Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA fla t-track Pro Bob Ingle (Hon 450). Mathieson has come on strong of lat e a fter a bri ef retirem ent from Iull time ra cing, a nd did th e d irty deeds to the pack to take th e che ckered £lag . Hamilton was held to seco n d, a n d a n o n- the-m ove Rund placed third. Word again hol eshot on hi s machine dubbed " the bea ter" and led into tum o ne and through the series of j u m ps while Open Pro rid ers Mathi eson, H am ilton an d Ingle filled th e top four o n th eir 500 Hondas. Perreard (Suz 250) a lso rode a steady pace to sett le into th e top five, nabbing H amilton to take third with four laps togo. Up front it was Word defying th e lon g suspension th eory on his near su spe ns ion less YZ shorttracker, bottoming out on his low pipe but still managing to hold Ma thieson at bay. In the end, Word took the win and top payoff ove r Mathieson and Perrerard . Results OPEN PRO: 1. Frank Word III (Yam); 2. Ma rk Mat hieson (Han); 3. Ted Pe rreard (Suzl. OPEN: 1. Mark Mathieson (Han); 2. M ike Hamilton (Vam); 3. Dale Rund (Han). 250: 1. Frank Word III (Yam); 2. Scott Pfaff (Yaml: 3. Ted Perreard (Suz). 125: 1. Rick Beck (Suzl; 2. Lanee Holder (Suz); 3. Troy Coburg (Suzl. BO: 1. Wayne Frampton (Vam): 2. Lanee Holder (Suz); 3. Kristin Cowan (Yam). 60 : 1. Zach Rund (Han); 2. Shawn Highland (Kaw); 3. Joe Don Ireland (Han). World Champion leads atSMX Corona By Terry Whytal CORONA, CA, JAN. 27 Two famous motocross names from the '60s put on quite a show at Corona Raceway this week, but it was the second generation of Ba n ks and Bicker s that took the on-track honors. Mark Ban ks, son of John Ba n ks, and Pau l Bickers, so n of Dave Bickers brought their H ondas sta teside for a litt le m?to-practicing during Europe's ramy season. Ba n ks £lashed into the lead early in each Open P ro moto and was one of the few riders to clean a l1 the do u ble, triple and quad jumps on the course. Bickers fol1owed Banks to the checkers in eac h round to pi ck up second overall. World Road Ra cin g Champion Eddi e La wson co nt in ued hi s motocro ss workouts, besting th e first 250cc Pro ra ce and looking to take th e ove ra ll. How ever, in th e seco nd moto he tw isted h is knee sligh tly an d dropped from th e race. Suzuki rider Bill Scott pu t together a 3-2 score to take th e overal1 win with Lawson's pal Jim . Hoover ea rn ing second on his Yamaha. Chuck " Feets" Minert led th e field in Old Timers Master racing. Minert chased fell ow Honda rider Bob Millner to th e fini sh in round one, but charged back to reach th e chec kers first in the secon d m oto to earn th e overal1 win. Miln er placed second for the day, with Ron Way edgin g Dennis Rosen berg for th e number three position. . Results 250 PRO: 1. Bill Scott (Suz); 2. J im HOO\lO r (Yam): 3. Eddie Lawson (Yaml . OPEN PRO: 1. Mark Banks (Han); 2. Paul Bickers (Han). 125 PRO: 1. Taylor Marcell (Kaw). VET EX: 1. Steve Clark (Vam); 2. Tim Cush (Suz). VET INT: t , Steve Bebech (Han); 2. Dave Jacobs (Han); 3. Craig Comer (Vam). OT MASTER: 1. Chuck Minert (Han); 2. Bob M illnar (Han): 3. Ron Way (Han). OT INT: 1. Ron Fuller (Yam); 2. Kurt Sol ka (Vam). 125 1N 1. J on Levey (Han); 2. Scott McDono ugh T: (Kawl . OPEN BEG: 1. David Fajardo (Han); 2. Helena Laitner (ATK); 3. Bryan Emmon s (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Don Anderson (Yam); 2.Joe Hamm er (Kaw); 3. Sue Sittman (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. M ike Robres (Han); 2. Jim Griffin (Kaw); 3. Bob W illia ms (Yam). BOINT: 1. Sloan Cooper (Yaml . BO NOV: 1. Ryan Pauls (Han); 2. Robbie Perez (Kaw). BO BEG: 1. Greg Pauls (Han). 60 MINI : 1. John Pauls (Han). ,ENCLOSED TRAILER SPECIALISTS DICO OFFERS A MODEL TO SUIT EVERY NEED! Winn, Ward battle at S.I.R. supercross qualifier By Sean Hall SEATTLE, WA, JAN. 27 Team Yamaha rider Larry Ward p ut in two exciting motos agains t Team Green's Paul Winn. It was close racing, but, in th e end, Ward ch am p io ned both motos for th e overa ll win. The first moto saw Winn tak e th e holesh ot , but Ward was quick to respond an d mad e his pass ove r the whoops. Winn paced Ward until the seco nd la p , wh en h e powered past the leader on hi s c.P. Engineered Yamaha. Winn pul1ed a large lead, on ly to fall on th e icy track , a llo win g Ward to pa ss o nce aga in . Winn quickl y had hi s Yamaha restarted , an d charged a fter th e leader, lapping th e A riders a nd qu ickl y closing th e ga p . Winn was stil1 ga in in g , but th e race en ded too soon and h e fin ish ed severa l bikelen gths behind Ward. Th e seco nd mot o saw Ward ta ke th e hol eshot, and with th e icy co nd itions lat e in th e da y, Winn was unabl e to pa ss a nd foll ow ed th e victorious ' Ward to a seco nd place fini sh . At this time, Winn a nd Ward are tied for points in th e series sta ndings. In o the r racing, Eri c Hall put on two spec tac u la r races in both 125cc and 250cc Pro classes, and showed everyo ne th at th e awful conditions couldn 't keep him from taking al1 th e marbles. Hall scored resounding I-I wins in both classes. Peterson first at the top at DeAnza "PRO-LITE" Prices St8ning At $2 195.00 The Pro-Li te model is the perfect lightweight un it lor ATC and motorcycle transport . Available in 12 and 16 It. lengths by 6' S" wide, numerous options availab le. "EL CAJON" ;r~c;~~~~ngAt The EI Cajon model is speciall y des ig ned l or bugg ies and ATCs , 4000# G.V .W . rati ng , 16, 20 or 24 It. lengths , SIt. wide by 6 ft. tal l. Standard l eatu res incl ude 24" side door, elect ric brakes and spr ing assisted ramp doo r. By David Gestoso and Sandee Peterson SUNNYMEAD. CA, J AN. 27 T h e Southern California Hillclim ber Association and DeAnza Cycle Park kicked off th e 1985 season this weekend, with decisive victories going to Kerry Peterso n a board his n ew factory 500cc wat er-cooled Hondas, and h is radical 1500cc H a rley-Davidson. Chal1en ging th e massive 400-foot pothole-pocked hil1, Peterson tripped th e clocks with a time of 18.76 on his Hi-PoinvTsubakilKRW/Nippondenso/Works Performance-sponsored H onda. Second to make it over th e hill on hi s Beaumont Yarnaha-Kawasaki YZ490 was Carl Collier with a time of 29.50 seconds. Later in th e event, David Cestoso was a ble to best Collier's time with a 22.15 hilltopper, a n d take over second-p la ce honors. Mini class started orr with Robie Peterson on a Number O ne Ra cin g H~nda 80 reaching 12~ feet - good enough to net first p lace, with Matt Da vid rea ching 44 feet to take second. In the 250cc class, Perry Schoulton took thevietory by pushing his Honda to 220 feet. T ra il in g behind was Do n O ro sco on h is NEO I O ne-Stop Cycle Yamaha 250 reaching 217 feet for second, and Jim Schoulton placing third. The 371-600cc Stock and Modi fied class found Kerry P eterso n winning both classes. Peterson went over in both classes with Carl Col1ier going "MINI-LITE" Prices Start ing At $1295 .00 The Mini-Li te model is a compact lightweight desi gn which allows tow ing by most any vehicle, 2000# G.V.W . rating , perf ect lor 2 ATCs , 2 jet skis or 3 dirt bikes . Size measures 5' x SY 2' X 5 It. e_ 'MeOrcMn. Cal Toll f r_: .....-c. 1 100' ·715 tn~c 323 E. loa Rd., Anahetn\ CA 92805 714/956-2950 OHM : Man. Ihnl Frl 1-5:30, Sol ~ Sun. 1 003 1666 N. MognoIla, I I Ca jon. CA 92020 100 /" ... 911 619/449-1212 OHM : Man. ttuu Frl 9-5:30, Sol 9-5, Closed Sunday 33

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