivery in J uly. Very limited. For more infor mation phone Gary VANCOUVER SUZUKI ~ I 734-4762, 124 NWXTF--;ij 9 Want Ad minimum ... $2.50 Sold H••d..... do 80t to w. rds w."t . d wonl cou.t * '83 Yamaha TT600 * ProTec engi ne and Works Perfo rm ance shock mod . $1700/080 . 1818)884-4783. (105 / 06) 10 11 15 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 3' 32 36 37 38 39 43 44 45 46 _ _ _ _ _ _ 50 44 16 51 52 53 Cy c le News ca nno t be r esp onsi bl e for illegible phone num b er s. 750 Royal Enfield Parts _ _ _ _ __ 19 20 _ _ __ 26 27 28 _ _ _ __ 33 34 Heads. cam s. Prim ar ies. Cyli nde rs . gas tanks. mag ~ oetc . carbs. front end. frame. w heels. much more. Fre e pr i ce lis t, Se nd your w a nt li st. (41 5) 969 -9665. 11 05 / 0 6) 21 35 _ _ _ 40 41 42 1983 MONTESA COTA 350 TRIALS BIKE, Excellent condit ion , Rentha ls. $ 1200 or tr ade for Norton or 8M W street bike. (6 19) 582 -591 6. (105 / 06) _ _ _ _ __ .7 48 49 *KTM Needs a few Good Men* 55 250 a nd 350 MXCs in stock . Taking deposits on 500 MXCs. Serving northem New Mexico and southern Coloredo . Soles. pans and serv ice. UPS, ROAD RUNNER KTM. 80x 5406, Taos, NM 8757 1, (505) 75 8 -8639. (105 / 06) _ _ _ _ __ 54 A r. . Code/Phone No. ----------------------------------------------------------- .J

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