Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- Each year, ove r 60 sponsors participate, ind icating how th e motorcycl e industry wa nts to share in th is tribu te. T o p riders in the nation co m pete for a good pro- purse, m iniexpert purse, lots o f co ntingencies and super trophies. Come join us the last o f April for our third annual event. There will be a mix ture of exci ting raci ng, good times, and lo ts of relaxa tio n as we keep alive the me mory of three great boys, who loved the sport of mo tocross. G AYE W INELAN D Phoeni x , AZ WEST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Enduro riders Sha ro n Clayton , Publishrr Mik r Klin ger. Co m ptroller Skip Jo h nso n. Associate Publisher! N atio nal Sa les Manag l"T Ca roline Gendry, Execut ive Sf'CYf'ta ry to thr Pub lisher Editoriel Joh n Ulrich. E.ditor Kit Palmer. Associall" Edit or Matt H ilge nber~. A s.l'Ociatt' Edi tor Jim Wo lco tt. Associate Edit or Rl'X Reese, Feat u re Edit or Advertiling Terry Pra tt, Sa les Managt'r • ~fike Spe nce r. Sa l~s M a n a g~r T~m Ryan . Salt's Mana gt'T Linda Bro wn. Ad vert ising Coordi nator S an ey w astell . Adt1 t'rtisint: '!Edit orial Assistant Grephic. and Production Lo ri T yson . (;ra phic A rtist La rry Gi ll. Grap hic Artist Gi llR:t'r Devau l. A ssociate Graph ic A rtis t ~f a ri o n Hat a vhit a . Tvpesrt trr Shei la Larsen . T vp esrn rr Dl'nn i ~ Greene. L ab, Te ch , Accoun ting /Deta Procelling Donna Bryan , Accounts R ecr n -ablr Coordinator Gt'nc \'a Repa ss. Assistant Fran H amwev, Credit Circuilltion . Rh e-ba Smi th, .\la'!agn Sara h Ta vlor, A ssistant Lyna H()~xl, Assistant Deeler Sele. end Service Bo b Ellion. Dealer Salt's ,\l ana:{t'r r Went Ad. J ud y Hil j{ bt'rJij1;. ~ rant Ad Salrs t'n Service end Support Chri~ Aitch eson . R eception ist G rt'Jij1;ory Han son. Sc-S We.t 2'20 1 Che rry Ave.. Lon g Beach . CA 90R06. 1'.0 . Rox ·1 9R. Long Beach. CA 90801·0-198 (21:1) 427· 74:1:1: L.A. Line (21:1) 6:16-88-1-1 . Ee.t ·1190 Fir st Ave.. Tucker , GA . 300tH, P.O . Rox 805. Tucker. GA :lOO85-0R 05. (·10·11 9:14·7850. Cyril" ~ t."ws /W est (US PS I-H·:HO) is pub.. lisbed weekl y ex cept th e first an d last week o f th e ca lenda r yea r for S25 pe r year by Cycle Xews. In c., 2201 C herrv Avenu e. Lon g Beach. CA 90806. Second cla s\ po s.. tage paid at Long Beach . CA. POSTMASTER : Send foom 3679 to Cycle New., P.O . Box 498, long Beech, CA 90801 -0498. Subsctip rio n rates: One vear, second class mail . $25; two years. ~cond class mail. $-15: three years , seco nd cla ss mail .$68; 25 eks. S13. For eign rat es ava ila ble o n we request. Cvcte News welcom es un soli cited editorial mate-rial including stor ies. ca rtoons . p ho tos . etc. Such materi al. if p u blis hed . beco mes th e exclusive propert y o f Cyc le New s. Suc h accepted ma terial is subjecr ro rev ision as is necessary in th e !>01t'di cerelio n o f Cyc le News . Unso licit ed m aterial whi ch is nor used will be returned if acco mpa n ied by a sel f-addr essed cra mped envelope. All unsof icited mat er ial will be han dled with reason ab le care . how ever . Cycle S ews assu mes no revponslbifir v for th e safety. loss o r damag e- 10 such material . Reprinnn g in wh ol e or pa n o n lv hv per · mis sion o f th e publ ish er . .-\d\,('ftis'inR ra tes and ci rcu la tio n inf orma tion will be sem upon request. See S. R.D .S. Copyrigh t$ Cycle New., Inc. 1986. Tredemerk Cycle New. regi.tered U.S. Patent Off ice . All right. re.erved. 2 ON THE FRONT PAGE : John Ulrich rides the new GSXR750 Suzuki on the Ryuyo track in Japan. Riding impres sion be g ins on page 14. Photo by Masao Suzuki. What works? Whil e rereading th e report on th e CMC Four-Strok e National at Carlsbad (C)'cle N ew s, january 9), I lelt co m pe lled to write a short letter o f clarifi cation. Contrary to wh at Ca rl Brown o f Pro-T ee indicat ed , Ron Lechien 's Honda wa s riot a " wo rks bike." There was nothing on th at m otorcycl e that couldn 't be dupli cated by a nyo ne with th e desire to do so . The frame is from C&j, wi th a White Power .sh ock and an ATK system . T he fro nt forks are from Showa, but yo u can bu y a damper rod a nd sp ring kit that fits into 84-85 CR for k legs and re ta ils for a bo ut $300 . The exact engine used in Lechien 's bi ke is availab le for sal e at $2300 per copy: contact Keith Reeves, Honda Racing Support Coordi nator and order up (h u rry - on ly 40 were produced , and most have been purchased ). The fuel ta nk is from a Yamaha, a nd the side panels are " wo rks" but I don 't think they made th e bike go a ny faster. A dis c brake replaced the stock drum : such a swa p is common, and plenty of off-the-shelf parts are ava ila ble. It sounds li ke sour grapes to me. Mr. Brown should be commended for supporti ng fo ur -stro ke racing, but shou ld not cry foul for simply losing a race. Ro n Lechien won that race not the motorcycle. Money doesn 't buy victories: racers earn them. ' j .e. WATE RHOUSE Coordinator, MX Works Parts Team Honda Racing Gardena, CA Las Vegas MX The Las Vegas Motocross Park is a new faci lity located in th e La s Vegas area of Neva da between Henderson and Bo ul der City o n Highway 95. It has a la rge, flat area for pit parking, specia l separate jetting a nd stag in g a reas, sophisti cated under ground spe a ker system . a 40-position ba ckwards-falling starting gat e with clock start , spectator sea ting, and specia l spectator viewing. The ent ire park is fenced , along with eac h individual • area being fenced off with chain li nk to allow for excellent crowd control. T he park's first race was January 20, 1985 and will continue to contract race events throughou t the year. We need yo ur help and su p port to help us ma intain and keep the sport of motocross as exci tin g and popular as possible. If you wish to find out more information on upcoming race events, please feel free to contact us a t our office loca ted in Henderson, Nevada, 702/565-6661 or write Las Vegas Motocross Park , 225 West Foster Ave., H enderson, NV 890 15. DO NALD F. G IL BERT jR. H en derson, NV Colorado speedway We wo uld like to pass a lo ng word to the promoters of speedway racing that we do have speedway riders h ere i n Colorado - a nd good ones at that. If anyone is interested in orga ni zing a speedway event, series , or ex h ibition, p lease contact us as soon as possible. J ACK and KEN PI EP ER 2583 Meadowbrook Dr. Denve r, CO 80221 (303) 427-7343 Ky!e Fleming memorial race We wou ld like to give newco mers to motocross so me in sigh t into our ann ua l memo ria l race , which pays tribute to th ree min i-racers, R ick H em m e , Br u ce Bu n ch , a n d Kyle Flemi ng. All th ree boys rode for the R&D Suzuki Tea m , p lacing in th e to p 10 of the Na tio na l Mini cycle Associatio n . Eac h gai ned dis tinction in their classes and gave us a n actio n pa cked week o f raci ng a t th e 1982 N MA Pon ca C ity Nationa ls. Whi le on their wa y to th e awards ceremon ies th at yea r , th ey lost th eir lives in an a u to mo bile acc ide n t. Ri ck and Bru ce were from Ca liforni a: Kyle was from Arizona. T he memorial race originated in P hoe n ix. Arizona , Kyles' home tra ck, 10 honor Kyle, R ick, a nd Bruce as th e tea m they were . The Cowbell Enduro has been ca n celled due to a lleged soil erosio n ' problems a t Lake Pillsbury, Ca liforni a , a fter 10 years of favorable en vironmen tal im pa ct repor ts by the Forest Servi ce. The H ayward Motorcycle Club has had to put up with harassment from th e Forest Service. but still managed to put th e event on yea r after year. N ow is the time for a ll end u ro riders to ret urn th e favor for the ir years of hard work. The Forest Serv ice la st year spent over SI60,OOO of our green sticker money on th e im provements to the Sunset Po int a nd Poge Po int campgrounds, yet the Forest Service has gone out of their wav to see tha t thi s event was ca nc elled: T he Fo rest Servi ce wants th e H a yward Mo to rcycle Club to hold the Cowbell at the Middle Creek a rea bv Clear La ke, an area tha t already sponsors an enduro. They' re maki ng the first movement towards event u a l closure o f La ke Pillsbury to a ll motorcycle ride rs . The ridiculous thing about th is is that the tra ils the Hayward Motorcycle Club use s for the Cowbell are in excellent co nd ition before and after the event, wh ile the Forest Serv ice maintained trail s are in terrible condition. T he H ayward Motorcycle C lu b ha ve offered time a nd again to ma inta in all trails in the La ke Pillsbu ry a rea , vet the Forest Service ha s refused th em : . W hat ca n you do? I implore every end uro rid er to wr ite a lett er in defen se o f th e Cowbell to th e Forest Serv ice: pl ease send three co p ies to th e follow ing ad d resses a nd peop le: Mr. Zane G . Sm ith, Regional Fo rester, Mendocino Nationa l Forest, 630 Sansome S tree t, Sa n Fra ncisco, CA 94 111. Mr. Lyle Laberty, Forest Supervisor. U.S. Forest Service, 420. Eas t Laurel Stree t, Willows, CA 95988. Mr. Gi l Eas ter. District Ranger . Upper Lake District, Middle C ree k R oad , P .O . Bo x 96 , Upper Lak e . C A 95485. I urge each and every one of yo u to take the time to write a letter ; it's th e lea st you ca n do to ass u re we keep this place for a ll of us to use. P lease kee p the letters in a frien d ly, non- threa tening format; we have enough p roblem s wi th th e Fores t Service a lready. ALA N SHEEHAN Secretary Los Altos Dirt Bikers Redwood City, CA Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc, Letters for publication must be typed and double-spaced; short. concise letters stand a better chance of being published; due to the volume of mail no letters can be returned or acknowledged. Send letters to Voices. P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 . ~

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