Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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".ERKER' WEST COASl PRODUCT EVALUATION SUPER BIKE SERIES ~ e AFM 750cc SUPER BIKE RACER FOR 1985 SERIES ~~'IJ~~O By John Ulrich Manx rai n boots Manx boots are injection-molded PVC with lug so les, four layers of insula lion and a synthetic fleece lining. The boo ts, say th eir im porters , ens u re th at you' ll never h ave co ld o r wet C again, a nd eet th ey m ay have so me thi ng there . The pair we tried definitely are th e best rai n bo o ts we've used . Bein g injection -molded . the boots are sea mless and ca n' t leak. They rea ch h ig h enough up th e leg th at th ere's no probl em wit h ra in su it legs cree p ing up over th e top a n d adm itt ing rain . Best of a ll , th ese boots a re no t chea p o r £I imsy o r poorly-ma de. They'r e heft y, oi l an d gasol ine resistant . feel th ick and warm , co me wi th steel toes a nd in step rei n forcing, and have a heavy -d uty so le and heel. Th ey a lso look p resenta ble beca use th ey' re molded wi th a lea th er-loo k surface complete wit h stitch ing. T hey or reta il C $42 .50 and are a vaila ble in Cu ll sizes seven through 12. Ma nx boo ts ar e made by Zivanit Kib bu tz Ei n Zivan in Go lan H eights, Israel and i mported by /BCO International. 5446 Ocea n us Dr.. Huntington Bea ch , CA 92 649 , 714/ 895- 1243. T hey' re availabl e th rough motorcycle dea lers. who ca n g et them from /B CO. Carter Eng ine Knock Eliminator Everybody has to get their racebikes lO th e track som eh ow, and if yo u r transport vehicle is old enough lO be designed for luel with more th an 88 octane, yo u 've either got to put up wi th pinging or else pa y Cor ex pe ns ive tankfuls o f " prem iu m" gasoline. Which is whe re the Carter Engine Knock Eliminato r com es in . It is a n electronic device that retrofits to stoc k breaker-point or electronic igni tions and ret ards the ignition up to 15° when knock is detected . T he system is triggered by a detonation sensor screwed into any vacant *-16 threaded hoIe on a cylinder head (as found on small bl ock Chevys) or mounted on a bracket fitted underneath a n in ta ke manifold bo lt. The Carter Engine Kn ock Elim inator we bought worked reasonabl y well C abo ut 90 days. th en failed . U nor fortuna tel y. th e device co mes with a or 30-day warranty. It' s availa ble C abo u t $70 C rom re ta ilers or direct from Ammec, In c., P.O. Box 15178. St. Louis, MO 63110, 800/ 325-6262 or 314/534-0874. $12,000 AFM, the Club of Champions. You iust never know how far you'll go in the world of racing. . Here's a couple ofgood reasons to beracing the Kerker Super Bike Series: ~* ~KERIiEil.== 1. S6000 purse fund. SI,OOO will be paid at six events. 'b '-" 1ST P LACE, S4SO; SECOND PLACE, S25O; lHIRD P LACE, SISO; FOU RlH P LACE, SIOO; and FIFlH P LACE S5O. THE REMAINING TWO EVENTS OF THE EIGHT-RACE SERIES WILL BE DOUBLE POINTS. 2. $6,000 WILL BE PAID OUT TO TH E TOP TEN PO INTS LEAD ERS AT THE END OF THE KERKER WEST COAST SERIES. - - (SHOEI) ~. ~l:t/: . '. 4 ( Road racers . Here's howto sign up . Send $ " ..00 to AFM and $10500 to Kerk er. 79 00 Deeri ng A ve .• Canoga Park, Californ ia 9 1304. Vou w ill recei ve yo ur 1985 AFM Comp eti tor 's Lic en se, plu s a Kerke r Exh au st WILLOW SP RINGS "'~ . .-' ~ INTERNATIONAL l RACEWAY KERKER SUPER , ,, ', BIKE SE RIES SCHEDULE ~ Svstem -. Round 1 Shoei To be el igIb le tor the $ 12.000 purse a nd Pin ts Fund you must use a Kerke r exhaus t syste m on you r 750cc Super Bike. Ro un d Rou nd Ro un d Ro und Ro und Round Round - Your choi ce of a Kerker exh aust fr om the ir 1985 cata log . Honda RS7 50c c Int erceptor Su per Bik e Enginesand FZ7SOYamaha exha ust syste ms w ill be included . 2 3 4 5 6 7 March 2 4. Lockhart A pril N O S park Plu gs M ay Kerker June J ul y S&W Shocks A ug ust TBA Septem be r 8 TB A Oc tober 14, 26 , 30, 28 , 1 98~\ \ 1 985 1985 19 8 5 19 85 18 . 1985 22.198 5 20. 1985 ~ ';~ ' .:. \~ 1985 Radn!! for further informa tion, cell Let's go AFM (213) 864-0704 or (714) 682·9649. Fllilturing ED DIE LA WS ON. 79 8 4 5 00cc Worl d Chllmpion 3

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